140. Chapter 140 Magog Fire Monster

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  Chapter 140 Magog Fire Monster

  Lindsay’s guess is absolutely correct.

  But the scene after the fireball exploded also made him truly aware of the danger level of the other party.

  After a moment of impact, the energy in the fireball burst out.

  The flame impact of [Fire Bomb] was directly blown away by the fireball, and at the same time, a crater was left on the ground that seemed to have been bombarded by the bomb, with blazing flames still attached to it.

  With Lindsay's excellent eyesight.

  You can even see signs of crystallization in the soil!
  "What is the temperature at which glass is burned?"

  Lindsay stared and muttered.

  But the next second he had no time to complain, because the flames wrapped around the enemies blocking the entrance exploded again!
  Swish -

  another flame missile was thrown from it, chasing Lindsay.

  And due to the failure of the last attack, the fireball fired this time was even hotter than the previous one!
  "It's endless, isn't it?"

  Lindsay ran away and quickly threw another fire bomb.

  Fortunately, although this time the fireball is more powerful, the principle of locking the enemy has not changed, and it can still be detonated with bombs.

  As a result, before he could run a few more meters, the flames on the flame element surged again and attacked him again!
  Lindsay succeeds in misdirection after misdirection.

  Undoubtedly, this fire elemental being was even more angered.

  The speed and power of the fireball that appeared this time have increased by more than one level!
  "The fireball technique didn't cool down. Is it a foul?"

  Lindsay began to complain loudly about the opponent's attack.

  But in my mind, I began to calmly analyze the current situation.

  From the huge fireballs that kept flying out and the frequency of the opponent's attacks, Lindsay could conclude that this guy was very powerful and definitely not something that low-level monsters could describe.

  ——Five stages?

  Lindsay compared this fire element life with the corrupted poisonous spider in the fifth stage of the Black Mountain world.

  There is no doubt that it should be of the same level.

  When thinking about the experience in the Black Mountain world, an idea popped up uncontrollably.

  "Can the effect of the dryad corolla on increasing the natural affinity be effective on this thing?"

  The fireball behind his butt was still chasing.

  Lindsay didn't hesitate and immediately took out the tender pink wreath and put it on her head.

  Another explosion later, Lindsay was certain of the outcome.

  For the fire element with a violent personality.

  This increase in affinity cannot dispel the hostility of the other party at all.

  The mark of this flame element on the map is still red, symbolizing hostility.


  "If peace doesn't work, then we have to find a way to fight."

  Gentle methods were ineffective, and Lindsay's eyes turned completely cold at this moment.

  [Survival Construction] → [Hunting Simulation]

  While switching modules, the attack of fire elemental life continues.

  Lindsay's nimble figure was running around in the fireballs that were constantly shooting. Every few seconds, he would suddenly turn around and throw fire bombs to mislead, leaving a large crater burning with flames on the ground amid the explosion.

  Although he looked embarrassed as he was constantly being chased by fireballs.

  But Lindsay didn't look panicked at the moment.

  While avoiding pursuit, his eyes focused on his attribute panel.

  In the midst of such a tense and fierce battle.

  The [Habit Survey] in the hunting skill began to work, and then connected to the [Weakness Survey], so that the corresponding information of this elemental creature was gradually entered into the [Hunting Notes].

  [Magog Fire Monster]

  [Activated Elements - Five Stages of Elemental Life]

  [Size 1.4~1.7 meters]

  [Speed ​​20~35 meters/second]

  [Elemental life, body temperature is extremely high, and has the ability to sense heat. ]

  [Special elemental creatures born from the core of meteorites are extremely active and possess explosive core properties. They will actively attack surrounding creatures and are almost uninterrupted by physical attacks. Most of its attack methods use its own high-temperature characteristics to display a variety of extremely high-temperature flame attack capabilities. ]

  [Weakness: Explosive Core]

  [Hunting Suggestion: Ultra-low Temperature] Lindsay's judgment is correct, there is no doubt about the five stages of elemental life!

  And it is different from the meteorite that can be solved with water.

  This guy's body temperature can probably evaporate water vapor in an instant, so the hunting advice directly ignores the water and directly puts out the ultra-low temperature.

  "You can only use low temperature to deal with it..."

  Lindsay murmured in a low voice, between another explosion.

  He took out his iron-horned bow and shot an arrow at the Magog fire monster from a distance of a hundred meters.

  Whoosh -

  the arrow was flying, but this arrow missed!

  It wasn’t that Lindsay was shooting inaccurately.

  With his shooting ability at the level of a jungle archer, this shot is definitely fast and accurate.

  But this Magog fire monster is obviously more than twice as smart as the meteor fire spirit. It senses the temperature of the arrows flying towards it and dodges to the side at an extremely fast speed, avoiding the attack in advance.

  Temperature perception is definitely an extremely difficult problem to deal with when dealing with attacks.


  Lindsay said nothing.

  He was not disheartened by the failure of his first attack.

  Because the information reflected by this arrow was the cornerstone of his victory in this battle!

  Boom boom boom!
  At the same time, Lindsay's counterattack also made the Magog fire monster completely furious.

  This time it even started to charge up a lot, and then launched three fireballs in a row to attack Lindsay.

  However, Lindsay also changed tactics at this moment.

  This time, he did not use fire bombs to mislead. Instead, he jumped into the infinite pool he created on the side.

  Rumble -

  The fireball crashed into the infinite pool, immediately making a huge roar and vibration.

  It could dry this shallow pool immediately, but the infinite pool is no ordinary pond. It constantly transforms new water sources to offset the high temperature, and a large amount of water vapor evaporated by high temperature immediately bursts out around it.

  Although a pool of water can't neutralize the fireball, Lindsay is much more prepared here!
  More than thirty infinite pools have been prepared here for a long time.

  He kept crashing into the water with fireballs, and began to close the distance with the Magog fire monster.

  Boom boom boom!
  Explosions and vibrations almost filled the entire underground, and high-temperature steam enveloped every space.

  "Very good, all conditions are in place."

  A calm low-pitched analysis sounded from the white steam.

  Immediately afterwards.

  The thunderous sound of bowstrings sounded.

  The arrows inlaid with the tail feathers of freezing wind sparrows broke through the air of the underground cave. The tip of the pitch-black arrow hit the high-temperature white steam, instantly freezing it into fine ice crystals and exploding into tiny white flowers.

  The strike was as fast as lightning, and the fireballs exploding around it couldn't hide its brilliance.

  The Magog fire monster should have stayed out of the way.

  But he should have been able to avoid it.

  Lindsay took the initiative to close the distance, reducing its reaction time; the large amount of high-temperature steam evaporated from the infinite pool disrupted its temperature perception; and the freezing antimony arrow's bone-cold sharpness penetrated the Magog fire monster's body. The flame of the watch reaches its core!
  In an instant, the powerful freezing power on the arrow took effect.

  This powerful creature, which was continuously shooting fireballs just a second ago, immediately lost its ability to move under the rapidly cooling arrows. At the same time, the antimony arrows disrupted the function of the source of matter, making it unable to quickly escape from this predicament.

  The Magog fire monster fell to the ground.

  Lindsay stepped on the white high-temperature steam around her.

  He stood in front of the Magog fire monster like an executioner. The [Fire Pattern] on the back of his hand glowed red. In the hand that was shining brightly, he held a flintlock gun that had just been loaded with ammunition. .

  The Magog fire monster in front of him was still struggling.

  Its last flames tightly wrapped around the arrow in its core.

  If it goes one inch further, its life will be completely ended under this attribute-restrained arrow!
  Lindsay lowered the muzzle of the gun indifferently and pulled the trigger.

  Under the action of the spring, the flint hit the side of the fire door heavily, causing sparks to ignite the gunpowder in the gun chamber.

  "Elemental creatures of the fifth stage."

  "Just help me unlock a new game module."

  (End of this chapter)

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