142. Chapter 142 Cute little guy

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  Chapter 142 Cute little guy
  "..." "

  ..." "



  For some reason, Lindsay suddenly wanted to laugh.

  But this was just laughter in his heart, because there was no sign of his lips turning up.

  Refer to your current situation.

  He thought of the Magog fire monster that he defeated before he fell into coma.

  The advantages and disadvantages of this elemental life are equally prominent.

  It's like the meteor fire spirit that can easily kill ordinary people, and even many awakened people find it troublesome, can be directly doused with water.

  To be fair, Lindsay's hard power is no match for the Magog Fire Monster.

  But by taking advantage of various favorable conditions and the opponent's own weaknesses, the weak can also defeat the strong.

  But now?

  This eye should be about two meters in diameter according to visual inspection.

  A vague description may not be able to reflect the scale of this thing.

  If we take giant creatures as a reference, then the 40-meter-tall Ultraman should have an eye diameter of about 0.5 meters.

  In other words, as long as the owner of this eye is not a creature with special body proportions such as a beholder.

  The size is at least over 100 meters!
  The most powerful equipment in Lindsay's hand, [Brilliant Bullet], can instantly kill enemies below level seven.

  But what about the person in front of me?

  Just like that, Lindsay stared at the huge eyes opposite.

  He saw more details. The eyes seemed to be made of rock-like material, and the light from the torch had very low transmittance.

  After staring for a few seconds, there was no reaction from the other party.

  There was no attack, no shifting of gaze, and no negotiation.


  The light of the torch could not fully illuminate the other party's panoramic view.

  Lindsay didn't dare to act rashly.

  He mobilized the essence and opened his own map.

  The rock-like eyes are not statues.

  A yellow mark almost overlaps with Lindsay's position. While indicating the attitude of the owner of this eye, the surrounding terrain also tells Lindsay her own situation.

  This is the space beneath the mountains.

  Lindsay originally dug a big hole inside the mountain. After the destruction of the battle and the explosion of the Magog fire monster's core, a structural collapse occurred, causing him to fall into the underground cavity he had seen on the map before.


  "How come I didn't fall to death?"

  Another question came to Lindsay's mind.

  However, as the status quo became stable and unchanged, the initial sense of crisis began to subside, and Lindsay became aware of more information.

  First of all, the owner of this rock eye has no ill intentions towards him, or is in a state of inability to act.

  Because it is analyzed from the physical state and the surrounding environment.

  Lindsay could tell that it had been some time since she had fallen.

  For such a long time, the other party could do whatever he wanted with him, but the result was that he lay on the ground intact.

  Maybe even a little bolder.

  Maybe Lindsay fell from above and didn't die.

  It is also closely related to the owner of this eye!
  "Neutral yellow mark... Anyway, don't disturb it."

  Lindsay analyzed the current situation in a low voice.

  Since the other party has no response, let's assume that it is in some kind of sleeping state.

  So the first thing Lindsay did was to put the torch back into her bag.

  While a dark environment can be unsettling, the continued light of a torch may alarm an opponent or even cause undesirable consequences.

  Compared with this outcome, Lindsay would rather fumble forward in the darkness. Although it will be more troublesome to move like this, with the help of the map, it is not completely impossible to leave.

  "The mysterious world underground..."

  "I originally said that I would explore it again if I had the opportunity in the future, but now I have to plan ahead."

  With Lindsay's low murmur, the exploration scope of the map expanded.

  Just like his previous conjecture, the huge hollow under the mountains is not an independent space. There are underground tunnels in the west and south that connect to other unknown areas.

  "The crevice by the river in the expedition team's records should be in this direction."

  According to his memory, Lindsay chose to head south first.

  At the same time, he dug out the perfect grilled fish in his bag and ate one. This thing could increase his weak recovery ability.

  Synthesis is also taking place on the workbench at this moment.

  [1 Flame Emblem + 1 Explosive Flame Crystal = Molten Emblem]

  [Emblem/Material: Molten Emblem]

  [After equipped, the user's heat resistance will be improved; activating the active effect will make the wearer immune to temperatures below 2500°C. It can burn with flames, and can breathe in magma and flame environments; it can also be used as materials to make other props. ]

  [Advanced Fire Emblem, special item, higher value. ]

  Like [Flame Emblem], [Molten Emblem] is also a magic pattern equipment.

  Lindsay put it on the back of her hand and tried to activate the effect.

  The cost of activating the abilities brought by higher-level emblems is indeed more exaggerated.

  "With the amount of source material I have, I can only keep it open for about ten seconds." "But

  if I could have obtained this earlier, it would be much easier to deal with the fifth-stage Magog fire monster. "

  Lindsay thought briefly.

  [3 Flame Crystals = Pattern of Flames]

  The thing is that simple, he synthesized a low-level [Pattern of Flames].

  To deal with battles of different intensities, just choose equipment of different levels. The choice of equipment is not a one-time deal, so he can respond flexibly.

  Then he placed the [Molten Emblem] on the workbench.

  [1 Molten Fire Emblem + 1 Eternal Flame Essence = Mark of the Flame Dominator]

  [1 Molten Fire Emblem + 1 Mountains Emblem + 1 Ocean Current Emblem + 1 Storm Emblem = Seal of the Natural Conqueror]

  "Still the same as before."

  "One is to focus on the improvement of the fire system, a unified synthesis of the four elements."

  For the subsequent synthesis of [Molten Emblem].

  Lindsay still has a relatively clear self-understanding and has no delusions about getting it now.

  At this moment, he was touching the dark underground space and had walked more than a hundred meters.

  At this time, I finally opened my hunting notes and received the kill achievements I had previously unlocked.

  The number of Magog fire monsters killed is 1/3.

  Lindsay's achievement this time was his reward for defeating a five-stage creature for the first time.

  [Hunting achievement: The first level 5 prey]

  [When tracking and investigating level 1 to 5 prey, the investigation speed is increased.

  Lindsay is very satisfied with the speed of investigation. After all, he defeated the Magog fire monster thanks to the investigation ability of the hunting module.

  Rumble -

  Just when Lindsay finished counting the harvest and was about to leave, the ground under his feet began to shake, making him unsteady.

  There seemed to be something huge moving in the dark underground space.

  Lindsay stopped immediately.

  Because even though his hearing is now damaged, a sound that makes people's ears roar still rings clearly.

  Ordinary people may feel a little confused when they hear this sound.

  It seemed like it was the friction of rocks and the roar of wild animals.

  But Lindsay, who has learned animal language and has now advanced this skill to the (proficient) level, immediately recognized the meaning of the voice:
  "Little guy wearing a cute wreath, do you want to leave?"

  (End of Chapter) )

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