132. Chapter 132 The Age of Heroes

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  Chapter 132 The Age of Heroes

  Back in the house, Lindsay prepared some more food, and several copies of the "Almanac" were already placed in front of her.

  Taking advantage of the time to search for information, he also confirmed the details of his abilities.

  Food is obtained through the [Food Production] skill, which can provide various bonuses to people.

  But the same effects cannot be superimposed infinitely.

  Only take the highest among the same effects.

  For example, say Lindsay eats two portions of food at the same time.

  The effect of one copy is [Add 2 to agility and strength]; the effect of the other is [Add 1 to physique and strength].

  Then the final gain he gets is [Add 2 to agility and strength, and add 1 to physique]; not [Add 2 to agility, add 3 to strength, and add 1 to physique].

  "The one with the same gain gets the highest. This is also a classic setting..."

  murmuring his own thoughts, Lindsay also found the corresponding record, and then read it out:
  "On June 14th, the town's first After the construction of a wooden house was completed, a bright meteor fell into the northeastern sky that night, even causing a faint rumble of the earth."

  This is quite ancient history, from records written more than a hundred years ago.

  Even in the entire "Almanac (1)", there is only one casual mention during the process of building the town.

  At that time, there was only a lighthouse and two or three houses in the hidden frontier.

  The number of people was also very small, not at all the scale it is today.

  At that time, the residents here devoted themselves to the construction of the town and had no time to explore a fallen meteorite.

  When everything is settled, the development of the town is on the right track.

  A long time has passed.

  This meteorite fall, recorded in just one sentence, was forgotten in history, and no one traveled long distances to explore the conditions there.

  If it weren't for the fact that Lindsay checked the information very carefully before.

  I'm afraid there is no way to notice this message.

  But for Lindsay now, such a brief message has already given her enough hope.

  "It's a good habit to record the Almanac."

  "Should I develop the habit of writing a diary in the future..."

  After confirming what he wanted to know, Lindsay did not intend to waste time.

  He simply packed his luggage, took the necessary supplies, and then left the cabin and walked into the night.


  "This time, don't bother Joel."

  It was not too late at this time.

  Lindsay thought for a moment and then walked to the east side of the town.

  He wasn't sure how long he would be away this time, but the plants in the glass greenhouse still needed someone to take care of them.

  In the border town, there are three people that Lindsay can trust with confidence.

  Joel, Ju, and Anna are three friends of similar age to him.

  Joel had already asked twice, and Lindsay was too embarrassed to bother him anymore; Ju would occasionally go hunting with Dan, so he probably wouldn't have much time to go to the glass greenhouse often.

  So now Anna leaves the lord's manor and joins the death school.

  Naturally, he became the ideal target for Lindsay's commission.

  Not long after, Lindsay came to a familiar church and soon found Hongyue and Anna.

  The two of them were in Hongyue's room.

  The flickering candlelight cast their figures on the window. Lin listened carefully and discovered that they were teaching and learning the texts of the Death School.


  A smile naturally appeared on the corner of Lindsay's mouth.

  He thought of himself who had studied under Hongyue, and many memories came to his mind.

  Immediately, Lindsay stepped forward and tapped on the door frame.

  When the door opened and Hongyue and Anna turned their attention to herself, Lindsay said directly:

  "Anna, I have something to trouble you with." Anna looked a little confused, but after seeing Lindsay tidying up her clothes, she Still nodded decisively:

  "What's the matter, you tell me."

  Lin Dao said the reason for his visit:
  "I'm going to go out, so I would like to ask you to help me take care of the plants I cultivated."

  Anna naturally did not refuse:

  "This Of course, no problem. Is there anything I need to pay attention to when taking care of the plants?"

  Lindsay took out the cultivation notes she had prepared in advance:

  "The care methods have been written above."

  "Among all the plants, the most important thing to pay attention to is For wheat and potatoes, it is best to record their state changes..."

  After explaining the details of cultivating plants to Anna.

  Lindsay also had no intention of letting the other party help her in vain.

  The previous achievement reward could be used just now, so he took out the [Green Earrings].

  The beautiful jewelry immediately caught Anna's eye.

  The girl's amethyst-like eyes lit up, and a look of joy hung on her white face:

  "Is this a gift?"

  Lindsay directly gave the earrings to Anna's hands:
  "I can't let you help me."

  With that said, Lindsay took out some food from her bag and placed it in front of Hongyue and Anna.

  "Mommy, these are some foods I made recently."

  "They taste good. You and Anna should try them too."

  Hongyue and Anna tasted them.

  Sure enough, he let out a series of praises.

  Sharing the perfect food with family and friends, Lindsay's church visit was almost completed, and he was ready to say goodbye and leave.

  But Lindsay happened to think about the resurrection mission of the ancestral spirits.

  Considering the teachings of the Death School, he casually asked Hongyue:
  "By the way, mama, do you know about the ancestral spirits?"

  In an instant!

  Ruby's expression turned serious.

  "Ancestral spirit? Lindsay, where did you hear this name?"

  "There should be no relevant records about the Hidden Frontier."

  This was the first time Lindsay saw Hongyue's expression so serious, and he immediately realized Realizing the special situation, she quickly replied:
  "I accidentally came into contact with the power of the ancestral spirit, so I am a little curious."

  Hongyue shook her head and denied:
  "This is very dangerous."

  "In the world occupied by major city-states, it is best not to mention it to the word.”

  Lindsay asked curiously:
  "Are they some kind of taboo?"

  Hongyue continued to explain:
  "Among the awakened people all over the world, there are thirteen sects that are the most powerful, one of which is called believers. They combine their beliefs with the essence The combination creates a unique and powerful force." "

  At the same time, this power of faith can also sublimate a super being that transcends the boundaries of life. In the ancient past, the rulers created by believers with this power occupied almost all the The world, and ruthlessly enslaved all life."

  Anna noticed a key word in Hongyue's mouth:

  "The ancient past?"

  Hongyue nodded slightly:

  "That was tens of thousands of years ago, and only the oldest school , records about that period have been circulated."

  Hongyue's tone became longer:
  "Monsters born from faith rule and dominate people's lives and thoughts. But the vastness of the universe will not be completely conquered by them. Dominate. Thousands of years later, the Age of Heroes came, and the strong men born in the major city-states defeated them, and then freedom was returned to all the worlds."

  Lindsay also asked curiously:
  "What about now?"

  Hong Yue continued to explain:
  "The school of believers still exists, but people do not allow them to condense into monsters of that belief." "

  Once the appearance of ancestral spirits, natural spirits, or gods is discovered."

  "United crusade from all worlds That’s the end.”

  (End of chapter)

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