133. Chapter 133 Mountaineering

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  Chapter 133 Mountain Climbing
  "Allow believers, awakened beings, to exist, but they are not allowed to produce gods."

  "What kind of fantasy world has a weird setting..."

  At night, Lindsay was already on the road to looking for meteorites.

  He thought of Hongyue's instructions to him, but he still couldn't understand the relationship in his mind.

  Gods are born from faith, rule and enslave the world, and are finally defeated by the strong.

  Lindsay can understand this logical relationship.

  But after all this happened, the faction of believers did not die, and even still belongs to one of the largest awakened factions in the world.

  Such a result will inevitably make some people's imagination wander.

  Think of this.

  Lindsay glanced at her luggage subconsciously.

  The core of the ancestral spirit is an icon that does not change inside. It is staying there at this moment, without any targeted changes due to the conversation between Lindsay and Hongyue.

  Lindsay blinked and shrugged:
  "That's true."

  "If it was really that dangerous, the expedition team wouldn't use this thing as the core of the lighthouse and let it be placed in this border town."


  With curiosity about ancestral spirits and desire for meteorites.

  Lindsay began a new round of solo walks in the wild.

  Although we were also heading east, this time we were heading further north, so we were some distance away from the road to the border of the world.

  On the first day, Lindsay stayed away from the border town and entered the forest.

  Due to the recent monster eradication campaign in the town, Lindsay encountered almost no wild monsters on the first day. He summoned a snow wolf to keep vigil for him. On the second day, he saw no signs of fighting around him.

  The next day, Lindsay walked through an oak forest.

  At his current speed, a whole day has passed, which has exceeded the limit of the range that hunters can usually move.

  Although there is still no trace of the Warcraft.

  But some animals that are active in winter have been able to share their bodies and enrich Lindsay's food in the wild.

  When she woke up on the third day, Lindsay finally saw the body of the monster.

  At the feet of the snow wolf who was responsible for keeping vigil, lay the corpses of two rotten leaf rabbits, a male and a female.

  He goes up and activates his skills.

  With good luck, I also collected a piece of rabbit fur.

  When evening came, he crossed the hills where two rabbits were brought.

  What should have been a swamp was now frozen into an icy wasteland due to the cold winter weather, and appeared in front of him.

  The terrain here is uneven, with unevenly distributed ice surfaces that look like broken glass, mixed with raised mounds with many weeds growing on them.

  It was here that Lindsay stopped.

  It wasn't that the frozen swamp made it difficult for him to move forward, or that it was getting late.

  But after he walked to this area.

  In the cold winter wind, an almost static landscape unfolds in the distance.

  In the north of the vast swamp, a wide lake was frozen into silver-white ice, shining with a cold light in the sun.

  Although this silver carpet does not reflect the distant scene, it still vaguely reflects a magnificent scenery.

  It was a towering mountain range in the distance.

  From two-thirds of its height, the mountain peak is covered with thick snow lines, making it look like a huge white stone castle.

  There are black rocks among them, showing their figures from the mountain peaks.

  Under the reflection of the last ray of sunset, it shows hard and decisive colors, forming an astonishing contrast with the nearby white snow line.

  Look further up.

  The pure white at the top of the mountain is also reflected in a crown by the setting sun, creating a stunning light and shadow effect.

  The magnificent and primitive scenery left Lindsay speechless for a moment.


  "If there was such a place in my previous life."

  "There will definitely be countless people rushing here just to see this scenery." "Let's set up camp here tonight!"

  After sighing, Night is coming.

  Lindsay lit a bonfire and prepared food, and the light could only illuminate a small area around him.

  Instead, there are snow-covered mountain peaks in the distance.

  Under the starlight, it becomes more mysterious and exciting.

  When it was time to fall asleep, Lindsay ran into a little trouble.

  The temperature of the campfire melted the frozen swamp, and the camp turned into a pool of mud, making it impossible to lie down!

  Lindsay didn't want to continue looking for a flat spot.

  Finally, I had to lay a wooden floor, and then I finally fell asleep peacefully.

  Lindsay waited until early the next morning and set off again.

  There is little animal activity around the frozen swamp.

  His footsteps echoed in the silent world like a lonely symphony, and the white mist produced by his breath recorded the time he spent in the swamp.

  Lindsay starting out in the morning.

  Finally arrived at the foot of the mountains around 3pm.

  At this moment he raised his head, feeling something subtle and strange.

  The mountains looked towering in the distance, but when we reached the foot of the mountains and looked up, they seemed to become lower.

  Lindsay knew this was a psychological effect, but she still shook her head and smiled.


  "At this height, I can almost climb to the top of the mountain tonight."

  With these heroic words behind him, Lindsay began to climb up with confidence.

  The first part was just like an ordinary mountain climb, and it didn't cause him any trouble.

  Wait until he reaches two-thirds of the height of the mountain.

  After arriving at the location covered by the snow line.

  From here, every step forward will lead to deep snow. The slippery and soft ground under your feet makes it easy for people to lose their balance.

  Lindsey was forced to switch to the wooden sled she once used.

  This makes the climb less difficult.

  But soon the slopes of the mountains became steeper and steeper.

  When they reached the last few hundred meters, an almost vertical cliff lay in front of Lindsay.

  These were the dark rocks he saw at the foot of the mountain last night.


  "It would be nice if I still had my spider silk hook."

  After thinking about the equipment that she had consumed, Lindsay took out her dagger and started climbing up the rock.

  The last few hundred meters are the most time-consuming.

  After the setting sun once again cast its orange light on the mountain below him, Lindsay finally reached the top of the mountain.

  He stood on the top of the mountain, as if the high sky was close at hand.

  At this time, I turned my head and looked behind me. The endless forests and rolling hills blocked my view, but the border town and the edge of the world were hidden among them.

  Look to the right.

  The snowfield spreading up from the Black Mountain lay quietly on the ground, as if just under Lindsay's eyes, quietly whispering the invasion of the power of the dragon beast.

  "According to the world scale of Hidden Frontier, we should be here soon..."

  Lindsay was still analyzing her location and the terrain she would face next.

  But just after he climbed over the highest point of this mountain range.

  The situation that appeared under his eyes immediately stopped all thoughts in his mind:

  (End of Chapter)

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