131. Chapter 131 The Exciting Artist

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  Chapter 131 The excited artist

  made equipment to deal with the dragon beasts in Montenegro...

  The answer was so simple, and Lindsay's first reaction was also to answer honestly.

  After all, considering the safety of the town, the artist in front of him would never make it difficult for him in this matter.

  But Lindsay didn't answer that way.

  Because there was another question that appeared in his mind at the same time.

  - What other people think.

  Two months ago, conflict in the town was a wake-up call for Lindsay.

  The unknown human heart can be dangerous.

  The town was an outpost serving the expedition, but he took away the core of the lighthouse and forged it into a weapon against the dragon beast.

  It would be fine if the hidden dangers did not occur, but it would be a big trouble if they did.

  If you want to play it safe, it's best to create a brilliant bomb.

  After confirming its specific attributes, you can kill the dragon beast with certainty, and then make the truth public.

  Lindsay made a decision in her mind.

  Therefore, when answering the female artist in front of him, he also made a selective explanation:

  "Ms. Agnes, I am planning to break through Montenegro in the future, so I need some high-grade gem powder to make a piece of equipment."

  From what the female artist just said With a change in expression, Lindsay thought that this should be a relatively difficult negotiation.

  But after he answered.

  Agnes's reaction exceeded Lindsay's expectations.

  The awakened artist swallowed the piece of bread in his hand, and a smile instantly appeared on his face:

  "Oh, break through the Black Mountains!"

  "Our young man is a brave man, ready to challenge difficult adventures that are impossible for others. Ah!"

  Agnes's reaction gave Lindsay hope:
  "You mean..."

  The artist did not immediately agree to Lindsay, but made a request:
  "Powder of high-grade gemstones, I have it here. Indeed."

  "But Lindsay, do you know? On the road to defeating the dragon, a warrior will definitely encounter many tests; if you want to obtain some special items, you will inevitably face difficulties from others!" At

  this point, Egger Nisi's words brought out the sweet ups and downs of music.

  She immediately stood up from the chair, performed a light dance step nimbly, and then extended her right hand as soft as a swan's neck to Lindsay:

  "So, little warrior, are you ready?"


  Seeing this, Lindsay was completely unsure of what the other party was thinking.

  Looking at Agnes who was looking excited, he could only ask honestly:

  "Ms. Agnes, what do you need me to do?"

  "Haha." The female artist smiled softly, "I want to make a bet with you. ."

  "If you can beat me, then I will hand over all the gem powder; but if you lose, then you will have to find another way."

  Lindsay had no idea of ​​having nothing to lose. Jiu nodded and agreed,

  "No problem, as long as I can do it."

  Agnes then revealed her bet:
  "Didn't you just say you came to me to learn a musical instrument?"

  "Very good, let's do this. This is a bet! As long as you can learn any instrument I teach you within a month and play a piece of music that satisfies me, then you will win; on the contrary, if you can't do it, I will just I can say sorry."

  With Agnes's answer, a magical scene appeared in the hands of the artist.

  Agnes stood in front of Lindsay with nothing in her hands.

  But along with her melodic voice, the light and shadow in the air suddenly produced a colorful glare and converged into a strip of light.

  Immediately, the brilliant light stabilized.

  An emerald green jade piccolo appeared in Agnes's hand.


  This is obviously an artist's skill.

  But Lindsay was not surprised by this image.

  What was thinking in his mind at the moment was actually another question. ——After entering the instrument playing skills into the attribute panel.

  Study hard and develop this skill.

  Or should we use the previously stored experience points to directly push it to a higher level?
  Lindsay had a lot on her mind.

  It also includes parts related to your own abilities.

  He remained calm at the same time and turned his attention to the attribute panel. Sure enough, during the communication with Agnes, the text on the taskbar was also updated.

  [Sound of the Soul]

  [Perform music at any music event and gain recognition from the audience. ]

  [Task reward: Unlock the audio game module, a small amount of attribute/skill experience points. ]


  "Ah, fate! The cruel immortal!"

  "I heard it! The endless winter is whispering in my ears, and the river flowing under the ice is singing softly." "

  This young man with extraordinary talents is The brave man who defeats destiny!"

  "He will defeat the filth hidden in the dark abyss and bring order and light to the world again!"

  That night.

  Agnes sat in the garden, poured herself a cup of tea, and hummed a certain heroic epic in a low voice.

  By now Lindsay had left.

  A few hours ago, in order to achieve the goal as quickly as possible, Lindsay took out his spare experience points and directly promoted the skill of playing the piccolo from (beginner) to (mastery)
  although it was not at the master level.

  But I can master an instrument in one afternoon and be able to play a piece of music smoothly.

  This is already quite an amazing learning speed.

  As an awakened artist, Agnes can clearly perceive that Lindsay has gone from knowing nothing about the instrument to mastering it proficiently.

  But she was not at all shocked by this rapid learning ability.

  On the contrary, it made me feel very comfortable.


  "Genius, for art, the most precious resource is genius."

  The artist kept his promise and handed the high-grade gemstone powder to Lindsay, and later also gave him a few pieces of music and a wood chipper. Piccolo.

  Wait until you send Lindsay off.

  Agnes sat alone in the courtyard, enjoying the tranquility of the night and the cold wind of the winter night. Under the shining of the stars at night, she whispered her favorite ancient epic.

  Until late at night, there seemed to be a pleasant voice lingering in the courtyard:
  "Lindsay, young brave man, haha..."


  on the other side.

  Lindsay, who had just left Agnes and was walking home, was also a little overwhelmed.

  Before departure.

  He really thought he was going to spend a lot of time with Agnes.

  I didn't expect the other party to be so straightforward.

  Not only did he teach him the technique of playing, but he also got the high-grade gemstone powder he wanted.

  In a beautiful box made of pipewood.

  About one-fifth of the space was filled with a layer of azure crystal powder.

  [Material: Azure Sea Powder]

  [High-grade gemstone [Azure Sea], the powder left during polishing and carving. It can be used to maintain special equipment; it can also be used as materials to make other props.

  【Rare high-grade gem powder, valuable!

  Lindsay tried to put these gem powders on the workbench, and it really met the requirements for making brilliant bombs.

  "Now, only the meteorites are left."

  "I should have seen relevant records in the almanac of the hidden border."

  (End of this chapter)

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