122. Chapter 122 Micro Spider Nest

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  Chapter 122 In the miniature spider nest
  , Lindsay drank a bottle of antidote.

  The spider toxin in Alan's body was immediately suppressed.

  The potion in Lindsay's hands was made from the corrupted poisonous spider itself, so the effect of resolving toxins was naturally outstanding at this moment.

  Just a few seconds later.

  Alan regained consciousness of his body, and then thanked Lindsay:

  "Thanks, Lindsay, I...I feel like I'm fine."

  With that said, Alan was about to stand up from the ground.

  But Lindsay, who was supporting him, felt the physical weakness of her good friend.

  Even the toxins in the body are quickly eliminated.

  But Alan, who is in the third stage, does not have the strong physique of An Rui, who is in the fifth stage.

  Injuries caused by toxins cannot be eliminated by antidote.

  Alan is holding on to his body and continuing to fight these corrupted poisonous spiders!
  "Don't be stupid!"

  "With your body in this state, fighting will cause trouble."

  Lindsay scolded without hesitation.

  Alan continued to struggle. He supported the ground with his right hand and shifted his body's center of gravity from Lindsay's support to his own hand.

  "Lindsay, this is a battlefield!"

  "If you let me lie on the ground and do nothing, it is no different from committing suicide!"

  At this moment.

  Lindsay held Alan down with his left hand to prevent him from getting up, and immediately took out the Snow Wolf Staff from his bag with his right hand.


  A wolf howl suddenly sounded in the battlefield.

  When Lindsay used the Snow Wolf Staff for the first time, a white wolf-shaped shadow immediately appeared in front of him, and then quickly turned from virtual to real.

  Just in the blink of an eye.

  A huge snow wolf, covered in snow-white body and two meters long, appeared in front of Lindsay and Alan.

  The giant wolf's body was completely condensed, and it immediately crawled at Lindsay's feet.

  As if waiting for his master to give an order.

  "Protect him and take him to a safe place."

  Lindsay immediately gave the order.

  Snow Wolf also moved quickly, picked up Alan's collar in one mouth, and jumped out.

  It was extremely fast and had amazing jumping power. It could leap several meters in the blink of an eye, and then its agile figure disappeared into the dark forest.

  Seeing Alan leaving the dangerous battlefield under the protection of the snow wolf.

  Lindsay was relieved.

  He shot out the spider silk, jumped back to the top of the tree, and used his advantage to attack the corrupted poisonous spiders around him.

  If another awakened person is in danger, Lindsay will rescue them in the same way.

  Under night.

  The battle between man and monsters intensifies.

  Corrupted poisonous spiders have keen perception, and the night has almost no impact on their battle. In the beginning of the battle, with their numerical advantage, they even suppressed the human awakeners holding torches.

  But after all, this is not the world of Black Mountain, the base camp of the corrupted poisonous spider.

  Human awakeners can maintain a front with them by cooperating and fighting with each other.

  And behind the battlefield.

  A few strong men, headed by An Rui, quickly cleaned out the number of corrupted poisonous spiders. A quarter of an hour passed, and the number of corrupted poisonous spiders dropped sharply. In the end, they could no longer maintain the current battle situation and began to completely collapse.

  Start with the first Corrupted Spider that escapes.

  These dangerous monsters gave up the fight and fled into the surrounding forests, fear occupying all their thoughts.

  "Everyone, come over to me!"

  Seeing that the winner was decided.

  Anrui, who was surrounded by spider corpses, roared and called for other awakened people to move closer to his position.

  In the forest, the light of the torches swayed, representing the actions of each awakened person. Many people were injured and in poor condition.

  But the Corrupted Poisonous Spider, which had lost its will to fight, could not pose a threat to them now, and the battlefield turned into a one-sided massacre.

  "Dan, take Auri and the others to kill those escaping spiders. Don't let any fish slip through the net!"

  Seeing this situation, An Rui gave another order.

  The female hunter cooperated with him tacitly, and immediately led her familiar companions to hunt down the fleeing corrupted poisonous spider.

  Seeing that the battle was decided, Lindsay was not idle.

  He opened the map and chased in the opposite direction to the huntress, consciously taking on the task of hunting down the corrupted poisonous spider.

  It has the blessing of two skills: [Map] and [Hunting Simulation].

  Lindsay's efficiency in eradicating the remaining corrupted poisonous spiders was no less effective than that of the Huntress.

  Also taking advantage of this process, Lindsay tested the ability of the Snow Wolf Staff.

  The snow wolf that exists in nature is a second-level monster with standard strength. They have strong physical fitness and will constantly emit cold air, affecting their prey or enemies.

  The one summoned by Lindsay with the staff was obviously stronger than the ordinary snow wolf.

  Not to mention that he has grown a whole lot bigger.

  Its strength and speed are also far superior to ordinary snow wolves in nature. Its strength is estimated to be between the third and fourth stages. It can also kill the weaker corrupted poisonous spider in one bite.

  According to the saying in the game.

  The Snow Wolf summoned by the Snow Wolf Staff is no ordinary thing, but an elite unit!
  The only regret is that the summoned creatures only have simple intelligence.

  It can follow Lindsay's orders to attack or lead people away from the battlefield.

  But for example, such an order as 'lay an ambush at a specific location and wait for a specific target to attack' cannot be executed.


  half an hour later.

  Lindsay ended her pursuit of the Corrupted Spider.

  In the direction he was responsible for, the last green footprint was cut off in front of the corpse of a corrupted poisonous spider. Lindsay stepped forward to collect the materials, and then returned to the location of the Awakened One.

  Such a chase took a total of one hour.

  An Rui has led a large force back to the previous camp, leaving only a few people behind who are still collecting the corpses of the corrupted poisonous spiders.

  Lindsay blended in without hesitation.

  He helped clean up the corpses of the corrupted poisonous spiders and used his skills to collect prey materials. At the same time, he could also listen to his companions discussing the outcome of the battle.

  "Meese, he..."

  "He was unlucky. He was bitten by a spider on the neck and was poisoned to death before he could apply any medicine."

  "Many people were injured, but he seemed to be the only one who died?"

  "Damn spider!"


  Meese is also a hunter in the town.

  After being attacked during the previous hunting, he encountered these corrupted poisonous spiders again tonight, and he could not restrain his anger at all.

  For the friend who died a few days ago, he almost went crazy in the battle, which also led to Mies' own misfortune.


  After collecting the materials, Lindsay sighed and turned to leave.

  After all, this is a life-and-death battle, and casualties are inevitable.

  Rather, because the town prepared in advance and had its own early warning, only one person was killed in battle, which is already a pretty outstanding result.

  At this time, Lindsay's eyes drifted to her attribute panel.

  After a day of fighting and a night raid, these battles turned into experience, which increased his strength attribute a little more, and his agility and physique were just a little short of being upgraded.

  At the same time, the data on [Hunting Notes] is updated.

  The title of Spider Killer has been officially upgraded to Spider Nemesis, and the corresponding achievement items have also been unlocked.

  [Special Items/Consumables: Micro Spider Nest]

  [Small spider nests randomly produce spider silk, spider venom sacs, spider teeth, spider eggs and other materials every week; they can also be broken directly to release a large number of highly poisonous spiders at once, causing damage to the surroundings. All living creatures launch indiscriminate attacks.

  (End of this chapter)

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