121. Chapter 121 Fierce battle in the forest

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  Chapter 121 Fierce Fighting in the Forest

  The night was dark, and the stars illuminated the silent forest.

  Lindsay sat on the tall cedar tree he chose, staring closely at the forest to the south.

  Just a few minutes later.

  Seven corrupted poisonous spiders responsible for reconnaissance emerged from the shadows of the forest first. They are medium-sized, and their yellow and green bodies reflect the darkness of the night, like moving flags.

  The crimson pupils flashed with a cruel and ferocious cold light.

  But beneath their dangerous appearance, the feet of these corrupted poisonous spiders moved gently on the ground, as if testing some unknown enemy.

  And further back.

  There are more spider troops waiting there, looking forward.


  "First one, the distance is enough."

  Lindsay took a deep breath and prepared everything needed for the battle.

  For the first attack in this battle, Lindsay had only one request - kill with one hit!

  The iron-horned bow is in his hand, and the armor-piercing arrows have been taken out.

  With just one action of drawing a bow and shooting an arrow, he could immediately take away the life of a corrupted poisonous spider!

  But Lindsay didn't take action.

  Taking the lead in attacking will cause other awakened ones to lose the opportunity to take the lead.

  He was waiting for the moment when the battle would really begin.

  The Awakened Ones behind are not slow either.

  Under the leadership of An Rui, everyone quickly got out of the resting state, and the weapons in their hands shone coldly in the dark night.

  The firm steps also lowered the voice.

  The leader, An Rui, was watching Lindsay from above, while there was also a female hunter observing the situation in front.

  Humans and spiders soon approached each other in the darkness.

  "I heard some noise, An Rui!"

  Soon, the huntress smelled the danger and warned An Rui.

  At the same time, at the top of the cedar tree, the lord also saw Lindsay waving his hand in this direction.

  So, An Rui whispered in a tone similar to his resolute character:

  "Do it--"

  In an instant, the human side began to charge.

  Fires were burning everywhere in the forest, and the peaceful forest was also boiling at this moment.

  Lindsay, who had been waiting in the tree for a long time, also knew the time had come.

  An armor-piercing arrow was hung on the bowstring, and he drew the iron-horned bow.

  Almost at the same time the human side launched a charge.

  Lindsay took a deep breath and released the bowstring instantly.

  The thunderous arrows drew an arc in the night sky and directly hit the eye of the first corrupted poisonous spider. The arrow then penetrated the brain, and the power of corruption destroyed the corrupted poisonous spider's thinking organ.

  There is a small arrow stuck in the head.

  The rather small corrupted poisonous spider shook violently and then fell to the ground.

  Immediately, Lindsay quickly changed to the next arrow.

  His movements were smooth and fast, like a well-rehearsed piece of music.

  The arrows were shot out one after another, as if each syllable sounded on time, and then hit the target accurately.

  The most conspicuous ones and the fastest ones are the corrupted poisonous spiders.

  He was immediately killed by an arrow shot by Lindsay.

  But soon, when the human awakeners came into contact with the spider army behind, Lindsay's archery speed slowed down.

  Not to mention the impact of the dark night.

  When the Awakened are caught in a battle, their positions often overlap with those of the Corrupted Spiders.

  If an arrow with corrupted power is shot carelessly, it will injure friendly troops.

  Not to mention the influence of trees in the forest, which is a huge difficulty for shooters to overcome.

  The forest becomes noisier at night.

  When taking the upper hand, the human side did achieve good results.

  But swarms of corrupted poisonous spiders are no weaklings either.

  They quickly regained their composure and responded to each other's needs. They relied on their agile movements and strong physiques to run rampant, and from time to time they tried to attack humans with their venomous fangs. This attack may be difficult to hit.

  But as long as it succeeds once, the venom will instantly make people lose their combat effectiveness.

  Fortunately, the awakened people in the town were also prepared. Each of them at least brought the medicine prepared by the doctor, so they would not be killed immediately.


  "It's time to change positions."

  Looking at the fierce battlefield.

  Lindsay murmured under her breath and jumped down from the fir tree.

  In the night sky, a white thread shot out from behind him, pulling Lindsay to another pine tree with a better location.

  The thunderous sound of bowstrings exploded again.

  The corrupted poisonous spider below was also quickly killed by the arrows.

  Lindsay's figure is active in the forest, looking for opportunities from time to time to kill the corrupted poisonous spider below, and the speed is definitely not slow.

  But the most conspicuous person among the crowd is undoubtedly An Rui.

  In order to make it easier to deal with the monsters, he specially brought a two-meter-long giant ax during this cleanup. With the support of his skills, he dances like a tiger and chops any corrupted poisonous spider that appears around him into pieces.

  Under the cold and sharp eyes, not one of the corrupted poisonous spiders that stood in front of An Rui could survive a single breath.

  This is not the world of Montenegro.

  There is no sneak attack by the fifth-stage Corrupted Poisonous Spider King.

  He alone is the strongest life reaper. In just a few breaths after the battle, he killed himself behind the corrupted poisonous spider alone.

  With no human awakeners around, Anrui's killings became even more unscrupulous. Trees and monsters were all cut into pieces by his giant ax in the blink of an eye, and the annihilation efficiency increased steadily.

  When other awakened people saw this scene, they could only sigh at the strength of the fifth-stage warriors, but they could only continue to fight hard against the enemies in front of them.


  "Damn spider!"

  Alan suddenly shouted during the battle in the forest at night.

  As the successor that An Rui focused on cultivating, he led two companions to fight against the corrupted poisonous spider.

  However, one of them is only an awakened person in the second stage.

  During the battle, he was accidentally thrown to the ground by a huge corrupted poisonous spider, and its sharp legs even penetrated his shoulder.

  Seeing this situation, Alan immediately rushed forward to rescue.

  He cut off the legs of the corrupted poisonous spider with one knife, dragged his companion out from under the spider's body, and then stepped forward to face the spider's claws, colliding head-on with the dangerous monster.

  The next second, this sizable corrupted poisonous spider fell down one after another.

  There was also one of Alan's daggers stuck in his head.

  But at this moment, Alan was rescuing his companions and fighting against the corrupted poisonous spider in front of him.

  A smaller spider.

  But he pounced behind him and bit Alan's unprotected side.


  Alan pulled the little spider off.

  After killing the opponent, he half-knelt on the ground, and the toxins eroded his body.

  Just when he was about to apply medicine to himself.

  A Corrupted Poisonous Spider, which was also quite large in size, seized the opportunity to charge and pressed forward while Alan was unable to react.

  Standing in a tree dozens of meters away, Lindsay reacted instantly.

  He pulled out the arrow, tightened the bowstring, and aimed at the spider that was attacking Alan.

  Accompanied by the violent sound of bowstrings.

  The corrupted poisonous spider's head was immediately shot through.

  He took a deep breath and released the bowstring in an instant. The arrow drew a bright trajectory in the night sky and hit the Spider Monster directly in the eye.

  Accompanied by a scream of agony.

  The corrupted poisonous spider's body shook violently, then fell to the ground and stopped moving.

  Lindsay jumped down from the tree and hurried over.

  He fished Alan out from under the spider's body and found that the wound had been magnified by toxins because he had not applied medicine in time.

  Lindsay immediately took out the antidote from her bag and gave it to Alan directly:

  "Quick, drink it!"

  (End of Chapter)

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