123. Chapter 123 Declare Victory

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  Chapter 123 Declare victory
  and experience the night attack of the corrupted poisonous spider.

  After that, there were no more troubles in this eradication of Warcraft.

  In order to ensure that the other monsters in the southern forest would regenerate unexpectedly, Anrui took advantage of the victory the next day and led the awakeners in the town to attack the south, leaving the monsters in the north last.

  The fighting was quite intense that day.

  When a gap was opened among the chaotic monsters on the outside, hordes of monsters appeared inside, which naturally brought danger.

  But thanks to Lindsay, he sent the news back in advance.

  The awakened people in the town had already anticipated this danger. The powerful awakened people led by An Rui directly rushed forward and withstood the most dangerous wave of attacks.

  After that, the rhythm of the battle was completely controlled by the human side.

  Until the evening of the fourth day.

  When the Awakeners wiped out the last magical beasts belonging to the north and returned with the fruits of victory.

  The residents of the town have already been waiting eagerly on the gravel roads in the town.

  People gathered here on a cold winter day, and in their dense gazes, besides expectation and curiosity, they expressed respect for An Rui.

  The lord at the front of the team saw this scene and didn't say anything.

  Anrui just slowed down, smiled at the residents of the town, and waved his one arm.


  "We won, we won!"

  "Long live Lord Anrui!"

  A smile and movement said everything.

  The next moment, cheers spread like a tsunami, and the streets filled with hundreds of people set off waves of people.

  But in front of An Rui, the cheers always gave way.

  People's joy comes from the heart.

  This successful crackdown does not only mean that the safety of the town is guaranteed.

  Another crucial issue was also addressed - food.

  Four whole days.

  All the magical beasts within a radius of more than ten miles around the town were wiped out by the awakened ones. Naturally, these corpses will not be wasted. They will be transported back to the town and used as food reserves for this winter.

  The residents of the town saw this scene in their eyes.

  How could you not be happy?
  Under the cheers of the townspeople, An Rui led the awakened people back to the lord's manor.

  He gave a speech to reward the awakened people who had worked hard for four days, and then there was a carnival for everyone.

  The haze left by the previous conflicting positions was completely dispelled by this success.

  When the sky turned completely dark and people started to disperse because of exhaustion.

  An Rui left the manor alone.

  I found Somkin, who had not shown up since the beginning of the crackdown.

  He came to the door of the businessman's house, opened the door and took a look, and found that the subject was arranging his clothes, obviously getting ready to go out.

  "Lord Anrui?"

  Seeing Anrui appear, Somkin in the room bent down and saluted.

  The suffix 'sir' used to address An Rui a few days ago has also changed back to the 'adult' it used to be.

  The businessman praised:
  "I wholeheartedly congratulate you on your victory."

  Somkin made a pun.

  He had obviously given in. While congratulating the success of the suppression campaign, he also acknowledged Anrui's victory over the contradictions in the town.

  But Anrui did not respond to this.

  Instead, he walked directly into the house and sat on the bench in the front hall of the house.

  "Somkin, I have something to ask you."

  An Rui's questioning voice was like a muffled thunder, and at the same time he stared at the businessman in front of him with a low gaze, his cold and suspicious attitude undisguised.

  Seeing this situation, Somkin also frowned slightly.

  However, he did not lose his composure. Instead, he politely sat down opposite An Rui and said in an orderly tone:
  "You can ask, I will tell you everything I know."

  Then An Rui revealed the purpose of his visit:
  "This time we are going to clear out the monsters . "At that time, there was something that puzzled me."

  "Obviously I arranged sentries, and the spiders had not made any movement in the past few days. But just after the battle on the first day, those spiders took advantage of the darkness of night , launched an attack on our matching troops."

  "How did those spiders know about our actions? And how did they seize such perfect timing?" "

  I think this question is very important!" "..."

  Somkin His expression immediately darkened, and of course he could hear what An Rui was questioning.

  "An Rui, are you suspecting that I'm trading with those Warcraft?"

  An Rui was noncommittal:

  "As far as I know, merchants' skills can do such a thing."

  "Absurd!" After hearing this, Som A rare trace of anger appeared on Mr. Jin's face, "Anrui, I know my thoughts are different from yours, but you don't have to put this shit basin on my head!" "

  Even if you want to leave this hellish place , , I can't possibly bring things to such a crazy level!"

  Somkin was furious.

  Although he wanted to break through Montenegro, it was a risky attempt made out of helpless despair.

  An Rui's words at this moment were clearly accusing him of betraying humanity.

  He even made a deal with Warcraft to persecute the awakened people in the town, which he absolutely could not accept.

  Immediately, Somkin stood up from his chair angrily.

  His tone was no longer as calm and calm as before:

  "If you want to kill me to stop people from going to Montenegro, you can do it now."

  "There is no need to make these inexplicable slanders!"

  An Ruize stared coldly. Looking at the other party:

  "I am the lord of a border town. I cannot wrong any of the townspeople, but I will not let go of any villain who makes trouble."

  Somkin said sarcastically:

  "So, I want everyone to give themselves a You who dig graves still want to judge me with the reputation of justice? Ha! You are indeed a qualified lord!"

  An Ruize still replied indifferently:

  "I will confirm the truth and there will be no injustice. Wrong case."

  At this point in the conversation, the businessman regained control of his emotions. He sat down again, looked at An Rui and said frankly:

  "Since you said so, let's bring out the evidence now."

  "If you can guarantee that I did this kind of thing, then you can take my head away and I promise not to make any resistance." "


  An Rui said nothing.

  He took out a small jade scale from his pocket and placed it on the wooden table between the two of them. Then he spoke to Somkin again:
  "This is just an ordinary inquiry."

  "Somkin, it's you. Did you betray humanity and inform those spider monsters about the suppression team?"

  "The scale of the Capital of Law?" Somkin looked at the jade scale, raised his eyebrows, and said in a very confident tone, "Then just listen to what I say. Are you telling the truth?"

  "I'm telling you now, Anri! I, Somkin, have not betrayed humans, nor have I revealed any information to those Warcraft, nor have I even directed anyone to do such a thing!" "

  You are still here ! Do you have anything to ask?"


  An Rui did not speak.

  The jade scale he placed on the table was a rare item from the Capital of Law, which could be used to determine whether a person was lying.

  And the feedback this prop gave him just now - Somkin is true.

  The person who betrayed the news was not the businessman in front of him!

  It seemed that An Rui was speechless and frowned.

  Somkin also had the idea of ​​continuing to talk to the other party. He snorted coldly, turned around and walked outside.

  "Lord, I still have some things to do, so I can't help you with me!" "

  If you still want to find some evidence in my room, that's up to you!"

  After saying that, Somkin took Anrui to Stay inside while you get out of the house.

  An Rui also kept his promise and let the other party leave without saying anything.

  The merchant then headed south.

  Arriving at the junction of the town and farmland, Somkin stood still.

  He just blinked, and the excitement and annoyance on his face disappeared, and a polite smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again:
  "Lindsay, are you at home?"

  (End of Chapter)

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