120.Chapter 120 Night Attack

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  Chapter 120 Night Attack
  "Ah, why can't you let me take advantage of the loophole?"

  During the rest that night.

  Lindsay was half-lying in front of an old oak tree that she had chosen, with sleepless eyes full of regrets.

  At dinner time, he found his companions who were handling the prey and preparing the food.

  Then I quietly tried the [Prey Material] skill.

  As expected, Lindsay failed.

  Although they were in the same operation and were partners with the same goal, Lindsay could not obtain material from other people's prey.

  His abilities seem to be general skills of the game system.

  But in essence, it still uses the art of activation of source matter.

  Unless Lindsay personally participates in the battle and the process is recorded and approved by [Gamer], the source material can be consumed.

  "Forget it, let's think about happy things."

  Lindsay muttered, ending her thoughts of resentment.

  He began to recall the knowledge about World of Warcraft near the hidden border in his memory.

  Trying to find records about eagle monsters.

  Most of this information comes from snippets in various books. It will be mentioned in almanacs, travel notes, and map records.

  The town functions as an outpost.

  No one has written an illustration or reference book specifically for the types of Warcraft.

  Lindsay thought hard for a long time.

  He has read a lot of books, but when he was thinking about it now, he still couldn't recall where there were magical beasts like eagles.

  "I can't remember!"

  "I can only go back and find some time to check the information carefully."

  Lindsay was ready to take a good rest. After all, he would continue to eliminate the monsters tomorrow.

  With a cautious attitude, before falling asleep, he opened the map one last time and looked at the surrounding environment...


  In an instant, Lindsay's sleepiness disappeared.

  Because on the map, at the farthest point in the south, there were three or five sporadic red dots appearing, and the direction of their advance was just towards the camp of the suppression team.

  "Coincidence? How could such a coincidence happen!"

  Lindsay's expression changed and she didn't dare to be careless.

  He immediately stood up and asked his companions to tell An Rui the news.

  He had already taken out his bow and arrows from his bag, and then approached the direction where the red dot appeared.

  Lindsay confirmed the situation ahead of time.

  This way others can get the news as soon as possible.

  In the forest, the night is dark.

  Following the markings on the map, Lindsay quickly found the red marks that had just appeared.


  "Corrupted poisonous spider?"

  In the telescope screen, a ferocious spider was quietly approaching from the south. The yellow-ringed feet were careful with every step, making almost no sound.

  Lindsay has dealt with this monster more than once.

  Naturally, they recognized their identities immediately.

  But why did the corrupted poisonous spider, which was still inhabiting the southern forest yesterday and clinging to its territory, come out tonight?
  Even a small number of spiders who went out to hunt due to hunger would never be able to travel such a long distance, and they even happened to run into the Awakeneds of the suppression force.


  The unusual situation made Lindsay more cautious.

  He did not immediately attack the Corrupted Poisonous Spider, but once again expanded the reconnaissance range of the map.

  "One, two, three...seven!"

  Within Lindsay's observation range, he found a total of seven corrupted poisonous spiders.

  Each corrupted poisonous spider is separated by a long distance from each other, and each moves forward quietly in one direction. This situation...

  "It's like a scout spying on the enemy."

  Lindsay immediately had a guess in her mind.

  You must know that after becoming a Warcraft, these dangerous beasts have a certain degree of intelligence. Not to mention a group of monsters like the Corrupted Poison Spider, which can give birth to super powerful individuals.

  This is definitely a premeditated and planned investigation!

  "Lindsay, did you find that there were scattered monsters approaching, which were missed when we were cleaning them up during the day?"

  Just at this moment, An Rui came over from behind.

  The lord took the information provided by Lindsay very seriously. He ordered Alan to wake up the other awakeners, and he rushed to Lindsay's side first.

  Lindsay immediately shook his head and said in denial:
  "Uncle Anrui, it's not the monsters we missed during the eradication."

  "It's the corrupted poisonous spiders approaching from the south! And their way of moving is very similar to the ones conducting reconnaissance before the battle." Soldier."

  Lindsay informed An Rui of the general situation.

  The expression of this fifth-stage warrior also became more solemn than before.

  And at the same time as this solemn existence, An Rui also flashed a hint of violence in his eyes. He and these spiders have a vengeance that breaks their arms!

  "You're here just in time!"

  "These spiders chose to attack us. It's better to go and attack the town."

  An Rui looked at the forest in front of him with cold eyes. At the same time, he gave another instruction to Lindsay:
  "Lindsay, just watch here. I'm going to inform everyone that none of these spiders will leave alive today!"

  After saying this, An Rui walked behind him.

  Lindsay looked at the dark night ahead and thought about more things in her heart.

  First of all, it is naturally the purpose of these corrupted poisonous spiders' sneak attack.

  After the previous attack on the town, these monsters should know that they are the weak one. Why did they take the initiative to attack before strengthening the group?
  This is easy to figure out.

  It was probably the encounter with the hunter that made the corrupted poisonous spider think that it could not hook and develop, and its position was completely exposed.

  If you want to defeat the weak with the strong, you must naturally look for opportunities.

  Today, the awakened ones who have been cleaning up the monsters in the east forest for a whole day are in the most exhausted state than usual. This is also a rare opportunity for the corrupting poisonous spiders.

  As long as these monsters don't change their ferocious nature, they want to fight to the death.

  This moment is obviously the best opportunity.

  But the second question is, how did these corrupted poisonous spiders know this news?
  You must know that Anrui specially arranged sentries in the forest.

  Monitor the monsters in three directions to prevent any accidents.

  In this case, how do these spiders know the actions of humans and seize the right time and place to attack them at night?

  How do they know?
  Where does the information come from?

  It's impossible for someone in the town to collude with these monsters and commit adultery, right?

  Lindsay frowned, he couldn't figure this out at all.

  At this time, a large number of dense red dots began to appear in the southernmost part of the map.

  There is a distance between him and the spider who is acting as a scout.

  These real spider armies are advancing with momentum, and tonight's battle is almost impossible to avoid!


  Lindsay frowned and glanced around.

  Still the same, he picked a taller fir tree, climbed up in twos and twos, took out his binoculars and continued to look into the distance.

  Between the gaps in the woods, densely packed dark figures moved quickly.

  Like ghosts flashing between the shadows of the trees, it is even difficult for ordinary people to distinguish their identities.

  But Lindsay could see clearly that these were all spiders!

  Comparing the scenes from the previous reconnaissance in the forest, he quickly made a judgment:

  "These guys came in full force and used all their strength to fight to the death!"

  (End of Chapter)

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