117. Chapter 117 A strange herd of beasts

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  Chapter 117 A strange group of beasts.

  Torch and Suna are closely guarding the situation of the group of monsters.

  After the previous two days of investigation, what they have to do now is to confirm the movements of the monsters and notify the town if special circumstances occur.

  The attack on the monsters in the south is at the end of the plan.

  During this period, someone also needs to observe the situation in the forest.

  At this moment, the two people who spent a lot of effort to bypass the area occupied by the Corrupted Poisonous Spider were staring at the forest ahead, with excitement and nervousness each occupying half of the territory.

  Hiding on an old oak tree, Suna whispered to Ju beside him:

  "Ju, are you sure there is no problem with this distance? We won't be discovered by the monsters in front of us, right?"

  "Don't worry, it's no problem!" Ju was quite confident. He nodded and said, "I have been following my mother and the hunting team for two years. There is absolutely no problem with my experience in this area!" The

  two people squatting in the forest are both awakened ones.

  Among them, Ju follows the hunting team and has rich hunting experience, so he can of course be active in the forest; Suna has been guarding the mine alone all year round and is also familiar with the rules of forest activities.

  There are only a limited number of awakened people in the town.

  They are indeed suitable candidates for the situation of squatting in Warcraft.

  As an unlucky guy who had been attacked in the mine just a few days ago, although Suna had great trust in Anrui's strength, he was still a little uneasy. At this moment, he whispered to Ju beside him:

  "I heard that tomorrow, The town is about to launch an attack on the monsters. Do you think we can win by then?"

  Ju had no doubt about this and answered calmly:

  "Uncle Anrui was not around last time, and we were able to repel these dangerous monsters. Spider, of course it won't be a problem this time!"

  Suna's expression softened, as if he felt a little calmer inside.

  "It's true, and it's better to fight monsters or something like that than to have conflicts among your own people in the town."


  Ju did not immediately respond to Suna's emotion.

  He thought for a few seconds before asking his fellow awakeners beside him:
  "Suna, have you thought about a question?"

  "What question?"

  "What should we do in the future."

  After hearing this beginning, Suna I already understood what Ju was thinking.

  The two young people did not have the fierce tit-for-tat attitude of the older generation of awakened people, so he just shook his head slightly and expressed his opinion:

  "If we go to Montenegro now, we can't talk in front of that dragon beast. Is there any future in the city?"

  Ju nodded in approval of Suna's answer, and then put forward his own point of view:
  "Yes, but the same is true if you stay in the town."

  "Since it is always a dead end, then why not try hard? How about a trial?"

  At this point, Ju Ye recalled the previous conversation when Somkin found him.

  At this time, he conveyed this thought to Suna in front of him:
  "Staying in the town is just a way to die with a blunt knife."

  "The older generation in the town, also the most powerful awakened ones, are now old. Not small. Not everyone is like Uncle Anrui, who can rely on the power of the source of life to maintain a healthy and strong state for a long time." "

  If we delay it any longer, the elders in the town will grow old and feeble, or even die. The remaining young people will People don't have time to grow up. The predicament then will be a more complete abyss of despair."

  Suna said hesitantly:

  "Then there is no need to be so anxious, right? Maybe things will change? Once a person dies , but there really is nothing left!"

  Ju Ze replied firmly:
  "Cowardice and retreat can never win hope."

  "The only chance to regain freedom is to resist with all possible means!"

  "Thirteen Years." Ju said seriously, "No rescue has arrived from the outside world for thirteen years. Will it come in five or six years?"

  "The influence of the Black Mountain world on us has made this winter extremely difficult. If it continues like this If it continues to develop, what about next year, and what about the year after that? In the end, we all dig a hole in the snow to use as a coffin for ourselves?"

  Suna shrugged his shoulders and did not answer.

  He learned his skills from An Rui, and it was impossible to agree with him at this moment. "..."

  Further away, Lindsay quietly listened to the conversation between the two.

  The views of the two young men can be said to be the epitome of the opposition between the two factions in the town.

  The idea of ​​fighting for survival and fighting hard are opposite facts in action.

  "They are all ways of struggle chosen under the crisis of extinction. There is no right or wrong..."

  Lindsay shook his head slightly and did not join the conversation between the two.

  He accepted the town's commission. Naturally, you have to use your high mobility and excellent reconnaissance capabilities to complete this task, and there is no need to disturb the mentality of the squatting personnel.

  So he quietly walked around Ju and Suna.

  He continued to go deep into the forest, preparing to investigate the situation of the monster in detail.

  It didn't take long.

  There are some dangerous animal tracks in the surrounding woods.

  Lindsay stopped at the right time and opened the map to expand the scope of his reconnaissance.

  As the source material was consumed, red dots symbolizing hostility appeared densely in front of the map.

  "If I put on the tree spirit flower crown now, can I dispel their hostility?"

  This thought naturally came to Lindsay's mind.

  It was on Mirror Lake at the junction of the worlds.

  This piece of equipment was an important part of his and An Rui's escape.

  And now these monsters have more winter impatience and hostility towards humans than those at the border of the world. I wonder if the increased affinity of the Dryad Corolla can eliminate the other party's hostility?

  "Forget it, now is not the time for me to do experiments."

  Lindsay quickly shook her head and gave up her adventurous idea.

  It was impossible for him to alarm the monsters in front of him just to satisfy his curiosity. If something went wrong, it would bring more variables and dangers to the town and the subsequent counterattack plan.

  This kind of thing must never be done.

  So it was the same as observing the corrupted poisonous spider before.

  Lindsay found a tall pine tree at the edge of the group of monsters. He climbed to the top of the tree, took out his telescope, and began to look into the distance.

  "One group, two groups, four groups over here..."

  Looking at the situation in the distance.

  Lindsay muttered something while the expression on her face became more and more serious.

  This tide of beasts was completely different from what he had imagined before coming. It was not a chaotic herd of beasts!
  Except for the ordinary monsters scattered in the outermost circle.

  Within the range of activities of Warcraft, other Warcraft are in order, and areas are divided according to their respective types. Animals are with other animals, and birds and beasts are with each other. There are also differences between different sizes.

  This picture can usually be interpreted as the behavior of beasts living in groups.

  But it's completely different when applied to the violent monsters.

  What's more, they are still coexisting peacefully!
  For the town awakeners who are about to launch an attack, this can even be regarded as an army with completely different types and characteristics, and with obvious functional divisions.

  See this scene.

  Lindsay immediately couldn't sit still and jumped down from the tree.

  He found Ju and Suna who were still watching, and after informing them of the news, he immediately rushed back towards the town.

  "Just like the clear divisions and activities of human combat arms."

  "This news must be brought back quickly!"

  (End of this chapter)

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