118. Chapter 118 The First Day

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  Chapter 118 The First Day

  "Does the chaotic scene of those monsters in the south only remain on the periphery?"

  "They have a completely different scene inside!"

  "Yes, I found a high point farther away, from top to bottom Looking over, you can clearly see the inside of their activity area, and there are groups of monsters distributed in an orderly manner."

  In the lord's manor, Lindsay sent the information as quickly as possible.

  An Rui's expression also became solemn.

  But it was already the early morning of the next day, the first day of the original plan to encircle and suppress the monsters.

  Although Lindsay discovered the clue, she rushed over.

  But there is not enough time now.

  In the courtyard in front of the main building of the manor, the awakened people in the town are gathering. A small number of them have received training at the lord's manor, so the militiamen who can participate in the battle are also gathered.

  The battle horn has been hung on people's waists.

  Alan on the side also heard the news from Lindsay. He did not frown like An Rui and asked directly to his teacher: "

  Master An Rui, do we need to postpone the attack time and reorganize the plan?" ?"

  An Rui shook his head in denial without even thinking:
  "No! It took a lot of effort for the people in the town to mobilize. Postponing the plan at this time will only give everyone a heavy blow to their confidence."

  After categorically rejecting the proposal, An Rui continued to analyze Get up:
  "And there is definitely no problem with the initial plan to wipe out the small group of monsters in the east. Our follow-up plan can be changed during today's operation. But when launching a battle, as a leader, we must not show any A reaction of hesitation or dilemma."

  While speaking, An Rui gave Alan a look.

  "I will go to the front to organize everyone now." Alan nodded to express his understanding. As An Rui's deputy these days, he has become accustomed to his current status. "Master An Rui, do you want to tell other people about this?"

  An Rui He waved his hand and

  said, "Treat this as just the latest investigation information."

  "You can't show any lack of confidence, but you must be prepared for this."

  Alan accepted the order and walked out.

  Leaving the two of them alone in the front hall of the manor, An Rui asked Lindsay again:
  "Lindsay, you are the only person who has seen the specific situation of those monsters. Do you have any suggestions?"

  Lindsay thought seriously for a few seconds. Then he gave his own thoughts:

  "In my opinion, this plan is basically feasible." "

  After that, we will launch an attack on the Warcraft. With you, Uncle Anrui, those beasts cannot win. The only issue that needs attention is still It’s up to other people to keep themselves safe.”

  Lindsay’s answer came from the heart.

  Once in the world of Montenegro, he had seen Anrui's powerful fighting power, which could be defeated by one man.

  Even if he is injured and loses an arm.

  That was also the result of the fifth-stage corrupted poisonous spider's sneak attack during the battle.

  Now even though the combat effectiveness has declined, as long as An Rui remains cautious in the battle, the victory is almost certain.

  "Okay, let's go."

  An Rui took Lindsay out of the main building of the manor without delay.

  At this time, the awakened people in the town had already arrived.

  Lindsay glanced around and even saw a radical party represented by businessman Somkin.

  Even if the views are opposite to those of An Rui.

  But in terms of protecting the safety of the town, there is indeed an unquestionable consensus among everyone.

  What's more, if the merchant group wants to break through Black Mountain, they will definitely try their best to get the help of the people in the town during these days.

  Want to achieve this goal. They will never slack off in the task of winning people's hearts and minds by protecting the town.

  Seeing everyone present gathered in front of him, An Rui's eyes inevitably flashed with relief.

  "Master Anrui, I have just informed everyone of the news."

  Alan came over and explained the situation in a low voice.

  An Rui nodded slightly and stepped forward. Before everyone had arrived, his voice rang out in the cold wind, encouraging everyone:
  "Dear friends! Today, I am not standing here to talk about our We do not want to let our conflicts and disputes continue.

  Our home, the only remaining place for us, the last place of survival, is under threat.

  In the surrounding forests, those monsters that were once just prey are Approaching quietly, they are a real threat to our safety.

  Their goal is only one - our home!"

  At this point, An Rui paused, and his eyes scanned the crowd.

  Because of the speech just now, everyone's expressions looked solemn at this moment. After all, the danger of Warcraft is a fact before their eyes.

  He then continued:

  "I know that everyone has his own position and his own leanings. This is human nature. But now, we must forget all this, because we are facing the enemy right in front of us. .

  We must unite. Only by uniting can we defeat the evil beasts lurking around us!"

  An Rui's voice became louder and louder as he continued:

  "This is not a simple battle, but it is a battle for us. Fight for our lives, for our families, and for our future. We will not sit idly by and let the monsters destroy everything. We will fight, no matter how high the cost!"

  At this point, Anrui took a final deep look at the crowd. .

  He announced:

  "From today, from now on, we start to prepare -

  we will gather all our strength to eliminate those monsters that threaten us. We will be united, no matter who you were, no matter where you have stood Which side.

  Today, we have only one identity - residents of this town!

  Facing this common enemy, we have only one goal - to protect our home.

  Only in this way can we ensure our safety and ensure that we can still see Future!"

  The crowd burst into cheers.

  In Anrui's speech, the subject should be 'we' as much as possible. In his experience as a lord, this kind of speech is the easiest for people to accept.

  This is also true. An Rui's pre-war mobilization speech was very effective.

  Through this crisis that everyone is facing, he has unified people's short-term goals and determination.

  As long as this crusade against Warcraft proceeds smoothly, this unity can be maintained for a long time.

  "Let's go!"

  With an order, the suppression team formed by the awakened ones began to take action.

  The supplies prepared by doctors and craftsmen were placed in the yard, and everyone only took what they needed.

  An Rui watched the scene in front of him quietly. He was not overly proud of his success.

  He still remembered the news from Lindsay earlier.

  Therefore, during the departure, An Rui specially sent two of his cronies to stand guard around the town.

  Once the monsters from the south launch a surprise attack on the town.

  Then this early warning can notify everyone in time to return to the town to fight.

  (End of chapter)

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