Chapter 207: Eradicate the Celestial Being Sect (Part 1)

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  Chapter 207: Eradicate the Tianren Sect (Part 1)
  Inside the Taoist Temple in Shangyang City.

  Elder Tianhui handed a jade box that exuded a faint halo to Elder Zifeng.

  "Junior sister, this is what the headmaster sent me. If you take it, you should be able to fully recover from your injuries. You have been suffering during this period!" Elder Tianhui said.

  Seeing his junior sister's almost disfigured face, Elder Tianhui felt heartbroken.

  "Thank you, senior brother, for making you worry. It's great to be back!" Elder Zifeng's eyes were a little red. She really thought she was going to die there and spent every day in suffering.

  "It's just that I have the Zixia Sword and the Bai Jiao..."

  When she thought of this, Elder Zifeng's heart felt like a knife. She really couldn't understand why her spirit sword and the Bai Jiao betrayed her.

  "Junior sister, don't worry, we will avenge you sooner or later and take back the Zixia Sword for you. As for the white dragon, maybe there is some reason for this!" Elder Tianhui comforted.

  Elder Zifeng looked gloomy. This encounter was not only physical pain for her, but also spiritual humiliation.

  "By the way, junior sister, can you tell me what happened that night in detail so that I can understand Wei Yi's methods? Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you find a way to win!" Elder Tianhui asked again.

  In fact, other people have tried to ask her these days, but she didn't want to mention it.

  However, at this moment, the sound of thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and the light outside suddenly dimmed.

  Elder Tianhui and Elder Zifeng's expressions changed and they couldn't help but look out the window.

  But I saw dark clouds, like black floods, rolling in from the sky.

  It seemed vaguely like there were thousands of troops and horses rushing towards the sea of ​​clouds.

  The flashing lightning was just like the light reflected from the weapons and armor on their bodies.

  Seeing this scene in the sky, Elder Tianhui and Elder Zifeng secretly said something bad.

  They could all see that this black cloud was very unusual and was definitely not an ordinary weather change.

  What's more, this season, there is basically no thunder.


  the thunder is rolling and continuous, like the beating of war drums, resounding throughout the sky.

  The heaven and earth echoed with shouts of killing, as if there were thousands of troops approaching the city.

  An invisible pressure and chilling air instantly enveloped the entire Taoist temple.

  A strong wind blew up inside the Taoist temple, causing sand and rocks to fly.

  The biting wind was like a blade, cutting people's skin with pain.

  The Celestial Sect monks outside looked a little ugly and could only use their magic power to resist the knife-like wind.

  "No, it's him, it's Wei Yi who is here! It's Wei Yi who is here!" Elder Zifeng suddenly shouted in panic like a frightened bird.

  She could feel that the terrifying aura that filled the world was the aura of Wei Yi's Confucianism, Taoism and magical powers.

  For a moment, the fear that had been dominated by Wei Yi's fists emerged spontaneously. Elder Zifeng exclaimed and covered his cheeks with both hands.

  Seeing Elder Zifeng's appearance, Elder Tianhui's face became more solemn, and his heart tightened into a ball.

  How terrifying was that Wei Yi that he actually left such a big shadow on his junior sister?

  Perhaps affected by Elder Zifeng's reaction, Elder Tianhui felt inexplicably panicked, always feeling that Wei Yi seemed to be more powerful and terrifying than they expected.

  "Junior sister, don't be afraid, we still have the Supreme Elder, everything will be fine!" Elder Tianhui reassured with some guilt.

  He didn't know how the Taishang Elder's magical skills were being practiced. There had been no movement in seclusion for so long. He didn't know whether the Taishang Elder could help their Celestial Sect survive this disaster.

  The bell rang in the Taoist temple, and everyone rushed out, getting ready for battle.

  Elders Tianhui, Huicang and other elders of the Celestial Being Sect also flew out from various places and arrived in the air of the Taoist temple.

  Looking at the scene in the sky, I felt horrified in my heart.

  The black cloud covered the sky and the sun, like the sky collapsing, and the terrifying pressure made them, the Golden Core Realm and Nascent Soul Realm monks, feel chills in their hearts.

  But at this moment, a dragon roar resounded throughout the world, and as the dark clouds rolled, a green dragon rushed out from the black clouds.

  There were three figures standing on the green dragon's head.

  It was Wei Yi, Ye Qiu and Sha Chen.

  But on Qinglong's back, there were more than thirty figures standing, all of them heroic and imposing.

  They are the heroic spirits summoned by Wei Yi.

  Seeing this scene, the expressions of everyone in the Tianren Sect changed drastically, and their eyes were full of shock.

  "Qing, Qinglong?"

  "It's a real dragon!"

  "Oh my God!"

  Everyone was stunned and their legs were weak.

  Wei Yi knew very well that when facing the enemy, psychological tactics are also very important.

  If you can completely overwhelm the opponent with momentum, it will make the opponent feel fearful and timid without fighting, making it impossible for the opponent to show his strength.

  Once a person loses his faith, he will definitely lose.

  "Quick, start the big formation!" Elder Tianhui exclaimed.

  Elder Huicang immediately took out the formation plate and ordered the Taoist temple protectors to disperse quickly, each came to the base of the formation, and activated the formation with the formation flag.

  Rumbling -

  the ground of the entire Taoist temple shook, and countless huge shadows of talismans appeared around the Taoist temple.

  Pillars of light rose into the sky.

  At the same time, Wei Yi held the brush in his hand and wrote rapidly, writing one after another: "Thunder follows the divine soldiers, boron knocks the sky. Cutting down like grass and trees, fastening like dogs and sheep." As these two lines of poems were written, the

  sky The black clouds in the sky suddenly moved like electric snakes.

  Immediately, thousands of thunderbolts were seen crashing down, hitting everyone in the Taoist temple one after another.

  The expressions of everyone in the Tianren Sect changed drastically. Thousands of thunderbolts fell at the same time, dense as rain, and there was no place to dodge.

  It can only be resisted by defensive magic weapons and defensive talismans.

  Moreover, the lightning speed is extremely fast, and those with lower cultivation levels have no time to react.

  Boom, boom, boom...

  the entire Taoist temple was directly bombarded and collapsed, and thick smoke rose.

  Some weak monks were hacked to death on the spot.

  These thunders contain the true meaning of thunder, are full of destructive energy, and their power cannot be compared with ordinary thunder and lightning.

  Even some Foundation Establishment monks, relying on defensive magic weapons, could only withstand the power of thunder.

  But the true energy in his body was already in chaos due to the true impact, his face was pale and bloodless, his breathing was heavy, and his heart was filled with fear.

  However, after a wave of thunder fell, the black clouds in the sky instantly turned into thousands of armies.

  It's like a divine soldier descending from the sky, holding thunder in hand and stepping on the wind and clouds, swooping down.

  War drums were beating between heaven and earth, horns were blasting, and shouts of killing shook the sky.

  The terrifying pressure swept over like a tsunami.

  Seeing this scene, countless Celestial Cult monks were frightened and backed away, their livers and gallbladders trembling.

  This sight was too terrifying, although they knew it was a magical power, not a real heavenly soldier or general.

  But I still couldn't help but feel fear and shudder in my heart.

  They felt that they were facing a real immortal and powerful person who could move mountains and fill seas with a wave of his hand, causing the sky to collapse and the earth to collapse.

  It was simply not something that this group of ants could match, and there was no thought of resistance in their hearts.

  Fortunately, at this moment, the defensive formation was finally activated, and a huge light curtain instantly enveloped the entire Taoist temple, blocking the thousands of troops swooping down.

  Boom, boom, boom, boom...

  the divine weapons and thunder in the sky smashed crazily on the light curtain. The entire array of light screens flashed crazily, as if it was about to be overwhelmed and collapse completely at any moment.

  The faces of the guardians holding the formation turned a bit pale, and blood even overflowed from the corners of their mouths.

  "Follow me to protect the formation!" Elder Tianhui shouted, and immediately used his magic power to inject it into the formation.

  Everyone also used their magic power to protect the formation together, resisting the impact of the "magic soldiers" all over the sky.

  Ye Qiu and Shachen looked at the scene below and were horrified in their hearts. Although they knew that Wei Yi was very strong, it was obvious that their knowledge was still far behind Wei Yi's strength.

  Seeing everyone in the Heavenly Sect holding up a large formation to resist his attack, Wei Yi's expression remained normal and his eyes flashed.

  A strong wind blew up between heaven and earth, and the smoke and dust in the Taoist temple was also strong, and the smoke and dust were swept away in an instant.

  The next second, the strong wind seemed to turn into countless sharp blades, one after another bombarding everyone in the Tianren Sect.

  The Celestial Being cultivators who were protecting the formation were suddenly covered with wounds.

  Some of the monks in the Qi Refining Realm were directly killed by the wind blade.

  Those in the Foundation Establishment Realm were also covered in wounds and had to withdraw their magic power to resist those wind blades.

  Elder Tianhui's face became even uglier, and his eyes looked at Wei Yi full of fear.

  He seemed to understand his junior sister's fear.

  "This guy has definitely achieved enlightenment!" Elder Tianhui cursed.

  He could feel that the opponent's attack was completely beyond the scope of magic. It already contained the rules of the avenue, and he could directly use the power of the avenue.

  This is a force they simply cannot resist.

  Elder Zifeng looked at the tragic situation in the Taoist temple and the terrifying scene in the sky. He shuddered, covered his face with his hands, and muttered in horror: "It's over, it's over, we can't beat him, we can't beat him! Elder, Supreme Elder..."

  At this time, Supreme Elder Qiong Yuzhenren was in a secret room deep underground in the Taoist temple.

  The secret room seemed like a magnificent underground palace, with an extremely wide space inside.

  The walls and floor of the entire secret room are covered with strange totems, emitting a strange light.

  Blood-red vines, like some kind of blood vessels, stretched out from the ground and wrapped around a huge copper tripod in the middle.

  The copper cauldron was filled with scarlet blood, and the body of Master Qiongyu was soaked in the blood.

  Today, he seems to be rejuvenated. Although he is still full of wrinkles, his skin is plumper and shiny than before, and even his original white hair has become much darker.

  The whole person looks much younger.

  Around the bronze tripod, eight brides wearing red wedding dresses and red headscarves stood in eight directions.

  "You need my power. If you want to save your Celestial Sect, give your body completely to me. I will ensure that your Celestial Sect is safe and sound!" A sinister voice came from the mouth of Master Qiong Yu, as if he

  was Same as talking to oneself.

  Qiong Yuzhen was struggling in his heart.

  He also didn't expect that Wei Yi was so powerful and could push their Heavenly Man Sect into a desperate situation so easily.

  The terrifying magical power just now showed that the opponent's strength was far above the realm of transformation into gods, perhaps comparable to the strong men in the realm of Taoism.

  Even if he takes action, he will never be Wei Yi's opponent.

  The Celestial Being Sect is in danger, and I'm afraid it won't last long.

  Unless you completely give your body to the monster and let it come.

  But if you really give your body to it, you may never be able to take it back.

  "Don't hesitate any more. You are running out of time. Wei Yi will soon destroy your Celestial Being Sect, and you are no match for him!" the voice continued.

  Master Qiongyu closed her eyes, remained silent, and struggled.

  Finally, he opened his eyes suddenly and said, "Okay, you promise me, you will kill that Wei Yi at all costs!" "

  No problem, I always keep my word!" The strange voice said again.

  "What should I do?" Master Qiongyu asked.

  "Just do as I say!"

  Master Qiong Yu used his magic power and slowly opened various acupoints, Dantian, and finally the Sea of ​​Consciousness according to the guidance of the monster.

  A wave of consciousness descended instantly, occupying his sea of ​​consciousness, and then controlled his body and began to form seals.

  The surrounding totems suddenly began to squirm, and a strange red light enveloped the entire secret room.

  The blood in the bronze cauldron boiled, and then turned into eight blood-red tentacles, crawling out of the bronze cauldron like a python.

  Then he got under the skirts of the eight brides...

  The eight brides in wedding dresses suddenly lay on the ground, and their bodies began to twist.

  The belly under the skirt is like a balloon, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  In the Taoist temple, most of the monks from the Tianren Sect were dead, and the remaining ones were basically covered in wounds.

  Only those elders with higher cultivation level are still protecting the formation.

  They knew very well that this formation was their last defense. If the formation was defeated, with Wei Yi's strength, he could definitely kill them all easily.

  They could only resist stubbornly, gather everyone's strength, and barely hold on.

  But Elder Tianhui and Elder Huicang knew very well that they might not be able to sustain it for long.

  Elder Huicang recalled the scene he had seen outside Qingzhou City.

  Today, just like that day, there is no difference between their Heavenly Man Sect and the Yunding Hou army at that time.

  In front of Wei Yi, he was still vulnerable.

  "How strong is this guy!" Elder Huicang felt despair in his heart. They never expected that such a terrifying strong man would be born in the Great Yan Dynasty.

  The plan they have been working on for many years may come to an end today.

  After practicing hard for so many years, today we are coming to the end.

  Ye Qiu and Sha Chen stood above the Qinglong's head, overlooking the Taoist temple that was almost in ruins below. They looked at the corpses on the ground, as well as the embarrassed Elder Tianhui, Elder Huicang and others. They were very excited. Incessantly.

  The Tianxia Alliance and the Tianren Sect have been fighting for so many years, but they have never really shaken this mountain.

  Not to mention forcing them into such a desperate situation and such a mess.

  For them, the Taoist temples taught by Tianren are impregnable and impeccable.

  No matter how hard they try, they can't be hurt at all.

  However, today they had to witness its destruction with their own eyes.

  These were once arrogant and unscrupulous elders of the Celestial Sect.

  At this moment, Wei Yi was like a swarm of ants, vulnerable to a single blow.

  Ye Qiu and Shachen felt extremely happy and excited.

  They finally waited for this day.

  The dark clouds in the sky gathered again, lightning thundered, and then a heavy rain poured down.

  Wei Yi held a writing brush and used rainwater as ink to write another poem in the void.

  "The sword rises and the stars run thousands of miles to kill, and the sound of the rain is loud when there is wind and thunder!"

  As the last word fell, the world seemed to be still for a moment.

  The falling raindrops also stopped in mid-air.

  Then the electric light flashed, and the countless raindrops instantly turned into a rain of swords all over the sky, like thunder and shooting stars.

  Fall instantly!


   [Thank you for the 100 starting coins during the transformation, and thank you for your monthly votes]

  (End of this chapter)

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