Chapter 208 Eradicate the Celestial Being Sect (Part 2)

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  Chapter 208 Eradicate the Tianren Sect (Part 2)
  Huzhou City, Huzhou Commander-in-Chief Cao Yu led three thousand elites and entered Huzhou City according to the order, and then directly surrounded Zhulu Academy.

  The headmaster of the academy, Ning Xu, came to the door with several disciples.

  Ning Xu frowned, but still asked politely: "General Soldier Cao, what are you doing?" "

  Come here, arrest some of them!" Cao Yu, who was riding on horseback, said nothing. , and ordered the arrest.

  The soldiers on the side immediately stepped forward and captured Ning Xu and others.

  "Master Cao, what is Ning's crime?" Ning Xu roared.

  Many people gathered on the street to watch, and they were talking about it.

  "I have been ordered to inspect Confucian and Taoist books and arrest the propagators of Confucianism and Taoism!" Cao Yu shouted loudly, "Your Majesty's decree is that Confucianism and Taoism are a cult. It is forbidden for everyone to practice and spread Confucianism and Taoism. All books and personnel related to Confucianism and Taoism are to be purged. Someone reported that you, Zhulu Academy, refused to obey the decree, and are still practicing and spreading Confucianism and Taoism!" "

  Confucianism and Taoism are not a cult. We have not received any imperial edicts, and the government has not issued any notices, let alone notices. Why do you You want to slander our Confucianism and Taoism as a cult!" Ning Xu retorted.

  "Hmph, this is what the holy decree is about. Don't make any excuses. Come and do my own search. Anyone who blocks it will be killed without mercy!" Cao Yu shouted angrily.

  But at this moment, a group of students from the college rushed out and blocked the door, each with firm eyes and no fear.

  "What are you doing, are you trying to resist the order?" Cao Yu pulled out the sword from his waist and scolded.

  "General Soldier Cao was bewitched by the teachings of heaven and man, and falsely preached the imperial edict. We and other students will do justice for heaven!" A shout rang out from the academy.

  At the same time, the sound of dragon roars suddenly sounded in the sky, like the sound of thunder, shaking the heaven and earth, and also alarmed the entire Huzhou City.

  Cao Yu's expression changed, and he couldn't help but look up at the sky, only to see a white dragon passing through the clouds. The huge body had no head or tail, and he was shocked in his heart.

  The soldiers at the scene were also in a state of commotion.

  However, at this moment, the clones of Du Shaoling and Wei Yi appeared at the entrance of the college.

  Du Shaoling splashed ink and wrote four big characters in the void: "Hands and feet tied".

  In an instant, the four big characters turned into thousands of rays of light, flew towards Cao Yu and the surrounding soldiers, and then turned into black ropes, directly wrapping around their hands and feet, making them unable to move.

  Some soldiers were so unbalanced that they fell to the ground and could not get up.

  Cao Yu's face was full of anger, and he was trying to break free from the rope, but the rope was very strong. As a fourth-level warrior, he couldn't break free for a while.

  "Zhulu Academy, you dare to resist the decree, you are disobedient!" Cao Yu roared angrily, but his expression was a bit harsh.

  He didn't expect that this magical power of Confucianism and Taoism would be so weird and unpredictable, and he fell into it inexplicably.

  But at this moment, Du Shaoling had already written four more characters: "Killing and killing the heart."

  Those four words instantly turned into a ray of light and flew towards Cao Yu.

  Cao Yu panicked, and tried his best to throw himself off his horse, trying to dodge.

  But because his hands and feet were restrained, he had difficulty moving, so he fell directly from the horse.

  At the same time, the dim light also penetrated directly into Cao Yu's heart.

  "Ah -" Cao Yu felt like his heart was cut by a knife. The severe pain made him cry uncontrollably, and his body twisted and twitched.

  But it soon ran out of life.

  "General Bing Cao, what's wrong with you? You won't throw yourself to death, right?" Du Shaoling said loudly.

  "Oh, I really fell to death!" Ning Xu, the headmaster of Zhulu Academy, also shouted in pretending to be surprised.

  The people in the distance who didn't know the truth suddenly burst into an uproar, and everyone was talking about it.

  They didn't see clearly what happened. They just saw General Cao on horseback falling off his horse.

  Now when they heard what Du Shaoling and Ning Xu said, they thought they really fell to death.

  "You actually fell to death?"

  "You deserve it. These guys helped the tyranny and deserved to die. They also said that Confucianism and Taoism are a cult. I think the Tianren Sect is a cult." "

  Yes, these scholars can't tell what a cult is . ?"

  "Didn't you see that those who came here are a group of soldiers? If Confucianism and Taoism are really a cult, why don't the government and county governments care about it?" "That is,

  those soldiers don't look down on scholars, let alone scholars who have extraordinary abilities. I think they have ulterior motives!"

  "Haha, you brought it upon yourself now, and you threw yourself to death!" "

  I think it was clearly a punishment from God. I didn't realize that a white dragon appeared in the sky just now." "

  Yes. , Bailong roared, and General Cao fell to his death. It seems that God couldn't stand it

  any longer and took action!" "Anyone who commits injustice will be punished by his own death. Those monsters who brought trouble to Chao Gang will be punished sooner or later! "The crowd was talking a lot and felt quite happy in their hearts.

  There is a great sense of pleasure in the retribution of evildoers.

  Du Shaoling dared to directly kill General Cao because he was notified by Wei Yi.

  After all, Wei Yi has already said that the real war is about to begin. As soon as the Tianren Sect is destroyed, the Tianxia Alliance will immediately launch a mutiny.

  Confucianism and Taoism can no longer sit still and wait for death. They must counterattack head-on. Anyone who dares to attack the Confucianism and Taoism Academy will be killed to avoid future troubles.

  "How did your General Cao die?" Du Shaoling looked at General Cao's deputy and asked in a low voice.

  The other party was so frightened that his face turned pale and his head was covered in cold sweat. He almost knelt down and begged for mercy.

  When he heard Du Shaoling's words, he nodded repeatedly, understood, and immediately shouted: "General Cao accidentally fell off his horse, broke his neck and died!" "

  What's the imperial edict?" Du Shaoling asked again.

  "Commander Cao falsely conveyed the imperial edict. We were forced by Commander Cao's power and had no choice but to help him perpetrate his crimes. I have offended many times, and I hope you will forgive me!" The deputy said again, with a loud voice.

  "Then take him back quickly to take care of the funeral arrangements!" Du Shaoling said again.

  In fact, Du Shaoling did this because he was afraid of trouble, and he didn't want some people with evil intentions to use this matter to spread rumors and cause trouble, and tarnish the reputation of Confucianism and Taoism.

  Therefore, it is naturally best to avoid trouble and avoid public opinion.

  Now the people around him could hear and see clearly that General Cao fell to death by himself. Moreover, he falsely preached the imperial edict and slandered Confucianism and Taoism, so he deserved his death.

  "Everyone obeys the order and retreats!" the deputy shouted.

  "Yes!" Everyone responded in unison, feeling secretly relieved.

  He secretly said that Confucianism is really untouchable. These guys really have extraordinary power, which they cannot compete with at all.

  Du Shaoling released everyone's restraints, and the deputy immediately asked someone to carry General Cao's body and quickly left Zhulu Academy.

  All the students cheered immediately, their faces full of excitement.

  Today they truly witnessed the power of Confucianism and Taoism with their own eyes.

  Du Fuzi single-handedly subdued the group of soldiers and easily resolved the crisis.

  What's more, Commander Cao died on the spot without even a trace of resistance.

  A fourth-level warrior could massacre their entire academy with one person.

  But in front of Du Shaoling, he had no power to fight back. They were naturally fascinated by this kind of powerful power.

  I also look forward to becoming as strong as Du Fuzi in the future.

  My heart can be described as full of ambition and high morale.

  However, at this time, countless raindrops turned into a rain of swords all over the sky in the sky above the Tianren Sect Taoist Temple in Shangyang City.

  Like thunder, like a shooting star, it instantly bombarded the large array of light curtains.

  Boom, boom, boom...

  dense explosions rang out, countless shock waves overlapped each other, the heaven and earth shook, and the large array of light curtains flashed crazily.

  Elder Tianhui and others looked extremely ugly, their eyes full of fear.

  However, the formation was still overwhelmed and collapsed.

  Countless sword rain fell into the Taoist temple in an instant, and Elder Tianhui and others resisted with all their strength.

  But those monks under the Golden Core realm were killed one after another. In an instant, there were no monks left in the entire Taoist temple.

  The rest were basically covered in bruises, covered in blood, and their breaths were confused. They were already seriously injured.

  After the rain of swords fell, only four people, including Elder Tianhui and Elder Huicang, were left in the Taoist temple, still barely supporting the seriously injured body and standing in place.

  Even the elder Zifeng had fallen into a pool of blood, still covering his face and coughing up blood.

  His eyes were full of fear and despair.

  His body was riddled with holes, and the Nascent Soul inside his body was also destroyed, leaving no possibility of survival.

  "Has the strength of my Celestial Being Sect really been exhausted?" Elder Tianhui wailed in his heart.

  He was unwilling to give in and did not want to die.

  "Elder Taishang, if you don't come out, the Tianren Sect will be completely destroyed!" Elder Tianhui shouted.

  However, in the underground secret room at this time.

  The bloated bellies of the brides in wedding dresses seemed to be about to explode.

  Immediately, I saw amniotic fluid flowing out from under their skirts, mixed with blood.

  A black, scaly arm crawled out from under the skirt of one of the brides.

  The remaining people also had arms, thighs, heads, and even internal organs crawling out from under their skirts.

  Then he crawled towards the bronze tripod, and finally merged into the body of Master Qiongyu.

  Master Qiong Yu's body suddenly twisted, his body began to grow larger, and his muscles expanded.

  Black scales appeared on the skin, and the face became evil and twisted.

  When the fusion is completely completed, Qiongyu's real face has basically changed.

  He is tall and strong, like a giant, and the proportions of his limbs and body are also different from ordinary people.

  There are weird totems all over the arms.

  A pair of pupils also turned into strange vertical pupils.

  The whole person has completely turned into a monster.

  "Hahahaha... I finally see the light of day again!" The demon laughed wildly.

  "I will help you get rid of Wei Yi right now." The demon smiled ferociously, and immediately broke through the roof of the secret room with a bang, and then broke out of the ground.

  However, the moment he rushed out of the ground, he saw a huge sword light falling from the sky, like the creation of heaven and earth, with overwhelming power.


  The demon's pupils shrank sharply, his expression changed drastically, and he was horrified.

  He could feel that that sword contained the true meaning of the Great Dao and was extremely powerful.

  And he had just been resurrected, and he had not yet completely controlled this body, and his strength was less than 50% of what he was at his peak.

  There was no way he could defeat the guy driving the blue dragon in mid-air.

  Even the power of this sword was enough to eat him a pot.

  Fortunately, the energy of this sword light is not in him, so he still has a chance to resist and escape.

  Otherwise, the target targeted by the true meaning of the avenue cannot be avoided even if it is avoided, unless there are means and magic weapons to resist the rules of heaven and earth.

  Otherwise there is only a dead end.

  Without saying a word, the demon got back into the secret room again.

  "I didn't say how long it will take to help you get rid of Wei Yi. Let's wait until my strength recovers!"

  After that, he started to escape.

  He didn't want to be killed just after he was resurrected.

  Boom -

  a huge sword light fell in the Taoist temple, but although the sword light was huge, it hit Elder Tianhui and four other people with great power.

  So this sword didn't cause much damage to the ground, it just opened a crack.

  But the last four people, including Elder Hui and Elder Huicang, had been chopped into two pieces.

  They looked at Wei Yi in mid-air with fear, wailing desperately in their hearts, but their strength and vitality quickly passed away, and their consciousness began to blur.

  Elder Tianhui's Nascent Soul broke free from his body and tried to escape, but was immediately hit by the falling thunder and destroyed.

  Gu Yue did not seize and devour these people's golden elixir this time.

  Although swallowing the refining golden elixir can quickly improve your cultivation level, this method is not the right way.

  If you swallow too much, the true energy will be mixed, which will affect your cultivation.

  It may even ruin the future path of spiritual practice.

  Now that Gu Yue has better choices, better cultivation techniques and paths, she naturally no longer needs to swallow those golden elixirs modified by the Celestial Being Sect.

  With the death of vitality, the golden elixirs in those people's bodies also slowly annihilated and disappeared.

  "Go!" Wei Yi gave an order, and the heroic spirits behind him jumped down from the back of Qinglong and began to search the entire Taoist temple. If any fish slipped through the net, they would be killed.

  "Leader Ye, take a look, are the elders and headmasters of Tianren Sect all here?" Wei Yi asked, looking at Ye Qiu beside him.

  I brought him here just to be a guide.

  After all, he is most familiar with Shangyang City and is also familiar with the elders of Tianren Sect.

  "The Supreme Elder Qiong Yuzi is not here!" Ye Qiu said in a deep voice, "Maybe he is still hiding somewhere." "Maybe he has escaped!

  " Wei Yi said, looking deep into the Taoist temple.

  Not long ago, he saw there, a figure wearing Taoist robes and disheveled hair rushed out, but his appearance and figure were somewhat strange.

  But after the man rushed out, he immediately flew back to the ground and disappeared.

  Hearing Ye Qiu's words at this time, Wei Yi had a vague feeling that that guy might be the Supreme Elder.

  "Let's go over there and have a look!" Wei Yi swayed and immediately flew towards the depths of the Taoist temple.

  There was a hole in the ground there. Wei Yi, taking Ye Qiu and Shachen, jumped down from the hole and came to the secret room.

  The scene in the secret room was shocking, and the expressions of the three people changed.

  Especially Shachen. Looking at the women lying on the ground and wearing wedding clothes around him, Shachen was a little moved.

  Although he had guessed at the beginning that the bride's case was probably related to the Tianren Cult, but now he saw this The ending is still shocking.

  Especially the miserable and strange scene at the scene is chilling.

  Looking at the brides, Shachen felt mixed emotions in his heart. Investigating this case was once the only motivation for him to live.

  Even how much he hoped to rescue these captured brides.

  However, despite all efforts, the truth could not be discovered.

  If the Celestial Cult hadn't been destroyed today, I'm afraid this case would never have revealed the truth.

  It's a pity that these brides will never be able to go home.

  Shachen stood there in a daze, his eye circles a little red, thinking about the countless people who had died because of the Celestial Being Sect over the years.

  Fortunately, the Tianren Sect was finally completely destroyed on this day, and the dawn of the Great Yan Dynasty was about to begin.

  I can finally give an explanation to my master and those brothers.


  (End of chapter)

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