Chapter 206 Let’s go, let’s eradicate the Tianren Sect

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  Chapter 206 Let’s go, let’s eradicate
  Qingzhou City of the Celestial Being Sect. Naturally, Li New Year also received the imperial edict from the imperial court.

  After the imperial envoy who delivered the edict left, Li New Year returned to the study alone and threw the edict aside casually.

  He said with a dissatisfied look: "This is to force the world's scholars to rebel!"

  Li Xinnian knew very well how important Confucianism and Taoism were to scholars like them.

  It would be okay if this imperial edict cannot be implemented. If it is really implemented, the forced suppression will inevitably lead to scholars rising up to resist.

  After all, the group of scholars now has leaders, strength, and a common goal.

  With the influence of Wei Yi, Du Shaoling and others, they will definitely respond to everyone's call, and will even get the support of many big families. They will definitely have the ability to rebel.

  Moreover, on the day of Wei Yi's wedding, the emperors of neighboring countries sent envoys over, which shows how powerful Wei Yi's prestige is.

  As long as Wei Yi is willing, he can even borrow the troops of neighboring countries.

  On one side is Wei Yi, who has won the hearts of the people, and on the other is the puppet emperor who has lost the hearts of the people.

  Just like what Wei Yi said: Those who gain the right will get many help, while those who lose the right will get little help.

  "It seems that I have to abandon the dark side and join the bright side in advance. Maybe this is also an opportunity for me!" Li Xinnian said.

  Thinking of this, Li New Year immediately set off for Wei Yi's residence.

  At this time, the word "囍" was still posted on the door, the red ribbon had not yet been removed, and the entire mansion still had a festive atmosphere of a newlywed.

  The servants were cleaning debris at the door. When they saw Li New Year getting off the carriage, all the servants immediately bowed and bowed.

  "Is Young Master Wei at home? Go and report that I have important matters and need to discuss them with him!" Li Xinnian said.

  He knew that Wei Yi would not receive guests easily nowadays, and it was not easy for ordinary people to meet him.

  "Here, I'll report it right now!" A servant responded, and immediately ran in quickly.

  Li Xinnian waited patiently at the door. Although he was the prefect of a state, he did not dare to show off in front of Wei Yi now.

  Not to mention myself, even if the old prince comes, he still has to wait for his servants to inform him.

  He would not have any dissatisfaction about this. After all, although he has no official position, he is a truly transcendent existence.

  Strength represents everything!
  Not long after, the servant ran out again: "Master Li, please!"

  Li New Year followed the servant to the hall, where Wei Yi was already waiting.

  The two briefly exchanged greetings, and then Li Xinnian went straight to the topic, talking about the imperial court's ban on Confucian and Taoist practice and the need to clean up Confucianism and Taoism.

  Li Xinnian was a little excited and dissatisfied as he spoke, but Wei Yi was calm and didn't take it seriously.

  He had already guessed that such a day would come, and he was even very grateful to Emperor Yanshun for being stupid and giving them such a good reason to rebel.

  "Master Wei, we can't sit still and wait for death. We can't let the Celestial Man Sect's plan succeed!" Li Xinnian said again.

  "Well, don't worry, I know in my heart that there are some things that it's time to completely settle!" Wei Yi said with a normal expression.

  "Okay, no matter what the young master plans, Li is willing to give his full help to help Confucianism and Taoism overcome this difficulty. Li is also at your disposal at any time!" Li Xinnian stood up and bowed.

  He was also showing his loyalty to Wei Yi. After all, in this turbulent time, he had to follow the general trend and seize the opportunity.

  After Li New Year left, Wei Yi frowned and pondered for a moment, and quickly formulated a plan for this comprehensive counterattack in his mind.

  This time, he wanted to completely eradicate the power of the Tianren Sect and then reorganize the imperial court.

  In fact, Wei Yi knew very well that the biggest cancer in the Dayan Dynasty now was the Tianren Sect, so the first thing to get rid of was the Tianren Sect.

  In the past, he was worried that he was not strong enough, but now that his writing and painting skills have been upgraded, and the forest of pen and ink has also been upgraded, Wei Yi feels that he has the ability to compete with the Celestial Being Sect.

  But getting rid of the Tianren Sect is only the first step. Clearing out the traitors and reorganizing the court is the ultimate goal.

  They originally wanted to get rid of this puppet emperor, but they didn't have a legitimate banner, but now Emperor Yanshun gave them one.

  It can be described as a perfect assist.

  Wei Yi immediately sent someone to Prince Jing'an's Mansion to invite the old prince, instead of telling him his plan.

  Then he called Su Che and gave him some tasks.

  After making a series of arrangements, Wei Yi also explained the situation to Meng Shuilian truthfully: "So I may have to leave Qingzhou City temporarily for a while." "Go, the world needs you, although I want to stay every

  day By your side, I can't be too selfish because I married an extraordinary man." Meng Shuilian said with a smile.

  She knew very well that Wei Yi was not a common man. Every day his wife and children stayed on the bed and surrounded the family.

  If you choose to marry Wei Yi, you have to accept his magnificent life and the reality of getting together less and leaving more.

  And being able to marry Wei Yi, she was already very content, so she didn't dare to expect too much.

  "I'll be back soon!" Wei Yi kissed Meng Shuilian on her forehead.

  In fact, he could completely draw a clone to accompany Meng Shuilian.

  But he always felt that it was not good to use his doppelganger to deceive his wife.

  "Well, go ahead. When the world becomes peaceful, we will have a lot of time together!" Meng Shuilian said with a smile.

  Wei Yi stroked Meng Shuilian's cheek and smiled without saying anything else.

  The days ahead of them are indeed very, very long.

  By cultivating each other, Meng Shuilian's cultivation level will become higher and higher, and her longevity will continue to increase.

  They do have endless years to spend together in the future.

  Wei Yi used his finishing touch to draw two clones and went to Hengzhou City and Huzhou City respectively.

  And he himself went to Jade Dragon City and summoned the Tianxia Alliance there.

  That evening, the leader, deputy leader, and key members of the Tianxia Alliance, as well as all the behind-the-scenes supporters, gathered at Guiyun Village.

  Wei Yi also officially announced his plan - to destroy the Tianren Sect and clear the emperor's side.

  "Great, we have finally waited for this day!" After hearing Wei Yi's words, Deputy Leader Song said excitedly.

  Everyone present was also happy, and no one questioned Wei Yi.

  Because they knew very well that Wei Yi's strength was unfathomable.

  If he can say this, he must be fully confident.

  Perhaps for them, the Celestial Being Sect is an insurmountable mountain.

  But for Wei Yi, it may be just a small dirt bag that can be easily leveled.

  Even in their hearts, one was waiting for Wei Yi to act, waiting for Wei Yi to take action.

  Because Wei Yi is the only hope in their hearts, otherwise with the current situation of their Tianxia Alliance, even if they fight to the last soldier, they may not be able to get rid of the Tianren Sect.

  "The weather in our Great Yan Dynasty is finally going to be clear!" Shan Ruoshui also exclaimed with excitement on his face.

  "Does Deputy Wei have a specific plan?" Alliance leader Ye Qiu asked.

  "First, replace all the people we captured before. Now Elder Zifeng is of little use to us..." Wei Yi began to explain his plan in detail.

  In fact, it is more of a division of labor than a plan.

  After all, people like the Tianxia Alliance are better at things like starting a rebellion, spreading rumors, and betraying the emperor than he is.

  He only needs to play the role of beheading, eradicate the Tianren Sect, and at the same time call on all Confucian and Taoist students to eliminate the traitors together.

  Three days later, Deputy Leader Yang of the Tianxia Alliance met with the elders of the Tianren Sect in Shangyang City and formally reached an exchange of opinions.

  The Tianren Sect released all captured members of the Tianxia League, and the Tianxia League also released Elder Zifeng. At the same time, some news began to spread throughout the Great Yan Dynasty.

  The people who released the demons in Hengzhou City were the people of Tianren Sect.

  The Heavenly Man Sect is an extraterrestrial cult that aims to control the Great Yan Dynasty, using the fate of a country and the lives of hundreds of millions of people as sacrifices to release demons into the world.

  At present, Emperor Yanshun and the court have been completely controlled by them.

  The only thing that can stop them is the righteousness of the scholars.

  These news began to spread rapidly through the mouths of literati, and for a time it became more and more intense, causing a huge sensation.

  People were frightened and their hatred towards the Celestial Beings was intensified.

  Especially when the government began to post notices prohibiting everyone from practicing Confucianism and Taoism, people felt that this news was not groundless.

  "I don't understand. How can this scholar write a calligraphy and memorize a poem and become a cult?" "

  That's right, if you ask me, this is a thief shouting to catch a thief." "

  The incident in Hengzhou City seems to be really related to the Tianren Sect. Related, they are afraid of the power of Confucianism and Taoism, so they want to attack Confucianism and Taoism practitioners." "

  Yes, Mr. Wei has saved our Yan Dynasty time and time again. It's fine that the court is not grateful, but he even said that his Confucianism Tao is a cult, it's really chilling!"

  "This court is extremely ill and cannot distinguish between black and white at all!" "

  It's simply the Tianren Sect that deliberately confuses right and wrong. These guys are the complete cult!" "

  It must be those people. Shameless guys are afraid of the righteousness of scholars, otherwise why would they ban the practice of Confucianism and Taoism." "

  Yes, it seems that the rumors are all true. The Heavenly Human Religion is up to no good!"

  People everywhere were excited for a time.

  All the dissatisfaction and resentment that have been accumulated in people's hearts for a long time are being ignited little by little.


  Wei Yi, accompanied by Ye Qiu and Sha Chen, leaders of the Tianxia Alliance, came to Shangyang City.

  As the largest city in the southeastern part of the Yan Dynasty, Shangyang City was also a transportation hub and trade center. The city was very large and very lively.

  But behind the prosperity, countless people at the bottom are oppressed and live a life of darkness.

  The monks of the Celestial Being Sect, as well as the family forces that vassalized the Celestial Being Sect, can be said to be domineering and tyrannical in the city.

  The reason why Wei Yi brought Shachen here this time was because of the bride case that he had always been worried about.

  The orange cat he had left in the palace before found out some information and saw someone taking the bride to meet Emperor Yanshun.

  Later, the bride was taken away again and said to be sent to the Taoist Temple in Shangyang City.

  So Wei Yi guessed that maybe the bride case that Shachen had always wanted to investigate would find the answer here.

  But not long after the few people entered Shangyang City, they saw a commotion in the streets, and people were talking and walking towards the city square.

  Wei Yi also followed with some curiosity, and saw several young men tied to the torture rack on the high platform from a distance, their bodies covered with bruises.

  A man in rich brocade clothes, holding a whip in his hand, stood on the high platform and shouted in a mighty manner.

  There were also many warriors in powerful attire standing behind him.

  "Do you see, this is the fate of cultists!" The man in rich robes pointed at the people on the torture rack behind him and yelled.

  "The imperial court has classified Confucianism and Taoism as a cult and has explicitly banned it. Anyone who spreads Confucianism or practices Confucianism will be severely punished." "

  These cultists still dare to promote Confucianism and should be punished with death!"

  said Then he swung the whip again and beat the person on the torture frame hard.

  Those people suddenly burst into mourning.

  But one of the men with thick eyebrows and big eyes shouted without fear of death: "The heaven and earth have righteousness and are mixed with manifolds. Below are the rivers and mountains, and above are the sun and stars. To others, it is said to be vast and overwhelming. Cang Ming."

  Hearing the man's cry, the man in brocade eyes widened in anger, threw away the whip in his hand, and pulled out the sword from his waist.

  "I see you won't shed tears until you see the coffin!"

  With that said, the man in brocade clothes was about to chop off the man's head with a sword.

  But at this moment, a flying sword came flying towards him, and with a clang, the sword in the hand of the man in robes echoed twice, and the man's body froze in place.

  Then blood overflowed from his neck, and his head rolled down and hit the table.

  This scene was so frightening that the onlookers screamed in surprise and immediately ducked back.

  The other warriors on the stage were also shocked. They drew their swords and looked around in horror.

  But they had no idea where the enemy was.

  But the flying sword was as fast as thunder. In a few flashes, all those warriors' heads fell to the ground, and they could not die anymore.

  Some of the onlookers were so frightened that they fled in panic, but some others stayed in place to watch.

  At this moment, a giant eagle descended from the sky and landed on the high platform in the eyes of countless people in surprise.

  Seeing this scene, the men who were tied to the torture rack were also surprised.

  At the same time, a voice sounded in their minds: "Climb on the back of this eagle, and I will send you away!"

  Several scholars were pleasantly surprised. They could feel that the voice came from the forest of pen and ink.

  "It's Master Wei!" They immediately guessed that it was Master Wei who had come to save them, and they were really excited.

  The flying sword cut off the ropes that tied them, and several people endured the pain in their bodies and climbed onto the back of the giant eagle, grabbed its feathers, and followed the giant eagle into the sky.

  "These scum can't be arrogant for a few more days!" Shachen said indignantly.

  He knows very well that in Shangyang City, countless tragedies that take human lives lightly occur every day.

  I don’t know how many people died tragically at the hands of the Celestial Being Sect and its vassal forces and families.

  "Yes, when we destroy the Celestial Cult, the sun will rise in Shangyang City!" Ye Qiuye said in a deep voice.

  He has been waiting for this day for a long time, and the battle between the Tianxia Alliance and the Tianren Sect in Shangyang City has continued for many years.

  But they still failed to save the people here and failed to defeat the forces of the Celestial Being Sect.

  "Let's go, let's eradicate the Tianren Sect!" Wei Yi said coldly.

  Immediately, he took the brush in hand and wrote half a poem quickly.

  Black clouds are pressing down on the city, threatening to destroy it, and the light of armor opens towards the golden scales of the sun.

  The sound of the trumpet fills the autumn sky, and the night purple is filled with swallow fat...

  As the poem is written, the sky and the earth suddenly change color, and the originally clear sky changes color.

  Suddenly, countless black clouds appeared, and thunder rolled, like the sound of trumpets and the sound of drums.

  Wei Yi fell from the roof, then took Shachen and Ye Qiu with him and walked towards the Tianren Sect Taoist Temple.

  And the thick black clouds in the sky, like thousands of troops, followed Wei Yi's figure and diffused towards the Tianren Sect Taoist Temple.


  (End of chapter)

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