Chapter 135 Surprised Su Che

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  Chapter 135 Surprised Su Che

  "By the way, Tianlu, help me find a house in the city when you have time!" Wei Yi stood up and said.

  He plans to buy another mansion.

  On the one hand, it provides Gu Yue with a hiding place.

  On the other hand, it is also a convenient place for you to meet people from the Tianxia Alliance in the future, or to plan some things.

  After all, there are many people in the restaurant, and sometimes many things are inconvenient.

  The old house is not secluded enough. The house itself is so big that you can see the end at a glance.

  There is nothing you can do to hide something.

  Therefore, Wei Yi needed a house that was large enough and quiet enough.

  Of course, skills in the liver room also require an independent space.

  You can't always go to Hongxiu to recruit.

  After all, no place is as safe as your own territory.

  "No problem, what kind of house do you want?" Guo Pixiu asked.

  "Away from the downtown area, the more secluded the better. The yard should be big enough, at least bigger than Wanjia's original house..." Wei Yi explained his needs in detail.

  "No problem, leave it to me and I'll give you the news within two days at most!" Guo Pixiu said cheerfully.

  He is not good at anything else, but he is best at spending money. He knows the famous mansions in the city better than anyone else.

  After Wei Yi finished speaking, several suitable courtyards immediately appeared in his mind.

  After Guo Pixiu left, Wei Yi also took a carriage to Qingfeng Academy.

  Recently, a group of students successfully passed the assessment of the Confucian and Taoist College, and today they are waiting for Wei Yi to make the final selection.

  Determine if they can join the Confucian and Taoist Academy.

  Not only that, Wei Yi's more important purpose in today's past was to make Su Che his writer.

  This Su Che is similar to Du Shaoling, and he is also quite accomplished in literature.

  I have a deep understanding of the poems written by Wei Yi, and I admire Wei Yi extremely in my heart.

  The most important thing is that the spirit of writing and ink in him is also very strong.

  Let him join the Forest of Pen and Ink, which will greatly improve the Forest of Pen and Ink.

  Of course, more importantly, Wei Yi felt that Du Shaoling needed help, and Su Che was definitely the most suitable candidate.

  After making him the writer, he can assist Du Shaoling and help him manage Qingfeng Academy and develop Confucianism and Taoism together.

  As soon as Wei Yi entered the academy, a group of students rushed over after hearing the news, lined the streets to welcome him, and saluted and greeted him one after another.

  Everyone looked at Wei Yi with incomparable admiration and awe.

  In addition to his own admiration for Wei Yi, these emotions are more due to what happened in the past few days.

  Although they also listened to the rumors in the city.

  But in their hearts, they also firmly believed that Wei Yi was the hero who turned the tide, eradicated the Tianren Sect and Wang An, and protected the peace of Qingzhou City.

  Du Shaoling, Su Che and other college masters also came out to welcome him, and then went to the Confucian and Taoist College with Wei Yi.

  Seeing that Wei Yi went to the Confucian and Taoist Academy, the students couldn't help but talk about it.

  "Hey, Brother Lu, I heard that you have passed the Confucian and Taoist Academy examination?"

  "Well, I have passed the literary test, but I heard that today Master Wei will have to personally select who can enter the Confucian and Taoist Academy!" "

  Congratulations! Ah, Brother Lu, you really make us envious!"

  "Yes, Brother Lu is really awesome, he actually passed the examination of the Confucian and Taoist College!" "

  I will also study hard and strive to be admitted to the Confucian and Taoist College!"

  "Everyone. That's too much praise. I'm also worried. I don't know if I can be chosen by Master Wei!" "It's

  definitely no problem. Brother Lu has learned a lot and Master Wei will definitely appreciate it!" "

  Yes, Brother Lu will definitely succeed today. !"

  "Thank you, I'll lend you your good words!" "By the way, Brother Lu, I heard that if you enter the Confucian and Taoist Academy, you can directly become a student of Master Wei, and be taught by Master Wei personally, right?" "Yes, yes

  . This rumor, but I actually don’t know what is so special about the Confucian and Taoist College. In short, the masters value the Confucian and Taoist College so much, so it must be something special!" "Hey, classmates,

  I heard some gossip recently, saying In addition to studying literature, Confucian and Taoist College seems to also study magic!"

  "Learning magic? Really or fake?"

  "This is a bit outrageous, the college is not a cultivation sect, how can it be possible to learn magic, and those in Confucian and Taoist College The students are all ordinary people, not monks. How can they practice magic? This is just a rumor!" "

  Yes, the students of the Confucian and Taoist Academy are all mysterious. When I ask them, they always say that the secrets cannot be leaked, and I don't know. , what exactly are they studying."

  "Well, Master Du did say that if you are admitted to a Confucian and Taoist college, you must not talk about anything in the college to the outside world. This is the most basic principle of the Confucian and Taoist college, and the second One of the main contents of the round exam."

  "This Confucian and Taoist College is really curious!" "

  Anyway, as Brother Lu said, this Confucian and Taoist College must be extraordinary, otherwise why would everyone hope to be admitted to the Confucian and Taoist College Yes, and every master also attaches great importance to the Confucian and Taoist College!" "

  Well, anyway, we have to study like Brother Lu and work hard to get into the Confucian and Taoist College. When we also enter the Confucian and Taoist College, we will know the mystery." "Yes

  . Ah, let's work hard together and strive to be admitted to the Confucian and Taoist College."

  A group of students looked at the direction of the Confucian and Taoist College with longing expressions and discussed.

  Su Che followed Wei Yi and Du Shaoling into the Confucian and Taoist Academy.

  Speaking of which, this is the first time he has entered this Confucian and Taoist academy after joining the academy for so long.

  In fact, in his heart, he was also curious about what kind of existence this Confucianism and Taoism Academy was.

  I had asked Du Shaoling before, but Du Shaoling just smiled and said nothing.

  He said that he would naturally tell him when the time is right in the future.

  So today I saw Du Shaoling and Wei Yi taking him into the Confucian and Taoist Academy.

  Su Che was naturally overjoyed and even a little excited.

  I feel like I may finally know the secret today.

  And he always felt that this Confucian and Taoist academy was definitely extraordinary.

  After Wei Yi arrived at the Confucian and Taoist College, he began to interview the students who passed the examination one by one, and then compared them one by one with the figures in the forest of pen and ink.

  Du Shaoling, on the other hand, took Su Che around the Confucian and Taoist Academy and looked at the students who were writing, painting, and reading poems.

  After looking around this time, Su Che felt a little disappointed.

  It feels like I'm overthinking it, and there's nothing special about this Confucian and Taoist academy.

  However, when Du Shaoling showed off his magical power of "Brilliant Writing" in front of Su Che, Su Che almost knelt down.

  The shocked reaction was bigger and more intense than Du Shaoling's original reaction.

  I even felt like I was dreaming for a long time.

  I slapped myself a dozen times until my face was swollen, and I was sure that I was not dreaming.

  I am sure that all this is true. This Confucian and Taoist academy really has its own secrets.

  Du Shaoling also told Su Che the true origin of the Confucian and Taoist Academy and what Confucian and Taoist practice is.

  After listening to Du Shaoling's words, Su Che was even more shocked and excited.

  However, I also fully understood the major events that happened one after another during this period that shocked the whole city.

  I finally understood how Wei Yi got rid of Wan Yinchang, Wang An, and the monks who taught that day.

  Before, he thought it was just Wei Yi who had an expert helping him.

  Now it seems that the so-called master behind this is actually himself.

  This Wei Yi is the real hidden master in Qingzhou City.

  "Brother Du, can I also practice Confucianism and Taoism?" Su Zhe looked at Du Shaoling excitedly, his eyes full of expectation.

  Du Shaoling laughed and said: "Of course, my mentor asked me to bring you here today. Naturally, I want to teach you the methods of Confucianism and Taoism. Let's go back and see Master Wei!" ... (End of



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