Chapter 134 Restoring tranquility

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  Chapter 134: Peace restored
  However, Wei Yi found a fox demon to take the blame, which saved Li New Year a lot of trouble.

  After all, if the fox demon fights with the Celestial Religion monks, it will eventually lead to the death of the Celestial Religion monks.

  This case does not fall within the scope of their government's management, it belongs to the scope of monsters causing chaos.

  In the past, the Mirror Division would actually be responsible for the investigation.

  Now it is up to the deceased to teach themselves to deal with it.

  But as the prefect, he naturally wanted to investigate the matter clearly and report it,

  at least to give a relatively reasonable explanation to his superiors.

  As for the follow-up matters, it is not up to him.

  But thinking about what happened in the past few days, Li New Year still had a headache.

  The newly arrived magistrate was killed, and the Tianren cultivator was also killed.

  It is estimated that the superiors will be very angry, and I am afraid that I will be severely reprimanded. Maybe I will be punished and have my salary deducted.

  But compared to being ridiculed by the forces of the Celestial Beings in the future, and being treated like a dog to those monks.

  The price is worth it.

  Now even Jiang Siren has been killed.

  It is estimated that the Tianren Sect's plan to control Qingzhou City will be postponed again.

  Even if they send more monks again, more powerful monks come over.

  But it is still unclear whether the Taoist temple can be built alive in the end.

  When leaving from Hong Xiuzhao, Li Xinnian looked at Wei Yi, but there was a bit more awe in his eyes.

  Now he had to re-examine this young man.

  Thinking about it, he was still an ordinary person who needed Du Yujiang to come forward and ask for his help.

  Now, in just a few months, it has become the most famous and unpredictable existence in Qingzhou City.

  He used to think that Wei Yi was a fifth-grade swordsmith with a promising future.

  He is a talented literati with amazing poetic talent.

  He is also a philanthropist who promotes education and a successful businessman.

  Later, Wan Yinchang's death allowed him to see Wei Yi show his fangs for the first time, which really impressed him.

  But now, the killing of Wang An and the monks of Tianren Cult made him wake up in shock again and again.

  Wei Yi has long since changed into something beyond imagination.

  He couldn't figure out how Wei Yi did it.

  But one thing is for sure, he is now the well-deserved uncrowned king of Qingzhou City.

  Fortunately, I have a good relationship with him, otherwise it would be a nightmare if such a guy became an enemy.

  The news that the Tianren Sect monks were killed and the Wan family was completely wiped out once again shocked the whole city.

  The news spread throughout the city early in the morning, and everyone was talking about it.

  And Wei Yi naturally became the focus of the topic.

  Although witnesses said it was a fox demon.

  But everyone is naturally more willing to believe that Wei Yi did all this.

  The fox demon is just a cover.

  After Wei Yi returned home from the Red Sleeve Recruitment, he started liver fitness skills.

  After all, he got too much energy from Liu Ru and Gu Yue.

  Especially Gu Yue, it almost made his nose bleed.

  Need to consume it.

  Nowadays, fitness skills are still 58% proficiency short of advanced levels.

  The newly acquired skills in the room require 33% less proficiency to advance to the third level.

  Wei Yi really hopes to improve this skill quickly.

  See if you can upgrade the passive skill of gathering yin and replenishing yang into an active skill.

  As for other skills.

  The one currently looking to be upgraded is the blacksmithing skill. It's only 15% short of proficiency. It's estimated that by forging two more five-jewel swords, you'll almost be promoted.

  Cooking skills, brewing skills and animal training skills follow closely behind.

  Basically, you only need about 20% proficiency to advance.

  Moreover, Wei Yi also found out before that when he had an in-depth communication with Gu Yue.

  Not only did he gain proficiency in the skills in the room, but he also gained proficiency in the animal taming skill.

  This is really "killing two birds with one stone"!

  After eating breakfast, Wei Yi fed the cats in the yard. They were all heroes. Without them, it would not be so easy to deal with the Tianren Sect this time.

  So Wei Yi specially cooked medicated cat food for them to replenish their bodies.

  Not long after, Su Lingyun, who came to play with Wei Qing, suddenly ran to Wei Yi and said, "Master Wei, here, this is for you!" "

  Oh?" Wei Yi looked at Su Lingyun's little hand in surprise.

  On the white palm lies a delicate sachet, the color and style of which are men's.

  There is also a word "yi" embroidered on it.

  "I made this myself, I hope you like it!" Su Lingyun said with a nervous expression.

  Even those cheeks were a little red.

  Then without waiting for Wei Yi to reply, he took a step forward, stuffed the sachet into Wei Yi's hand, and ran away immediately.

  "Thanks, I like it very much!" Wei Yi said with a smile.

  Su Lingyun looked back at Wei Yi and smiled sweetly, then she pulled Wei Qing, who had a gossipy expression, a little embarrassedly and ran into the other party's boudoir.

  Wei Yi smelled the sachet. It smelled very good and refreshing. It must have contained a lot of precious spices.

  The workmanship of the sachet is also very exquisite, and the embroidery on it is very beautiful and detailed. It can be seen that this girl has put great care into it.

  Wei Yi hung the sachet on his waist and continued to caress the orange cat who was eating.

  At this moment, Guo Pixiu walked in furiously.

  When the servants in the yard saw him, they all greeted him.

  "Brother Wei, Brother Wei, you are so awesome, my God, come on, tell me what happened last night, it was so exciting!" Guo Pixiu ran to Wei Yi with an excited look on his face.

  "There's nothing to tell. The actual story may not be as interesting as the rumors outside!" Wei Yi squatted there and petted his cat.

  He didn't dare to tell Guo Pixiu the truth, otherwise the whole world would know.

  "Brother Wei, stop pretending. If there is anything we can't say between us, tell me quietly and I promise not to tell anyone else!" Guo Pixiu also squatted down next to Wei Yi and hugged Wei Yi with a playful smile. said.

  "I passed out at the time and didn't see anything. When I woke up, all the monks from the Human Sect were dead that day!" Wei Yi said.

  Seeing that Wei Yi refused to say anything, Guo Pixiu was a little disappointed, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, he also knew about this matter and it was of great importance.

  Wei Yi must not reveal the truth casually.

  "Forget it, anyway, in my heart, you are the great hero of our Qingzhou City, and many people are like me and think you are the hero. Now that Wang An and the Heavenly Man Sect have been eliminated, Wan The family has been completely destroyed, and Qingzhou City can finally return to peace!" Guo Pixiu said with a smile.

  Wei Yi nodded and smiled without saying a word.

  He doesn't care if others see him as a hero.

  He did all this just to protect Qingzhou City, the city he loved and this group of friends.

  Just as Guo Pixiu said, Qingzhou City can finally be peaceful again.

  "By the way, Brother Wei, my uncle said that Wanjia's property has been confiscated. He asked me to ask you which shops you plan to keep. He will keep them for you then!" Guo Pixiu suddenly said again.

  "You can handle this matter. Whichever one makes money, which one you can keep, you can keep whichever one you want. It's all up to you!" Wei Yi said with a smile.

  "Okay, I understand. Oh, by the way, today is a day worth celebrating. Let's get together tonight. It's been a long time since we had a good drink together." Guo Pixiu said with a flattering look.

  "Okay!" Wei Yi knew that Guo Pixiu was craving for the dishes he cooked again, but he was in a very good mood today.

  After a rare storm, a sunny day ushered in.

  It's indeed worth celebrating.


   Thank you to the waiter at the inn for the 100 starting coins, and thank you all for your monthly votes

  (end of this chapter)

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