Chapter 136 Everyone talks about it

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  Chapter 136 Everyone talks about their own opinions.
  "My dear teacher, please accept my disciple Su Zhe's obeisance!" When Su Zhe saw Wei Yi again, he immediately knelt down and performed the obeisance ceremony.

  Wei Yi was a little surprised, but he immediately understood Su Che's behavior.

  He must have heard that he was going to teach him how to practice Confucianism and Taoism, so he was too excited.

  However, Wei Yi's gaze took a closer look at Su Che's cheek.

  The cheeks on both sides were a little red and swollen, with fingerprints on them, as if someone had slapped them.
  "Master Su, what's wrong with your face?"

  "It's not important! The students today were really shocked when they heard about Confucianism and Taoism. I'm in a difficult situation, I'm a little rude, I hope my teacher can forgive me!"

  "Get up quickly, Mr. Su, you don't need to do this big ceremony!" Wei Yi helped Su Che up.

  Then without any further ado, he immediately began to teach Su Che the methods of Confucianism and Taoism.

  After all, Du Shaoling had already said everything that needed to be said, so there was no need for him to waste his time explaining anything.

  After Su Che's consciousness was pulled into the forest of pen and ink, his heart was deeply shocked again.

  Then, Su Che started to write, and as expected, he saw the energy of the pen and ink begin to gather in the forest of pen and ink, which was extremely magical.

  This also made him suddenly find a new joy in writing, and he couldn't stop writing for a while.

  Later, Wei Yi also called the twenty students who passed the assessment together individually.

  He has seen all these people one by one, and compared them all with the figures in his own forest of pen and ink.

  They were all qualified to be their own writers, so Wei Yi gave them all a pass.

  After hearing the news, all the students were very excited, although they didn't know what it meant yet.

  But what Du Shaoling said next and the "brilliant writing" he performed on the spot

  directly overturned their perceptions.

  They were all so shocked that they even forgot to breathe, and their hearts were filled with waves.

  They have also had many speculations about Confucianism and Taoism College, and there are also various rumors in the college.

  But no matter what kind of speculation or what kind of rumors, they are far less shocking and incredible than the facts heard at this time.

  Even to death, they dare not imagine that scholars can cultivate by writing and drawing, and can also use magical powers.

  If you hadn't seen this with your own eyes, you would never believe it.

  "The rumors are actually true!" Lu Yunxiao was shocked and excited inside.

  He didn't expect that this rumor actually led to some guesses, and Confucianism and Taoism Academy could really learn spells.

  It's just that this is not a spell they traditionally understand, but a brand new, unheard of way of practice.

  This also means that in the future, they can also have extraordinary power like those warriors and cultivators.

  Just thinking about it makes people feel fascinated and excited.

  This is as unreal as a dream.

  After Du Shaoling's words and deeds, Wei Yi also officially "taught" them Confucianism and Taoism.

  In fact, in the forest of pen and ink, these students were given the authority to write.

  From now on, they can join the team that condenses the spirit of pen and ink and expands the forest of pen and ink.

  Wei Yi handed over the rest of the matter to Du Shaoling.

  He went from Qingfeng Academy to the main store of the Wei Family Iron Shop, where he planned to forge two swords and upgrade his blacksmithing skills.

  Arriving at the main iron shop, Wei Yi also saw the stone where the sword was being forged.

  Stone now lives here most of the time.

  Apart from eating, drinking and having sex every day, he basically forges swords. It can be said that he is even more passionate than Wei Yi.

  Stone forging technology has also advanced very quickly. With Wei Yi's guidance, the actual level is probably close to catching up with a seventh-grade swordsmith. Forging a jeweled sword is now very familiar to him, very simple.

  The Wei-branded sword he forged not only fully met the needs of Wanjian Pavilion in Qingzhou City.

  It has even been sold to Wanjiange stores in Beijing and other places.

  It has also accumulated a very good reputation there, and sales are rising steadily.

  Listening to the tinkling sound of iron forging in the yard, Wei Yi couldn't help but miss the time when he was forging iron every day.

  Although those days were very hard, they were also fulfilling and happy.

  The days of struggle are always so unforgettable.

  Of course, it doesn't mean that my current life is not happy and fulfilling.

  It’s just that now I am more capable and my horizons have broadened.

  So the things we have to endure are becoming more and more difficult.

  In the past, I only needed to forge iron and think about forging a sword.

  Now, he has to consider how to manage his own property, protect this family, and protect Qingzhou City.

  Even use your own abilities to influence and change the world.

  "Brother, you're here!" Shitou was very happy when he saw Wei Yi coming. He immediately pulled Wei Yi to admire the sword he had recently forged.

  He also discussed with Wei Yi the problems he has encountered recently, as well as some of his experiences and insights.

  "Shitou, you are amazing. Your skills are almost catching up with big brother's. Keep up the good work and I hope you will be better than big brother in the future!" Wei Yi patted Shitou's shoulder and encouraged.

  For Shitou, being recognized by Wei Yi made him happier than any praise or honor in the world.

  After chatting with Shitou for a while, Wei Yi also started to join the process of forging swords.

  As the hammer swings in my hand, my proficiency in blacksmithing begins to increase again.


  At noon, Su Che, who had forgotten all about sleep and food, was called home by his wife for dinner.

  His current residence is in the college, so it is easy to go home.

  When Su Che saw his wife, he couldn't restrain his inner joy and excitement.

  I couldn't help but tell my wife about becoming my teacher to Wei Yi today.

  But of course he did not mention the cultivation of Confucianism and Taoism. He only said that he would study deeper literature and knowledge with Wei Yi in the future.

  "Wait a minute, what happened to your face?" Su Che's wife also noticed his slightly red and swollen face.

  "That's not important, don't interrupt, just listen to what I have to say! In the future, under the guidance of my teacher, I can truly touch the highest realm of literature, let me see the truth, and see the extraordinary!" Su Zhe was beaming with joy. said.

  "Wait a minute, you become Master Wei as your disciple, what will happen to our daughter in the future? Why did she marry Master Wei?" Su Che's wife said.

  "What's the point? Let's talk about it separately from now on. If my mentor marries Lingyun, he will call me father-in-law and I will call him mentor. Lingyun will call me father and I will call Lingyun my master. There will be no influence on each other. ! Hahaha, it is said that misfortunes come from blessings. Now it seems that my demotion to Qingzhou City is a good thing. No, this is a great good thing. I really want to thank those treacherous sycophants for squeezing me here, hahahaha ..." Su Zhe smiled excitedly.

  His wife looked at Su Che with a strange expression, even a little worried.

  Why does it feel like Su Che is a little abnormal today?

  Could it be that he was mentally disturbed due to some stimulation?

  "By the way, you go and drink the medicine first!" Su Che's wife interrupted Su Che, who was giggling alone.


  (End of chapter)

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