Chapter 100 Where do these space powers come from?

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  Chapter 100 Where do these space powers come from?
  "Do you think she wants to conquer the world?" Song Yuanzheng put his hands on his forehead and smiled bitterly.

  "Although mankind will be integrated into one sooner or later, the key is not how to integrate, but who will lead the destiny of all mankind after integration."

  Humanity must be integrated into one.

  The problem is not how to integrate.

  But who will unify, and who will take power after unifying all mankind.

  At present, no one can provide a power framework that satisfies most "power holders".

  It is too naive to hope that the powerful people in the Imperial Realm can understand and compromise with each other.

  The strong men in the Imperial Realm can't reach an agreement. If they want to integrate human beings into one body, they can only return to the most primitive and violent way - forced integration by force.

  But Yanxia does not have such a powerful force, and no country has it.

  As strong as the Overlord, he might be able to kill the emperor-level experts from other countries.

  He could kill one or two, but after killing him, he would be feared and united by other emperor-level experts, prompting them to form a country-destroying alliance against Yan Xia.

  Facing the siege of the powerful Emperor Realm, it was impossible for him to survive.

  In other words, his military power is not high enough to suppress all the powerful emperors.

  But the Queen has it.

  "From her purpose, conquering the world is inevitable." Fang Hao nodded, "This is too unfavorable for us." If

  she wakes up a few years later, she will not be so passive.

  "You can't beat her?" Song Yuanzheng asked, his eyes full of hope.

  Luo Wenjing also looked at Fang Hao.

  This question made Fang Hao a little embarrassed.

  If I could beat her, why would I need to act like this?
  "I will take action when necessary." He could only smile.

  "But don't put your hopes on me, because I may not be able to beat her."

  Song Yuanzheng smiled bitterly: "Are you not even sure about me?"

  "Don't be too pessimistic." Fang Hao said with a smile, "From her perspective Judging from his actions, he is a rational person and will definitely put Yan Xia in the last place to conquer.

  "Furthermore, now that we know her purpose, cooperation and negotiation are very possible, and war is not necessarily necessary. "

  Song Yuanzheng nodded slightly.

  He originally imagined that when Fang Hao dug out many shipwrecks, hunted many sea beast kings and even sea beast kings, he would help the Overlord break through to the "divine realm" above the imperial realm, making Yan Xia's national power significantly stronger. First gear.

  You can start the plan to unify the human world and continuously unite other countries to form alliances. After such unification, Yan Xia will lead the destiny of all mankind.

  Now a "Queen" with such terrifying combat power suddenly appears, a real alien , or a "powerful person in the divine realm" whose combat power clearly exceeds the imperial realm.

  She is obviously also here to unify the world.

  In this way, even if human beings are really unified into a whole, it will be dominated by an alien rather than Led by humans themselves.

  This is not the worst.

  The worst thing is that the Federation and Western civilization will gain a huge say in this, which will inevitably damage the interests of Yanxia who are not in the same civilization system. If they are not

  unified, everyone will become one family. Under that framework, isolation and exclusion are more likely to occur.

  What’s more, the queen is closer to Western civilization and can give Western civilization more say.

  With the temperament of those pirates, they will definitely not suppress Eastern civilization. Show mercy and you must not have any expectations for them.

  This is a civilized confrontation, and the Queen cannot suppress it.

  So even if human beings are to be integrated into one body by the Queen, Yanxia must try their best to improve themselves and not let their own interests suffer too much. Big.

  Now the Queen is working hard to govern and rectify the government, and she must be preparing for launching a war of conquest.

  At this point, choosing the Federation is more beneficial than choosing Yanxia, ​​because the Federation launches a war without any psychological burden.

  And the war may not last long.

  As long as the Federation All the emperor-level and king-level experts in the country who refused to surrender were wiped out, and the country lost its ability to resist.

  Under such a general trend, who dares to resist?
  Adam was already stunned, and other people came up to give more food. ?   It’s not impossible for

  the Emperor Realm experts to join forces to kill the Queen , but who dares to take this risk easily?   Once it fails, he will be dead.   Even if the Queen is successfully killed in the end, how many Emperor Realm experts will die? Which country's imperial realm expert is it?   Fang Hao found that there was almost no solution to this matter.   Even if the Federation led by the Queen set Yanxia as the last goal, how long can other countries hold on?   In the end, facing the power of the world, and How long can Yan Xia support a queen in the divine realm?   The only good thing now is that the queen needs humans and the resources of this planet, and she does not look like a monarch who will kill indiscriminately.   "Can you predict what she will do in the future? What? "Song Yuanzheng asked.   "No. Fang Hao shook his head, "The time I predicted the future and you noticed it, she was at a higher level than you. I can't take the risk." "   When [Looking Back to the Past] just now, he was worried, for fear of being noticed by the girl.   Fortunately, the girl didn't find him, and she didn't change the present because of it.   From this point of view, it should be because "the past cannot be changed", [Looking Back to the Past] saw It is the past that has been "fixed" and "frozen".   Maybe he can undo this "fixed" and "frozen" in the future, thereby changing the past, but now he has not grown to this point.   Compared with the frozen past, [Precognition Future] The predicted future can be changed because the "now" has not happened yet. In other words   , the "future" has not been "fixed" and "frozen" and can be "changed".   He went to explore that future The time and space of the time comes in the form of consciousness, so it may be sensed by the strong person in that time and space, thereby changing the future.   This risk is not worth taking.   "That's right. Song Yuanzheng sighed and nodded, "If she realizes that you have the ability to predict the future, she may get rid of you first."   We have about three years left. "   After making some calculations in his mind, Fang Hao thought to himself that there should be enough time.   Even if other countries give up, it will take a process for the Queen to mobilize resources and appoint personnel.   Just sorting out the personnel system within the federation is a delicate activity. .   And if you want to really start a war of conquest, how can you do it without soldiers?   Conquest cannot be just in name, manpower must be mobilized to occupy and resources must be mobilized. In this process, the name of the queen is not useful. Soldiers with guns and soldiers flying in the sky Only king-level experts can use it.

  The world is so big, the Queen can't see everywhere, she still has to rely on the manpower and weapons of the Federation.


  The office door was pushed open with great force, and deputy commander Li Shuhao rushed in.

  Seeing that Fang Hao and Luo Wenjing were also in the office, he couldn't help but said in surprise: "When did you come? Forget it, it's not important. Take a look at this." He put the

  folder on the table and opened it for Song Yuanzheng to see.

  After Song Yuanzheng read it, he showed it to Fang Hao and Luo Wenjing.

  "A letter to all mankind?"

  Fang Hao frowned and read the notice sent to all mankind word by word.

  The main story is that the Queen hopes to unite the human nations through peaceful means, and will hold a banquet in the federal capital on December 1st, inviting all human beings to attend the banquet and discuss major issues.

  After reading it, the first reaction of the three people was: With so many Emperor Realm experts gathered together, isn’t the Queen afraid of being killed by the human Emperor Realm experts?

  "Let's think about it from the other side," Song Yuanzheng analyzed with a frown, "What if there are so many emperor-level experts gathered together, and they are all taken over by her?"

  Fang Hao felt awe-inspiring in his heart.

  Yes, everyone knows that this is a Hongmen Banquet, and they also know that the Queen instantly killed Adam, who was in the forefront of the battle, as soon as she raised her hand.

  Under such circumstances, it is impossible for all countries in the world to allow all the powerful emperors to attend the banquet.

  Wouldn't it become a big joke if it was all over the place?

  Well, the Queen obviously knew this, and knew that each country could send at most one Emperor Realm expert to the banquet.

  Even if these imperial realm experts unite, they cannot pose a threat to her.

  After all, these countries and people are not monolithic.

  Even if they conspire to take action together, there is still the risk of being betrayed and letting go. After all, they are risking their lives.

  I got it, but you didn't, and I was knocked out. Who should I ask to reason with?
  There is no such trust between these imperial realm powerhouses from different countries, and they cannot unite at all.

  So, this is a conspiracy.

  The Queen displayed that fearless aura because she was certain that humans could not possibly suppress all the powerful Emperor Realm warriors.

  So this "Letter to All Humanity" was announced to the world, which not only increased his own prestige, but also killed the spirit of all human countries.

  A good trick!
  Such a move before the war is indeed very effective. It can greatly damage the morale of other countries and weaken their resistance.

  I have the confidence to deal with the joint siege by all the powerful people in the Imperial Realm of mankind. Do you have the confidence to besiege me?

  There can't be any.

  This is a conspiracy. Not only do you have to accept the move, you also have to suffer the consequences.

  "It seems that this little girl is quite capable." Song Yuanzheng rubbed his brows with his fingertips and smiled bitterly.

  "Let me go this time. There is no one more suitable than me." This is the Hongmen Banquet. No one knows whether the Queen will go on a killing spree and kill all the emperor-level experts attending the banquet.

  Normally it wouldn't be the case, but there's no guarantee that this is her purpose.

  Twelve countries plus some small countries, one for each country, there are about twenty emperor-level experts, accounting for a quarter of all human beings' emperor-level experts.

  Eliminating a quarter of humanity's Imperial Realm experts at once can greatly reduce the difficulty and loss of subsequent conquest wars.

  Therefore, there is a greater risk in this trip, and the weakest one should be sent.

  The weakest Emperor Realm expert in Yanxia is Song Yuanzheng.

  "I'll go too." After thinking about it, Fang Hao suggested, "I'll go and observe her up close." When

  Song Yuanzheng saw him taking the initiative to go, he nodded and said, "Okay, let's go together."

  Fang Hao didn't have a clone. If so, he would not agree.

  Because Fang Hao is the most promising "person" to prevent the Queen from invading Yan Xia, his presence can at least make the Queen have some scruples and not dare to go to war with Yan Xia easily.

  "I'll go too!"

  As soon as Luo Wenjing finished speaking, Fang Hao and Song Yuanzheng looked at her like a fool.

  Li Shuhao also looked at her and asked funnyly: "You also have a clone?"

  Song Yuanzheng went because he had to go.

  Fang Hao went because he had a clone, and he was not afraid of a clone dying.

  And you?

  Is there any reason why you must die?

  Luo Wenjing looked embarrassed and lowered her head.

  "I... I just won't go."

  As soon as Fang Hao said it, she subconsciously wanted to go with him, but she didn't expect that Fang Hao had a clone.

  Only then did Fang Hao and Song Yuanzheng look away.

  "I can't predict the future related to the Queen." Fang Hao smiled, "But I can predict whether we can come back or not." As long as you are willing to use your brain, there are always

  more solutions than difficulties.

  [Predicting the future] might be noticed by the Queen, so wouldn't it be over if you just avoid her?
  If he could predict whether he and Song Yuanzheng would be able to return safely from the federal capital, he could skip the banquet, predict the scene during the New Year, and place the scene here in the hot summer, would the Queen still be aware of it?
  If Song Yuanzheng notices it again and has the first experience, he will definitely know what happened in the future.

  "Smart!" Song Yuanzheng smiled and nodded.

  Fang Hao then closed his eyes and predicted the scene of his New Year celebration this year.

  After a moment, he opened his eyes with a strange expression.

  "What did you see?" Song Yuanzheng, Li Shuhao and Luo Wenjing all looked nervous.

  "We can celebrate the New Year together and come back safely this time." Fang Hao nodded, but still looked weird.

  "What else?" Luo Wenjing asked, squinting her eyes.

  "Who are you with during the Chinese New Year?"

  "With you and the chief." Fang Hao smiled and turned to look at Li Shuhao standing aside.

  "And the deputy commander."

  Song Yuanzheng, Luo Wenjing, and Li Shuhao all felt that he seemed to be hiding some key information.

  But since he refused to say that he could return safely from this trip, it was better not to ask any more questions.

  Knowing too much about the future may actually change that future.

  "I have something strange." Fang Hao suddenly changed the topic.


  "There are still some spaceship wreckage on this planet, right? Why didn't she look for it? Or has it all been fished out?" "


  The four of them were silent together, as silent as the spaceship wreckage on the seabed.

  If she had already fished it out, wouldn’t we have lost a lot of money?
  "I don't think so." Li Shuhao analyzed.

  "If she wants to find it, she must first have a signal, right? If the wreckage of the spacecraft can send out a signal, of course she can find it. But most of the wreckage is damaged, and there are just big pieces of iron lying on the seabed. She shouldn't be able to find it either." Fang

  Hao After thinking for a while, he nodded and said, "Then if I work harder, I will be idle."

  Li Shuhao's analysis is not unreasonable.

  I hope I can search for a signal, but those are all wrecks, and wrecks usually don't emit signals.

  And when looking back, Fang Hao didn't see her going into the sea to look for wreckage. There should be a large spacecraft wreckage in the nearby sea.

  She didn't look for it, either because it wasn't important or because she didn't know.

  But since she wants to use human power to regain her strength, she will definitely not forget to look for her compatriots, and she should not miss such a large piece of spacecraft wreckage.

  Even if it's useless, the materials alone are still of high value.

  Therefore, she probably left directly because she didn't know and couldn't find the wreckage.

  "Then get ready. Come with me to the federal capital next month."


  "There's nothing going on here. You all go back and have a rest. I'll take a nap too."

  Fang Hao and the other three saluted and walked out of the office. .

  Li Shuhao said something to Fang Hao again.

  According to data analysis, the Queen should be using an ability such as "space cutting", which can cut a space into countless small pieces in an instant.

  Adam, who was in it, had no ability to resist the power of space, so he and the space were cut into countless pieces.

  So, is there any space power that can resist space cutting?
  After returning to the courtyard, Fang Hao opened [Unlock New Powers] in his mind and started browsing.

  Space abilities, [Teleport], [Shuttle] and [Pocket of Different Dimensions] are space abilities, but they have no ability to resist [Space Cutting].

  Soon after, Fang Hao found two potentially useful space powers.

  [Space Freeze] The initial S level can freeze and solidify a space.

  [Space Fault] The initial super-S level can create space faults to separate this space from other spaces.

  There are several other space-based abilities, such as [Space Folding], [Space Elimination], and the Queen's [Space Cutting], but these abilities are all attack-oriented and useless for resisting the power of space.

  Now with this attribute, don't even think about sniping with the Queen at the middle gate. Just be able to withstand [Teleport] and run away.

  It's also very difficult to run away.

  And since he may have lured the Queen home, he might as well let her kill the clone to avoid being remembered.

  But when Fang Hao was browsing, he suddenly discovered a new problem.

  Why haven't I seen so many space powers before?
  He immediately realized a fact that excites him but also scares him a little - these space powers, don't you think they were all obtained by copying the Queen?

  He thought about it carefully and found that it seemed to be true.

  He had thought about it before, where did the powers in [Unlocking New Powers] come from?

  Why do I have so many abilities to unlock?

  Now he may have found the truth.

  These powers are probably the extraordinary powers that have appeared on this planet!

  Now that he has copied the Queen's extraordinary powers, he is even more convinced of this.

  Because I have never seen so many space-based abilities before, and now they suddenly appear, the only possibility is "copying all the Queen's abilities and waiting to be unlocked".

  this is a good news.

  This is also bad news.

  Fortunately, his upper limit is unparalleled. No matter what extraordinary life he encounters in the future, he may be able to copy his powerful abilities.

  The bad thing was that the queen was too fierce and made him feel suffocated.

  Is this an advanced alien civilization?
  Just pick one out and have a full set of space powers?

  Is this a cruel universe?

  Such a powerful civilization was easily destroyed?

  At this moment, his mind was in a double helix and contradictory state of "I am so strong" and "I am so weak".

  After a moment, he closed his eyes, took a slow and deep breath, and calmed down.

  There's no use thinking about it now.

  There is no doubt that I am the life individual with the greatest potential on this planet.

  In the future, when I go to other places in the universe, I will still be the life individual with the greatest potential.

  It's just that the current level of combat power is a bit low, but it won't be surprising to see it grow to any level in the future.

  He can surpass the Queen's civilization!
  The civilization that surpassed the civilization that destroyed the Queen!
  As long as he passes the Queen's level, nothing on this planet or even this galaxy can restrict his growth and strength from now on!
  (End of chapter)

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