Chapter 99 Adam attacks, Adam hits GG

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  Chapter 99: Adam attacks.
  The registration period for Adam’s GG Junior Competition is half a month, from November 1st to 15th.

  However, Zhenwu academies at the city and county levels usually select the 20 strongest students during this period to participate in the provincial promotion competition.

  In the provincial promotion competition, 20 people from each province will also be selected to participate in the national finals.

  There is nothing interesting at the city and county level. If you know the basics, you can basically predict who will qualify and who will be eliminated.

  Those students who are all S-level basically have no suspense.

  After practicing weapons skills for a month, the talented students have mastered many moves and routines, and have also accumulated a lot of practical experience in actual combat training.

  The next half month is about finding routines and styles that suit you and conducting "specialized" training.

  Originally, students were only allowed to choose their own routines and genres in the second year of enrollment.

  But this year is a bit special. Because they have to participate in the youth competition, dean Wen Zilong decided to let the first-year S-level students choose the "specialization" direction in advance.

  Now that you have gone and you are certain to get the ranking, it is the best choice to conduct specialized training in the next time, which can make the S-class students participating in the competition even further.

  Take the long knife that is chosen by the most people as an example.

  There is more than one form of long knife, and different forms have different routines and schools.

  There is the "heavy sword style" that focuses on strength and explosion, with powerful and heavy power and critical strikes with the sword.

  This style is more suitable for "big long knives" with long, wide and heavy blades. The blade is usually more than 1.5 meters and the handle is half a meter long. It is used to hold the knife with both hands for chopping.

  There is also the "fast attack flow" that focuses on speed and explosion. The moves are flexible and changeable, and the attack is sharp and fast.

  In this style, it is more suitable to choose a sword that is lighter and slender with a blade about one meter long. Those with special talents can also use double swords.

  This is the school that students first learn, so they can first master the moves and skills and lay a solid foundation.

  There is another mainstream style, which is "balanced style", which combines strength, speed, and flexible moves.

  The knife selected for balanced flow will generally be heavier and have a wider blade, but the length will be about one meter, not too long.

  There are also some relatively niche ones, such as the "cutlass" favored by southern warriors, the "tachi" favored by kamikaze warriors, etc., which vary depending on the characteristics of the country and nation.

  But what you need to know is that the so-called genres vary from person to person, and the one that suits you is the best.

  For example, class teacher Liu Zhongze uses a "slender" scimitar that is more than one meter long, which is a "Miao knife" among the traditional long knives in the hot summer.

  This knife is lighter and shorter than a long knife, and longer and heavier than a fast knife. It does not seem to have a balance of power and speed, so it cannot be classified into the above three major schools.

  These characteristic genres are "niche genres" in the usual sense, and the taste of private customization is extremely obvious.

  Some are derived from the three major schools and based on personal preferences and characteristics.

  Some have a long heritage and have teachers, such as Liu Zhongze.

  During the weapons training class in the afternoon, Liu Zhongze introduced many swordsmanship schools to the students of the 1st Changdao Battalion, allowing the S-class students to choose on their own.

  If you are not sure which one is suitable for you, you can try them all. This is what the academy does.

  "Fang Hao, what do you choose?"

  Lu Qianjun, who was in the last row of the team, touched Fang Hao's elbow and asked with a low voice.

  "Balance it." Fang Hao smiled.

  He has enough strength and is not lacking in speed. Balanced flow is best for him.

  "I choose the heavy sword." Lu Qianjun said with a smile, "Shi Zhixue must be a fast sword. The three of us happen to be from three schools. It feels like a fateful duel."

  Fang Hao just smiled.

  You and Shi Zhixue go to a fateful showdown. You and I are not on the same track.

  His goal is to enter the top 100 at the provincial level. Even if he can play again after entering the top 100, he will not play again.

  As a freshman, being in the top 100 is already a dark horse, and the attention he will receive will not be low.

  And against those second-generation martial artists, he really didn't have much confidence if he didn't use extraordinary powers.

  If he uses extraordinary powers, no other contestant will be his opponent.

  After all, you can't even touch a hair on his head.

  "Teacher, can I learn Miao Dao from you?"

  Suddenly a student asked, causing the students to prick up their ears.

  Liu Zhongze shook his head.

  "The Miao Dao is difficult to use, so I don't recommend you learn it. If you really want to learn it, come to me after graduation."

  If you can still remember this after graduation, it means you really want to learn it, and he can introduce it to his disciples.

  Different swordsmanship schools have different entry levels.

  Kuai Dao style is the easiest to master because it has many moves, fast attack speed, and higher error tolerance.

  However, the power of Kuai Dao Flow is dispersed, unable to cause strong damage, and its shortcomings are also obvious.

  The shortcomings of the heavy sword style are more obvious, because the sword is relatively slow and the timing is very important. Once the speed of closing the sword and turning is slow and exposes flaws, and is caught by the opponent and disrupts the rhythm, it will basically be a complete failure.

  Therefore, the "balanced flow" that combines the advantages of both without obvious disadvantages was developed.

  Of the twenty-two S-level students, more than half chose the balanced stream.

  For the remaining half, choose the fast knife style and the heavy knife style.

  Relatively speaking, the heavy sword style is the most difficult to master, and the most important thing is combat awareness. Without that awareness, it is difficult to use it well.

  After selecting, there is no need to change weapons in the fast knife flow. Students in the heavy knife flow and balanced flow all went to the weapons depot to receive new weapons for specialized training.

  Since it was specialized training, of course there would be dedicated instructors, so the more than 20 people were divided into classes again.

  The Kuai Dao Flow remained in the 1st Long Knife Battalion, while the Heavy Knife Flow and the Balanced Flow were led by two instructors respectively.

  The person who teaches the heavy sword style is a middle-aged female instructor, mature and beautiful.

  The instructor of the Balance Style is an elegant and gentle middle-aged man named Zhuang Hefeng.

  Perhaps to enhance the atmosphere, he specially wore a set of black alloy armor, making the first-year students envious.

  Even a set of armor made of first-grade alloy costs two to three million. It can block the bombardment of ordinary artillery, and most people cannot afford it.

  Fang Hao and the other twelve people followed him to the new venue, and were surprised to find that the so-called division meant that they would train with the second-year seniors.

  But when I think about it carefully, nothing seems wrong.

  The faculty of the college is already limited, so it is unrealistic to assign a tutor to them alone.

  Especially for Lu Qianjun, who chooses heavy swords, there are only five people in total, so it would be too luxurious to arrange a separate instructor.

  Arranging to the second grade and training and studying with the seniors is the most economical and affordable option.

  "Welcome our new comrades!"

  Instructor Zhuang Hefeng took the lead in applauding, triggering warm applause.

  "Damn it, are they all first-year S-class students?"

  "Yes, we had dinner together last time."

  "This class is too good-looking, better than our class."

  "Their class had three triple S's , more than twenty S-levels, which are indeed better than the second and third graders."

  Zhuang Hefeng turned to Fang Hao and others and smiled: "Come on, let's give a brief introduction first to give everyone an impression."

  Fang Hao and twelve others Individuals came forward to give a brief introduction.

  "Seniors and seniors, let's get to know each other during the break. Let's start class now!"

  Zhuang Hefeng raised his hand and pulled out the long black alloy knife hanging from the back, and began to explain the essence of the balanced sword technique.

  The second-year seniors have already heard these contents, but Fang Hao and the others are S-level students who have skipped a grade, so it is worth telling him again.

  After that comes guidance on moves, techniques for exerting force, and correction of behavioral habits.

  Because the freshmen are all trained on the quick sword style, it is easy for them to develop the bad habit of being "greedy with swords".

  Those with strong understanding will be able to adjust quickly.

  But those who are not savvy enough will not be able to adapt in ten days and half a month.

  So in the process of adjustment and correction, Zhuang Hefeng easily knew the talents of these S-level students.

  Fang Hao is the first gear, he can understand with just a few clicks, he can draw analogies and make spontaneous adjustments and corrections.

  Fang Mengqi and a few others are in the second level. Their understanding is slightly weaker, but they can think for themselves and take the initiative to ask questions.

  The rest are not so good, and they may have the intention to correct them, but the power of habits is too strong - fundamentally speaking, this is a lack of adaptability, whether it is physical or psychological.

  This gap in adaptability will lead to a gap in the progress of mastering the essence of balanced flow, thus creating a gap in strength.

  So S is not that easy to get in actual combat.

  It's daytime here in the hot summer, but it's night in the Federation on the other side of the ocean.

  The blue-haired girl walked on the dark and deserted street. It seemed that every step of her feet fell on the street, but in fact there was a centimeter of space between them.

  She has traveled through four cities and dozens of rural towns. From day to night, the scenes she saw and the people she met were not very good.

  After mastering extraordinary power, the kind ones become kinder and the cruel ones become more cruel.

  There are too many ethnic groups with different origins and mixed cultures, and conflicts between different ethnic groups can easily break out.

  It's better in the city. There are many strong people stationed there and there are surveillance cameras, which can barely deter people.

  But outside the city, it’s hard to say.

  Because the land is so vast and sparsely populated, there are many murderous criminals on the run. Even within a "state" area, several murders occur every day.

  Things are getting better now, because the development of science and technology has made it much easier to trace, apprehend, and identify the real culprits, giving the evildoers more scruples.

  More than 20 years ago, a village was often killed and the murderer could not be found.



  three young men screamed strangely, each riding a high-horsepower heavy motorcycle roaring over, and then suddenly braked, making a harsh whistling sound as the tires rubbed against the ground. Three heavy motorcycles stopped next to the blue-haired girl, and the riders whistled.

  "Hey, sweety girl!"

  "Where are you from?"

  "Do you need help?"

  The girl has learned the common language of this country and can understand it. Seeing how enthusiastic they were, she chatted with them for a few words.

  After a brief exchange, several young people said they would take her to do something fun, which she had never seen before, and invited her to ride on a motorcycle.

  The girl knew they had bad intentions, but she still sat sideways on the back seat of the motorcycle.

  Just like walking, even though she sat on it, there was still a centimeter between her buttocks and the leather of the seat, and not even her long skirt got on it.

  The young man laughed loudly, started the motorcycle, and the three heavy motorcycles roared away.

  Soon after, they brought the girl to an old warehouse.

  The girl looked up at the starry sky and sighed softly.

  This space instantly solidified.

  Then it suddenly shattered like a mirror and turned into countless fragments.

  The three young men and three heavy motorcycles were turned into countless fragments, scattered in different space fragments.

  [(Congratulations on crossing the first threshold and becoming the master of life and death)]

  "(I don't want to be like this.)"

  [(As a leader, you need to be like this, otherwise you will not be able to deter cunning and cunning intelligent creatures)]

  " (Is there no other way?)"

  [(Yes, but it will take a long time, you can't afford to wait)]

  When the system AI said "I can't wait," the girl's heart immediately became firm.

  She must be ruthless, otherwise humans will not listen to her.

  [(The city in front is the federal capital, and the head of this country is there. According to the character assessment, you can only use force to intimidate him, and you can kill him if necessary)] The girl closed her eyes and took a deep breath slowly


  She had already taken the first step and had no intention of taking it back.


  He shrunk to an inch, his body flashed and disappeared into the night.

  Hot summer, night falls.

  In the Mirror Project residence, Fang Hao's second clone "Luo Hao" was urgently awakened by Luo Wenjing, which also temporarily suspended the search for the underwater beast clone.

  "Luo Hao, it's an emergency. The leader wants you to rush over!"

  "In such a hurry? Then don't wait for the opportunity, just teleport directly."

  Fang Hao and Luo Wenjing swung and teleported to Song Yuanzheng's office.


  Song Yuanzheng behind the desk looked up in shock. When he saw it was the two of them, he immediately said happily: "Can it still be passed on?" "


  "Can I go to the capital?"

  "Not places I have never been to."

  "... ...Forget it, I'm not in a hurry to see you."

  Song Yuanzheng had no choice but to give up the idea and patted the folder on the table.

  "Look at this quickly."

  Fang Hao walked to the table, picked up the folder on the table, sat down and opened it to read.

  Luo Wenjing was still standing at the teleportation point, three or four meters away from the desk, and for a moment she didn't know whether to go or go out.

  "Ronald, please sit over here, it's not a secret."


  Luo Wenjing immediately came to the table and looked through it with Fang Hao.

  After reading it, neither of them knew what to say.

  I thought they killed the Northern King of the Southern Kingdom and created hot topics to help Yan Xia share the pressure.

  The diplomatic notes from the Southern Empire and the Kamikaze Empire have indeed attracted global attention.

  But I didn't expect that in just one day, a new major event would occur, and the effect would be called a global explosion.

  The first consul of the Federation, the emperor-level powerhouse named "Adam", the first emperor-level powerhouse in the federation, actually died?

  Or was he killed instantly by a blue-haired girl in front of all the senior government officials?

  Is he too good at it?
  This is a strong man in the Imperial Realm who is known as "Adam, the Son of God". His combat power is so powerful that he is definitely the first echelon in the Imperial Realm.

  The document says the process goes like this:

  The girl says "surrender to me."

  Adam asked "Are you God?"
  The girl asked "Who is God?"
  Adam said, "God is the omniscient and omnipotent God, and my holy Father."

  The girl said, "Such a god cannot appear here, and you cannot be the Son. You are lying."

  Adam was angry, "You dare to blaspheme God, I will punish you"!
  Adam attacked.

  Adam played GG.

  No one knew what happened, but as soon as the girl raised her hand, Adam's body collapsed into countless pieces, breaking into two, three, and four pieces.

  The girl turned around and said to everyone, "Submit to me"!
  The remaining senior federal officials knelt down and worshiped.

  The few emperor-level experts present had no choice but to kneel down and worship her when they faced the girl's gaze.

  Cultivation is not easy, but life-saving is the first priority.

  Their power and status were already under Adam, but now they just replaced Adam with this girl.

  Moreover, Adam cannot defeat the Overlord.

  This girl should be able to do it.

  If the Overlord breaks into countless pieces like Adam, the Federation's dream of conquering the world and unifying the world will become a reality!

  However, after the girl ascended the throne and became the "Queen" of the Federation that day, she immediately began to rectify the bureaucracy and reform the official system. She did not issue a letter of war to the Overlord, who was recognized as the strongest individual in mankind.

  He seems to be a wise man?

  But this "wiseness" has also brought strong uneasiness to heads of state around the world.

  Where did this girl come from?
  Why would a powerful country suddenly seize power?

  What does she want to do? What is she going to do?
  She didn't declare a challenge to the Overlord, was it because of disdain?

  How many more days will it take?

  "After reading it, what do you think?" Song Yuanzheng looked at Fang Hao with worry, "She is different from you, she has a desire for power."

  Fang Haoxin said that I also have a desire for power, but not as powerful as her now, otherwise I also went to Unify the World as a ball captain.

  "What do you want to know?"

  "Her origins and her purpose."

  "Let me take a look."

  Fang Hao nodded, closed his eyes, and began to look back.

  Three minutes later, he opened his eyes and frowned.

  "How is it?" Song Yuanzheng asked nervously, "Have you found it?" "

  The origin has been found, but the purpose is unclear. I don't understand her language." Fang Hao supported his chin with one hand and lightly touched the table with his right index finger. Knocking lightly, he said while thinking: "It seems that I released her."

  "What?" Song Yuanzheng frowned, "You released her? When did it happen?" "

  Yesterday." Fang Hao Open the extra-dimensional pocket and take out the Silver Moon Flywheel.

  The Silver Moon Flywheel rotated gracefully on the table between the two of them. After a moment, Fang Hao pointed to a curled edge on the outer edge of the blade.

  "Look here."

  He told Song Yuanzheng and Luo Wenjing what happened during the search on the seabed yesterday.

  "I didn't expect that even if she were buried a thousand meters under the sea, she wouldn't be able to bury her. She hasn't woken up for more than a hundred years, but now she wakes up. She probably woke up passively after the outer shell was damaged." "I can't blame you."

  Song Yuanzheng comforted, "We have considered the possibility of digging a dormant cabin before, and you have done what you can." If you

  want to get high returns, you must also take high risks. This is inevitable.

  Fortunately, this risk was borne by the federation.

  Now this blue-haired girl is at least not a murderer. Judging from her actions, it is obvious that she wants to govern the federation.

  "I have a guess."

  "I also have a guess."

  "Then it seems we want to go together."

  Fang Hao and Song Yuanzheng looked at each other and smiled.

  Since he did not kill people or exterminate humanity after coming out, but instead worked hard to cure it, he obviously had only one purpose - to restore the vitality of his own race with the help of the power of humans on this planet.

   Thank you to all those who subscribed, voted monthly, and recommended tickets. I wish you good health and make money every day.

  (End of chapter)

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