Chapter 101 Kneel down and surrender when you encounter a strong enemy?

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  Chapter 101 Kneel down and surrender when you encounter a strong enemy?
  "Fang Hao, have you read the news from the Federation?"


  The next morning, as soon as Fang Hao entered the classroom and sat down, Wang Cheng, Zhong Weiwei, and Du Yutang turned their heads to look.

  "That queen is so powerful, she actually defeated Adam in a second!" "

  And that "Letter to All Humanity", it's so domineering!" "Do

  you think the Overlord will go to the banquet?" "

  I don't think so. , it’s too risky.”

  It’s not just the three of them who are discussing this matter, other students in the class, other classes, and even the entire society and all over the world are discussing this matter.

  In less than a day, the Queen's accession to the throne and the "Message to All Mankind" dominated the front pages of almost all news media.

  Many media outlets have taken the initiative to add the prefix "humanity" to her title of "Queen", that is, they regard her as the Queen of all mankind.

  There are many such media outlets in China during the hot summer season.

  This reminded Fang Hao of a sentence: "After entering the customs, a great scholar will debate the scriptures for me."

  But before the fight started, he fell to his knees first?

  Although he does not object to the completion of the unification of mankind, he has since concentrated resources and energy into the universe.

  But being dominated by an alien who is still tied to Western civilization is definitely not a good thing for Yan Xia.

  Fang Hao listened to their discussion and shook his head secretly.

  This matter is not directly related to most people in Yanxia, ​​because Yanxia has the capital to negotiate, and the Queen is unlikely to choose war to solve Yanxia.

  War means a huge consumption of resources and manpower. If both sides throw nuclear bombs at each other, even if they are unified in the end, they will be in ruins.

  The same cannot be said for other countries. They don’t have the size, let alone the combat power.

  Since it was predicted that Song Yuanzheng would come back to celebrate the New Year in the future, it meant that the banquet was a real banquet, and the queen did not want to take the opportunity to eliminate the emperor-level experts attending the banquet.

  The purpose of this banquet is to explain to all countries in the world - if they don't surrender, they will go to war.

  Those small countries cannot stand it and may fall to their knees on the spot.

  Kneel down to the Queen, which means surrender, and also means that the country will accept the Queen's rule.

  What about those who are unwilling to kneel down and surrender?

  That was the war goal.

  It is foreseeable that after that banquet, the world will be clearly divided into two camps.

  On one side were the powerful men from the country and imperial realm who knelt down to the Queen to express their submission.

  On one side was a strong man from the imperial realm who was unwilling to kneel down to her and the country he represented would not surrender.

  Yan Xia is definitely in the camp that doesn’t kneel.

  Kneel down and surrender when you encounter a strong enemy. This is not Yan Xia's style.

  What's more, Yan Xia also has the recognized strongest human Overlord. As long as he is held back, the Overlord may not be able to break through to the divine realm.

  As one of the backbone of Yan Xia, Overlord will definitely not show up again, let alone attend the banquet.

  As long as he lives and hides himself, he is the greatest deterrent and hope.

  This big event that exploded around the world completely submerged the Imperial Notes from the Southern Kingdom and the Kamikaze Kingdom, and no one cared about it anymore.

  The only emperor-level expert in the southern country could not care about the death of Fa Xiao or the king of the north. He hurried over to discuss countermeasures with Emperor Yan face to face.

  Several surrounding countries, at this time, did not care about the historical estrangements and grudges, and sent emperor-level experts to come one after another.

  Even if others don't know the Queen's origin, they can still identify her.

  The golden ring on her forehead is not a product of this planet.

  Her terrifying realm, combat power, and abilities cannot be possessed by humans—at least not by humans on this planet.

  So this is no longer an internal dispute among humans, but a fundamental contradiction between humans and alien civilizations.

  In addition, there is a dispute between Eastern and Western civilizations within mankind. If these countries in the East surrender, they will 100% be blood-sucked and plundered by the dominant Western civilized countries.

  Moreover, those who are both powerful in the Imperial Realm and come from Western civilization will definitely have a higher identity and status after the unification of mankind, and they will also have priority in allocating resources.

  This is something that the powerful emperors in the East cannot tolerate.

  Now let the Western Emperor Realm masters be one level higher and take advantage of resources. In the future, they may be two or three levels higher, and finally form a crushing level advantage.

  Resources are definitely limited. Even if all the powerful emperors of humankind surrender to the Queen, the Queen will definitely allocate resources towards the powerful emperors of Western civilization.

  Surrendering and kneeling now may seem wise and save trouble, but in fact, you are risking your entire future.

  Therefore, the key to this matter has never been "should human beings be unified?" but rather "who will unify."

  Other big countries in the civilized area, as well as small neighboring countries, are also having urgent secret talks to discuss countermeasures.

  There is only one month until December 1st, and there is not much time left for them.

  Through Song Yuanzheng, Fang Hao learned about the exchanges between Emperor Yan and the powerful people in the imperial realm of surrounding countries.

  The contents of these exchanges are considered confidential, but he has a special status and it is necessary to know these things.

  The Southern Kingdom and the Kamikaze Kingdom canceled the note.

  Because the emperor-level experts from the two countries met in Yanxia's capital, with Emperor Yan's mediation, they decided to shelve the case of the assassination of the Northern King by ninjas and concentrate on fighting the Queen and the Federation.

  In total, there are close to forty emperor-level experts in Yanxia and surrounding countries, of which Yanxia accounts for nearly half.

  If the big countries in other regions can be brought in, it is expected that there will be fifty emperor-level experts, accounting for half of the world's emperor-level experts.

  These fifty emperor-level experts may not be a match for the Queen in total.

  But Yanxia not only has emperor-level experts, but also nuclear weapons.

  Nuclear weapons probably do not threaten the Queen.

  But it can blow the Federation to pieces.

  The Queen has worked hard to govern the Federation since she ascended the throne, and obviously does not want to rule in ruins, so she has bargaining chips and deterrence.

  Now it's up to her wrist.

  It may launch a total war at any cost and conquer the world by force.

  There may also be other, more peaceful methods.

  No one knows what she will do yet, but after she showed her strength by killing Adam instantly and showed her wisdom by publishing the "Book to All Humanity", no one dares to underestimate her.

  Yan Xia's plan is to delay. The longer the delay, the better. By delaying it until the secluded Overlord breaks through to the divine realm, the situation should be broken.

  at the same time.

  The federal capital and the queen's palace welcomed the first emperor-level powerhouse who took the initiative to surrender, as well as many king-level powerhouses.

  The countries of Europa continent and the Federation have the same origin, so there is no psychological burden when sliding down.

  In the fresh and elegant courtyard.

  The Queen sat at a small white table under a white parasol and received them cordially.

  The emperor-level strong man was a handsome, charming "young" man in a suit and leather shoes. He took the lead in kneeling down on one knee to the queen and said with a smile: "(Your
  Majesty the Queen, you are like the bright moon in the night sky, and Like a pearl in the depths of the sea, your beauty is unparalleled in the world, and the light you radiate warms the whole world!)"

  What came up was a rainbow fart, which made several emperor-level experts standing next to them secretly feel ashamed.

  You, an illegitimate playboy who already has a bunch of illegitimate children, still want to pursue the queen?

  How many times have you changed hands before the Queen could fall in love with a piece of shit like you?
  This "young" man is actually seventy or eighty years old. He is the god-king/head of the kingdom of Odin, with the title "God-King Odin".

  But everyone thinks that he is not worthy of this self-given title, and they usually call him by his real name "Idenas".

  The queen gave herself a new name based on her real name, which translated in Yanxia language is "Longya".

  These two words were chosen by her herself.

  Long, add the word "dragon" next to the word "water". Water is her favorite thing, and dragon is the most noble mythical creature in Yanxia.

  Ya, elegance, elegance, elegance, and the words composed of this word are all beautiful.

  "(Get up.)" She nodded slightly to Ednas and the king-level strongman behind him.

  "(Thank you for joining us, let's work together for a better future for mankind.)" "

  (Thank you, Your Majesty!)" All the king-level experts stood up.

  But Ednas, who was kneeling on one knee, did not get up. Instead, he turned his head and nodded behind him.

  The attendant behind him immediately brought a foot-long ornate treasure chest. After opening it, a gorgeous crown was revealed inside.

  The playboy held up this gorgeous and noble crown and looked up at Queen Takiya with longing.

  "(Your Majesty the Queen, this is the crown presented to you by your subjects. It may not be worthy of your dignity, but the material used to make this crown is beast king grade, and it is decorated with peerless and rare gems. It is already a part of our planet. The most noble thing that is closest to you, please be sure to accept it!)" "

  (You are interested.)" Queen Tongya looked at the crown and decided to accept it after thinking about it.

  The queen must have the queen's cards.

  "(Okay, I accept this crown. As a reward, you can make a request.)"

  Idenas immediately climbed up the pole and said longingly: "(Then please let me serve you as your Servant, please give me advice and help you solve your problems!)" "


  Queen Tongya nodded lightly, making the emperor-level experts on the side frown secretly.

  "(Please allow me to put this crown on you!)"


  Idenas immediately stood up with a smile while holding the crown, walked to the queen who was sitting on the chair, and slowly put the crown on her On her head.

  "(It really suits you, my noble Queen!)" After putting the crown on Queen Takiya, Ednas naturally stood beside her and looked at the other emperors with a smile. Strong.

  There was a bit of provocation in his eyes.

  There is an old saying in the hot summer that those who know the current affairs are heroes. Aren't you willing to change from the dominant to the dominated?
  Simply stupid!
  Look at me, if I give away a crown that is useless except for decoration, I will become the Queen's confidant, and my status will directly surpass yours!

  Are you convinced?
  Don’t give in and hold it in!

  Queen Tongya briefly chatted with the king-level powerhouses who came to surrender, and after arranging their residence and duties, she looked at the four federal emperor-level powerhouses present and nodded.

  "(You guys should discuss the details of this banquet.)"

  She stood up from her seat and looked up at the sky.

  "(You don't have to make small moves at the banquet. You can't rule all mankind by conspiracy.)"

  The four emperor-level experts and the king-level experts around them looked at each other in silence.

  You can't rely on conspiracy and trickery, you can't rely on killing the Emperor Realm instantly, right?

  Brother Adam, you died unjustly.

  But without killing Adam, how would other Emperor Realm experts know how terrifying her strength was?

  Therefore, there will definitely be an Emperor Realm expert who is used to scare the monkeys. The only difference is - who is it specifically?
  Theoretically speaking, Overlord is the most suitable.

  But the side effects are too great, because Emperor Yan and the others will most likely not surrender, but will fight to the death.

  The earliest batch of Emperor Realm warriors in Yanxia were not only comrades-in-arms, but also relatives. They grew up and fought together through the years of blood and fire, and their friendship was extremely deep.

  Moreover, when the one hundred people were selected by the pioneers of the older generation, their character was strictly screened. It can be said that they are all heroic young men who are brave and loyal and serve the country and the people.

  These people who value love and righteousness, you kill their comrades and relatives, but they are not allowed to fight with you?

  Therefore, killing the Overlord can bring the greatest deterrence, but it will completely turn the entire Yanxia to the opposite side, and it will not stop until death, which is not cost-effective.

  But killing Adam would have no such concerns.

  The other Imperial Realm powerhouses in the Federation do have some friendship with Adam, but not much.

  Because the Federation has rapidly grown into the most powerful country since mankind entered the Extraordinary Era, and has not experienced any major disasters.

  As the saying goes, "A friend in need is a friend indeed". Even the powerful emperors in the federation have not gone through adversity together, so where can the true love come from?
  Therefore, no one is more suitable to be the "chicken" that is killed than Adam.

  The first consul of one of the most powerful countries in the world has strong combat power. He is touted by various media as the second best in the world, second only to the Overlord.

  This is a very long-standing thing.

  No one dares to try no matter how powerful the Overlord is. If you brag that you are number one, he might come to you one day and ask if you are number one.

  If you are not sure of defeating him, don't go to the first place, otherwise you will be embarrassed and beaten later.

  But if you say you are the second strongest, the Overlord will not come to your door, and everyone will recognize it. Go for the face of the most powerful country in the Federation, and everyone will give you face.

  Who would have thought that just by blowing, people would be blown away.

  The Overlord didn't come.

  The Queen is here.

  When the Overlord comes, Adam will not be killed, and he will definitely be alive in the end.

  But when the Queen came, he snapped and disappeared.

  All I can say is that time is destiny.

  Queen Takiya turned around and took a step forward. Ednas followed immediately, but was blocked by an invisible barrier.

  "(You stay and discuss with them.)"

  Idenas' face suddenly stiffened, and he hurriedly bowed: "(Idenas obeys your will, please go slowly.)"

  Queen Takiya walked away , disappeared around the corner, and then he straightened up.

  The Imperial Realm experts from the four federations were already sitting down at Xiaobai's table with smiles on their lips.

  Four chairs and four people left no room for him.

  "(Idenas, you are serious.)" "

  (Unfortunately, this is not a climb!)" "

  (I think your request is not enough. You should change to something more practical.)"

  " (Isn’t it the same as not mentioning your request now?)” “

  Hahahahaha” The four emperor-level experts all laughed, laughing loudly and unabashedly.

  If Idenas hadn't given himself the title of "God King Odin", they wouldn't have looked down upon him so much.

  Are you worthy of giving yourself such a title?
  Other things like making a crown for the queen, getting close to her, and being courteous are nothing.

  What really makes people look down upon is that he gave himself such a title that he did not deserve.

  "(Her Majesty the Queen asked us to discuss the details of the banquet.)" Idenas turned around with a gloomy expression.

  "(Okay, okay, let's discuss it.)" The four emperors laughed.

  "(Haha, why don't you go get a chair and sit down?)" "

  (Others see us sitting and you stand alone, and they think we are bullying you.)" "

  (Stop standing, you But the big celebrity next to the Queen, how dare we bully you?)"

  These words made Idenas' face turn red and white.

  How had a powerful person in the Imperial realm ever suffered such humiliation?

  When he has no temper?

  Fortunately, the attendant who came with him was very discerning and had already brought a chair of the same style from the house and placed it behind him.

  He sat down and began to talk about the banquet.

  This was a task arranged by the Queen, and the emperor-level experts from the four federations did not dare to neglect it and quickly entered the state.

  If you laugh again and again, and make trouble again, if you don't get things done, you might end up like Adam.

  At a banquet for an emperor-level expert, the food served must be at least king-level, right?

  This requires them to hunt a suitable king-level beast or king-level sea beast to support the banquet.

  But a king-level one can’t hold it up, so it’s best to have one on shore and one in the sea.

  If there is one in the sky, even better, it will be complete with sea, land and air, and the federation will be proud of it when the news reports it.

  Of course, the best one has to be the "Beast King".

  But they don't have the strength to hunt the Beast King, and there is no Beast King on the shore, only in the sea.

  This matter is neither big nor small.

  After satisfying the Queen, they could breathe a sigh of relief.

  But if the queen is dissatisfied, they will have to be on tenterhooks.

  In the following days, a certain emperor or a certain king continued to publicly declare their allegiance to the queen.

  There are not many emperors, but there are many kings.

  Among them, there are some top kings with honorable titles who went to the federal capital in person and knelt down on one knee to express their surrender and allegiance to the Queen.

  Seeing that there are more and more powerful people in the Queen's camp, people from all walks of life in Yanxia are becoming more and more restless.

  Every time there is a war, the voice of surrender is inevitable.

  But if you surrender when you encounter a strong enemy, how can Yanxia fight back and survive to this day despite repeated hardships?
  The capitulation faction that emerged this time is worse and more extreme than the capitulation faction in the past.

  Because the Queen is acting in the name of "unifying all mankind", which has never been done before and is extremely correct.

  Coupled with her terrifying strength, people believe that she really has the ability to unify all mankind.

  As a result, the "great cause" of this war seemed to be on the Queen's side, attracting more and more supporters.

  If you surrender, you will be a great contributor to the unity and unity of mankind, and your name will go down in history.

  If you resist, you are blocking the progress and unity of mankind, and hindering mankind from moving towards a better future, and will be infamy for thousands of years.

  Once this kind of hat is put on, even if most people feel that something is wrong, they can't explain why.

  As a result, in public opinion, the voices of the capitulationists became louder and louder.

  Fortunately, these public opinions can only affect civilians, and even if most people can't explain why, they know that Yanxia should not surrender.

  The public opinion of the capitulationists did not affect the official government, let alone the army.

  Hot summer has been silently mobilizing millions of troops and issuing war mobilization orders to veterans to prepare for all-out war.

  This war may not end in the end.

  But whether to fight or for how long should not be decided by the enemy.

  After Yan Xia entered a state of war, Fang Hao was not idle either.

  Emperor Yan entrusted him with hunting a Beast Emperor to help the Overlord break through the barriers and enter the divine realm.

  After the Overlord breaks through, the possibility of the Queen going to war with Yan Xia will be even lower, which is also a huge benefit to Fang Hao himself.

  There is another point, which is also crucial.

  He himself allowed a beast-transformed clone to enter the imperial realm and be promoted to the Beast King. He could even devour a few more and then be promoted to the "Beast God", which would greatly improve safety.

   Thank you to all those who subscribed, voted monthly, and recommended tickets. I wish you good health and make money every day.

  (End of chapter)

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