Chapter 39 Living is victory

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  Chapter 39 Living is Victory
  "Cough! Cough!"

  The pillar of fire from the Sky Fire subsided, and Li Yuan coughed violently.

  He did not suffer any damage from the sky fire. He was not afraid of fire. The state of the Holy Dragon of Light was extremely resistant to the sky fire. He was choked by his own blood.

  Lucio's sword still severely injured him. The wound extended from the corner of his mouth to the middle of his neck, touching his throat deeply. Blood continuously overflowed from the wound and dripped downwards.

  Now, let alone breathing dragon breath, he can't even breathe that smoothly.

  Fortunately, Lucio must have been injured more seriously than him... No, that guy must be dead!

  The remaining crossbow knight shouted in panic, and he and the other bipedal flying dragon chased towards the direction where Lucio was blasted away.

  Li Yuan also looked over there, and saw that the pillar of fire from the Ring of Judgment Angel ignited several trees around the landing point.

  To be cautious, he still called up the [Watcher] and tried to search for Lucio.

  The projection of the watcher showed the burning forest. Surrounded by the fire, the knight king of the empire slowly climbed up with his long sword.

  How can it be? Is this a cockroach?
  Li Yuan was really shocked.

  Even if the fireproof equipment withstood the sky fire and didn't burn him to death on the spot, even if he was bombarded to the ground from such a high place, there might not be a few intact bones left on his body.

  But soon, Li Yuan noticed that the hooks on Lucio's two gauntlets were ejected, and the two hooks extended to two broken trees in the distance.

  At the critical moment, he casually launched the hook rope into the woods, and the two hook ropes were wrapped around two trees respectively. The pull of the hook rope and the tree provided him with a buffer, coupled with the blessing of the giant's power, actually allowed him to stay. One breath.

  more importantly……

  [Watcher] recognized the ability used by Lucio again, and new information flowed into Li Yuan's mind: "'

  Jedi Counterattack' can only be activated when life is in danger. It stabilizes the physical condition in a very short time and activates The remaining potential can greatly improve the physical ability until the duration of the ability ends or death."

  Lucio's body is still wrapped in a dangerous black aura, even stronger than when he first saw it.

  Just like Li Yuan kept the tower defense system as a trump card, the legendary warrior Lucio also kept a trump card of his own.

  He actually had a health lock and residual blood rage. This guy was really a template for the protagonist...

  At this moment, Li Yuan calmed down.

  He has realized that if he continues to fight, he will probably die no matter what.

  Lucio was actually the same. With such a serious injury, it was rare to be able to breathe. Timely treatment could still save his life. If he continued to use "Jedi Counterattack" to squeeze the power out of the broken body, he would inevitably die with him.

  "We..." He struggled to squeeze out an indistinct voice from his torn throat, "Probably we will die..."

  Zhenna, who was pinched in his claws, was stunned for a moment before she realized that these words were true. She said it.

  Zhenna's expression quickly returned to calm, and then she replied loudly:
  "The worst thing is to die together!"

  Facing the legendary warrior who was almost impossible to win, they had tried their best.

  Since death is inevitable, face it calmly.

  At least when they go to die, each of them has a companion!

  Hearing Zhenna's response, Li Yuan felt the urge to laugh out loud.

  He ignored the severe pain in his throat and forced his mouth open, letting out a hoarse dragon roar in the air!

  This dragon's roar, which was completely out of shape, sounded more powerful to Lucio than the roar of the ancient black dragon he had faced before.

  To him, this dragon roar was tantamount to a death knell. He knew very well that continuing to choose to fight the red dragon in the distance would mean choosing to die on this battlefield.


  The flying dragon circled down, and the ballista knight riding on the flying dragon's back couldn't help but turn from worry to joy when he saw that he was still alive.

  Almost at the same time, another knight also ran over on a fast horse and shouted to Lucio: "Captain!"

  "Are you also defeated..."

  Lucio saw that only one knight from the ground troops came back, and he immediately understood What's going on.

  The task that I thought could be completed easily turned over unexpectedly.

  The flying dragon landed, and the ballista knight asked Lucio for instructions in a trembling voice: "Captain, please give the order!"

  Such an unexpected and tragic situation, if the effect of the "Fearless War Cry" hadn't still remained, his battle The mind should have collapsed long ago.

  Lucio's hesitation only lasted for a moment, and the figure of Princess Fred suddenly appeared in his mind.

  He is not afraid of death, but after he dies, who can be the sword in His Highness's hand?

  And that tower...if they die here, no one will convey the important information here back.

  "Retreat." He ordered.

  The two surviving knights looked at each other.

  "Retreat, I'll cut off the rear." Lucio said and climbed onto the back of the remaining wyvern.

  "Yes!" The knights finally responded.

  Li Yuan watched Lucio's flying dragon rise again, and immediately prepared to fight.

  But then he saw the other side turn around and retreat away from the tower, with Lucio riding a flying dragon guarding the back.

  Li Yuan stared at them cautiously until they left the range of the [Watcher] and until they disappeared from sight.

  Letting go of Western Europe is undoubtedly a hidden danger. He has such a rift with the empire. Maybe one day, this dragon-slaying hero will appear in front of him again with a long sword.

  But he didn't have the ability to chase down Lucio who still had the strength to fight. It would be better to fight again in the future than to die together now.

  The battle ended, and the late fatigue came over him. Li Yuan quickly landed on the ground, and then lay down.

  "Ganoen!!" Zhenna crawled out from his paws and ran towards the location of his wound with an anxious look on her face, "Quickly transform into a human form, shrink the wound, and I will treat you! Don't want to die. ! If you die..."

  I will be the only one left - Zhenna thought in her heart.

  Quite coincidentally, this is the place where she escaped from the Endless Tower and collapsed.

  Zhenna immediately recalled the memory of lying here, thinking that she was going to die alone and miserably.

  She no longer wanted to experience that lonely and despairing death.

  When the red dragon said that they might die here together, she was not afraid at all.

  Li Yuan was so noisy by her that he became dizzy. After using the transformation technique to transform into a human form, he sat up and glared at Zhenna.

  "Stop crying, it's not convenient for me to speak..."

  He covered the side of his cut neck and made a vague sound.

  "Are you okay?" Zhenna looked at him with her eyes wide open.

  "Something's wrong! He can't die, get treatment quickly!!" Li Yuan gave the order briefly.

  The vitality of a true dragon is extremely tenacious to begin with, and the Holy Dragon of Light form further strengthens his defense and self-healing abilities.

  As the bleeding gradually stopped, he managed to bear the serious injury that almost slit his throat.

  Zhenna quickly used Holy Light Technique on Li Yuan's wounds.

  There was a sound of footsteps approaching, and the stone riding on Lu Xinglong's back came over.

  "Congratulations to my lord on your victory." Shitou congratulated Li Yuan, "Do you need me to dance a victory dance for you?"

  "Does this count as a win?" Li Yuan smiled bitterly, but he could only move the corner of his mouth that was not injured.

  "If you survive, you win." Shitou replied in a calm tone.

  Li Yuan opened his eyes slightly, and then relaxed.

  Indeed, for him now, surviving is the greatest victory.

  He stretched out his hand and signaled Shitou to help him. Shitou immediately came down and helped Li Yuan support one arm.

  "Miss Zhenna, I'll trouble you on the other side." Shitou immediately shouted to Zhenna.

  "Okay, okay." Zhenna was a little caught off guard, but she took action immediately and picked up Li Yuan's other arm.

  "Why don't you..." Li Yuan glanced at Zhenna hesitantly, and wanted to say, "Forget it."

  With such a height difference, Zhenna couldn't provide much support at all. It felt like she was just holding his arm, rather than letting him put his arm around the Lu Xinglong's back.

  "Don't talk too much if it's not convenient for you to talk!" Zhenna blushed slightly and patted his arm.

  Li Yuan smiled helplessly with the corner of his uninjured mouth, and with the support of Shitou and Zhenna, he slowly walked towards his tower.

  (End of chapter)

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