Chapter 40 Princess Fred’s Plan

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  Chapter 40 Princess Fred’s Plan
  Three days later, Lucio opened his eyes.

  He woke up immediately and sat up immediately.

  His memory stayed at the time when he and the remaining two knights rushed back to Longkou Fortress. As soon as he got off the back of the flying dragon, he fell into a coma on the spot.

  And now he was in a well-decorated bedroom, lying on a soft bed, his body covered with bandages.

  "You're awake, sir." The older female medical officer had been watching over the bed. When she saw him getting up, she immediately stood up to greet him, "How do you feel?" "Where am I?" Lucio said this


  "This is the palace's annex. You have returned to Longshou Fort." The female medical officer replied respectfully.

  "How long have I been unconscious?" Lucio asked.

  "Three days have passed since you lost consciousness in Longkou Fortress, and today is the seventeenth." The female medical officer replied.

  "I have to see His Highness!" Lucio immediately lifted the quilt and prepared to get out of bed.

  "You can't get out of bed yet..."

  The female medical officer tried to stop him, but Lucio raised his arm to stop him: "Don't worry about me, I'm fine." "If you are injured, just

  lie down and rest. If anything goes wrong, it will be a loss for the entire country." The voice from the corner made Lucio freeze.

  He turned his head and saw Princess Fred sitting on a chair in the corner holding a book. She was supporting her face with her hands and looking at him with a smile.

  "Your Highness!" Surprised that he didn't notice the other person's aura, Lucio hurriedly prepared to kneel down and salute.

  "Are you going to disobey me?" Princess Fred closed the book.

  Lucio, who had just bent his knees halfway, was startled for a moment and then reacted.

  Princess Fred's order just now was for him to lie down and rest.

  "I don't dare." He gave up the salute and sat back on the bed.

  Princess Fred didn't say anything and raised her eyebrows at him.

  Lucio sighed and lay down again.

  "That's right." The smile returned to Fred's face, and she turned to the female medical officer, "Check it." After hearing this, the female medical officer

  did a basic examination for Lucio, and then clicked on Princess Fred. nod.

  "You go down first." Fred pushed away the female medical officer, stood up and came to the bedside, looking at Lucio condescendingly, "How do you feel? I have been worried about you these past two days." "It's nothing serious anymore

  . ." Lucio's face turned gloomy, "I failed to live up to His Highness's expectations. Not only did I fail to complete the mission, but I also lost so many people and shamelessly escaped from the battlefield. I am not worthy of His Highness's worries. I should bear the punishment." "I care

  . Is there anything wrong with your fiancé?" Princess Fred laughed, "And you followed my instructions completely, so why did you make any mistakes?" "I..." Lucio was about to speak, but Fred was interrupted

  . The princess interrupted with a gesture.

  "I have received a report on what happened. The tasks and personnel were assigned by me, and I made the judgment that you could easily complete it. You fully followed my instructions and performed the task. There is no doubt that the responsibility lies with me."

  Princess Fred said seriously, then put a generous smile on her face, and put her hand on Lucio's shoulder, "And you did a good job, retreating in time to avoid the greatest loss. You have to know that you How important it is to me and this country. I have wronged you to have you endure the humiliation and escape from the battle for me."

  Lucio remained silent. After a while, he slowly spoke: "Your Highness, please punish me. Let me, so I feel better."

  "If you feel so guilty, then make up for it during the next expedition." Princess Fred leaned down and lowered her voice and said in Lucio's ear, "Don't forget the two What are we going to do in a few months? I believe you will have recovered from your injuries by then." "

  I can hold the sword again at any time." Lucio said seriously.

  "Now your task is to prepare for that day. Recuperating your injuries is part of the preparation. This is an order." Fred stared at Lucio and said, "Do you understand?" Lucio was silent for a long time and nodded:

  " I understand."

  "That's right." Princess Fred put her hand down from Lucio's shoulder, "I feel relieved when you wake up. Now it's time for me to go to work. There are still many things piled up. We're dealing with it."

  "Wait a minute, Your Highness!" Lucio suddenly remembered the key thing and hurriedly called out to Princess Fred, "Your Highness Zhenna, she..."

  About Zhenna, about the red dragon, and about the tower. ...He still has many things to report to Princess Fred.

  But Princess Fred made a quiet gesture to stop him.

  "You need to rest now. When I come to see you in the evening, please report to me carefully." Princess Fred said slowly, "As for Zhenna... I didn't expect that my dear sister would be abused. The dragon was captured and brainwashed, and he became an accomplice of the evil dragon, and even helped the evil dragon kill his own knight."

  Lucio's eyes widened in surprise, but he soon understood what Princess Freder meant.

  After hearing about Jena and the red dragon fighting side by side, Princess Fred decided to use "Jena was brainwashed by the evil dragon" as the external explanation for Princess Jena's disappearance.

  Regardless of brainwashing, it is a fact that Princess Zhenna and the Red Dragon are on the same side, and it is probably true that they counter-killed Heinrich who wanted to assassinate her. If Zhenna cannot use strong evidence to prove that Fred attempted to assassinate her, I can only say nothing.

  "Then what do you plan to do with her in the future..." Lucio asked cautiously.

  "There is no need to kill her. We have already invested too much in this unimportant matter. If we continue, it will affect our more important plans." Princess Fred replied.

  "But with all due respect, there may be something weird about the ruins where Red Dragon and Princess Zhenna are hiding. I don't think we can leave it alone forever." Lucio added.

  That tower undoubtedly possessed some inexplicable power. Rather than saying that he was defeated by the red dragon, it was better to say that he was repelled by the power of that tower.

  He had guessed that there was a legendary strongman hiding in that tower helping Princess Zhenna, but no such person showed up from the beginning to the end of that battle.

  Princess Zhenna and the red dragon have now established a hostile relationship with them. The power in the ruins they obtained may turn into a threat to His Highness Fred.

  "I think so too." Princess Fred nodded, "But even the best spy never returned, and you were repelled. To capture it, we can only send a force of sufficient size. This will affect our more important plans later. Once we obtain the land in Breeze Forest, it will be easier to use troops there, right?" "Indeed." Lucio also agreed with this statement


  Fred turned around and muttered something in a low voice as if talking to himself: "Besides, there is really no need to do anything to Zhenna anymore..."

  Lucio was stunned after hearing this. Princess Red has already said it before, why should she emphasize it again here?
  He had vaguely felt earlier that Princess Fred wanted to kill Jeanne for more than just political purposes.

  Now she suddenly no longer plans to kill Zhenna. Is it simply because it is no longer necessary, or is it because she has given up on her hidden purpose?

  Or has her goal been achieved?

  "Ah, by the way, there is something important that I must let you know." When he walked to the door, Fred suddenly turned his face and his expression became a little solemn, "Father, he passed away last night. ”

  (End of chapter)

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