Chapter 38 is all about tower defense

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  Chapter 38 is about tower defense
  . Lucio rides on the back of the flying dragon and starts looking for a suitable attack angle.

  As long as he is sure that the opponent does not have that weird holy shield defense, he can attack from the front and only need a "blow from the God of War" to end the battle.

  At this time, the red dragon suddenly lowered its height and flew in the direction of the tall tower.

  There was indeed something in that tower...

  Lucio made a quick decision and ordered the flying dragon to swoop down.

  The red dragon seemed to want to leave the battlefield. With the speed of the flying dragon, if it evolved into a long-distance chase, the red dragon would definitely escape.

  The only way to end the battle is now!

  He slid off the dragon's back again and hung on the dragon's claws with a hook.

  Under his command, the wyvern threw him in the direction of the red dragon. At the same time, his armor burst out with a large amount of steam, and the propulsion device provided him with extra speed.

  He quickly closed the distance from above and behind the red dragon, and the God of War's attack was ready to go!
  At the same time, another ballista knight drove his bipedal flying dragon downwards, preparing to meet Lucio.


  Zhenna, who was riding on the dragon's back, stood up at this moment and rushed towards Lucio's direction along the dragon's back, raising her shield high.

  Want to use the Holy Shield to protect the red dragon from the "God of War's blow"?

  Lucio made a judgment in an instant.

  With Zhenna's level of Holy Shield, she couldn't withstand the legendary warrior's full blow. This strike was enough to split her body and shield in half, and then severely damaged the red dragon underneath.

  Even if he could resist, the most he could do was ensure that he would not be killed on the spot.

  The "God of War's Strike" he wielded could hit a range of six meters, enough to split open a city gate.

  The holy shield summoned by Zhenna cannot have such a large range, and there will definitely be slashes falling on the red dragon.

  The severely injured Red Dragon falls, and Zhenna will also be killed!
  Lucio slashed, and flying blades that could not be caught by the naked eye flew out from the trajectory of the slash.

  Zhenna suddenly jumped off the dragon's back and raised her triangular shield high. A huge light-cast holy shield emerged in front of the shield, covering her whole body.

  At this moment, she activated the power of the sub-artifact. The handle of the sub-artifact suddenly entangled the sacred fire, and the heat quickly penetrated the gauntlet.

  Bearing the price, Zhenna gritted her teeth. At this moment, she felt like she was holding a soldering iron!
  The red dragon suddenly folded its wings, fell downwards and distanced itself, and at the same time, its body began to collapse!
  Transfiguration! !

  At this moment, Lucio's eyes widened in surprise, and he sensed the red dragon's intention.

  The flying blade bombarded the holy shield with a loud noise. The holy shield summoned by Zhenna with the power of the sub-artifact did not break and barely withstood the blow!
  Outside the scope of the holy shield, the flying blade with a portion cut off in the middle continued to extend downward. The red dragon's body underneath had shrunk into a human shape, and the two flying blades just passed over his head and feet.

  He used the transformation technique to temporarily shrink his size, and used Zhenna's holy shield as a cover to avoid the attack!
  How can this be?

  Lucio felt that his common sense had been challenged.

  Using transformation to avoid long-range attacks is a common move for some warlocks and mages. Although true dragons who know transformation can theoretically do it, they will never do it.

  It's not that they don't have such wisdom, but that they are very resistant to changing their proud and powerful bodies. Most dragons simply don't bother to turn into human form!

  Just after escaping the attack, Li Yuan turned over in the air, released the transformation spell, and transformed himself into a dragon shape again.

  He roared angrily, grabbed the fallen Zhenna with his dragon claws, flapped his wings and rushed towards Lucio, who was about to launch a hook line at the responding bipedal dragon.

  Now there are only two bipedal flying dragons that can serve as Lucio's foothold. Li Yuan can easily predict Lucio's trajectory and will not let him escape as easily as before.

  "God of War's Strike" requires the accumulation of strength, and now is the best time for him to launch a counterattack.

  While he was preparing to breathe out, he opened his mouth and bit Lucio!
  Lucio didn't have time to dodge, so he curled up in the air, adjusted to a posture that was almost half-kneeling, and faced the biting dragon's teeth with his left forearm and right knee.

  Li Yuan suddenly felt that he had bitten an amazingly strong spring. Not only was it difficult to crush it, but there was also a strong resistance force preventing him from closing his mouth!
  Lucio, with his human body, was able to withstand the bite force of the dragon! ?
  At the same time, [Watcher] saw through Lucio's ability, and the information quickly flowed into Li Yuan's mind:

  "The power of giants greatly increases physical strength and power in a very short period of time."

  This monster knight can be even more outrageous. A little! ? Li Yuan shouted in his heart.

  He did not let go of Lucio, but chose to release the brewing breath.

  Lucio saw the red dragon's throat shining with fire, as bright as the sunrise.

  Even if he resisted the dragon's bite, the breath from such a close range could still severely injure him.

  But the speed at which he drew his sword was far faster than the dragon's breath.

  Lucio swung his sword hand horizontally, aiming at the right corner of the red dragon's mouth and slashed at it.

  Both the range and the power of the strike were far inferior to the God of War's blow, but with the blessing of the "power of giants", the flying blade of the Sky-breaking Sword still tore open the corners of the red dragon's mouth and sliced ​​the red dragon's lips from the side. Neck!

  Seeing the blood spurting out from the red dragon's neck like a fountain, Zhenna screamed: "Ganoun!!" The

  unprecedented pain almost made Li Yuan's consciousness blank for a moment. He still spit out flames, but Part of the breath leaked out from the wound on his neck, greatly reducing the power of the flames sprayed from his mouth.

  Lucio was bathed in the weakened breath, and his whole body was suffering from the burning pain of high temperature. The fireproof equipment on his body could barely withstand the damage.

  He did not swing the second sword, but gathered strength to prepare for the "God of War's blow".

  Well done! He said to the red dragon in his heart.

  This is sincere appreciation. This mature red dragon can force him to this point. He is undoubtedly a respectable opponent!
  The next time he draws his sword, he will completely finish this opponent with this kind of respect!

  The tower in the distance suddenly shone with light.

  Lucio glanced in that direction and was stunned.

  A huge angel ring emerged outside the fifth floor of the tower.

  In the Sun Temple on the fifth floor, the divine seal suspended in the light pillar flickered, and a huge magic circle emerged on the temple floor.

  The doll-sized golem stood in front of the light pillar and made a sound like a robot: "Inject the remaining magic power and call up the counterattack spell: Ring of Judgment Angel!" Li Yuan raised his head at this moment and aimed the Lucio in his mouth at the Angel's Ring

  . ring.

  The magic power accumulated in the Endless Tower in the past few days can drive the magic circle of the Sun Temple and summon large-scale holy light spells. This is his biggest trump card.

  It takes time to drive the magic circle to cast spells, and it is impossible to hit a target that can move flexibly in the air.

  But Lucio, who is now bitten by Li Yuan, has no way to escape!

  Sorry, I play tower defense! !
  Li Yuan sent the launch order to the Angel Ring through the permission letter in his consciousness.

  The raging pillar of fire was released from the angel ring, and the dazzling white light almost faded the surrounding area.

  The pillar of fire submerged the red dragon's head, and Li Yuan let go of his mouth. Lucio was blasted away by the pillar of fire like a fallen leaf washed away by the torrent.

  (End of chapter)

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