Chapter 37 You help me block the knife

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  Chapter 37: You helped me block the sword.
  Her Royal Highness, the princess riding on the back of the dragon, made up for the dragon's flaw!

  The holy fire pillar of the Angel Ring struck Lucio, but it did not cause any harm to the King of Knights.

  In order to deal with the red dragon, he specially prepared equipment that could withstand high temperatures. In addition to the fireproof technology of the "Dragon Slayer" steam armor itself, he also wore a layer of dragon scale armor inside instead of chainmail.

  And that layer of dragon scale armor was made of the scales of the old red dragon he had killed before.

  Facing the breath of a mature red dragon, such equipment can only slightly reduce the damage.

  But if it's just a holy fire spell cast by a master-level paladin, it can still be easily dealt with.

  However, the impact of the fire pillar still caused a little trouble for Lucio who was hanging on the hook.

  Lucio, who was approaching the red dragon's neck with the hook rope and propulsion device, suddenly deflected due to the impact of the fire pillar, and the approaching speed also slowed down, which gave Li Yuan time to react.

  He tilted his body in the air and flicked his neck, causing the hook to fall off the crown of thorns.

  Lucio flew out, retracting the hook and turning over in the air to adjust his posture. Then he found the flying dragon again and used the hook to ride on the back of the flying dragon again.

  "Captain! Achim, he——"

  Another knight riding on the back of the flying dragon shouted sadly.

  Achim is the knight who just turned into a fireball and fell.

  "Focus on fighting and avenge him."

  Lucio was very calm and didn't even look at the fallen knight again, because it was pointless.

  Killing a mature red dragon was not a difficult task for him, but this battle still resulted in unexpected casualties because of the red dragon's extremely weird abilities.

  This is not the power a red dragon should have.

  That tower...

  Lucio subconsciously glanced at the tower in the distance.

  His intuition told him that the secret might be hidden in that tower.

  The disappearance of the secret agent had already made him realize that things were not that simple. In addition to the red dragon, there might be other things here.

  What he wants to find out is not only the whereabouts of Princess Zhenna, but also any existence that may be hidden here that is detrimental to Princess Fred.

  And now the six knights below are marching towards the tower in formation, taking advantage of the battlefield where the red dragon is dragged in the air, according to the original plan.

  The knight running at the front heard strange noises.

  The sound of horse hooves was also heard from the opposite side, and then three cavalrymen appeared in the forest. The leader was riding on a land dragon, wrapped in thick "barbarian" steam armor, and holding a mechanical battle ax in his hand.

  The other two cavalrymen were wearing the standard armor of the Imperial Knights and carried dragon-hunting crossbows on their shoulders.

  "Deputy Commander Heinrich, are you still alive?" The leading knight shouted out the other party's name in surprise.

  That set of steam armor might not be enough to prove his identity, but that land dragon was undoubtedly Heinrich's exclusive mount.

  The ill-tempered dragons can only be successfully tamed by raising them from young, and they will only recognize the tamer they have been in contact with since they were young as their masters.

  The land dragon that Heinrich was riding could not easily accept other people's decision.

  Heinrich's team was still alive, and the marching knights made this judgment as a matter of course.

  And this error in judgment is fatal!

  There were two loud noises without warning, and the two knights beside "Heinrich" fired the ballistae directly.

  Immediately, two knights were pierced by crossbow arrows and flew backwards from their horses. One of them was nailed to a tree behind, with blood splattering everywhere.

  Facing the ballistae that can pierce dragon scales, the knight's armor is like paper.

  At the same time, "Heinrich" did not slow down its charging speed, driving the land dragon to pounce directly on the leading knight.

  The knight was completely caught off guard. Although he set up his weapon in time to resist, the land dragon that flew over bit the horse's neck first and knocked it down.

  When the knight lost his balance and fell, he finally saw "Heinrich's" "face" through the gap in the opponent's helmet.

  Inside the helmet was not Heinrich at all, but a huge stone.

  There's a stone man inside the armor!

  "Golem!" Just as he understood what was going on, a flying battle ax chopped off his head.

  "Meet the enemy!!"

  The situation instantly became three versus three, and the remaining three knights then got into a combat formation.

  Stone, the steward of the Endless Tower, drove Lu Xinglong and led his clone to charge towards the remaining knights.

  "Leave the intruders on the ground to me, my lord, may you triumph."

  He read to the red dragon fighting in the sky, although the other party could not hear it.

  At this time, Li Yuan, who was on the aerial battlefield, was trying to figure out the situation: "It should be easy if we take out another flying dragon." After taking out

  two bipedal flying dragons and a knight, Lucio's available footholds in the air were reduced by nearly half. .

  If he kills another one, there are only two landing points, and Lucio's trajectory in the air will be easy to predict.

  A bipedal flying dragon suddenly entered Li Yuan's shooting range. It was a bait, but Li Yuan chased it desperately and locked onto it, preparing to shoot it down with dragon flame bullets.

  At this time, another bipedal flying dragon grabbed the hook rope from underneath him, spun it in the air, and threw Lucio upwards like a hammer.

  Lucio aimed at the belly of the red dragon and made a sword swing.

  Li Yuan closed the distance and breathed a wide range of sky fire breath towards the flying dragon as a bait.

  Lucio took the opportunity to slash the belly of the red dragon from the air, and Li Yuan opened the Holy Light Armor covering the dragon scales in time.

  Lucio launched his attack from an angle that neither he nor Zhenna on the dragon's back could directly see, but the [Watcher] could see it clearly.

  The two-legged flying dragon wrapped in breath fell down, but Lucio's "God of War's Blow" did not land on his abdomen as Li Yuan expected.

  He didn't use the "God of War's Strike", he didn't even swing the sword!

  He changed his movements, aimed at the dragon's hind claws, and used precise techniques to manually throw out the hook.


  Li Yuan was shocked. He realized that Lucio had actually noticed his "all-round vision", and the reason why he still insisted on attacking from around the blind corner was to trick him into activating his power.

  The hook rope was wrapped around the dragon's claw, and Lucio was hanging behind him. He accelerated with the help of the propulsion device and suddenly swung to the side of the dragon.

  "Oops!" When Li Yuan shook off the hook, it was already too late.

  The light on his body suddenly decreased, and the duration of his power reached its limit.

  Lucio, who was approaching the side of the dragon, swung his sword again. Li Yuan had no time to think about it and could only forcefully activate the holy armor again. He couldn't bet on whether the opponent was feinting again. With their reaction speed difference, he would be dead if he made a wrong bet. Got it!

  This time, the "God of War's blow" made a heavy blow on its right hind leg. Li Yuan also exhausted his power, and the brilliance of the scales dimmed.

  The ballista knight rode the flying dragon and rushed over to respond. Lucio used a hook to hang under the flying dragon's claws and quickly moved away from the red dragon.

  "That ability is probably no longer usable."

  Lucio keenly read the traces of panic shown by the red dragon at this moment.

  This kind of defense method that transcends the legendary realm cannot have no limitations. If Red Dragon's acting skills are not superb enough to deceive his combat intuition, Red Dragon's life-saving holy shield technique can only be used three times in a row.

  The next time he drew his sword, he could kill the dragon.

  "What should I do?" Zhenna asked Li Yuan worriedly. She also knew that Li Yuan could only use three absolute defenses.

  After a brief thought, Li Yuan decided to take a gamble.

  "Next round, help me block the knife!" Li Yuan said solemnly.

  "What?" Zhenna was a little dumbfounded.

  (End of chapter)

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