Chapter 30 Forced Purification

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  Chapter 30: Forced purification

  of Holy Wings Cathedral and underground altar.

  The shield placed on the altar continued to shine, illuminating the basement.

  Under the leadership of Bishop Marcel, Li Yuan and Zhen Na walked into the basement.

  Li Yuan glanced at the shield on the altar. The red dragon's natural instinct for treasures told him that the value of this thing was not low - but it was just not low. At best, it could only be regarded as a magic weapon, and it had a huge difference with the real artifact. gap.

  "Take out the real thing." Li Yuan raised his hand and pointed to another direction in the basement.

  Zhenna had already revealed the situation here to him in advance. What was placed on the altar was just an ordinary-quality magic weapon, and a shield that would continue to glow after being injected with magic power. It was used to deal with some thieves who were not so discerning.

  "Your Highness has told you everything." Bishop Marcel sighed.

  He walked to the wall that Li Yuan pointed to, fiddled with the mechanism, and then opened the secret compartment on the wall.

  An ancient triangular shield was hidden inside. Compared with the shield enshrined on the altar, this shield obviously lacked maintenance, had no luster, and was covered with dust.

  But Li Yuan could tell at a glance that this thing was old and made of unusual materials, and it was definitely not an ordinary thing.

  A strong possessive desire suddenly emerged, and he suddenly wanted to take this thing and put it in his treasure house.

  "Ganoen." Zhenna tugged at the corner of his clothes.

  Only then did Li Yuan restrain his greedy look with a fierce look on his face.

  Bishop Marcel held the triangular shield in his own hand. The center of the shield was engraved with a golden sun wrapped in countless wings.

  "This is the artifact you are looking for, the protection of no harm." Bishop Marcel said to Li Yuan, "Mr. Ganouen, I advise you to reconsider." "There is nothing to consider, just bring it." Li

  Yuan Yuan stretched out his hand and said, "Remember to abide by the agreement. As long as I can successfully use the power of this artifact, you can no longer hinder us."

  After repeated negotiations, he and Bishop Marcel finally reached a bet.

  As long as he can withstand the price of the artifact and successfully exert its power, Bishop Marcel will no longer stop them from taking away the artifact.

  When Li Yuan first proposed it, Bishop Marcel had no intention of agreeing. Only paladins at the legendary realm could use the artifact safely, and those with insufficient realms would have to bear the price.

  Even the same legendary strongman, as long as he is not a "Paladin" or "Priest" blessed by the Holy Light, will still have to bear the price.

  Moreover, if it is a "Necromancer" or "Warlock" that is not compatible with the power of the Holy Light, not only will it be ineffective when used forcefully, but it will also suffer a more serious backlash.

  Ganon seemed to be quite strong, but Marcel could tell that the opponent was definitely not a paladin or a priest.

  When he asked about his profession, Li Yuan casually replied that he was an extraordinary mage, good at fire element spells.

  Bishop Marcel only felt that this mage was seeking death and actually wanted to use elemental spells to resist the sky fire.

  He continued to persuade with earnest words, but what he received in return was the other party's impatient threat: "Otherwise I will snatch it now!"

  Bishop Marcel also tried to let Zhenna persuade, but Zhenna only calmly replied: "That's it. Let him try it."

  Zhenna knew the inside story, and naturally also knew the reason why Ganon proposed this bet.

  In the end, Bishop Marcel had no choice but to agree to the bet.

  "If you fail, please stop trying to take it. If you plan to rob it, I will still try my best to stop it. It is my duty, so please understand." Bishop Marcel said seriously, "Of course, the premise is that you If you can survive, I sincerely advise you not to be brave. Excessive pride will lead to destruction." "

  Don't worry, just bring it." Li Yuan just stretched out his hand.

  He had no intention of relying on any magic to resist the flames.

  "I advise you to take off your clothes first." Bishop Marcel reminded.

  What he was worried about was not that the burned clothes would be unsightly, but that after the fire broke out, the remains of the clothes would stick to the burned skin and hinder rescue efforts.

  In his eyes, Li Yuan was basically a wounded person. He only hoped that this pretentious young man would not kill himself. If he died, Her Highness Zhenna would also be very sad.

  Hearing this, Li Yuan took the lute off his back, then took off his troubadour attire and handed it all to Zhenna.

  "Mr. Ganouen, you are wearing leather armor..." Bishop Marcel continued to remind.

  "These are magic weapons that can improve my resistance to flames." Li Yuan patted the leather armor and pants on his body.

  This part of the clothing is actually a part of the horniness of the dragon scale. He can further use the transformation technique to put the clothing away, or he can make it fall off temporarily and put it on and take off like normal clothes.

  Ordinary magical weapons were of no use in front of the divine weapons, but Bishop Marcel had already experienced the opponent's stubbornness and could only look at Zhenna again.

  "Just let him wear it." Zhenna said.

  Marcel sighed helplessly. Love makes people blind. He has repeatedly emphasized the danger, but Her Highness Zhenna is still full of confidence in this person.

  And this will eventually lead to tragedy, but there is nothing he can do about it.

  He carefully handed the artifact to Li Yuan, then exited and stood near the exit of the basement.

  Li Yuan glanced at Bishop Marcel. In fact, if possible, he wanted to grab the artifact, pick up Zhenna and run away.

  However, Bishop Marcel was obviously wary of this possibility and was still blocking the exit.

  According to Zhenna, Bishop Marcel is also a master-level Holy Light Priest, specializing in Holy Shield.

  It's not impossible for him to deal with it, but I'm afraid it will take a while, and other people in the church will be attracted during the fight, making it difficult to end in the end.

  If he wins the bet and can make Bishop Marcel give up blocking, that will naturally be the best result.

  Li Yuan took up the "Innocuous Asylum" and began to try to inject power into it like a spell.

  The shield suddenly lit up, but almost at the same time, white flames immediately enveloped Li Yuan.

  "Mr. Ganouen!" Bishop Marcel looked at Li Yuan worriedly.

  "I'm fine." Li Yuan replied calmly.

  The surrounding flames were enough to scorch the flesh of an ordinary person, but not only was he unscathed, but also...

  "This is quite comfortable." He thought in his heart.

  The reason why he proposed this bet was because he was very sure that there was a high probability that he would be fine.

  The fire-breathing red dragon itself is completely immune to fire.

  It can be said that he is not afraid of fire from head to toe, but rather likes high temperature environments.

  Even the flame summoned by the legendary mage is basically impossible to cause obvious damage to the red dragon.

  As the light of the shield became more intense, the flames wrapped around Li Yuan also became more intense, and began to turn into a dazzling white color, even a little dazzling.

  But Li Yuan was still quite at ease. He just felt like he was taking a sauna now. He suddenly liked this artifact.

  But at this moment, a strange feeling emerged from the depths of his body.


  He felt that there seemed to be something wrong with his transformation. A powerful force was forcibly dispelling the effect of his transformation, pulling all parts of his body towards the dragon's true form.


  This artifact will also have a forced purification effect on the holder - exorcising the negative effects of curses, but it will also strip away some illusion and transformation spell effects, including transformation!

  (End of chapter)

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