Chapter 31 Isn’t this a fucking red dragon?

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  Chapter 31 Isn’t this a fucking red dragon?
  "Ganoen?" Zhenna showed a look of surprise.

  "I can't hold it anymore, stop now!" Bishop Marcel also shouted.

  They all noticed something strange about Li Yuan.

  "'s okay!" Li Yuan squeezed out his voice with some difficulty.

  "Your voice has become like this and you are still trying to be brave? You will really die!"

  Bishop Marcel shouted. In his imagination, this young man's firebending skills could no longer block the holy fire, and he was experiencing the burning pain of the fire. pain.

  But in fact, Li Yuan didn't feel any pain at all. He had difficulty pronouncing because his throat was a little unstable now.

  It should be said that his whole body was unstable, and the effect of the forced purification was disintegrating his transformation, and he had to continue to perform the transformation spell repeatedly to resist.

  The dragon's transformation talent is actually very powerful. After all, it can transform a body as huge as a hill into the size of a human being.

  Moreover, dragon scales still have a certain resistance to spells. Ordinary purification and dispersal effects may not allow the transformed dragon to show its original shape, but the power of this artifact is so powerful that Li Yuan can't resist it. .

  Damn it, why didn’t this bishop explain it in advance? Li Yuan complained in his heart.

  But Bishop Marcel is really not to blame for this, because normally, the purification effect of the holy fire does not cause additional harm to people, but also has the benefit of expelling curses. Only warlocks and necromancers, as well as the demons and immortals they summon, Creatures take damage from cleansing.

  How could he have thought that the man brought by Princess Zhenna was a red dragon with a deformed head?

  Just hold on until the effects of the artifact show up! Li Yuan gritted his teeth and persisted, while raising his shield to cover his face.

  "Are you really okay?" Zhenna looked worried.

  Although she knew that the holy fire spell had a purifying effect, she didn't know that the purification of this artifact was powerful enough to remove the dragon's transformation spell.

  Seeing Li Yuan struggling to hold on, she thought that the power of the holy fire was beyond imagination, even exceeding the red dragon's resistance to flames.

  "Why do you have to be so stubborn?" Bishop Marcel didn't know that the person holding the shield was a red dragon, and he looked even more anxious.

  For Her Royal Highness, this young man is really going to risk his life!
  But now that Li Yuan is surrounded by the Holy Fire, they have no way to get close. Only Li Yuan himself gives up to stop the backlash of the artifact.


  Suddenly, along with Li Yuan's majestic roar, a light barrier appeared from the surface of the shield, covering Li Yuan's entire body.

  This is a holy shield technique that surpasses the legendary paladin. In this world where the powerful gods are extinct, the holy shield summoned by this artifact can block almost all attacks.

  At the same time, the holy fire on Li Yuan suddenly went out, and only a few wisps of green smoke curled up.

  "Ganoen!" Zhenna shouted worriedly.

  "S-succeeded?" Bishop Marcel looked at this scene in disbelief, and it took him a moment to react, "Mr. Ganouen, are you still alive?" "I'm fine."

  Li Yuan replied in a hoarse voice.

  As soon as he finished speaking, the light on the shield went out, and the barrier disappeared.

  But Li Yuan still held up his shield to block his face.

  "Mr. Ganouen." Bishop Marcel breathed a sigh of relief, and then showed an admiring smile, "Your spells and your will amaze me. Please allow me to pay my respects to you!" He did not expect that he would actually do it

  . There are mages who can withstand the test of artifacts with their spells and fire-resistant equipment.

  "Don't talk so much nonsense. I won the bet. Do you admit it?" Li Yuan asked in a rough voice.

  "Of course, I will definitely keep my promise. You can take away the 'Innocuous Blessing', you are qualified!" Bishop Marcel said and suddenly saluted solemnly, "Your Highness Zhenna, I leave it to you!! "

  He has fully recognized the young man's affection for the princess, and now he has nothing but admiration for Li Yuan.

  "That's good, we'll take the things away and say goodbye!"

  Li Yuan said, holding up the shield and walking in the direction of Zhenna, and always pointed the shield towards Bishop Marcel. His movements looked so awkward. How awkward.

  "Mr. Ganouen, why are you covering your face?" Bishop Marcel immediately noticed that it was unnatural.

  Zhenna also frowned in confusion.

  "My face was burned a little, so it's not convenient for people to see." Li Yuan replied.

  "Burn? Let me take a look at the injury, and I'll take you up for treatment." Bishop Marcel said enthusiastically.

  "No, no, it's not serious!" Li Yuan said while approaching Zhenna.

  Zhen Na saw Li Yuan's appearance behind the shield from the side and almost screamed.

  Li Yuan's head has now completely transformed into the shape of a giant dragon, and his hands have transformed into ferocious dragon claws. Only the outline of his body still maintains his human form.

  After continuing to resist the purification effect until the end, Li Yuan's transformation skills were exhausted to the limit. Now he can only achieve the level of this dragon-headed man, and cannot further transform into a human form for the time being.

  Li Yuan quickly made a silencing gesture behind Shields.

  "How could it not be serious? I heard that your voice has changed and your trachea has been burned, right?" Bishop Marcel said seriously.

  "He's really fine. Don't worry, teacher." Zhenna, who realized that something was going on, gave Bishop Marcel a stiff smile and echoed Li Yuan's words, "Let's go out, please go first." "Yes

  . "Huh?" Bishop Marcel still looked worried. He thought for a moment and nodded, "Okay, let's go out first."

  After saying this, he pretended to go up and suddenly raised his hand to cast a spell.

  He gave up chanting and instantly released a Holy Shield Technique, summoning a Holy Shield behind Ganon that had little defensive effect.

  He made the holy shield reflect the light on the surface. At this time, the holy shield turned into a luminous mirror, which reflected Li Yuan's back.

  In surprise, Li Yuan turned his head reflexively, and his face appeared in the mirror.

  "Look, are you saying it's not serious? The fever in your hair is gone, and your whole face has been burned out of shape, and it's so red!! Even the scales are burned out, and a pair of horns are burned out. Damn it! Isn’t it a red dragon!?”

  Bishop Marcel’s heartbreaking sermon suddenly turned into a hysterical scream midway through.

  "Let's go!!" Li Yuan reacted quickly, and while Bishop Marcel was still in a state of confusion, he picked up Zhenna and rushed out of the exit.

  "This, this..." Bishop Marcel's mind went blank and he didn't have time to stop him.

  Then he heard the sound of broken glass coming from above, and then he suddenly came back to his senses and rushed out of the underground altar.

  Then he saw that a window in the sacrificial hall was smashed, and the two people had disappeared. Ganon took the princess out from here, and then flew away directly from the courtyard of the church. Fortunately, the courtyard was just right. nobody.

  What exactly is going on?

  Bishop Marcel stood there in confusion.

  As the footsteps approached, Bishop Marcel reacted and closed the secret passage leading to the underground altar.

  "What happened, Lord Bishop?" The church guard rushed into the hall.

  "This..." Bishop Marcel hesitated for a while, and finally gave the answer, "Nothing, I just accidentally tripped and hit the window." At the end of the hesitation, the image of

  Zhenna just now appeared in his mind. Worried about Ganon.

  No matter what, may the Holy Light bless you. He thought secretly in his heart.
  the countryside, Li Yuan, in half-dragon form, fell from the sky with Zhenna on his shoulders, folded his wings, and put Zhenna down.

  Then, he suddenly covered his chest with a pained expression and squatted down, using the artifact shield to support himself.

  "Ganoen!?" Seeing this, Zhenna quickly put down the lute and those clothes, squatted down and put her hands on the opponent's shoulders, asking with concern, "Are you injured anywhere? Let me see it quickly!" This artifact

  ! The holy fire is so powerful that it can even hurt the red dragon.

  Without thinking, Li Yuan shook his head at her, and then cast a slightly resentful look at her.

  "What's going on?" Zhenna was confused.

  "Gold coins..." Li Yuan said in a very distressed tone, "I haven't come back yet." "

  Ah." With an embarrassed look on her face, Zhenna was petrified, and then she timidly said, "Yes, right?" Come on, can you... let me owe you this first?"

  (End of Chapter)

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