Chapter 29 The test of burning oneself in fire

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  Chapter 29 The test of burning one's body in flames
  "Is there any problem?" Li Yuan asked, "At least when she was assassinated, I was the one who saved her, not you. I dare not say it is absolutely safe here, but It's definitely safer than being here with you!"

  Marcel was silent for a moment, then asked: "I haven't asked you how to call me sir yet?"

  "Ganoen." Li Yuan threw out the name.

  "Mr. Ganouen." Bishop Marcel nodded, "You not only saved Her Royal Highness Zhenna once, but are you prepared to continue to protect her in the future?" "

  Yes." Li Yuan answered simply.

  "Can I ask, what is your reason for doing this?" Bishop Marcel asked seriously.

  It can be said that saving Zhenna once only requires a little chivalrous courage, but knowing the whole story and being prepared to take care of this nosy matter to the end is not something ordinary people can do.

  This man killed Heinrich and the others, escaped in time, and flew away. Princess Fred may not be able to find out who did it, and Zhenna will not reveal the information about her savior.

  But continuing to go deeper means continuing to be the enemy of the Iron-Blooded Princess who controls the Dragon Spine Empire. Princess Fred will not let go of those who hinder her.

  Bishop Marcel could see that it was not just a little bit of chivalry that supported this young man to achieve such a level.

  "It's not convenient to say." Li Yuan directly refused to answer.

  Of course, it was impossible for him to reveal to the other party that he could not abandon the Endless Tower because of the symbiosis contract, and could only choose to advance and retreat with Zhenna.

  But Bishop Marcel obviously had a different understanding after hearing this, and he looked at Zhenna seriously: "Your Highness, please forgive me, do you trust Mr. Ganouen?" "Well, he is mine

  . My savior." Zhenna glanced at Ganouen and replied.

  "Is this really the only relationship you have?" Bishop Marcel asked.

  "Why, why do you ask?"

  Zhenna was caught off guard by the question. Such a question made her couldn't help but think of the "intimate contact" between herself and Ganouen.

  Bishop Marcel was keenly aware of her panic and the blush on her face, nodded and said: "That's right, I understand." The

  princess in distress fell in love with the hero who rescued her. This development was also very interesting. normal.

  "What do you understand?" Zhenna felt something was wrong.

  "Since Your Highness Zhenna has chosen this way, I have nothing to say. May the supreme light bless you. But in this case, why did you come all the way to see me?" Bishop Marcel asked.

  Are you really planning to let him host a wedding?

  Zhenna and Li Yuan exchanged glances and spoke cautiously, explaining their purpose: "I'm sorry, teacher, I want to take away the artifact enshrined here." "What?" Bishop Marcel frowned


  "We need that artifact to protect ourselves, and I hope you can give it to us." Li Yuan repeated it more bluntly.

  Marcel looked at Zhenna in disbelief for a while, then shook his head: "No, no! Your Highness, how could you have such an idea?" "

  I also know that this is a bit overwhelming..." Zhenna tried to persuade.

  "This is not a question that is forced on others. You must understand that this is a sacred object of the Holy Religion, not your private property!" Bishop Marcel interrupted her eloquently.

  "I heard that this was given to the empire by the Papal State. Can it be considered the emperor's thing?" Li Yuan suddenly interrupted.

  Bishop Marcel was stunned for a moment and replied hesitantly: "You can say that..."

  His Majesty the Emperor is also a believer in the Holy Religion. During his reign, he had many contacts with the Papal State. The Papal State gave this artifact as a thank you. His Majesty the Emperor's measures to support the Holy Religion in the empire.

  "The emperor should also want to protect Zhenna. If His Majesty the Emperor knew about this, he would definitely choose to give it to her, wouldn't he?" Li Yuan continued.

  Bishop Marcel was speechless for a moment.

  "You said yourself that your concern for Zhenna is definitely true. Now that she is in danger and she needs anything from here to save her life, you won't refuse it? Let's talk about it first. I originally planned to come and rob her, for Zhenna's sake. I've only been talking nonsense to you now. Whether you want to give it or not, I'm going to take it away!"

  Li Yuan didn't have much patience with Zhenna's request for negotiation. When Bishop Marcel refused, he started to threaten her.

  "Mr. Ganouen, are you threatening us?" Bishop Marcel looked solemn.

  "It should be said that this is the greatest kindness I can do. I know where the artifact is and how much defense there is here. I don't want to kill people casually, but if you want to resist needlessly, I can't help you. Determine how many people will die. Make a choice, you take it out for me, or I take it!"

  His tone became aggressive. Whether it was a fight or a negotiation, as long as the fighting spirit rose a little, it belonged to the red dragon's temperament. will begin to emerge.

  Zhenna observed Bishop Marcel's expression nervously. Ganouen's threat was a bit too explicit. Bishop Marcel was a calm person, but that didn't mean he wouldn't be provoked.

  But Marcel did not show any anger at all, but asked seriously: "Is this also for Her Highness Zhenna?" "

  Whatever you think, your answer?" Li Yuan asked impatiently.

  Marcel looked at him, lost in thought.

  It seems that this young man is really desperate to protect His Highness Zhenna.

  Although the method was a bit extreme, the idea of ​​protecting Her Royal Highness was beyond reproach.

  Thinking of this, Bishop Marcel calmly replied:
  "Calm down, I can understand your feelings of placing your hope on the artifact, but that artifact really can't help you. The cost of using that artifact is even higher than the extraordinary level. The Holy Knight may not be able to withstand it."

  Li Yuan was delighted after hearing this. The stronger the power of the artifact, the higher its requirements and price. It sounds like what is enshrined here is a high-level artifact that houses divinity. The possibility is high!
  "It doesn't matter, just give it to us." He said to Bishop Marcel.

  Anyway, his real purpose is not to use the artifact, but to return its divinity to the Endless Tower.

  Bishop Marcel naturally didn't know their true purpose. He just felt that it would be useless for them to bring the artifact, so he continued to persuade them earnestly: "Please give up, it is meaningless
  . Although the artifact can block any A form of attack, but every time you use it, you have to endure the pain of being burned by fire. With Her Highness Zhenna's current level, using it forcefully may be life-threatening!" "What did you say the price was? Was it burned by fire?

  " Li Yuan suddenly interrupted Bishop Marcel.

  "Yes, to use that artifact, if you are not a Paladin in the legendary realm, you must be able to withstand the test of sky fire." Bishop Marcel said.

  Li Yuan thought about it seriously and asked, "What if I can use it?"

  (End of Chapter)

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