Chapter 28 I will protect her

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  Chapter 28 I will protect her

  Holy Wings Cathedral.

  "Thank you both for your generous donation. The supreme light will bless you." The nun saluted the "couple" in front of her.

  Zhenna also returned the salute, and Li Yuan stood not far away, facing other directions, pretending to look at the interior decoration of the church.

  In fact, he just didn't want to witness the scene of the gold coin being sent to the donation altar.

  "I have a heartfelt request. I would like to meet Bishop Marcel here. Is it convenient for him right now?" Zhenna explained her real purpose.

  The nun looked at the two of them: "You two, do you want to ask Bishop Marcel to preside over the wedding?"

  A male and a female believer came to the church specifically to see the bishop, basically to seek the presiding of the wedding.

  Zhenna looked embarrassed, but thanks to the veil, she didn't show any clues.

  "Ah, um." She responded vaguely.

  "The two of you, wait here for a moment, I'll go and report." The nun left after saying that.

  After a while, the nun came back and took the two people to the parlor inside the church, where Bishop Marcel in a robe was already waiting inside.

  "Welcome you two." Marcel showed a gentle smile that should be used to receive guests.

  When he saw Zhenna with her face covered, he raised his eyebrows in surprise. This masked dancer looked very familiar to him.

  He soon knew the reason. The moment the nun closed the door and left, the dancer took off the veil from her face.

  "Teacher, it's me." Zhenna directly revealed her identity to the other party.

  Bishop Marcel's eyes widened immediately, and then his expression immediately became serious.

  He quickly turned around and looked at the window, then closed the curtains, and quickly walked over and locked the door. Then he turned around and saluted Zhenna: "Your Highness!" "Long time no see, teacher."

  Zhenna greeted.

  When he raised his face, Bishop Marcel showed a look of relief, "I heard the news that you lost contact at the border! It's great that you are safe!" "I made you worry." Zhenna replied


  "So what happened?" Bishop Marcel asked seriously.

  "I was assassinated. Heinrich and other knights betrayed me. It was the imperial sister who instigated behind the scenes. Fortunately, this gentleman saved me, and thanks to him sending me back, otherwise I would have been dead long ago." Zhen Na briefly explained the situation.

  "Is it really His Highness Fred?" Bishop Marcel had obviously already guessed, with a sullen look on his face, "She actually did such a heartbreaking thing!? Doesn't she have His Majesty in her eyes anymore?"

  Then he looked at Li Yuan carefully. When they first met, he felt the extraordinary courage from this man dressed as a troubadour.

  Now Zhenna mentioned that he saved the princess's life from the knights. There is no doubt that this man is a very strong man. You must know that the team that accompanied the princess to the fortress has the strength to slay a dragon.

  "Sir, thank you very much for saving Your Highness Zhenna." He solemnly thanked Li Yuan.

  "You're welcome." Li Yuan responded calmly.

  "Your Highness, His Highness Fred has gone astray. She took advantage of His Majesty's serious illness to act recklessly, and now she even wants to mutilate her own limbs. We must stop her!" Bishop Marcel said this and began to talk in the room. Pacing back and forth, thinking seriously, "You can hide here with me for a while. I will write to the Archbishop and ask him to contact the Pope. When the time is right, we will accuse His Highness Fred together!" "I..."

  Zhen Na showed a troubled look.

  "Zhenna no longer wants to be involved in your political struggle." Li Yuan coldly interjected, "All those responsible for the assassination are dead, and there are no witnesses. Zhenna originally wanted the one named Heinrich This guy made the accusation as a witness, but he didn't dare, so we can only execute him. If you can bring down Princess Frederic, then the witness won't be so scared that he would rather die."

  Bishop Marcel's face showed an extremely embarrassed look. Li Yuan's words were completely merciless, but they hit the point directly.

  Their accusations were mostly innocuous to Princess Fred.

  Not to mention that they don't have evidence in their hands now, even if they produce evidence to prove that Zhenna was assassinated, Princess Fred can still find a scapegoat for execution no matter how bad she is.

  "Father, how is he doing now?" Zhenna asked cautiously.

  "Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." Bishop Marcel hesitated for a long time, and finally chose to tell the truth, "Your Majesty, it is no longer convenient for him to see guests. We don't know the specific situation." It's not clear, but just from

  the The fact that it is "inconvenient to see guests" is enough to understand that His Majesty the Emperor is now too ill to handle affairs.

  So he just said to contact the Archbishop, but he didn't mention anything about meeting His Majesty the Emperor.

  This is the most critical point. His Majesty the Emperor, the only one who could restrain Fred, fell completely ill, and the power almost completely fell into Fred's hands. This was the biggest reason why Fred suddenly became unscrupulous.

  Fred's succession to the throne is almost a certainty. Nowadays, almost all the army and court belong to Fred. Only the religious order and a few nobles still support Zhenna.

  And rather than saying that they support Zhenna, it is better to say that they are simply opposing Fred's reform measures.

  Upon hearing her father's condition, Zhenna lowered her eyes sadly.

  "You can hide here with us for a while. When His Majesty gets better, we will find a way." Bishop Marcel began to persuade again.

  "No." Zhenna shook her head, "Sister Huang may have set up ears and eyes within the church. If I stay here, you will also get into trouble." She did not say the

  most important point, that is, she did not Dare to trust Bishop Marcel completely.

  After being betrayed by Heinrich, she no longer dared to trust her other supporters easily.

  Li Yuan also spoke: "Not to mention whether the emperor can get better, right now, you can't guarantee Zhenna's safety at all. Zhenna will die if she continues to stay in this country. You might as well let her go and stop using her as a political It's a bargaining chip."

  "Sir, what you said is so rude." Bishop Marcel frowned.

  "I'm not wrong, right? If you have the ability to keep her, how could Princess Fred come up with such an exaggerated assassination plan? If you break up with her later and put the matter on the table, wouldn't she dare to act rashly? You are not the one she wants to kill, so of course you are not nervous." Li Yuan did not hide his sarcasm at all.

  Originally, he didn't intend to say much, but Bishop Marcel tried to persuade Zhenna to use political means to protect herself, so he had to stop him.

  Not only would he lose Zhenna's combat power, but the Sun Temple on the fifth floor of the Endless Tower would also stop functioning because it lost its priest. At that time, he would have to face the next round of dragon-slaying teams alone.

  And what he said is also true. Zhenna's current supporters do not have enough political energy to protect Zhenna. Unless the emperor's condition improves, Zhenna will be fish on the chopping board in front of Fred.

  On the issue of Zhenna's stay, his thoughts and positions were opposed to Bishop Marcel's. Coupled with the gradual development of Red Dragon's arrogant nature, he became merciless in his words at this moment.

  Bishop Marcel took a deep breath and tried his best to reply in a calm tone: "I have been favored by Your Majesty for a long time. Your Majesty entrusted me to take care of Your Highness Zhenna. I dare not say anything to others. I dare to swear to the Holy Light. I swear to Zhenna." His Highness's concern is absolutely false!"

  "Then you should understand whether her staying here will make her safer or more dangerous." Li Yuan said.

  "Then what should I do according to your wishes, sir?" Marcel looked closely into Li Yuan's eyes.

  Speaking of this, Li Yuan naturally couldn't give in: "I will find a way to protect her."

  Hearing this, Zhenna couldn't help but glance at Li Yuan.


  Marcel looked back and forth between Princess Zhenna and the young man in front of him in surprise, and began to guess in his mind the relationship between the two.

  (End of chapter)

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