Chapter 27 The Scrooge

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  Chapter 27 The Scrooge

  A few hours later, in the empire, Li Yuan and Zhen Na in disguise were walking along the avenue one after another.

  Zhenna put on a dancer's costume and covered her face with a veil.

  Li Yuan, on the other hand, was wearing a traveling cloak often worn by troubadours, and also carried a beautifully crafted lute on his back.

  The two looked like entertainers traveling together. After a brief discussion, they adopted this disguised identity to move around the empire.

  It is not difficult for them to sneak into the empire. Zhenna is very clear about the distribution of checkpoints on the empire's border. As long as Li Yuan slightly controls his dragon shape and flies under the cover of clouds from high altitude, it is easy to avoid them. Human ears and eyes.

  "Ganoen, don't keep your dark face all the time? It's too eye-catching." Zhenna whispered to Li Yuan.

  "I understand." Li Yuan responded, trying hard to adjust his facial expression.

  But after a while, he couldn't help but frown again.

  His face already looked quite majestic, and with this serious expression, even if he didn't release the power of the dragon, it was enough to make passers-by shy away.

  Seeing him like this, Zhenna sighed: "What happened? Can you be so unhappy?"

  At that time, Zhenna had been waiting in a deserted place on the outskirts to avoid being recognized, while Li Yuan went alone I bought disguise clothes from a second-hand clothing store in town.

  After reuniting, Zhenna found that Li Yuan had a dark face the whole time and looked sulky when talking to him.

  This made Zhenna a little worried. Could it be that Ganon had a conflict with someone in the town?

  When the red dragon gets angry, he will kill without hesitation. Although Ganon was very different from the red dragons she knew, she had also seen Ganon's ruthless side when he slaughtered the knight squad.

  Li Yuan didn't answer Zhenna's words. He was really embarrassed to tell Zhenna that the reason why he was unhappy was just because he spent money.

  In their outfit, except for the lute, which was collected in the Red Dragon cellar, the other clothes were bought from a second-hand clothing store in another town.

  The clothes were bought with the treasure of the red dragon Helganorn, which was Li Yuan's own money.

  Because they were old clothes, they only cost a dozen copper coins. Compared to the mountains of gold coins in the cellar, they were really only a drop in the bucket.

  But when paying the money, Li Yuan felt a strong resistance, which even made him think of simply grabbing the clothes and running away.

  Fortunately, his reason caught him in time, but when he took out the money, he still felt heartbroken.

  "Guest, customer?" The shopkeeper stretched out his hand, but saw that he was holding on to the money and not letting go.

  "Well, take it." Li Yuan said, but did not let go.

  "Uh... then please give it to me." The shop owner said helplessly.

  Li Yuan then opened his fingers little by little. When the copper coins fell one by one from between his fingers, he frowned tightly, showing a depressed look.

  "How unwilling are you to pay?" This

  is the first time the shop owner has encountered such a customer in his long life.

  Even Li Yuan himself felt very puzzled. When he was a person in the past, he thought he was not very generous, but he could never be such a stingy person.

  Reason told him that this was a necessary expense and it was only a small amount of money, but he still couldn't help but feel resentful about it.

  This can probably only be explained by the nature of the red dragon.

  From a human perspective, the dragon's cherishment of its treasures can indeed be said to be pathological.

  Most of the gold, silver, jewelry and treasures they collect will never be used in their lifetime. They are just stored in the dark depths of the dragon's lair for them to watch and be complacent about.

  The increase in treasure will make the dragon feel great satisfaction and joy. On the contrary, even one coin missing from the collection will make a dragon feel pain and anger.

  A red dragon might even go out to massacre a village to vent its anger because a few gold coins were stolen from its treasure house.

  No, this absolutely won’t work!
  Li Yuan took a deep breath and kept reminding himself that he could not be influenced by this nature.

  I will never be Grandet, the so-called money is just for spending!

  "Ganoun, did nothing really happen? You..." Zhenna paused and asked cautiously, "Did you have a dispute with someone?"

  She really didn't dare to ask the other party whether he killed anyone.

  "Of course not, why do you think so?"

  Li Yuan answered with a calm expression, trying to divert his attention away from the heartache of spending money.

  "Really not? But you seemed...a little angry just now?" Zhenna confirmed.

  "It's okay, I'm just unhappy because..." Li Yuan thought for a while and made up a reason casually, "I accidentally stepped on something dirty on the road." "

  That's right..." Zhenna was slightly relieved after hearing this. .

  "Sorry for making you worry." Li Yuan said and looked ahead, "Is that the Holy Wing Cathedral?"

  From here, you can already see the gorgeous dome of the Sun Church at the end of the road.

  That church was the Holy Wing Cathedral where Zhenna enshrined the artifact.

  "Yes, that's right there." Zhenna answered.

  Li Yuan felt that his mood had relaxed, and he even felt a sense of accomplishment.

  I finally overcame the negative emotions caused by the instinct of this giant dragon body.

  At this time, Zhenna glanced at him and said, "Ganoen, actually I have something to discuss with you." "

  Tell me." Li Yuan responded casually.

  "Can you... lend me some money?" Zhenna asked cautiously.

  Li Yuan suddenly froze.

  Seeing his reaction, Zhenna subconsciously stopped and felt uneasy.

  But soon, Li Yuan returned to his normal state and replied calmly: "You want to buy something back? Okay, how much can I borrow?"

  Li Yuan kept reminding himself in his heart that he could not be swayed by Long's greedy and stingy nature.

  Zhenna now lives in the Endless Tower, and she should have a lot of daily necessities that need to be purchased. This is also a rare time to come to the civilized world. She is penniless, so naturally she can only borrow money here.

  It shouldn't cost much anyway...

  "Can one gold coin be enough?" Zhenna asked in a low voice.

  "One gold coin!?" Li Yuan's voice suddenly raised a few points, "Why do you want so much money?" "

  I..." Zhenna shrank her shoulders in fright, "I want to donate it to the church..."

  "Donate to the church!?" Li Yuan almost shouted these words, and even clenched his fists subconsciously.

  This prodigal woman actually wanted to take his precious gold coins and give them to the church for free? What a joke!
  The red dragon's true nature emerged again, and a violent emotion suddenly surged up. At this moment, he actually wanted to beat Zhenna.

  You must know that just agreeing to pay is already a big concession for him now, and spending money on such a meaningless place is simply an insult to the gold coins in his treasure house!
  His voice attracted the attention of several passers-by, but no one thought anything was wrong. Their argument seemed to be just a husband scolding his prodigal wife.

  "Listen to my explanation!" Zhenna quickly made a "shh" gesture, approached Li Yuan and lowered her voice, "I have to see Bishop Marcel before I can reveal my identity and talk to him, but Bishop Marcel We generally don’t entertain believers alone. So we first give a donation to the church, and then find a reason to ask to see Bishop Marcel, so that the church can give us the face to summon us." After hearing this, Li Yuan calmed down, and the money

  was It is almost a universal stepping stone, and this reason is quite legitimate.

  Seeing that the other party's expression softened slightly, Zhenna tried to add another sentence: "After meeting Bishop Marcel, I will help you get the money back!" "...Okay then.

  " So Li Yuan had no choice but to agree.

  He took out a gold coin and handed it to Zhenna.

  "Thank you." Zhenna reached out to take the gold coin, but found that Li Yuan's fingers were firmly holding the gold coin, motionless.

  "Um, Ganon?" Zhenna raised her face and looked at Li Yuan with some confusion.

  Li Yuan raised his other hand and patted the hand holding the gold coin, gritted his teeth and let go of the gold coin.

  (End of chapter)

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