Chapter 26: Snatching the Artifact

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  Chapter 26: Snatching the Artifact
  After being silent for a long time, Lucio sighed softly: "Really, is it necessary to do this?"

  "What do you mean?" Fred asked knowingly.

  "You should know very well that Princess Zhenna has not posed a threat to you from the beginning. Even if she is alive now, after so many days, she will probably not come back again." Lucio looked directly at Princess Fred, "I'm sorry. Let me be frank, please stop, Your Highness, there is no need to continue!" "

  Oh? You have been sitting on the sidelines until now, and now you suddenly think of speaking out for justice?" Fred looked at Lucio with a hand on his face, a smile on his face. Not reduced.

  Lucio was speechless.

  "I know that no one can threaten my position. I just hope that the power of this country will be gathered under my command as much as possible. I cannot completely eliminate the voices that oppose me, but I can make most of them give up their meaningless opposition.

  That child is still a pawn that can be used by some people. When she is here, it is inevitable that someone will use her to continue to oppose me. Of course, it does not threaten me, but precisely because it is meaningless, we must avoid this unnecessary It's internal friction, isn't it?"

  Princess Fred said slowly.

  "There are obviously other ways." Lucio frowned slightly.

  "For example, find a good match for her and marry her off?" Fred asked, "Then have you ever thought about the possibility that her future husband's family will collude with those who oppose me? And now that I'm talking about this, It's already too late."

  "But now that Princess Zhenna has not come back, it doesn't matter whether she is dead or alive. I'm afraid Heinrich and the others have also..." "

  Yes, in addition, I have also lost three people. He is an excellent secret agent." Fred added calmly, "I don't want to have to make more sacrifices in this matter, so leave it to you. You should be able to complete this task easily, just right. Before the battle begins, I will give you some practice. You are the most perfect knight, and you will never let me down, right?"

  Lucio looked at Princess Fred across the desk and did not reply immediately.

  After a long while, he asked: "Is this for this country?"

  "It doesn't have to be so high-sounding, just for me." Princess Fred looked directly into Lucio's eyes, "Let me ask you, whose sword is yours? "

  It's yours, Your Highness." This time Lucio answered without pausing.

  "Then you just need to wave it in my hand, and I will bear all the sins." Princess Fred smiled.

  Lucio stared at the princess in front of him, and finally lowered his eyes: "What do you want me to do?"

  "Catch the red dragon, ask him about Zhenna's whereabouts, and then kill him. Zhenna is me after all. Sister, you have to see the body before you die." Princess Fred thought for a moment after saying this, "If anyone else is involved in this matter, you can make your own decision if necessary, and I will give you this power." "I understand

  . "Lucio saluted.

  "I will arrange the manpower for you and set off before tonight. Then go, my most beloved sword." Princess Fred smiled and spread her hands towards the door.

  "I'll take my leave now." Lucio turned around and walked to the door. He suddenly stopped and turned around, "Your Highness Fred." "

  What's wrong?" Princess Fred, who was picking up a pen and preparing to continue working, stopped. Next action.

  "There are some things that you don't have to bear alone. I am not only your sword, but also your future husband." After saying this,

  Lucio saluted again, opened the door and went out, leaving Princess Fred with her eyes slightly widened.

  After a long while, Princess Fred laughed out loud: "It's not that rigid."
  Tower, living room on the second floor.

  "Do we have to do this?" Zhenna sat on the chair, shrinking her shoulders uneasily.

  Li Yuan stood in front of her, leaned down and moved his face toward her aggressively: "I'm not asking for your opinion this time, hurry up!" "I understand, don't get

  so close, it makes people uncomfortable. Yeah!" Zhenna couldn't hold back anymore, and turned her face away while pushing Li Yuan with her hand.

  Li Yuan's expression was solemn at this time, his two amber eyes were as bright as a bonfire, and Long Wei was automatically released driven by his emotions.

  Although Zhenna's will is enough to resist the power of the adult dragon, she still feels like she's sitting on pins and needles at such a close distance.

  "Then tell me quickly, where is the artifact?" Li Yuan straightened up but did not leave.

  He had eliminated three assassins who had sneaked in last night. The three assassins had nothing on them to prove their identities and origins, but Li Yuan had basically locked down the employer behind them.

  There is a high probability that Princess Fred will not let them go easily. The next dragon-slaying team may be on the way to Longkou Fortress at any time.

  The only solution for now is to obtain the artifact that Zhenna mentioned. Even if it is not a high-level artifact that can repair the Endless Tower, it can at least be a useful piece of equipment.

  They don't have much time. If Princess Fred moves quickly, the next unit may be assembled at Longkou Fortress within two days.

  They have to resolve this matter before then and then defend the Endless Tower.

  "I can help you get the artifact, but I have conditions." Zhenna looked at Li Yuan seriously.

  "What conditions?" Li Yuan asked.

  "Before taking action, give priority to negotiation and try to avoid killing people." Zhenna said seriously.

  "Don't make fun of me." Li Yuan frowned in trouble.

  For them, the plan with the highest success rate is to directly raid and rob, and negotiation will undoubtedly give the other party time.

  Li Yuan didn't want to kill people needlessly, but at this time, he probably couldn't care so much. If the guardian force of the artifact is strong enough, and he is tied up by the agreement not to kill people, he will be killed if he is not careful.

  "You don't want to be blocked by the Holy Knights of the Papal State, right?" Zhenna stared at Li Yuan and asked.

  "Is it that serious? That's not a church in the Papal State." Li Yuan was suspicious.

  "But that artifact was a gift from the Papal State after all, and it is also a treasure of the Holy Religion. Although it is not the church of the Papal State, it is still part of the Holy Religion. An evil red dragon attacked the

  church dedicated to the Sun God and took away the church's Sacred weapon, if you slap the Holy Sect in the face like this, how can the Papal State sit idly by? The Holy Sect is known as the most important sect in terms of appearance." Zhenna explained.

  After listening to this, Li Yuan calmed down and thought about it. The Papal State was founded on religion. Even if it did not directly harm their own country's interests, blaspheming their faith was indeed enough reason for them to take action.

  Therefore, he must minimize the impact of this matter as much as possible.

  "Don't worry, the defensive power of the artifact is not that strong. Because it is enshrined in secret, the church does not want to make it too conspicuous. Bishop Marcel there presided over my baptism and was my initiator. He also Opponents of the imperial sister's policy, I still have the conditions to talk to him. If

  the negotiation fails, you will be the one to deter him. He is a rational person and he probably does not want to cause unnecessary casualties. We must reduce the impact as much as possible. " Zhenna persuaded calmly.

  Li Yuan thought carefully for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay."

  "Then... shall we set off in the afternoon or tomorrow?" Zhenna asked.

  "No." Li Yuan said and directly stretched out his hand to pull the surprised Zhenna up from the chair, "Now!"

  (End of Chapter)

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