Chapter 22 Late Night Visitor

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  Chapter 22 Late Night Visitor

  "You know which church it is, right? How is the defense there? What does the artifact look like?"

  Li Yuan felt a little surprised and asked Zhenna a series of questions.

  This was indeed an unexpected surprise. He never thought that he could get clues to the artifact so easily.

  But if you think about it carefully, this is actually reasonable.

  Theoretically, the artifact is either in an unknown place, or it is in the custody of a strong person or powerful force.

  For a country as powerful as the Dragon Spine Empire, it is natural to have artifacts.

  Due to Princess Fred's suppression of the Holy Religion, the forces related to the Holy Religion in the empire began to support the little princess Jeanne. Even though there was a huge gap between her and Princess Fred, for the Holy Religion forces, Jeanne He is still an important person who maintains contact with the royal family.

  Li Yuan is very sure that Zhenna must know the inside story.

  "Are you planning to steal that artifact?" Zhenna looked at Li Yuan with some uneasiness.

  "Just borrowing it." Li Yuan's expression did not change.

  According to Shi Shi, the way to repair the temple is to strip the divinity from the artifact and inject it into the divine seal enshrined in the temple.

  Theoretically, after this operation, the artifact should lose the power from the Endless Tower and turn into an ordinary object. Li Yuan would not mind returning the mortal object.

  ...unless the thing is valuable.

  "Don't talk nonsense, are you planning to steal it?" Zhenna said with disbelief written all over her face.

  "To be precise, it should be returned to its original owner." Shitou interjected at this time.

  Li Yuan and Zhen Na both looked at Shi Shi subconsciously.

  "Please forgive my arrogance, my lord, Miss Zhenna." Shitou bowed slightly, "Theoretically, the power of the high-level artifacts that contain divinity in the world today should be broken from the divine seal in this tower. At that time, they were scattered. Returning the divinity in these artifacts to the enshrined divine seals should be regarded as returning them to their original owners." "

  Divine seal? Is it the rune enshrined in the temple?" Zhenna was a little surprised. Blinked.

  When she left the room and returned to the Sun Temple this morning, she also noticed the light pillar and the suspended divine seal that appeared on the altar. She asked Shitou but didn't get a direct answer.

  This time Shitou did not give an answer immediately, but turned to Li Yuan: "My lord?"

  He was asking Li Yuan whether he should disclose this information to Zhenna.

  Li Yuan nodded silently.

  Shitou then began to answer Zhenna's question: "Yes, originally the divine seals contained powerful divinity, but due to some changes, all the divine seals were broken." "That divine seal was left by the gods

  . What happened? Does it have anything to do with the gods disappearing for so many years?" Zhenna asked curiously.

  "Unfortunately, the relevant information cannot be retrieved at the moment." Shitou hesitated for a moment to answer.

  Zhenna frowned in doubt.

  "In short, to repair this tower, we need high-level artifacts." Li Yuan brought the topic back, "Only in this way can we repair the divine seal and restore part of the strength of the Endless Tower. Otherwise, the two of us will not be able to survive in your empire. We protect ourselves from the threat of our elder sister. This is to keep us alive!" "

  However, if we go to the empire to directly take away the artifact, we may attract the attention of the imperial elder sister, right? In the end, will the imperial elder sister send anyone again? Come, it's still unknown." Zhenna put forward a new opinion.

  "That's true." Li Yuan also thought about this issue seriously.

  Whether Princess Fred will kill them all and whether she will send the legendary strongman is actually unknown.

  It is important to prepare for the worst, but it is another matter to proactively take actions that may increase risks.

  For them, the best outcome would be for Her Royal Highness to give up.

  Maybe Zhenna is no longer worth dealing with in the eyes of Princess Fred. As long as she doesn't go back, Princess Fred doesn't plan to waste any more effort.

  And they took the initiative to grab the artifact in the empire and caused a stir. If the empire found out here again, Princess Fred might feel that they had to get rid of it.

  Li Yuan didn't dare to take any chances, but he didn't want to let this possibility disappear either.

  This plan must be done with great caution.

  Moreover, it has not yet been determined whether the artifact Zhenna mentioned is a high-level artifact housing divinity.

  "Let's let this matter go for now." Li Yuan let out a long breath, "Then do you have any channels to inquire about the news from the empire? The movements of your imperial sister, the movements of the army, etc." Zhenna shook her head: "

  I The intelligence in the army was basically relayed by Heinrich. If I was well-informed enough to spy on the emperor's movements, how could I have been almost killed by the emperor's sister?" "That's right.

  " Li Yuan was a little helpless.

  After discussing with Zhenna for a long time, he couldn't find any obviously useful solution, and the situation didn't change at all, which made him a little anxious.

  In the afternoon, while Zhenna returned to her room to rest, Li Yuan called Shitou and asked him to take him to visit the tower.

  For the first time, he had a relatively comprehensive understanding of the current situation of the Endless Tower.

  The Endless Tower has one floor of halls, and below it is a huge cellar that serves as a warehouse, as well as a large number of cells.

  The area on the second floor belongs to the tower owner. It has the tower owner's living room and study room, as well as a reception room, banquet hall and kitchen, with all kinds of facilities available.

  The three floors up are all temples dedicated to different gods. There are halls for worship and living areas for believers.

  The third floor is dedicated to the Lord of the Abyss, the fourth floor is dedicated to the Creator, the fifth floor belongs to the Sun God, and the sixth floor is to the Mother Goddess of the Earth. There is no more after that, because the Endless Tower has been broken down from the sixth floor and needs to be rebuilt. , will be a big project.

  According to Stone, he can handle the entire project. He has completely preserved the structure and design of the Endless Tower, as well as the construction process.

  But now only Li Yuan and Zhen Na are providing energy to the Endless Tower, and the body maintained by the stone is only that of an ordinary adult, which is not enough to complete this major project.

  There is no point in just rebuilding the floors above. The idle temple will not increase the repair progress of the Endless Tower.

  In order to improve the progress of the tower's repair, on the one hand, it is necessary to find a suitable priest candidate and activate the temple, and on the other hand, it is necessary to repair the divine seal, so that the authority of the Endless Tower can be gradually opened.

  Simply increasing the amount of energy a tower can extract will not increase the tower's repair progress, but it will increase the tower's energy reserves, allowing the tower to spin farther with higher power.

  Li Yuan also asked Stone about the conditions for activating the [Rebirth] authority, and the answer he got was that both the Earth Mother God's Seal and the Death God's Seal must be repaired to more than 50%.

  Only with the power of the Earth Mother God who controls life, the root circle can reshape his living body, and the God of Death's seal can help him summon back the soul that has been sucked away by the underworld in time when his body dies. .

  Only half of the floor of the Earth Mother God is left. The temple dedicated to the God of Death was originally on the eighth floor.

  In other words, there is simply no condition to solve this problem at the moment.

  That night, when Li Yuan lay down on the treasure in the cellar again, feeling a little tired, he sighed heavily.

  In the morning, he was still happy that his strength had improved a little, but he learned from Zhenna that they might have to face a legendary powerhouse in the future. And after working blindly for a day, he still had no clue or progress.

  It's not okay to go on like this...

  But he couldn't think of any direction for a moment, and in the end he could only close his eyes with heavy thoughts.

  Nearly half an hour passed, and he finally found sleep, and his consciousness began to sink.

  Suddenly, he opened his eyes alertly, and his eyes with amber light lit up like gas lamps in the cellar.

  Li Yuan stood up quickly with a solemn expression. At the same time, Shitou appeared uninvited in the cellar and saluted him:
  "My lord, there is an intruder!"

  "Well, I feel it too." Li Yuan said [Watcher] was called up.

  (End of chapter)

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