Chapter 21 The whereabouts of the artifact

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  Chapter 21 The Whereabouts of the Artifact

  "Heinrich is a master-level paladin, and with the blessing of the 'barbarian' armor, the overall combat effectiveness should have reached the level of an extraordinary strongman. Theoretically, the imperial sister will send more people. If so, it can only be someone stronger than him." Zhenna said.

  Li Yuan naturally wants to know this. When considering this issue, it is best not to take chances.

  From now on, he must regard the legendary strongman of the empire as the imaginary enemy he will face in the future.

  "Actually, I don't know much about the classification of human combat professions. Can you give me a brief explanation?" Li Yuan asked tentatively.

  "People with god-given professions can be roughly divided into five growth realms, entry, mid-level, master, extraordinary and legendary. The biggest difference lies in the type, frequency and scale of abilities that can be used." Zhenna explained.

  "There are only five realms? What about the divine realm?"

  Li Yuan interrupted and asked. He remembered Shitou mentioned this level.

  "God's Domain? Those kind of characters only exist in legends. They are the Chosen Ones, the chosen people appointed by God. After the extinction of the Lord God, there has been no strong person in the God's Domain for a long time." Zhenna shook her head.

  Li Yuan glanced at Shitou, who was waiting silently on the side. According to Shitou, the symbiosis contract should enable the bound person to grow into a strong man in the divine realm as the tower is repaired.

  But I’m afraid this is outside the scope of today’s discussion.

  "Okay, let's just talk about legends. How powerful are legendary experts?" Li Yuan asked next.

  "A legendary powerhouse can use his full power more than seven times in a battle. As for the maximum power..." Zhenna thought about how to describe it, and then gave an example, "I have seen Lucio doing exercises. At that time, he performed the 'God of War's Strike', and he split open a five-meter-high steel city gate with a thickness of three fingers wide with one sword. He only used an iron sword." "Then if the sword in his hand is good enough

  , , wouldn’t it be possible to chop off my head with one sword?” Li Yuan pointed at himself with a solemn expression.

  "He does have a sub-artifact sword." Zhenna nodded.

  "Can the situation get any worse?" Li Yuan already wanted to cover his face.

  "Actually..." Zhenna added cautiously, "Like Heinrich, he also knows how to use steam armor." "..."

  Li Yuan no longer knew what to say.

  No wonder he could kill the ancient dragon.

  If this kind of monster comes to your door, will you have to start over again in this life? He thought boredly.

  But it’s just a thought, countermeasures still need to be considered.

  "Jena, is it possible that anyone inside or outside the empire would be willing to provide you with assistance to contain Princess Fred's power?"

  He looked at Jenny seriously.

  He was considering the possibility of recruiting foreign aid to help them fight against Princess Fred.

  The first time a red dragon called her name, Zhenna didn't react for a moment.

  " can't be said that there are no people who oppose the Imperial Sister. She is considered a relatively radical reformist in the country. She advocates forming an alliance with the dwarves to develop mechanical technology and abolishing the special status of the Holy Religion. Therefore, many people who are related to the religious

  order People who are bound by interests are opposing her, and the Papal State, which maintains an alliance with us, has been protesting against the policies she implements, but to be honest, these forces are basically out of reach." "You are a Paladin, so you are also a Saint

  . Which faction are you from? If you claim that you have been assassinated, won’t the Papal State be willing to protect you?" Li Yuan asked.

  The Papal State is also an extremely powerful force on the mainland, and with the support of Heavenly Mountain, its influence is not inferior to that of the Dragon Spine Empire.

  "I didn't have a choice. With Sister Huang's policies and opinions, people who opposed her naturally gathered around me, so I joined the Holy Cult and was trained as a Paladin. But the gap between me and Sister Huang is too big. When I get older, I probably no longer have that much value to them."

  Zhenna said, shaking her head.
  "I'm afraid the Papal State doesn't want to get involved in the muddy waters within the empire. They have only been protesting all this time. The imperial sister also acts in a measured way. By just lowering the status of the church, the Holy Religion can still spread within the empire. But if the Papal State tries to interfere with the empire

  , Internal affairs will probably irritate not only the Imperial Sister, but can easily lead to serious consequences without any benefits. After all, the possibility of me competing against the Imperial Sister is really small." Li Yuan was not particularly disappointed after hearing this

  . , because he didn't have much hope in the beginning.

  The fact that Zhenna would choose to stay here shows that she most likely has no more reliable means of political asylum.

  After all, the fact that Princess Fred would make such a blatant assassination plan against Zhenna just shows that the balance between them has tilted to the point where it is difficult to shake.

  To put it bluntly, if there is really a political force that is willing to protect Zhenna, it is unlikely that it will be willing to have anything to do with him.

  He is such a wild red dragon and wants to use a distressed princess with no political backing to interfere in the civilized world. It is simply a fantasy.

  "It's a shame you survived until you met me..." Li Yuan commented.

  "Probably the only one who has restrained the imperial sister has been my father. Five days ago, my father's condition worsened and he could only rest. He could no longer interfere with many things. I did not expect that the imperial sister would take action so decisively. ..."

  Zhenna said, her expression darkened.

  She realized that she might never have the chance to see her father again.

  Li Yuan continued to think, the political path was dead, so what about recruiting a group of mercenaries to guard the Endless Tower?

  There are many miscellaneous forces in the wilderness in the northwest. Using the savings in the cellar, you may be able to recruit a sizable army, and you can also use hired soldiers to power the Endless Tower.

  As soon as he imagined using the money in the cellar, Li Yuan felt his heart twitching - he thought it was the dragon's nature that was at work again.

  For the dragons, consuming their accumulated treasures is simply equivalent to cutting off their flesh.

  Of course, if you can save your life, you still have to spend money.

  But the question is, how reliable can ordinary mercenaries be?
  If the situation is not right, they may abandon their armor and flee, or they may switch sides if the opponent offers better conditions.

  For safety reasons, it was not easy for him to recruit unfamiliar helpers whose overall strength was much higher than his own, but how could he possibly be able to deal with a legendary powerhouse with that kind of weak soldiers and generals?
  After thinking about it, Li Yuan found that the most reliable way to protect himself was to rely on this endless tower.

  Now that the fifth floor of the Endless Tower is in operation, it is most practical to promote the repair of the Endless Tower for the Temple of the Sun.

  So the most important thing for him now is to collect artifacts related to the Sun God!

  Thinking of this, Li Yuan tried to ask Zhenna: "I said, do you know where there is an artifact? It would be best to have a high-level artifact with the power of the sun god." This time, he also didn't have much hope and asked casually

  . How can such a good thing happen in the world if we can get such precious information?
  But Zhenna's reaction was beyond his expectation.

  "This..." Zhenna showed hesitation.

  "You know what it is, don't you?" Li Yuan suddenly became energetic.

  If Zhenna doesn't know anything, just say she doesn't know and get married.

  Now her reaction seemed to be that she was hesitating whether to say it or not.

  "Speak quickly, this is very important to us now!" Li Yuan emphasized.

  Zhenna thought about it for a while, and finally sighed and replied: "Actually, there is a holy church in the empire, which has been secretly enshrining the artifacts given by the Papal State." (End of this chapter


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