Chapter 23 Hidden Assassin

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  Chapter 23

  The spherical projection of the hidden assassin immediately appeared, and Li Yuan immediately found the direction where the intruder appeared.

  [Watcher] is connected to the consciousness of the tower owner. Once a threatening target appears, [Watcher] will let Li Yuan sense it, and the stone that is part of the Endless Tower will also be aware of it immediately.

  The intruders this time were also humanoid creatures. There were three people in total, keeping a distance of about twenty meters from each other, forming an equilateral triangle formation.

  Now this triangle is rapidly approaching the Endless Tower.

  Li Yuan noticed in the projection that a small animal looking for food, which seemed to be a weasel, happened to appear on the path of one of them.

  The weasel was stopping in place, turning around to explore its surroundings.

  The man approached quickly, but the yellow weasel turned a blind eye to the footsteps.

  Until the man stepped over it, the weasel was not frightened and continued to turn its head around as if nothing had happened, looking for possible prey or threats.

  Li Yuan frowned. He tried to call up more specific pictures, and three pictures appeared in his consciousness.

  He saw the appearance of the three people. It was a cloudy day, there was no moon or stars, and it was impossible to see outside.

  But as a red dragon, Li Yuan has excellent night vision, and the surveillance effect of [Watcher] can also see through the darkness.

  And what [Watcher] can see through is not just darkness.

  He noticed that the three intruders were all wearing close-fitting night clothes, with their heads and faces covered, and their figures had a slight blurry feel, just like in this clear surveillance video. Only their resolution was different from the surrounding scene. .

  Hidden state - this concept naturally emerged in Li Yuan's mind.

  These three people all used some kind of ability or item to greatly reduce their presence.

  Of course they still exist here, and they can actually be seen, heard, and smelled, but their ability makes them subconsciously ignore them even if they perceive their existence.

  Even keen little animals can't detect them. I'm afraid even if they walked into the gate of the Endless Tower so arrogantly and walked directly under the eyes of Lu Xinglong, who was the guard, Lu Xinglong would not know it at all.

  A red dragon may be able to detect it when he is awake and alert, but it is almost impossible to do so if he is asleep.

  However, the [Watcher], who had real vision, easily discovered them.

  [Watchman] also marked the danger level of these people for Li Yuan, which was only yellow-green. Even if they were marked as a combat group, the threat level did not increase significantly.

  The frontal combat capabilities of these people were similar to those of the knights in dragon suits that Heinrich carried around. They would be killed instantly in front of him.

  But Li Yuan still had alarm bells ringing in his heart.

  These three people are probably assassins or spies with a high level of concealment ability and are by no means ordinary people.

  To a dragon, an assassin with the ability to hide is far more threatening than a knight with a similar level.

  This kind of person's frontal combat ability is low and cannot cause direct damage to the dragon.

  But they have the ability to steal the dragon's most cherished treasures, even the hatching dragon eggs, while the dragon is sleeping.

  For Li Yuan, the presence of assassins or spies here has an even more terrifying meaning - who would send spies here specifically at this time?
  Li Yuan took a look at Zhenna's room. Zhenna's room was now filled with fog in the surveillance projection of [Watcher]. This was the effect of the privacy rights held by Zhenna in the contract.

  However, according to the contract's explanation of rights and interests, if the [Watcher] determines that there is an emergency, such as an intruder entering the privacy space, or a member committing an act that violates the contract, this right to privacy will be temporarily broken.

  At this time, Zhenna should still be sleeping without knowing anything.

  If Li Yuan had not noticed these people in advance, these people might not only be able to reach the cellar full of treasures, but also sneak into the room where Zhenna is.

  "Please give the order, my lord." Shitou asked Li Yuan for instructions.

  Li Yuan was thinking and suddenly turned his attention to the armor piled in the corner of the cellar.

  That was the equipment of the knights he killed yesterday, including Heinrich's steam armor.

  "I'll deal with it."

  Li Yuan said, turning into a human form, walking towards the pile of equipment, picking out a barely complete set of armor and wearing it for himself. With the natural defense of a true dragon, wearing this additional armor is actually meaningless, just like covering a shield made of steel with a layer of gauze.

  "My lord, what are you doing?" Shitou asked.

  "There is something I want to verify." Li Yuan replied calmly.
  assassins wearing night clothes walked quickly through the forest. Their professional abilities provided them with excellent night vision capabilities.

  Their target is a tower said to be home to an adult red dragon, and their employer assigns them the task of finding out the whereabouts of a missing dragon-slaying team.

  Prior to this, they had detected traces of the red dragon from a long distance during the day. From this, it could at least be judged that the mission of the dragon-slaying team had failed.

  An adult red dragon is no threat to them.

  It's not that they have the ability to deal with the red dragon, but at their level, as long as the concealment is not released, the perception of an ordinary red dragon is not enough to detect them.

  If the red dragon is already asleep, they can also make a slightly bigger noise, such as taking away some treasure, so that the waking red dragon will be furious when he finds out that the treasure has been stolen.

  But they don't intend to do this kind of trick this time.

  What they want to confirm is whether there are fresh broken corpses of the dragon-slaying team in the tower, or whether there are a few more highly identifiable pieces of armor and weapons in the red dragon's collection.

  In addition to this, there may be an additional assassination mission.

  It is possible, because their employer does not know whether the assassination target is alive or not.

  When they were only about three hundred meters away from the tower, the three of them stopped at the same time.

  Because they found a figure stumbling around in front of them.

  The three of them held their breath and observed the figure carefully.

  With the help of night vision, they discovered that it turned out to be a knight wearing full body armor. The armor on the knight's body had become tattered and covered with dried blood.

  It was obvious that the knight was seriously injured.

  The three of them exchanged looks from afar in surprise.

  The style of this armor is consistent with the equipment of the dragon-slaying team they want to investigate the whereabouts of!

  The knight was already very weak and had no night vision. In this pitch-black night, he could only fumble around like a headless fly.

  He was unable to notice the situation under his feet. Suddenly, his foot was tripped by a knotted tree root, and his whole body fell forward. The sound of the armor hitting the ground was particularly loud in the dark night.

  He lay on the ground and struggled twice but did not get up. He just groaned in pain on the ground.

  The three people exchanged glances again, and one of them who was in charge made a gesture.

  The three of them cautiously moved closer to the man, and then one of them accepted the commander's assignment and slowly approached the knight.

  He did not remove his concealment immediately, but observed for a while. Caution was a necessary quality for them.

  But as time passed, the knight's moans gradually became fainter.

  This knight seems to be a member of the dragon-slaying team. It seems that he was seriously injured when he failed to slay the dragon. He somehow managed to save his life and just escaped from the tower.

  The employer didn't ask them to rescue the Dragon Slaying Team, but since there were survivors, they should ask them what happened. They had to go back with the information.

  If the knight dies, this precious oral information will be lost.

  Finally, he released his concealment and went down to try to check the knight's condition: "Hey, are you still conscious?" "

  Help... who are you?" the knight replied in an indecipherable hoarse voice.

  "Don't worry, I'm here to help you. Explain the situation, where are the others -"

  His question stopped abruptly.

  Because the dying knight suddenly rose up and swung a palm at him with lightning speed.

  His neck was bent at an incredible angle on the spot, his skull cracked like a beaten watermelon, and his brains and blood splattered out.

  "Deal one of them." Li Yuan, who was hiding in the armor, thought to himself.

  (End of chapter)

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