20. Chapter 20 The Legendary Powerful Man

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  Chapter 20:

  In the legendary strongman banquet restaurant, Li Yuan and Zhen Na were sitting at the same table as yesterday, enjoying the breakfast prepared by Shi Tou.

  The main course for breakfast on this day was still horse meat, and then added some dry food brought by the knights and wild vegetables and mushrooms picked from the surrounding woods using stones.

  When the meal was almost over, Zhenna put down her knife and fork and glanced at Li Yuan several times.

  After a while, she finally brought up the topic: "Speaking of which, what should I call you in the future?"

  "Calling you?" Li Yuan stopped stuffing barbecue into his mouth.

  "Although we named you Kuga, I still don't know your real name." Zhenna said.

  "I don't care. You can call me whatever you want, including Kujia." After Li Yuan finished speaking, he continued to eat meat.

  The identity of this red dragon was almost free for him. He didn't care at all what name others called him.

  "Kujia is not a good name. Long should also have his own name." Zhenna asked seriously.

  The name Kuja carries an evil impression full of derogatory connotations. Now Zhenna no longer treats the other party as an evil person and does not want to call her benefactor by a derogatory name.

  "My real name is Helganon." Li Yuan thought for a moment, "It's a bit hard to pronounce, so just call me Helganon."

  "Ganoun..." Zhenna repeated thoughtfully.

  Li Yuan finished the remaining barbecue in three strokes, and then ordered Shitou to pack the things away.

  "Now, I want to discuss with you our future policy." Li Yuan looked at Zhenna seriously and said.

  "Policy?" Zhenna blinked.

  "Yes, when your imperial sister notices something is wrong, she may send someone again at any time. We can't just sit back and wait for death. We must take countermeasures in advance. I need you to provide more information." Li Yuan stared at Zhenna and said.

  The biggest significance of letting Zhenna stay is not actually Zhenna's own fighting ability, but the intelligence she possesses.

  As a wild dragon, Helganorn had little contact with the civilized world.

  He basically didn't know much about the status of the empire, the political situation of the empire, or the military strength of the empire. The only thing he knew was that the empire had a strict fortress, which showed that the strength of this country was not something that an adult dragon could easily provoke.

  "What do you want to know?" Zhenna asked cautiously.

  Li Yuan thought for a while and said, "Let's make a hypothesis first. If your sister, Princess Fred, found out what happened here and made up her mind to deal with us, what size of troops do you think she would send? ?"

  There was a lot of information he wanted to know about the empire, but the most critical thing to him right now was the methods Princess Frederic might take.

  Zhenna opened her mouth to answer, but Li Yuan added: "Talk to the big picture, I need to know an upper limit."

  With Li Yuan's current strength, he cannot compete with a country.

  But Princess Fred is unlikely to deal with an adult red dragon and a contender for the throne who poses no obvious threat to herself at any cost. There is definitely a limit to her investment in this matter.

  Li Yuan's goal is to make the defensive strength here exceed the upper limit. As long as the opponent finds that it is "not cost-effective" to deal with them, the most basic self-protection conditions can be achieved.

  Zhenna's expression froze.

  "What's wrong?" Li Yuan noticed that her expression was different.

  "If Sister Huang is really serious about it..." Zhenna chose her words carefully, "I think it's better to give up here. No matter how important the treasure is, it's not as important as life." "Why do you do this

  ? Are you talking about discouragement? Let’s say it first, it’s impossible to give up here, absolutely impossible!” Li Yuan replied seriously.

  "Why are you so persistent?" Zhenna was a little confused.

  Suddenly, she remembered the mystery of this tower and the fact that Ganouen was the owner of this tower.

  "Could it be that you are actually the guardian of these temples above?" Zhenna pointed to the temple upstairs.

  "More or less, I can't tell you the specific situation, but I must protect this tower, even if it means risking my life." Li Yuan's eyes were extremely serious.

  Naturally, he would not reveal the secret of the symbiosis between the Root Array and himself. This tower was basically equivalent to his life. If it was occupied by others, it would mean that his life was in the hands of others.

  Zhenna looked at him in surprise and had another understanding in her heart.

  It turns out that this red dragon also shoulders the mission of guardianship, and is even willing to risk his life for it? The evil dragon who is feared by the world can actually have such a level of piety and responsibility!

  At this moment, she actually saw a bit of the spirit of the Holy Knight that she admired in the red dragon, and the image of the other party in her heart suddenly became taller.

  What happened to this woman? Li Yuan noticed a change in Zhenna's eyes as she stared at him.

  "Why do you think we have to escape?" He brought the topic back on track. "After all, this is an assassination. She can't send a large army to kill you with great fanfare, right?" He estimated that at least in

  the In terms of scale, Princess Fred will not be too exaggerated.

  Although political assassinations are not uncommon, they are dirty jobs after all, and it is impossible to go to war. In the end, Princess Fred will still have to give an explanation for Zhenna's death.

  "You don't need a large army..." Zhenna replied hesitantly, "Just one person is enough."

  "One person?" Li Yuan frowned.

  "Beside the imperial sister, there is a knight commander who is loyal to her, named Lucio, Lucio of the Rift Valley. He is the leader of the Dragon Head Knights of the Imperial City, and he is also a warrior in the legendary realm." Zhenna explained.

  "Legendary powerhouse?" Li Yuan frowned.

  Even Helganorn, who knew little about the civilized world, knew the concept of legendary strong men. The names of some of the legendary strong men in the world would even be spread among the dragons.

  Because these powerful men are something that even giant dragons have to be afraid of. That is the limit that humanoid creatures can reach under normal circumstances. In many cases, the number of legendary and powerful people from all races in the entire continent in one generation can be counted on both hands.

  "Yes, he is only thirty years old, but he has already reached the pinnacle of the warrior profession that humans can reach. He is known as the ace of the empire and the king of knights. In addition..." Zhenna paused here and continued cautiously. He said, "He has also slain dragons, four in total. His highest achievement was when he led a team to kill an ancient black dragon that was entrenched in the Night Shadow Swamp." After hearing this, Li Yuan began to sweat


  He has killed ancient dragons that are over 800 years old. He, an adult dragon over 100 years old, is probably only worthy of being used as an experience pack in front of the other party. The standard that an adult dragon can compete with is probably a god-given professional in the extraordinary realm, a legendary powerhouse... That is the combat power of an ancient dragon or even an ancient dragon.

  "Would that kind of person be willing to do such an assassination job?" Li Yuan tried to confirm.

  Zhenna nodded: "It's not impossible. You must know that Lucio is completely loyal to the emperor's sister, and he is also engaged to the emperor's sister." The more Li Yuan listened, the more his scalp became numb. He had an engagement with Princess

  Fred, which meant This guy's political interests are completely tied to Fred.

  Moreover, the powerful knight who is engaged to the princess is also a dragon-slaying hero. This is basically a hero template.

  The person who serves as the "brave" is a legendary strong man with the ability to kill ancient dragons, but the person who serves as the "evil dragon" is just an adult dragon. If this were a script, the balance would be too bad.

   The setting of "Legendary Powerful" in this game is slightly different from that of DND. Under normal circumstances, humanoid creatures can reach the extreme state. There are only one or two people in a country, and their strength is comparable to ancient dragons or ancient dragons.

    Adult dragons and mature dragons compete in the next-level "extraordinary" realm of strength

  (end of this chapter)

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