Chapter 2 starts with a tower

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  Chapter 2: A Tower at the Beginning
  Li Yuan carefully looked at the thing that appeared in front of him: it looked like a rough clay sculpture, with only a basic human shape and no facial features. God knows where the sound came from.

  Li Yuan's mind didn't turn around for a moment. He stared at the thing blankly for a second, and then he couldn't help but said: "Get flat."

  The sculpture stood up as instructed.

  Li Yuan finally realized that this thing seemed to recognize him as its master and would faithfully obey his orders.

  "Are you the housekeeper here?" Li Yuan tried to ask the sculpture.

  "Yes." The sculpture answered.

  "Do you recognize me?" Li Yuan confirmed to the other party.

  "You hold the Book of Authority, and you are the unquestionable master of the Endless Tower." The butler responded respectfully.

  Book of Authority...Endless Tower? Li Yuan glanced at the book in his hand.

  Li Yuan realized that this dilapidated tower seemed to be no ordinary ruins, and this book was the magic book that operated the tower.

  As long as you hold this book, you will be recognized as the owner of this tower.

  "Then what should I call you?" Li Yuan asked.

  "I am just a part of the Endless Tower. As the owner of the Endless Tower, you can call me in any way." The butler replied.

  "Then you can call me Shitou from now on." Li Yuan said casually.

  He didn't have the leisure to bother with naming a stone man now. Since it was a stone man, he just called him "Stone".

  "Understood." Shitou accepted in a toneless voice.

  "Shitou, I want to test you now. Is there any way for me to go to other worlds here?" Li Yuan asked the other party.

  Since this guy is the steward of this tower, he might know some useful information.

  Instead of studying this book like a headless fly, it would be better to directly ask those who may know about this book and this tower.

  "Do you want to use the 'Plane Travel' function of the Endless Tower?" Stone retrieved possible answers like an artificial intelligence.

  "Can that function be used now?" Li Yuan perked up.

  Plane travel, the name of this function sounds somewhat similar to time travel. Even if it is different, it should be a space teleportation ability, which can at least be used for escape.

  "From the current monitoring situation, the Endless Tower is currently severely damaged, with more than 90% incapacitated. The 'plane travel' permission has been locked and is temporarily unavailable." Shitou answered in a calm and almost indifferent tone.

  "What conditions need to be met to use it?" Li Yuan asked.

  "It is necessary to re-build the ninth-level teleportation circle and provide sufficient magic source. Currently, both conditions cannot be met." Shitou replied.

  Ninth floor?

  Li Yuan quickly searched Helganorn's memory and found that this broken tower currently did not have a ninth floor at all, and had been broken since the sixth floor.

  "Is there any way?" Li Yuan asked.

  Shitou stood there in silence for a while, seemingly searching, and finally gave an answer: "Under the current conditions, no effective repair solution has been found."

  Li Yuan glanced at the clock anxiously. Ten minutes had passed, and he still had not traveled through time. The idea of ​​going back.

  "My lord, have you encountered anything troublesome?" Shitou noticed Li Yuan's anxiety and asked proactively.

  "In less than twenty minutes, there will be an enemy attack here. Do you have any way to deal with it?" Li Yuan asked casually.

  "Actually, the Endless Tower has a very complete defense system..." Shitou replied.

  "Oh?" Li Yuan perked up again.

  "However, according to the current monitoring situation, the Endless Tower is currently severely damaged, and more than 90% of it is in a disabled state, so most of the defense functions cannot be activated," Shitou added.

  Didn't you just say this? Li Yuan thought.

  "You said the vast majority, do you mean there are still parts that can be activated?" Li Yuan asked with a glimmer of hope.

  "It's me, master." Shitou saluted Li Yuan.

  "Let me ask, what can you do?" Li Yuan looked at the stone man in front of him.

  Even if he turned into a human form, this thing was still only half his height, so it was hard to see how it would be of much use.

  "Now I can help you get rid of rats and wild dogs." Shitou replied, "Of course, if the number of wild dogs exceeds three, please forgive me that I can't do anything." The expression on Li Yuan's face gradually became serious,

  even looking ferocious. Light.

  He didn't know whether it was because of turning into a red dragon or because he was about to die, but he felt that his temper seemed to be a little more irritable than before.

  He took another deep breath, and used his human side to suppress the urge to swing a dragon claw to smash the stone man:

  "Thank you for wasting my precious minute. I have to hurry up and leave now. You just work hard to resist the invaders here, come on!"

  He had to grease the soles of his feet. Being forced to abandon his stronghold and wander into the outside world was not what he wanted, but it was better than staying here and losing his life, no matter what. , it’s better to survive first!

  "Have you decided to abandon the Endless Tower and escape?" Shitou asked.

  "Is there any problem?" Li Yuan glanced at him.

  "It is recommended that you do not give up on the Endless Tower easily. It has been detected that your soul and the root formation at the bottom of the Endless Tower have formed a symbiotic contract. If an intruder enters the Endless Tower to carry out large-scale destruction and damages the root formation at the bottom... Shitou

  paused as he said this, "Your soul will be destroyed on the spot."

  "What!?" Li Yuan frowned.

  "If the Endless Tower is destroyed, you will die." Stone repeated briefly.

  Could this guy be lying to me?
  Li Yuan was suspicious for a moment, but he immediately remembered the authority letter in his hand that allowed the tower's housekeeper to recognize the owner, and the chain on the book that connected him to the tower, which seemed to indicate that he had some kind of relationship with the tower. connect.

  He carried the memory of Helganorn's impending death into the red dragon's body, and also brought a magic book that proved that he was the master of this tower - this arrangement obviously had a purpose. , which binds him to this tower.

  And he remembered that there seemed to be a strange magic circle under the treasures piled up by Helganorn in the cellar.

  If you think about it this way, I'm afraid what this stone man said is true.

  When the tower is there and people are there, when the tower dies, people die. Did I travel here specially to play tower defense? What he was given was a broken tower without any defense, and he could only carry it with his own body?

  Does this script really require him to die as a villain?

  "Please explain to me carefully what the symbiosis contract is first." Li Yuan asked seriously.

  "Okay, as I said before, if the root magic circle is destroyed, your soul will be destroyed. Similarly, if your soul is destroyed, the root magic circle will be permanently disabled. Once the symbiotic contract is bound, It cannot be lifted. The Root Array will recognize you as the sole owner of the Endless Tower, allow you to use all the authority of the Endless Tower, and do everything possible to ensure your safety." Shitou replied.

  "What do you mean, I can't even escape to ensure that I won't be buried with it? I really don't see that this thing is ensuring my safety!" Li Yuan's voice was obviously dissatisfied.

  "Please believe me, the contract is two-way. If you die, the root circle will disappear, so the Endless Tower will automatically eliminate all threats to you within the range. In addition, if your body dies, the root circle will disappear. The [Rebirth] function will be activated, the space door will be opened to recall your soul, and all means will be used to reshape your body and bring you back to life." Shitou replied.

  "Then now if I am killed, can I be resurrected?" Li Yuan raised some hope.

  He could feel that he should have inherited the power of Helganorn. If he could be reborn once or twice, it should be enough to deal with two groups of invaders.

  "Unfortunately, although this authority has been opened, the conditions for activation cannot be met at present. According to the monitoring situation, the Endless Tower is currently seriously damaged, with more than 90% -" Shitou was halfway through his answer when Li Yuan impatiently

  said Interrupted: "That's enough, I don't want to hear this a third time!"

  (End of chapter)

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