Chapter 1 I was about to be captured as soon as I traveled through time.

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  Chapter 1
  The story of the hero defeating the villain and rescuing the heroine who is about to be kidnapped just after time travel is always timeless.

  For example, someone with a mustache dressed like a plumber defeated a villain with a spiked turtle shell on his back, and rescued a princess who seemed to have been kidnapped by bad guys as part of her duty.

  Another example is a swordsman who often wears a green hat and green clothes, and whose name is always misunderstood. He defeats the devil who insists on being reincarnated and causes trouble time and time again, and rescues a princess whose only name is widely known.

  One of the most classic fairy tale templates is like this. The knight killed the dragon and rescued the trapped princess from the dragon's tower. It is a joy and a joy.

  But if Li Yuan, who has just traveled through time, evaluates this "Dragon Quest" story, he has only one thought:
  "Congratulations to your mother!"

  He is "lucky" to have traveled through such a story, and "lucky" became an important role in it.

  But now there are two questions bothering him. First...

  "Why did I become the evil dragon that stole the princess?"

  In the hall of the tower, Li Yuan turned his long snake-like neck and spoke with his slender pupils. His amber eyes looked at his huge body covered with red scales, and finally reluctantly accepted a fact.

  This was not a dream, I had traveled through time and turned into a red dragon named Helganorn.

  And not long after, he would be killed by a group of knights who came specifically to save the princess.

  But another problem is...

  "I wonder if I haven't snatched the princess?" He muttered in his heart.

  He completely inherited the memory of the red dragon Helganorn, but in the memory of the red dragon, there was no such thing at all.

  There was no princess at all in the ruined tower where he lived. Apart from his red dragon, the only living creatures inside were probably insects.

  Calm down and think about it again!
  He took a deep breath and once again sorted out the inherited memories in his mind.

  Helganorn, a newly adult red dragon, occupies the ruins of a high tower on the edge of the Breeze Forest in the Junction.

  Like other evil dragons, it likes to burn, kill, loot and search for treasures everywhere, but at the same time it also pays attention to the rules of survival. It specializes in picking out weak prey and will not provoke those it cannot afford.

  His favorite thing to do is to sleep on the treasures in the cellar. He is a very standard evil dragon.

  Then one day, an injured female knight suddenly broke into the ruins where he lived. Helganorn did not hesitate to choose to face the intruder and fight with the female knight.

  The female knight was quite capable of fighting, and she resisted tenaciously even though she was wounded. She also left a lot of damage to him before she was killed by him.

  Unexpectedly, just after the battle, another group of knights suddenly broke into the ruins and killed them inexplicably.

  Helganorn, who was already scarred, was outnumbered and finally died under the siege of the knights.

  Before his consciousness dissipated, Helganorn heard a knight shouting:

  "The evil dragon Ku'ga who kidnapped Her Royal Highness has been eliminated! Go and search out all the treasures here, and then destroy this evil dragon's lair! !"

  In Helganorn's memory, "Kuga" is what humans call him, and these knights are coming for him.

  ——This is the last memory of Helganorn.

  This is what will happen in half an hour.

  That's right, half an hour later.

  Li Yuan looked at the huge mechanical grandfather clock that was still running on the wall in the tower hall. The current time was about four twenty minutes.

  And Helganorn happened to see the clock before he died. The time was four-fifty.

  This memory was clearly imprinted in his mind, and at the same time a strong thought made him extremely convinced that this would undoubtedly happen in the near future!
  Either he predicted future death after traveling through time and replaced the original owner, or Helganorn had been killed, and then some kind of power made time go back half an hour, and the soul was replaced by him.

  He inexplicably traveled through time just after sleeping, and immediately began to face the danger of death. This is really a big joke!

  The problem must be with this book...

  He fixed his gaze on a book lying on the ground.

  The cover of the book is dark brown, made of an unknown material, with bark-like textures.

  This old book does not exist in Helganon's memory.

  In other words, it suddenly appeared here together with Li Yuan's time travel, and it is most likely directly related to his time travel.

  If you do some research, you might be able to find a way to travel back in time!

  Who the hell could stand being transformed into a big lizard for no apparent reason and then hacked to death by a gang of knights?
  He stretched out his hand towards the book...or rather his front paws, and immediately realized that the book for humans to flip through was too small for a giant dragon.

  The concept of an ability that one controls in the memory immediately came to mind. This is an innate ability that dragons can learn as they grow older, allowing them to transform into humanoid forms.

  Helganorn has this ability, but he rarely uses it. Most dragons are proud of their powerful bodies and are very resistant to taking the form of weak creatures.

  But Li Yuan, who was once a human being, was naturally not so pretentious. He tried hard to recall the steps of the transformation technique and started trying it directly.

  A numbing feeling ran through his body, and his huge body quickly collapsed. A force pulled his muscles and bones to change shape. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a human form, and part of the dragon scales turned into a set of leather armor and The cloak was put on him.

  Now he could finally reach out, pick the book up from the floor and flip through it.

  The first thing that appears in the book is a couplet of pictures.

  The page on the left shows a lifelike red dragon with his own name next to it, and the name "Hulganorn" underneath it in dragon script.

  On the page on the right, there is a picture of a dilapidated tower, which looks like the ruins where he lives now. Next to the tower is written the name of the tower in another strange text: Endless Tower.

  This text did not exist in Li Yuan's own and Helganorn's memories, but he clearly recognized it.

  Then there is a clear chain connecting the dragon painted on the left to the tower on the right.

  What does this chain mean?
  Li Yuan couldn't understand.

  He carefully observed every corner of the two pages and turned the page without finding any other useful information.

  On the next page, there is a circular and complex magic circle drawn. The Endless Tower drawn on the previous page has a faint ink mark on this page, appearing in the magic circle like a background.

  The interface of the magic circle is black and white, and only a sharp-angled fan-shaped area is painted dark red.

  Then there was a line of small words written in mysterious words below the magic circle: the current repair level is 4/100,
  the repair level is four percent? You mean this tower?
  Li Yuan thought.

  He looked at the page on the right again. The style of this page was a bit like a menu or directory, with the same kind of text. It said -

  Permissions have been opened:




  Among the three lines of words that appeared, the words "Rebirth" were in gray, and only "Butler" and "Watcher" were in black and white.

  There seems to be some content at the back, but there are only some sporadic ink marks that are not identifiable at all.

  When he turned back further, there was either a little ink left behind, or it was completely blank.

  Li Yuan's heart sank after reading it. It seemed that there was only a little content related to this tower written on it, and there was no information related to time travel at all.

  He turned back to the page of "Magic Circle" and "Permissions Opened", and crossed the words with his finger with a puzzled look on his face.

  Rebirth, steward, watcher...what do these so-called permissions mean?
  Then when his finger touched the words [Steward], the words lit up, and at the same time, somewhere in the cellar suddenly vibrated.

  Li Yuan followed the sound in surprise and saw a large mass of earth and rocks arching up from the ground, lifting several floor tiles in the hall.

  The lump of earth and stone that emerged from the ground quickly changed its shape, condensing into a short human figure half a man tall. Then he knelt down respectfully and saluted Li Yuan, and at the same time made a voice without any inflection: "I accept your summons, my lord

  . , your faithful servant is at your beck and call!”

   Please read the new book as usual.

    Friendly reminder: This book is not a fantasy novel. The male protagonist can transform into a human being and accept female protagonists of various races. Readers who have strict requirements in this regard should read it with caution.

    The world view is not DND, please do not copy the settings of other works.

  (End of chapter)

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