Chapter 3 My tower has surveillance

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  Chapter 3 My tower is under surveillance.

  Li Yuan wanted to smash the stone man in front of him more and more.

  No wonder the [Rebirth] option is gray and unavailable at all.

  When death was imminent and he was distraught, the robot-like butler spoke in this unhurried tone, raising his hopes and dashing them at the same time, making his mood fluctuate like a roller coaster.

  It was really frustrating to waste his precious time, only to give him worse and worse news.

  But at times like this, it’s much better to know bad news than to know nothing at all.

  If his soul is really bound to the Endless Tower, the risk of escaping is probably something he cannot bear.

  According to what Helganorn heard before he died, after the gang of knights killed the red dragon, they planned to search the dragon's lair from top to bottom, smashing every place, and in the end they might even destroy it again. Put on a fire and burn it.

  Li Yuan looked at the time again and saw that there were only more than ten minutes left.

  Now he can only rely on himself to find a solution to this dilemma in more than ten minutes!
  Think about it carefully...

  He once again carefully peeled off the memories of Helganorn before his death and analyzed the details.

  This plot of "the knight slays the dragon and saves the princess" actually has many doubts.

  The first is the female knight. The female knight was injured when she broke into Helganorn's territory. She was only treated briefly, but the wound burst in the middle of the battle.

  Why would she break into a red dragon's lair despite being injured?

  As for the seven knights behind them, the timing of their intrusion was too coincidental.

  In an instant, they formed a formation and coordinated the attack, catching Helganorn off guard. They were obviously prepared, and it was not like they had not done any reconnaissance work.

  Then they should have noticed the battle between the female knight and the red dragon in front of them. If they came specially to slay the dragon, why didn't they choose to support the female knight in time, but followed the female knight's sacrifice before rushing in?

  The most puzzling thing is what Helganorn heard before his consciousness dissipated:

  "The evil dragon Ku'ga who kidnapped the princess has been eliminated! Search out all the treasures here! Then smash all the evil dragon's lairs! !"

  If those knights came because the evil dragon kidnapped the princess, shouldn't they search for a princess first after slaying the dragon?

  Why is the first reaction to search for the treasure and then destroy the place?
  ——Because they actually know that Helganorn did not kidnap the princess at all!

  Li Yuan suddenly thought of the answer.

  This was a complete frame-up. The knights wanted Helganorn to be blamed for kidnapping the princess.

  The leading knight was emphasizing to others the fact that they wanted to fabricate it, and ordered everyone to destroy the scene in time.

  If it was just to get rid of harm or for treasure, killing him would have already achieved the goal.

  Why bother to make him take the blame? Where is the real princess?
  The face of the female knight immediately appeared in Li Yuan's mind.

  At this point, the answer is already obvious.

  "My lord, someone has invaded the surveillance barrier of the Endless Tower!" Shitou's report brought Li Yuan back to his senses.

  "Did you find an intruder?" Li Yuan was alert and hurriedly asked Shitou.

  "Yes, it has been detected that the [Watcher] permission has been turned on, you can operate it directly." Shitou replied.

  Watcher - Li Yuan remembered the entries in the permission book.

  He opened the permission book and pointed at the [Watchman] entry.

  A powerful reconnaissance magic was activated immediately, and a spherical projection like a military sandbox suddenly appeared in front of him, suspended in mid-air.

  The center of this projection is the stereoscopic projection of the Endless Tower. The projection of the tower is translucent, allowing the structure inside to be seen. Not only the existing six floors above ground, but also the cellar below are shown.

  Li Yuan saw what seemed to be his own projection in the lobby of the tower. There was only a vague human figure marked with a striking red light.

  Around the Endless Tower, the terrain and details have been restored as much as possible. Every soil slope and every tree is projected, and even the movement of leaves blown by the wind is presented in real time.

  There are also surrounding creatures, foxes, squirrels, birds... are also projected one by one. Although they only have a rough outline, they can basically be identified. Moreover, these creatures glow slightly in the projection, making them easy to find. .

  Among all the creatures, the most eye-catching one is a human figure walking through the forest.

  The figure's brightness obviously surpassed that of other creatures. She was stumbling between the trees and was approaching the tower in a straight line.

  He squinted his eyes, trying to get a closer look at the figure.

  Suddenly, a picture unfolded directly in his mind. The picture showed the appearance of the intruder from a diagonally downward perspective - it was the female knight in Helganon's memory.

  She was wearing heavy armor, but without a helmet. Her brown curly hair was disheveled, completely soaked with sweat, and part of it was stuck to her tired face.

  She carried a blood-stained sword and trudged through the forest one step at a time, panting and frowning. It was obvious that she was walking very hard, but she did not dare to slow down at all, and even looked at her from time to time. Looking behind and around him, he was obviously being chased.

  Li Yuan realized that with just a thought, he could observe the details of a certain location in the surveillance barrier from the perspective of a tower, just like a surveillance camera that could zoom in.

  In this picture, he found that there was a vague aura surrounding the female knight's body, which appeared yellow in his consciousness.

  This yellow aura does not really exist, but is the function of the [Watcher]. It will evaluate the target's threat to the owner and make a mark accordingly.

  This color means that the target has the possibility to threaten the life of the tower owner to a limited extent. Her strength is inferior to her, but if she puts her life in a fight, she will be a more troublesome opponent.

  These concepts came to him very naturally, as if he had known them before.

  "Multiple intruders detected!" Shitou suddenly warned from the side.

  Li Yuan turned his attention back to the overall projection and saw the direction from which the female knight came. Seven more figures on horses appeared on the border of the surveillance barrier.

  Three knights were directly behind the female knight, two on each left and right. The formation was like an open pliers, following the female knight at a certain distance with a semi-enveloping momentum.

  It was obvious that they were chasing the female knight.

  But Li Yuan soon saw something fishy. These seven people were riding horses. At this distance, it was actually easy to catch up with the female knight who was already unsteady on her feet and surround her.

  But it can be seen from the projection perspective of the [Watcher] that they always maintain a distance from the female knight and are just chasing after her.

  With the pursuers behind, the female knight could only choose to escape away from the sound of horse hooves. The three knights at the rear were responsible for driving the female knight forward, while the four knights on both sides were responsible for restricting the female knight's escape route, so that she could only Towards this endless tower.

  The female knight's intrusion into the Red Dragon's territory was basically arranged by these knights from the beginning, and Li Yuan's previous thoughts were basically confirmed.

  He tried to observe the seven knights carefully, and a new picture emerged in his mind.

  There are three pictures in total, showing the knights at the rear and on the wings respectively. They are all wearing uniform armor. Only the knight running at the rear has a different style of armor. He wears an exaggeratedly thick heavy armor that expands the outline of his body. After two laps, it was hard to imagine that any horse could carry such a heavily equipped unit.

  He did not ride a horse, but rode a bipedal land dragon that was much taller than the horse. The body of the land dragon was also covered with heavy armor.

  In Helganorn's memory, this knight was the commander of this team. His armor seems to contain a mechanical device that can increase his strength. When fighting, the armor will not only make a rumbling sound, but also white steam will emerge from the gaps.

  Human civilization in this world seems to have developed steam machinery.

  In the picture, this knight is wrapped in an orange-yellow aura that is more dangerous than the female knight, while the other knights are in a relatively safe yellow-green aura. This is the degree of threat they pose to him individually.

  The auras of these knights merged together and revealed a striking red color.

  [Watcher] cooperated with his knowledge and identified these people as a fighting group. The red color meant that these people would pose a serious threat to him, and the winning rate in fighting them was low.

  According to Li Yuan's speculation, the script of these knights is probably as follows: they drive the female knights into the red dragon's territory first, and fight with him after being discovered by him. And they hid outside the tower and watched the fire from the other side.

  After the female knight was killed by him, they broke in again and killed him when he was exhausted.

  Of course, if the one who survived was not him, then their target would probably be the female knight.

  "Please give the order, my lord. Do you need to be prepared to meet the invaders?" Shitou asked for advice, while conjuring a stone battle ax and shield in his hand.

  Li Yuan glanced at him and replied: "You, who can only drive away wild dogs, should not get involved. Prepare to welcome the guests first." "Are

  these approaching guests guests?" Shitou said. Put away the weapon.

  "This is the guest." Li Yuan pointed to the female knight in the projection, and then pointed to the seven knights behind, "Those are all intruders!"

  He realized that in order to overcome this death incident, the top priority must be to avoid those who followed him first. A clash of female knights!
  (End of chapter)

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