Chapter 14 Visit

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  Chapter 14 Visiting
  Zhenna began to read the contents of the contract carefully.

  As a Paladin, she practices Holy Light and has also specialized in abyss-type black magic, including Devil's Contract.

  A major prerequisite for any form of contract magic to bind the contractor is that the contract signer must be aware of the content of the contract and actively choose to accept the contract while awake.

  Even the devil's contract, which is full of traps, can only take effect after the contractor understands the basic literal meaning and signs it voluntarily.

  In terms of content, the possibility of a trap in this contract is very low. Its content is actually very simple and clear.

  Just being able to terminate the contract voluntarily has eliminated most of the risks. The price for violating the contract is only the withdrawal of equal rights and the extraction of magic power.

  The contract itself is not a problem, but whether to sign this contract means a watershed for her in the future:

  Should she agree to stay and live together with this red dragon and fight side by side?

  Or should we leave here to find our own way and fight on our own?
  She believed Heinrich's advice before his death, and the method of killing everyone was in line with the imperial sister's style. The imperial sister had probably made a plan to inherit the throne. Since the other party was determined to get rid of her, returning to the empire would be asking for death. road.

  She has nowhere to go now. If she leaves, she will have no choice but to flee, but staying is not necessarily the best choice for her.

  The task of slaying the dragon was assigned by the imperial sister behind the scenes, and she knew the full story of the assassination plan.

  Heinrich didn't go back for help, so it was easy for her to find out which link had gone wrong.

  If she hadn't planned to give up, it would only be a matter of time before this tower became a target.

  If you choose to stay here, you can get the support of the red dragon and the mage tower in terms of combat power, but compared to escaping alone, the probability of facing the pursuers will be greatly increased.

  However, this red dragon also saved his life, so leaving without a favor was not what a paladin should do.

  Li Yuanzhen and Zhenna showed hesitation, and then said: "There is no need to rush to make a decision. Let's stay here and think about it slowly. At the moment, we should still have some time." The dragon-slaying team was completely wiped out, and the empire

  should You will only notice something is wrong after some time has passed and you find that no one has returned.

  It can be said that they killed all the knights and bought themselves some time.

  Of course Li Yuan hopes that Zhenna can stay, but if Zhenna insists on leaving in the end, he can only respect the other party's opinion, and there is no point in forcing the other party to stay.

  Even if he was ruthless and used force to force her to sign a "prisoner's contract", Zhenna would most likely fight to the death, not to mention that they had a friendship of fighting side by side for the time being, and he didn't want to do such an immoral thing.

  "How about I take you to visit the guest room first?" Shitou suddenly suggested, "Guest, you are a believer blessed by the sun god, right?" Zhenna was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "I am indeed a paladin

  . ."

  The holy light that the Paladins believe in comes from the sun, and the god praised by the Paladins as the "Supreme Light" is actually the Sun God in ancient times.

  But since a long time ago, the gods have never appeared in front of humans or conveyed their will.

  Some theologians even believe that the gods are actually dead.

  The various artifacts that remain today and the powers used by believers in various professions are nothing more than the legacies or even the remains of the gods left in the world.

  Belief in the gods still lives on in the world. But unknowingly, the distance between God and humans has become more and more distant. Today's believers rarely call God by his true name. Instead, they are more accustomed to referring to God by some honorific names.

  When the golem mentioned the sun god, Zhenna, as a paladin, did not react for a moment.

  "Actually, there is a temple dedicated to the Sun God on the fifth floor of this tower. The rooms there should be very suitable for you to stay. How about I take you to visit first?" Shitou suggested respectfully.

  "This..." Zhenna looked back and forth between Li Yuan and Shitou.

  "Go and have a look. It's up to you to decide whether you want to live there or not." Li Yuan also advised.

  "Then I'll take a look." It was hard to refuse such hospitality, so Zhenna had no choice but to agree first.

  "Then let's go." Li Yuan stood up.

  "You two, please follow me." Shitou took a torch, lit it, and moved to the door of the restaurant.

  Li Yuan and Zhen Na followed Shi Shi up the steps and all the way to the fifth floor of the tower. What appeared in front of them was the dark hall.

  Shitou suddenly picked up the torch and waved it twice, and the lampstands arranged around the hall suddenly lit themselves up, illuminating the place brightly.

  This was Li Yuan's first time here. Helganorn's huge size could not enter the stairwell, and he did not bother to turn into a human form.

  In the past, he had only peeked into the upper floors through the windows on the outside of the tower. After he was convinced that there were no interesting treasures on these floors, he ignored them and only stayed in the spacious halls and cellars on the first floor.

  There is a magnificent temple in the center of the fifth floor of the tower. A huge sun is carved on the wall with exquisite craftsmanship. Angels with wings flock to the sun like moths to the flame and fly around the sun.

  The temple was almost empty, except for an altar placed in the center.

  Zhenna discovered that the scale of this temple was larger than she had imagined, even surpassing the Holy Church in the Imperial City.

  This temple should have a very high status in the belief in the sun god of its corresponding era. If the bishops and theologians of the holy religion knew about this place, they would definitely form a group to come over for archeology.

  "Could it be that this place was built by ancient paladins and bishops?" Zhenna turned to the stone and asked.

  "Unfortunately, I can't retrieve relevant information at the moment. However, the people who built the Endless Tower should not only be the believers of the Sun God. There are also temples dedicated to other gods on other floors, such as the temple of the 'Creator' downstairs. "Stone replied.

  Creator, isn't that the main god that mages believe in?

  Zhenna was a little surprised. Each floor of this tower was dedicated to different gods, which meant that believers of different faiths had gathered in this tower in the past.

  You must know that in the ancient times, the gods once conquered each other. The relationship between believers of different main gods is not very good. Some sects still have an undying relationship. When they get together like this, they can't beat each other to death?
  "When was this place built?" Zhenna asked curiously.

  "Unfortunately, I can't retrieve relevant information at the moment." Shitou replied in a mechanical voice.

  Zhenna looked at Li Yuan again, and Li Yuan shook his head at her, not sure whether he didn't know or whether it was something Zhenna should know now.

  He was not as confused as Zhenna, because Helganon didn't have much knowledge about theology. He didn't know how incredible it was that a tower was dedicated to multiple gods.

  But he could feel that the background of the tower he inherited seemed more complicated than he first imagined.

  "Guest, if you have finished reading the temple part, you can go inside and visit the living room." Shitou stretched out his hand towards the corridor inside.

  (End of chapter)

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