Chapter 13 The Contract of the Tower

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  Chapter 13 The Contract in the Tower

  Are you the roundworm in my belly? Li Yuan thought.

  He was worried that if he took the initiative to bring it up, he might arouse Zhenna's wariness. It was just right for Shitou to throw out this proposal at this time.

  But he didn't understand what the "contract" in Shitou's words meant, and it sounded like letting Zhenna live in it would also help with the repair of the tower?
  Many questions emerged in his mind, but he still took advantage of this opportunity to seize the topic.

  "I think so too." He turned his attention to Zhenna, "How about you stay here first and at least heal your injuries?" "But, won't this bring you trouble?"

  Zhenna Na hesitated.

  Unconsciously, she no longer doubted the other party's intentions.

  She doesn't have much power to resist now. If this red dragon had evil intentions, he would have taken action long ago.

  "I've already waded into this muddy water, and it doesn't make much difference whether you leave or not. On the contrary, if you stay here, we can still take care of each other - just like today, I think we cooperate pretty well. ." Li Yuan pointed back and forth at Zhenna and himself.

  "And guest, the Endless Tower has a fairly complete defense system. If you stay here as a guest, you can also let the Endless Tower provide more protection for the owner and you. By signing a membership contract with us, it can be said that you will make a profit without losing money."

  Shitou At this point, chime in like a salesman.

  You actually have the nerve to mention this?
  Li Yuan complained in his heart.

  "So what is that contract?" Zhenna blinked at Li Yuan with some confusion.

  I want to know too.

  Li Yuan, who knew nothing about it, had no way of answering this question, but he still pretended to be nonchalant and ordered Shi Shi: "Explain it to her." "


  Shi Shi replied respectfully, and then began to ask Zhenna illustrate:
  "Simply put, you can sign a contract with this Endless Tower. You will be recognized as a member of the Endless Tower and some of the residents' permissions will be opened to you. If you are within the influence of the tower's power , the Endless Tower will try its best to ensure your safety.

  Correspondingly, when the Endless Tower encounters threats from external enemies, you must also work hard to protect the safety of this tower. During your stay in the tower, the Endless Tower will also Extract part of your magic power and store it for use in the operation of the Endless Tower."

  It turns out that this tower operates by extracting the magic power from its members?
  This was the first time Li Yuan knew about this.

  According to this logic, the more or more powerful people live in the tower, the function of the tower will also increase?
  "Is this ruins originally a mage tower?" Zhenna asked.

  "The Endless Tower is not just a 'mage' tower, but if it is easier for you to understand, you can also identify it as such." Shitou replied.

  "Then the contract you just mentioned, is it similar to...a devil's contract?" Zhenna became a little wary again.

  The devil's contract often offers very tempting conditions, but the terms often contain many literal traps, and the final price is the soul of the person who signed the contract.

  "Don't worry, it's just a simple contract. It doesn't have any twisted word games, and it doesn't require you to pledge anything important. And except for emergencies that require you to fulfill your obligations, you can choose to terminate the contract at any time."

  After Shitou finished speaking, he turned to Li Yuan: "My lord, please invoke the permissions of the [Member Contract] and let the guests check the contents of the contract!"


  It took Li Yuan a second to react. This time he summoned the permission book directly in his mind, and then flipped through it in his mind.

  After understanding that he and the Book of Authority had become one, he no longer needed to summon the entity of the Contract to check its contents in his consciousness.

  Then he discovered that in the permission book, there were two more entries on the page with the permission list:

  [Member Contract]

  [Prisoner Contract]

  Two permissions were suddenly added. Is it because someone who can sign the contract appeared in front of him?
  By the way, what is this prisoner's contract?
  As he thought about it, the contents of the "Prisoner's Contract" emerged in his mind:
  From the time the contract is signed, the person who signed the contract (hereinafter referred to as the contractor) will be taken into custody by the Endless Tower as a prisoner, and his soul, body and accessories All valuable existences will become affiliated assets of the Endless Tower, and will be fully managed by the holder of the Book of Authority, that is, the owner of the Endless Tower (hereinafter referred to as the Tower Owner), and the contractor has no right to operate without the permission of the Tower. Intervene on your own with the Lord's permission;

  the contractor cannot disobey the tower owner's orders, and must execute the tower owner's orders with the highest priority of this contract; the
  contractor will be continuously monitored within the [Watcher] range, and the contractor cannot leave without authorization [Watcher] can operate within the scope, regardless of whether [Watcher] is operating normally; the
  contractor cannot take any action that has an adverse impact on the tower owner or the Endless Tower;
  the contractor must maintain the Endless Tower at all costs at all times and the interests and safety of the tower owner;

  without affecting the operation of body functions, within the extraction range of the Endless Tower, the contractor must provide the magic power or vitality that it can bear for the operation of the Endless Tower; without violating the above

  contract Under the premise, the contractor will receive minimum protection within the scope of influence of the Endless Tower; the

  tower owner has the right to change and adjust the content of this contract and retains all rights of interpretation.

  This is basically a slave's contract... Li Yuan thought to himself after reading it.

  The so-called prisoner contract actually makes the contractor the property of the owner of the Endless Tower. The contractor is a prisoner imprisoned in the tower and the slave of the tower owner.

  In Helganorn's memory, there was indeed a dungeon-like room beneath the tower.

  With such a design, the past owner of this tower was probably a ruthless character.

  If such a contract was thrown out, Zhenna would probably risk her life with him.

  He tried to check the [Member Contract] again.

  In contrast, the content of the "Member Contract" is much more normal, and the content is basically the same as Shitou's previous description.

  Signing the membership contract means becoming a member of the Endless Tower and you will gain the right to reside in the Endless Tower. On the premise of ensuring the safety of the tower owner, the Endless Tower will also try its best to ensure the safety of its members.

  Members will also be assigned to a limited private space and enjoy the right to privacy in this space. As long as it does not violate the contract, they can make the private space invisible to [Watchers].

  There are several rights protections like this, and members can even order [Butlers] to serve them.

  At the same time, members will also have the obligation to protect the Endless Tower and the tower owner with all their strength, and they need to provide energy for the Endless Tower.

  Once a member violates the contract, or refuses to perform their obligations despite the ability, all rights and interests will be revoked, and the Endless Tower will also draw a large amount of the contractor's magic power and vitality as punishment.

  Modifying the content of the contract requires the agreement of both the tower owner and the members. Both the tower owner and the members can terminate the contract at the appropriate time.

  It can be said that the relationship between tower owners and "members" is a bit like landlords and tenants, and a bit like employees and bodyguards. Their status is relatively equal.

  After reading it, Li Yuan tried to retrieve the [Member Contract] with Zhenna as the target.

  A faint flame suddenly flashed in front of Zhenna. Under Zhenna's surprised gaze, the words of the contract emerged in the flames.

  (End of chapter)

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