Chapter 15 Real Estate Agency

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  Chapter 15 Real Estate Agency
  "This is the best room on this floor. The windows here are carefully adjusted by top craftsmen. The lighting can be said to be the best in this tower except the top, and the ventilation is impeccable."

  " The furniture is also very complete. Although it looks a bit old, there is absolutely no defect in function. If you need to add anything, you can tell me." "A bit dirty? After all, it has not been used for a long time. This is not a problem at all, as long

  as It only takes ten minutes for you to register and move in, and I will clean this place until not even a speck of dust can be found."

  In a room on the fifth floor of the tower, Shitou kept explaining the advantages of this room to Zhenna.

  As a golem, its tone has always been emotionless.

  But when he listed these advantages one by one, and even praised a little crack on the wall, "This crack gives this place a just right sense of age and nostalgia," everyone could feel it. His enthusiasm for wanting Zhenna to move in.

  Li Yuan stood aside and watched, and suddenly the memory of his former life as a modern person emerged: "This guy seems to be a real estate agent who shows tenants around." Finally,

  Shitou asked Zhenna: "What do you think, guest?" ?"

  "The room is very nice..." Zhenna responded politely.

  "Then why don't we sign the contract now? What do you think?" Shitou began to persuade.

  "This..." Shitou's sales pitch made Zhenna a little overwhelmed.

  "Stay here and recuperate first. It's already dark. At least you don't need to sleep outdoors today." Li Yuan said.

  Zhenna thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

  "You can also sign the contract first and then think about it slowly. If you are not satisfied, you can terminate the contract at any time."

  Shitou began to persuade again, as if a salesman was working hard to complete his target for this month.

  "Shitou, just let her decide on the contract." Li Yuan glanced at the housekeeper, and he had begun to feel that there was something wrong with Shitou's attentiveness.

  Moreover, this excessive attentiveness has made Zhenna a little at a loss, and continuing it may be counterproductive.

  "I'm really sorry, I overstepped my bounds." Shitou immediately bowed to his master.

  "Would you like to move to a lower floor to make it easier to go up and down, such as the third floor?" Li Yuan asked.

  "But the third floor is the temple of the 'Lord of the Abyss'..." Shitou suddenly said.

  Zhenna was really surprised in her heart. The Lord of the Abyss is an evil god believed by warlocks, and his followers are demons who are mortal enemies of angels. The Abyss Sect has been the mortal enemy of the Holy Religion since ancient times.

  It is incredible that this tower is dedicated to both the Sun God and the Lord of the Abyss.

  Although she was very concerned about it, since asking about the red dragon and the golem had no results, she could only shelve her doubts in her heart.

  "It doesn't matter, the injury is no longer a problem, I will live here." Zhenna made a decision.

  "Okay, if you need anything, just call the housekeeper. His name is Shitou. In this tower, he is always available." Li Yuan said.

  "At your service at any time." Shitou also saluted Zhenna, "Then please wait a few minutes and I will clean it for you."

  Shitou began to clean up the room. Zhenna stood waiting outside the room. Li Yuan looked at her: " Then I'll go down first. After cleaning, you can take a rest early."

  "Ah, okay..." Zhenna responded subconsciously.

  Li Yuangang turned around. Zhenna hesitated for a moment, then called out to him: "Please wait a moment."

  "Is there anything else?" Li Yuan turned around.

  "You saved my life today. Although it's a little late, please allow me to formally thank you. Thank you for your life-saving grace!" Zhenna lowered her head to Li Yuan solemnly.

  "You're welcome. We've all fought side by side and it's just a simple effort to save someone." Li Yuan replied calmly.

  "But if you owe a favor, you owe it. Paladins must repay kindness and virtue. I hope that I can have the opportunity to repay this kindness, so..." Zhenna summoned up the courage to ask, "I want to ask, Is there anything you need me to do for you?"

  "Repay? This is actually not bad..." Li Yuan said this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "After all, I am not at a disadvantage."

  Zhenna said blankly. Blinking his eyes, he didn't react.

  Li Yuan just smiled, and then moved his eyes slightly downward.

  Zhenna looked down at him and saw her slightly bulging breasts. She immediately remembered what was going on, and her face instantly turned like a tomato.

  "Can't you just forget about this!?" She subconsciously covered her chest, as if she was still naked in front of him.

  "It can't be done. Dragon's memory is very good. I can even remember clearly how many gold coins there are in the treasure house."

  Li Yuan pointed at his head and smiled. He liked it very much when Zhenna was teased by him. Reaction.

  "This, this matter will be treated as if it never happened to us from now on, and don't mention it again!" Zhenna tried her best to put on a serious expression, and wanted to put this matter aside, "In short, I hope to have the opportunity to repay my kindness, please Think about it carefully."

  "Then why don't you sign a contract and live here, and work with me to resist foreign enemies, as a return of favor to me." Li Yuan immediately pointed at Zhenna and made a proposal.

  "Do you still want me to live here?" Zhenna was stunned.

  "Yes, I have mentioned the reasons before. For some personal reasons, I cannot abandon this tower, so I must strengthen the defense here. I hope you can stay and help me." Li Yuan replied.

  "If the imperial sister still plans to take action, I don't have much fighting power..." Zhenna lowered her eyes.

  Li Yuan found that whenever he mentioned his sister, Zhenna would always show a self-deprecating attitude. Her inferiority complex when facing Princess Fred was obvious.

  "Don't belittle yourself, you can still make me feel troublesome even though you are injured. You are actually very capable." Li Yuan said seriously.

  In Helganorn's memory, the injured Zhenna caused him a lot of harm.

  To be able to fight to that point against an adult red dragon alone is quite outstanding among humans for her age.

  "You are really good at comforting people." Zhenna smiled.

  "I'm just telling the truth, believe me." Li Yuan said seriously, "And I think at this time, it is better to fight side by side than to fight alone. When you are most desperate, having one more person by your side can at least give you a little peace of mind." This is what he

  said words from the heart.

  For him, being thrown into a strange world alone, being forcibly assigned the identity of an "evil dragon" and having his life threatened was definitely not an interesting experience.

  Having someone to accompany you at this time can at least provide you with some psychological comfort, even if it's just people in the same desperate situation leaning together to keep warm.

  Zhenna couldn't help but be a little touched after hearing this. Now she was deserted by everyone, isolated and helpless.

  The intense loneliness I felt when I was near death is still fresh in my memory.

  At that time, she really hoped that everyone would be well, as long as they could save her, or at least someone could hold her hand so that she would not be overwhelmed by that loneliness, and that she could die peacefully and decently.

  The person who rushed to her side at that time was the red dragon in front of her.

  The swinging balance in my heart came to an end at this moment.

  "You're right. Having one more person makes you feel more at ease." She made a decision and nodded towards Li Yuan, "Okay, I'll sign the contract." (

  End of Chapter)

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