90.Chapter 90 A true interpretation of feelings

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  Chapter 90: A sincere performance

  Anya controlled her expression, showing curiosity but not getting to the bottom of things.

  "Yes, this is my most important treasure." Ganon held it carelessly and waved it in front of Anya.

  Anya stared at the book of authority. With her skill at this distance, she could climb over the dining table to snatch it, which she could do in the blink of an eye. Dragons generally have poor reaction speeds, so she would probably be able to get it.

  But she didn't do that. Once this kind of thing failed, it would be doomed. Not to mention whether there was a second chance, her life might be directly decided here.

  After learning that the maid she sent was favored by Ganoen, Zyra actually proposed to her that the maid wait for an opportunity to steal the magic book, but she did not approve it.

  Regarding her future freedom, she must obtain the magic book with certainty. This is also the fundamental reason why she is willing to sell out the sex in person now.

  "I heard that you once used that magic book to defeat the legendary strong man in the empire who slayed an ancient dragon?" Anya raised the topic pretending to be interested.

  "Yes, do you want to listen carefully?" Ganon raised his eyebrows.

  "Think about it, think about it!" Anya nodded repeatedly, pretending to be a girl who admires heroes.

  Ganon boasted again about his "great achievements" about how he beat the shit out of Lucio. Anya nodded frequently with a mesmerized expression, carefully screening the information in her mind.

  That was probably half true - she jumped to the conclusion quickly.

  Winning shouldn't be that smooth, but combined with the information gathered from Longkou Fortress, it is basically a fact that the dragon-slaying team led by the legendary strongman was defeated by the red dragon.

  Moreover, Ganon also used the power of the Holy Light in Late Summer. It seems that the magic book can not only control the tower, but also give the holder powerful power.

  Anya pretended to be curious and asked a few questions about the Book of Permissions, and gradually understood some of the functions of the Book of Permissions.

  Soon, she came to two conclusions.

  First, the power of this book of authority is very powerful, but at the same time, there is really no price. Even she can use it, and it can indeed satisfy her desire to control one side of this territory.

  Second, if the red dragon Ganon loses this book of authority, he will be just an ordinary red dragon in his prime. Although it cannot be said that it is not enough to be feared, as long as she gets the book of authority, this red dragon will not threaten her. .

  Very good, the goal of seizing the magic book is indeed no problem.

  "It's so amazing. No wonder both the Empire and the white-skinned elves in Muxia are helpless against you." Anya covered her mouth and smiled, "For such a great being like you, I don't know if a dark elf like me can really do this." Do you like me?"

  "Of course, after trying it out in the end, it turned out that the dark elves are the best for me. The three maids you gave me are really good at doing things. Of course, I am looking forward to you even more. !" Ganon grinned, "You are indeed much more attractive than your maid. I hope you are also very good in bed." "

  Really, you are too impatient to say this all of a sudden!"

  Anya said coquettishly, But there was already a feeling of nausea in my heart.

  Who wants to do something like that with you? I must have stolen that magic book before that. If you don't want to be my slave, just wait to die!
  Anya touched the "Slave Master's Ring" on her hand and began to think about the bright future after obtaining the Book of Authority.

  "So, let me ask you seriously, do you agree with my proposal?" Anya looked into Ganon's eyes and smiled.

  "I've already asked the Golem of the Endless Tower to call you Mistress, why do you still doubt it? I just need the Labyrinth to help me get rid of some nasty guys. I'm just helping your family deal with political enemies, no problem at all! "Ganoen cast an unabashed look at Anya full of lust, "What's more, I really like you." "That's great, I

  feel like I'm in a dream." Anya squeezed out a look of emotion. look.

  At this moment, she suddenly thought of the two princesses who were left in Ganon Tower.

  "By the way, I remember that there seem to be two princesses imprisoned in this tower." Anya asked directly.

  "Them? Ah, I have been busy favoring the maid you gave me recently, and I haven't paid special attention to them for a while." Ganon seemed to have just remembered.

  "Oh, can my maid please you more than those two princesses?" Anya looked a little surprised.

  "Yeah, who would like a boring woman like a piece of wood at that time?" Ganon shrugged.

  In the study, Isabel, who was looking at the picture, retorted to it on the spot: "Nonsense, if you are willing to give me a serious try, I am confident that I can be more slutty than those dark elves!!" "Why are you here

  ? Competing over something?" Zhenna reluctantly persuaded, "This is acting! Acting!"

  At this time, Anya on the screen said: "I kind of want to meet them." "

  When we eat together, see What are they doing? It's a bit of a nuisance to the scenery." Ganouen said, not really wanting to make matters worse.

  "Just let people take a look!" Anya said in a coquettish tone.

  "That's okay." Ganon had anticipated this situation before.

  He picked up the book of authority and ordered the golem to bring Isabel and Zhenna to the restaurant.

  In order to deal with this situation, he had already discussed strategies and scripts with the two people, and even rehearsed them specially.

  However, he was still a little uneasy about Isbel's nature. Not only was that guy a pervert with a strong passion for strange sexual fetishes, but he also had a lot of hostility towards the dark elves, and he was full of uncontrollable elements. .

  So he told Zhenna to help Isabel at the critical moment.

  Zhenna and Isabel quickly walked into the restaurant under the leadership of the golem, and then both looked at the dark elf in astonishment.

  "Why, why are there new dark elves here?" Isbell immediately glared at Anya, then turned to Ganon, "Ganoen! You are going too far!! Are you really officially with these dark elves? Are you dating? What do you think of the covenant with Mu Xia?"

  The acting was actually quite good, Ganouen thought to himself.

  According to the predetermined script, Zhenna's character has been brainwashed into a puppet who only obeys the red dragon according to the rumors in the empire.

  And Isbel's setting has been trained to be inseparable from Garnoen. Now she is full of resentment because she has fallen out of favor because of Garnoen's favor with the three dark elf maids.

  Now her disgust and jealousy towards the dark elves were properly displayed.

  Of course, maybe this is an expression of true feelings.

  "Okay, I was just using you elves. Now I have discovered that the value of the elves is not as good as the dark elves. As for you, I am tired of playing with you." Ganon waved his hand.

  "How can you say that? Then why did you call me here now? You haven't touched me for so many days, and I'm still looking forward to it!" Isbel looked shocked, and it didn't look like acting at all. .

  "Anya wanted to see you, so I asked you to come over." Ganouen picked up the wine glass and drank casually.

  "An, Ya!?" Isabel repeated the name word for word, and then glared at Anya murderously, "Is it her? Just for such a despicable black-skinned request?" Anya

  saw Isabel The princess couldn't help but curl up her lips with this look.

  She could clearly feel that Isabel's jealousy was real.

  This feeling of being envied by others and feeling superior to others is really amazing. Especially, he can trample the hateful Dusk Summer Elf under his feet!
  "Ganoen, Her Royal Highness the Princess of Muxia spoke rudely to me, what should I do?" Anya pointed her finger at the side of her face and asked meaningfully.

  "Shut your mouth, you have no place to speak here!" Ganon pointed at Isabel impatiently and warned, leaning towards Anya as in the script.

  "Just preaching, wouldn't it be enough?" Anya said calmly.

  At this time, Isabel's mind started working quickly, and she suddenly realized the opportunity.

  She suddenly approached Ganon and said seriously: "Ganoen, you can't beat me for such a despicable black skin, right?"

  Ganon looked into Isbell's eyes, and looked at the other person's eyes. The seriousness turned to expectation involuntarily, and he began to read the desire to "Hit me! Flog me hard! Rage me!!" from the other person's eyes.

  In order to prevent Anya from seeing the change in Isbell's expression, Ganon had no choice but to control his strength and slap her.

  "Ah!!" Isabel shouted, her body turned suddenly, turning her back to Anya and falling towards Zhenna.


  Zhenna supported Isabel with some worry. Although this was part of her acting skills, being slapped abruptly might make people lose control of their emotions.

  Then, she saw Isbel raise her face with a happy expression - luckily her back was to Anya, otherwise the problem would have been seen on the spot.

  Zhenna was shocked and quickly stepped on Isabel's foot to remind her.

  Isabel finally came to her senses, covered her face and started to cry: "Ganoen, it's too much, Ganoen!" "

  Listen, from now on, I am the hostess here, Ganon has agreed It's better for you to clarify your status as soon as possible!" Anya said to the two princesses condescendingly.

  This attitude made both Zhenna and Isbel feel angry, and they glared at Anya.

  I put more effort into my performance today than usual, Ganouen thought to himself.

  "Okay, I don't need you anymore. You can go back up there and continue to be locked up." Ganon asked the golem to send the two of them back.

  After leaving the restaurant and walking for a while, Isabel suddenly muttered: "This black skin is more annoying than I thought. I have to find an opportunity to teach her a lesson!"

  "Although I don't like her, please don't ruin Ganouen's plan." Zhenna let out a sigh of relief.

  (End of chapter)

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