89.Chapter 89 Anya’s guilt

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  Chapter 89 Anya’s Crime

  Bright red blood dripped down the blade, and the masked Dark Elf guard wiped the blood from the hidden blade.

  Several dark elf cavalry were sitting on horseback, guarding three carriages, with more than a dozen corpses scattered around them.

  Ten minutes ago, these bandits operating on the border of the desert attacked the dark elf team. This dark elf team was small in number, and more than half were women. The escorting carriage seemed to contain quite valuable things. No matter how you looked at it, A fat sheep that cannot be let go.

  By the time they discovered that this team of dark elves was an elite force composed of assassins and warlocks above the mid-level realm, it was already too late.

  The convoy continued to move forward, and no one took the bandit's matter to heart. This could only be regarded as daily life in the border area, which was the edge of the civilized world.

  "Are those barrels of wine okay?" Anya, who was sitting in the carriage, asked through the window to Ziera, who was following the carriage on horseback.

  "There's no problem." Zyra glanced at the two carriages carrying goods behind her.

  They were heading to Ganorn's territory, and the three carriages behind them contained various gold and silver jewelry, weapons and equipment, and some Nitrilan specialties. In addition, there were several large barrels of wine.

  Anya's lavish treatment of Ganouen could almost be said to be transferring the family's assets in the name of completing the tasks assigned by the envoy.

  She is indeed transferring assets. In her plan, when she seizes the magic book and uses the power of the tower to become independent, the red dragon's treasure and the assets she transferred will become her capital to recruit troops and separatist forces in the border area. .

  But right now, Anya cares more about those barrels of wine than gold, silver and jewelry.

  Because those drinks are the key to the next plan.

  After a long journey, they finally arrived at Ganon's territory.

  Ganon, who had learned of their itinerary in advance, was already prepared to welcome them. Standing alone on the top of the tower, he saw the dark elf convoy from a distance and let out a majestic dragon roar.

  His roar continued unabated even though it traveled several kilometers, causing birds to startle in the nearby woods.

  "Is that what it was just now?" Anya asked Ziera through the car window.

  "It's the red dragon." Zyra nodded.

  "What a wild welcome." Anya smiled, with a hint of contempt at the corner of her mouth.

  Although dragons possess intelligence, they are more loyal to their instincts than any other animal. Even if they accumulate experience, they will always look wild in the eyes of other races in the civilized world.

  This has been the dragon's weakness since ancient times. Even in ancient times when dragons were regarded as natural disasters, there were anecdotes of heroes using plots to kill dragons.

  "Mistress, he's here!" Zyra suddenly reminded in a deep voice.

  A few kilometers away from the tower, the red dragon took off from the top of the tower and flew straight towards this side. The red figure was extremely eye-catching.

  "Oh, you are really impatient." Anya commented.

  After a while, Ganon landed on the path of the convoy, raising a large amount of dust.

  The dark elf convoy came to a sudden stop, Anya winked at Zyra and closed the car window.

  Zyra understood and rode up to greet Ganon: "Thank you for coming to welcome us in person, Mr. Ganon." "

  Of course, after all, today's guest is the distinguished guest I have been looking forward to." Ganon smiled. He cast his gaze on the carriage behind him and shouted, "Welcome to my territory, Anya Nightblade of Nitriland!" A dark

  elf guard immediately dismounted, quickly went over and opened the door of the carriage for Anya, and then He helped Anya, who was dressed up, to get out of the carriage.

  When she turned to look at Ganouen, Anya immediately showed the longing smile she had prepared for a long time: "Ah, I finally meet you, Mr. Ganouen."

  Ganouen grinned unabashedly when he saw Anya. He showed an evil smile that fit the red dragon's "personality": "Not bad, not bad. It lived up to my expectations. As the maids said, she is as beautiful as a black pearl."

  Being looked up and down by the other party's eyes full of explicit desire, Anya couldn't help feeling queasy, but in front of Ganouen, she still pretended to be relieved: "That's great, I have been worried that you will dislike it. ."

  Ganon lowered his wings and motioned for Anya to get on his back: "The horse and carriage will be greeted by golems when they turn around. Let me take you on a tour of my territory, and then take you to the Endless Tower. ."

  "Let me ride on your back? Is that really okay? It's such an honor." Anya immediately looked overjoyed, quickly climbed onto Ganon's back, and then began to caress Ganouen intoxicatedly. The scales on Norn's back, "Haha, what a powerful body."

  Ganorn responded with a laugh, but in his heart he thought of a certain elf he didn't like very much - that guy was on his back. My hands and feet have never been honest.

  At the same time, Isabel and Zhenna were in the study room, using [Watchers] to observe the situation at the scene.

  "This distance is too difficult..." Isabel bit her fingers and muttered.

  "What distance?" Zhenna asked casually.

  "I mean the distance to snipe the dark elf from the top of the tower." Isabel said seriously.

  "Are you kidding?" Zhenna asked hesitantly.

  "Look at how bitchy she is when she moves her hands and feet, don't you have any objections?" Isabel pointed at the screen and shouted.

  "No, I'm used to it after all." Zhenna looked at Isabel expressionlessly, "There is someone here who often does this." "

  Who is it?" Isabel's eyes sharpened.

  "Can you go look in the mirror?" Zhenna sighed.

  "Listen up, Zhenna." Israel put her hand on Zhenna's shoulder, "I gave up my image and suffered the shame of being considered a pervert by you..." "But this is the truth.

  " Zhenna raised her hand seriously to correct.

  "The point is! I have to bear a considerable price to establish my current personality in Ganouen. I think it should be my privilege to take the initiative to touch him." Isabel said seriously.

  "Can you please not make the sexual harassment you usually do to him so justified?" Zhenna replied coldly.

  "But look at this dark elf bitch, she behaves like this when we meet! Ganon even takes the initiative to let her ride on his back. I usually ask Ganon to ride on me but he always refuses me several times!!" Isabel He pointed at the screen and said seriously.

  "Ganoun usually wouldn't refuse, right?" Zhenna showed a puzzled look, "Did you do anything strange on his back?" "

  No... ah." Isabel turned away with a guilty conscience. Out of sight.

  "You should look at my eyes and answer." Zhenna immediately understood something, and then sighed, "Stop fooling around, we have to cooperate with Ganon's plan and fish out the mastermind behind the dark elves! Moreover, that dark elf is just acting, don't let racial hatred go to your head." "

  I just hate the dark elf in general, but if you add the crime of stealing my character, then she can only be sentenced to death. , isn’t it right?” Isbel stared at Zhenna seriously and said.

  "Is your standard for sentencing the death penalty a bit too low?" Zhenna still couldn't understand the other person's brain circuit.

  "The most disgusting thing is that this dark elf bitch is also called Anya!" Israel pointed at Anya in the screen and complained.

  "Huh? Even calling this name is a crime?" Zhenna could no longer keep up with the other person's rhythm.

  "That's right, this black guy actually has the same name as the heroine of my favorite series of novels. When I think about Anya being a black guy, how can I be a substitute for her in the future!?" Isbell listed another crime.

  Zhenna stopped replying and turned to the surveillance screen with a headache. Talking to Isabel always made her feel like she was losing her life.

  In the picture, Ganon has carried Anya to the entrance of the Endless Tower.

  Anya got off the dragon's back, and Ganon immediately transformed into a human form again.

  "Half of my life has been spent underground. This is the first time in my life that I have overlooked the earth from such a high place. Thank you so much, Ganoen." Anya hugged Ganoen very naturally. En's arm began to directly address each other by name.

  "There will be opportunities like this in the future." Ganon replied with a smile.

  "That's true, but this first experience is irreplaceable." Anya looked at Ganouen with a smile, "I have to thank you very much." "Oh?"

  Ganouen turned around with interest. Face.

  At this moment, Anya suddenly quickly climbed up on his shoulders, stood up on tiptoes, and kissed him on the lips in a subtle way.

  At the same time, Zhenna and Isabel, who were sitting in front of the surveillance screen, froze at the same time.

  Then Isabel put her hands on Zhenna's shoulders, leaned into Zhenna's ear and said, "Now, can you understand?" "More or less." Zhenna replied coldly, staring

  at Anya's eyes in the picture also became sharp.

  "I don't hate people who take the initiative." Ganouen laughed boldly, picked up Anya and walked into the tower. Anya also hugged Ganouen's neck and giggled.

  "Welcome, my lord, and...the distinguished hostess." Several demon statues lined up in the hall, saluting respectfully, "The banquet is ready." "

  M-mistress..." Anya heard this. He immediately put on a shy expression, "It's really annoying, so sudden..." "You were so proactive

  just now, why are you shy now? Now that things have happened, do you think you can still escape?" Ganouen laughed and hugged him tightly. Anya in his arms.

  "Let me take you two to sit down." Shitou stepped forward and led Ganouen and Anya to the restaurant.

  Ganon then put Anya down, and then sat down face to face with Anya on the arranged seats.

  Then Ganon took out the authority letter from his body and ordered the golem waiting for orders: "Serve the food." The

  two golems immediately came up, arranged the tableware with quick hands and feet, and presented the appetizers and aperitifs .

  "That, could it be the magic book Zierra mentioned before?" Anya showed great interest in the permission book.

  (End of chapter)

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