91. Chapter 91 I urge you to drink another glass of wine

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  Chapter 91: Advising you to drink another glass of wine.
  "Those incompetent families have no need to exist other than to accept slavery. Don't you think so?" Anya said, shaking her wine glass.

  "That's true. Weak beings are not qualified to have those resources." Ganon nodded in agreement.

  "Then as a strong person, you have the obligation to return all things to the hands of qualified people. Ganon, if you join forces with us, you will definitely become the master of Nitrilan!" Anya smiled and raised her glass.

  "Sounds good." Ganouen also raised his glass in response.

  After three drinks, the atmosphere between Ganouen and Anya became more and more heated.

  Ganouen could feel that Anya was always choosing the words and logic that ordinary dragons liked to hear most. It seemed that she had also done a lot of homework to deceive the trust here.

  In some matters, the logic of dealing with dragons and dark elves has a lot in common. They all believe that the strong are respected and the weak should be dominated.

  But the difference is that the dark elves still have a certain degree of community consciousness and social honor.

  "The wine here is really good." After drinking the wine in one gulp, Anya watched the golem pour the wine from the decanter.

  "Some of the wine is brewed on my farm, and some of the aged wine is sent from Muxia." Ganon replied casually.

  "I heard that Long also likes wine, is it true?" Anya asked with a smile.

  "I don't hate it anyway." Ganon replied.

  Dragons are creatures that are very loyal to their desires and rarely restrain themselves. Of course, they will not refuse to drink and have fun.

  Ganouen was not that enthusiastic, but in front of Anya, he had to play the role of being loyal to his desires.

  "Then I think you will be more interested in the wine of the dark elves. Our wine is much more powerful than the fruit wine made by the white-skinned elves." Anya began to get into her plan, "This time, I am here specifically for You brought several barrels."

  Having already learned of Anya's purpose, Ganon realized what Anya wanted to do as soon as he heard it, and immediately became vigilant.

  Do you want to get the red dragon drunk with wine and then wait for an opportunity to steal the Book of Authority?
  In theory this is possible, but the risk of failure is not small.

  It's actually very difficult to get a dragon drunk, especially a fire-breathing red dragon.

  Red dragons can theoretically drink no matter how much alcohol they drink without getting drunk. They can heat their stomachs to thousands of degrees to digest some unusual foods, such as metals and minerals such as sulfur. In the stomach, it will be completely broken down before being absorbed.

  It is true that in order to pursue that light and intoxicated state, under normal circumstances, Red Dragon will only let the wine be absorbed naturally when drinking.

  But as long as there was a trace of caution left, Anya couldn't get him drunk.

  This dark elf has despised him to the point where he thinks he can succeed with just wine?

  No, there should be other means to ensure the success of the plan, such as... drugs.

  If it is a magic potion made of certain special materials, it can be effective on dragons.

  But it is ineffective for him. The power of "Master" allows him to freely adjust the state of his body, including returning to normal from a poisoned state. No matter how powerful the poison is, it can only be regarded as an ingredient to him.

  After thinking briefly, Ganon smiled at Anya and said, "Yes, you really know how to please me! Let's have a taste now!"

  He immediately ordered the golem beside him to move the barrels of wine on the carriage outside. Come up.

  "This opportunity is rare, why don't we just drink and have fun. I actually like drinking too, so why not... let's play a little bet." Anya said with a sly smile.

  "You are very brave. Do you want to drink wine with a real dragon?" Ganon asked with a smile.

  "How dare I compete with you? It's just a small game. I drink one drink and you drink five. If you are willing to let me win, just agree to my request and come to Night Blade Castle to accept our hospitality. If I Give up or get drunk..." Anya's eyes were as charming as silk, and she tapped her lips with her finger, "Tonight, I will be at your disposal."

  Using this as bait, he will definitely do something - Ganouen came to a conclusion.

  The biggest weakness of the persona he established in front of these dark elves was his fondness for humanoid creatures, and the dark elves have always played their part.

  "Then you will basically lose to me, how about skipping this process?" Ganon looked directly into Anya's eyes.

  "That would be a lot less fun. The result is important, and the process is worth enjoying, isn't it?" Anya flicked the wine glass with her fingers.

  "Okay, that makes sense." Ganon decided to see how the opponent played his cards first, "I'll just drink from this."

  He raised his finger and pointed at the decanter bottle in the golem's hand.

  Under his command, the golem opened the barrel, scooped out the dark elf's special spirit, served it with silver cups and decanters, and then brought it to the table. Two golems presented the wine preparations. vegetable.

  "I won't be disadvantaged by you either. I'll drink one bottle, and you'll drink one." Ganouen said.

  "Thank you for your magnanimity." Anya showed a secretive smile.

  She had to control her expression to prevent herself from laughing too much because the plan was going too smoothly.

  Once you're knocked down, you'll be at my mercy, red dragon!

  The two had a drink together for the first time, and Ganon praised it: "Yes, it is indeed stronger than the elves' wine." The wine

  sent by the dark elves had been distilled and had a very high content. It had also been soaked in some venomous snakes and venomous insects, and added The blood of some underground creatures has an unusually strong smell.

  Judging by the dragon's taste, this wine is indeed very good.

  Ganon naturally did not dare to let down his guard. As soon as the wine entered his stomach, he used high temperature to completely decompose the alcohol in it.

  "Don't cheat. I heard that a red dragon's stomach can turn into a furnace." Anya drank a full glass, pointed at Ganouen and smiled.

  "How could it be?" Ganon's expression remained unchanged.

  The two quickly filled the second cup.

  Anya actually wasn't too worried about the other party doing this kind of cheating. The thing that really worked was not the alcohol, but the magic potion - that kind of potion would be quickly absorbed from the mucous membrane into the body the moment it was entered.

  The main material of the potion she used was extracted from the brain and spinal cord of a real dragon. It is a substance that can cause a sleep response in the dragon's body. It has little effect on other creatures but has miraculous effects on dragon creatures. This potion technology is currently Only dark elves who are good at using poison possess it.

  If she drinks like this, the red dragon will inevitably fall before her.

  There is a legend circulating on the mainland. There once was a human hero who used a trick to lure a giant dragon to a winery. The dragon could not resist the temptation of the wine and drank all the wine in the winery. Then he became drunk. Got unconscious.

  Afterwards, the hero took a spear and stabbed the drunken dragon deeply into the eye, killing the dragon.

  Today, Anya is ready to recreate that legend.

  They continued to drink and chat, and when he finished his fourth glass of wine, Ganouen felt a strong sense of sleepiness begin to come over him - as he expected, the wine was indeed adulterated with something.

  "Please allow me to propose a toast to you." Not long after, Anya picked up the wine glass again and toasted Ganouen.

  Under her guidance, they quickly drank half the barrel of wine.

  "The Lord of all things gives birth to thousands of living things in his womb." Ganon quickly recited a hymn silently, summoning the blessing of the "Lord".

  He took control of his body and just thought about it. The sleepiness and dizziness immediately disappeared without a trace, making him feel refreshed.

  "Okay, this little wine is not enough!" He smiled and continued to toast with Anya.

  If this continues, how will it end?
  He suddenly hesitated.

  Originally, he planned to see the opportunity, comply with Anya's plan, and let the other party steal the book of authority to deal with the people behind the scenes.

  In this case, he should pretend to be drunk here.

  But once he falls, things may become a little out of control for him.

  Anya might not only steal the Book of Permissions, but also wait for an opportunity to target his life. After all, a red dragon who wants revenge after having his treasure stolen is quite troublesome.

  Or, they may not necessarily kill him, but they may find ways to severely injure and weaken him first.

  Of course, he couldn't let the other party manipulate him, but he would be exposed if he resisted. If a conflict broke out on the spot, he would have no choice but to force Anya to sign a [Prisoner Contract], a backup plan that could not guarantee the success rate.

  While he was thinking about it, after a few rounds of drinking, the barrel of strong liquor quickly reached the bottom.

  Anya started to feel something was wrong.

  Why hasn't it worked yet?
  According to their initial calculations, not counting the effect of alcohol, a barrel of wine would be roughly half drunk, and the potion in it would be enough to put this mature red dragon into a trance.


  "You have a really good drinking capacity - by ordinary people's standards." Ganouen said to Anya while holding a decanter bottle filled with wine.

  Why does it take effect so slowly... They have tested the effect of that medicine many times, and it should be absolutely certain.

  Anya became anxious, but she could only force out a smile and continued to drink with Ganouen: "Okay, okay."

  A cold sweat seeped out from her back, because she felt that she was getting drunk.

  About one-sixth of this barrel of wine went into her stomach. By the standards of humanoids, this intake was already quite large.

  The potion had a weak effect on her, and she drank the antidote beforehand.

  But there was still no way to avoid the effects of spirits. She had also taken hangover medicine, but the effect was limited.

  She has always had a good drinker, but after all she can't beat the dragon.

  In order to prevent the red dragon from suspecting the effect of the medicine when he drank, she chose the strongest wine, so that even if the red dragon felt something, he could use the strength of the wine as an explanation.

  This kind of strong drink tastes okay at first, but after a few rounds of drinking, the strength of the liquor accumulates, and it rises very quickly. Sometimes when people realize that they are drunk, it is actually too late.

  But now she just makes any excuse to stop. Hong Long is afraid that it is impossible to agree. Once the other party becomes suspicious, her situation... will be dangerous!
  (End of chapter)

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