86.Chapter 86 Fenglong Order

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  Chapter 86: The Order of the Dragon
  "This is just the beginning..." Ganon sighed and followed the direction where the dragon roar came from.

  Thousands of meters in the sky, there is a flying object flying from the horizon in the direction of the Endless Tower. Looking from here, only a small outline can be seen.

  But with Ganon's eyesight, he could actually see clearly. It was a blue dragon, a blue dragon that had come to his territory.

  He immediately recognized the voice of Dolan Siloni. This time, the other party also let out a dragon roar with the intention of negotiating first, just like last time.

  But the difference from last time was that this time she flew close to an altitude of several thousand meters.

  Outside the surveillance range of the [Watcher], she had already overlooked Ganon's territory and saw Ganon who was basking in the sun and cleaning his body in the open space. Naturally, she also saw Zhen who was surrounding Ganon. Na and Isabel, as well as the dark elves who cleaned his body.

  "You guys go to the tower first." Ganon let the dark elf on his back get off and stood up.

  The three dark elves immediately fulfilled their orders under the influence of the contract.

  "Is that the female dragon from last time?" Isabel recognized the blue dragon with the elf's natural vision.

  "Ganoen certainly has his reasons for letting us hide. Let's go." Zhenna pushed Isbell towards the Endless Tower.

  Ganon then took off, responded to Doranceloni, and signaled her to land at the last location.

  Dolan Siloni quickly circled and lowered her height, and landed together with Ganon at the place where they had talked before.

  "Why are you here again?" That's what Ganon said.

  There are basically no polite greetings between dragons, and the roar representing negotiation can be regarded as the most polite sentence in dragon language.

  Moreover, Ganouen was actually a little dissatisfied with Doranceloni's uninvited harassment this time.

  "I said, I will come back to confirm your intention." Dolan Siloni said.

  "Still have no idea." Ganon replied bluntly.

  "Ganoen, I just saw you with the dark elves? Was it the slave you captured?" Dolan Siloni asked.

  "Does it have anything to do with you?" Ganouen asked.

  "In addition to the humans and elves who just talked to you, there are also humans working at the top of the tower where you live. It seems that there are also elves living in your territory, managing the huge pastures and farmland for you?" Dolan Siloni said.

  "..." Ganon did not reply. Instead, he bared his teeth at Doranceloni without concealing his displeasure.

  If you don't want to talk about business, get out of here - the meaning he conveyed can be said to be simple and easy to understand.

  Not to mention the giant dragon, even people don't like outsiders inquiring about the situation at home.

  "I want to say that what you do is a bit similar to me." Dolan Siloni replied calmly.

  "What do you mean?" Ganouen became slightly interested.

  "I have been helping Dragon Ascension Nest manage the Dragon Religion." Dolan Siloni replied.

  "Fenglong Order?" Ganon signaled the other party for further explanation.

  "It is a sect formed by a group of people who spontaneously worship Dragon's Lair. They are mainly humans, but also include elves, dwarves, dark elves, and even orcs. They believe that once the dragons unite, it is inevitable to sweep the world.

  Others If a race wants to survive in such a world, it should recognize the reality, spontaneously accept the rule of the dragon, and find their own value in the world of the dragon so as to gain a living space." Dolan Siloni explained calmly .

  "Oh, to put it simply, they are people who surrender to the dragon in advance." Ganon summed it up himself.

  However, he can understand a little bit. In an era when the power of civilization was not so strong, the dragon was like a natural disaster to every civilization.

  According to Zhenna, ancient empires regarded giant dragons as symbols of strength, and the name of the Dragon Spine Empire originated from this.

  Although there are not as many people who worship dragons as there are believers in the gods, there are definitely some.

  But now, in the face of the rapid development of civilization, dragons below the ancient dragon seem to have stretched their hips a lot.

  But theoretically speaking, if all the giant dragons formed a powerful alliance to sweep across the continent, it would indeed pose a terrifying threat to all civilizations.

  Ganon felt that this idea was a bit bluffing. It was precisely because he became a dragon that he understood better that the nature of the dragon was difficult to produce such cohesion.

  Even if it was the first time that a giant dragon had established the country's Dragon Ascension Nest, to put it bluntly, it was just relying on the strength of an ancient blue dragon with outstanding power to gather it together.

  However, the fact that these giant dragons used the cult to manage a group of humanoid creatures was indeed beyond Ganon's expectation. It sounds like the blue dragon king Grendel seems to understand the value of humanoid creatures.

  However, the way ordinary dragons get along with other humanoid creatures is basically limited to treating each other as slaves and food. They themselves have no social nature, so naturally they cannot understand any management.

  He used [Watcher] to observe Dolan Siloni again, and the outline of the humanoid shape was still there.

  Dolan Sloane was assigned the responsibility of managing that order. She might actually have human blood.

  The Blue Dragon King ordered the believers in the cult that worshiped the dragon to give birth to a half-dragon, and then let the half-dragon manage the cult composed of humanoid creatures - this speculation should be reasonable.

  "Ganoen, just my first impression. These people living in your territory are different from other people enslaved by the dragon. I want to ask you again, what do you think of human beings?" Dolan Sloane asked.

  "Did you come here again just to confirm the answer to this question?" Ganon asked in turn.

  "I just want to add a bargaining chip to that invitation." Dolan Siloni replied calmly, "If you like to be served by humans and are willing to use skills to manage them based on understanding them, my father should be willing to let you You manage the Fenglong Order with me, I guess you won’t hate such a job.”

  "This is power after all. Why would you be willing to share it with other dragons?" Ganon asked suspiciously.

  Not only dragons, but also humans cannot give up their power to share it with others for no reason.

  "When Dragon Ascension's Nest sweeps across the continent, it will only be a matter of time before the sect expands rapidly. It will inevitably reach a scale that I cannot easily control. It will become a burden. I should make plans in advance." Dolan Silo Ni replied.

  Ganon didn't believe much of this answer. After all, he had long seen that Dolan Siloni was inextricably linked to humans.

  His way of getting along with human elves is quite different from other dragons, and it seems that Dolan Siloni has developed an additional interest in him because of this.

  "Dolan Sloane, what is your relationship with humans?" He asked bluntly.

  Dolan Siloni was silent, and then avoided the question as Ganon expected, and said seriously: "Helganon, do you think it is possible for Dragon's Lair to be better than the entire civilized world?"

  "At least from the current point of view, not at all." Ganon answered bluntly.

  According to what Dolan Siloni said before, the power of Dragon Ascension Nest is indeed very powerful, and it may even be enough to destroy a big country.

  But if such a force is fully revealed in the civilized world, it will inevitably make all civilizations feel threatened and unite to fight against it.

  In the past history of this continent, the high elves once established a powerful empire that almost conquered other humanoid civilizations. However, they encountered a joint counterattack by other races, which instead led to their own disintegration.

  It is definitely easier for social humanoid creatures to unite than giant dragons. Although the three-headed ancient dragon is powerful, it is still too difficult to challenge all countries on the continent.

  The Dragon Ascension Nest described by Dolan Sloane may bring a catastrophe to the civilized world, but in the end it will basically lose.

  With the power of the Blue Dragon King alone, it is difficult for Ganon to imagine that the Dragon Ascension Nest can further expand significantly.

  "If you ask me this, your thoughts are actually the same as mine." Ganon asked Dorancelone.

  He could clearly feel that although she talked about "sweeping the continent" time and time again, Dolan Siloni actually did not believe that the current Dragon Ascension Nest could surpass the civilized world.

  "Ganoen, have you ever thought about how dragons will coexist with humans in the future?" Dolan Siloni asked seriously.

  At this moment, Ganouen vaguely noticed that Dolan Siloni seemed to be carrying some kind of ideological burden.

  "No, and I'm not interested. My thoughts haven't risen to the level of the entire race. For me, living my own life is enough." He answered frankly.

  After traveling to this world, just surviving well requires a lot of thought. Caring about the relationship between the entire dragon clan and the civilized world is really a waste of time for him.

  But he could probably imagine that Dolan Siloni's position was different. If she was really a human-dragon hybrid and was born in the Dragon's Nest, and was caught between humans and dragons, it would be natural for her to think about this issue. of.

  A world where dragons and humans cannot coexist would probably not give any space to an alien like her.

  To a certain extent, Ganon is a bit like her, a human soul that has traveled through time and the body of a dragon. He is also an existence between a human and a dragon.

  But after he crossed over, he was bound to the Endless Tower, and there was no need to seek other ways to survive.

  "That's right." Dorancelony sighed, not sure whether it was emotion or disappointment.

  Ganon felt as if she was actually here just to answer this question.

  After saying this, Dolan Siloni spread her wings, and under the influence of her spell, updrafts began to appear around her.

  "Are you still planning to persuade me again?" Ganon asked after realizing that the other party was about to leave.


  Giving an ambiguous answer, Dolan Silonie soared up and quickly flew into the sky.

  (End of chapter)

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