85.Chapter 85: Give in to others

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  Chapter 85:

  The guest room in Night Blade Castle.

  "Everything goes well?" The messenger who controlled the golem behind the scenes confirmed to Anya.

  "Yes, it's just as we planned before... No, it's even smoother than planned. My people have initially gained the trust of the red dragon. I just received the report." Anya said to the golem.

  "The red dragon can take the lead from Mu Xia, so it's better not to underestimate him." The messenger gave cautious advice.

  "Of course, so in order to fully paralyze him, I spent a lot of money, but the most important thing is to give him what he wants." Anya explained, "Now it has been confirmed that the red dragon does have special effects on humanoid creatures. His habit is relatively easy to deal with as long as he has a good handle on it." "

  So, have you investigated anything?" the messenger asked.

  "It has been preliminarily determined that the tower as a whole possesses some kind of special power. In addition to the Holy Fire Technique, it seems that it can freely summon demons in the tower that can be controlled by the owner. As for the method of manipulation, the red dragon seems to be in When using the power of the tower, a book is often taken out," Anya answered.

  "The magic book that controls the mage tower? It should be at least a high-level artifact. Didn't the red dragon bear the cost of using it?" the messenger asked.

  "There is no obvious price that the red dragon has suffered so far, and the red dragon seems to have no restraint on using its power. Perhaps it is an artifact whose price has been paid off or transferred, just like angels and demons do not need to bear the price for using the corresponding artifacts. ." Anya replied.

  There was one thing Anya didn't explain.

  According to the intelligence they gathered from the empire, the red dragon entrenched in the ruins should have only just reached adulthood.

  However, based on the intelligence from Mu Xia and several observations of contacts, it can be completely confirmed that this red dragon has obviously grown to the late stage of its prime.

  The red dragon was originally only over a hundred years old, but now his growth rate is at least three hundred years old. It is most likely also the influence of that tower.

  The messenger may have already noticed this.

  "You did a great job. The people from 'Maze' really didn't disappoint me." The messenger praised.

  "Thank you for your appreciation." Anya saluted respectfully, "Mr. Envoy, our family has spent a lot of resources on this mission. I wonder if we can reduce the tribute next time?" The envoy was silent for a moment and replied: "

  This Let's wait until you achieve more results before discussing."

  "I understand, we will not let you down." Anya bowed her head submissively.

  When the golem returned to silence, Anya raised her head.

  This time she was not angry because the envoy refused to reduce the tribute. She had originally planned to leave the family. Since this hopeless family was willing to surrender and pay tribute to the other party, Anya had actually lost interest in fighting for the family's interests.

  This is just a temptation. She has tried several similar temptations, including asking the forces behind the messenger to intervene, but she was rejected every time.

  While showing respect in front of the envoy, she also asked the subordinates of "Maze" to find out all kinds of information about the envoy and the forces behind him.

  Based on the information she had now, she discovered that the envoy had most likely concealed a lot of information about the red dragon from his own forces.

  This guy also wants to monopolize it...but this is fine.

  She knew that given the envoy's position, he would most likely not be able to bear the responsibility of concealing the truth.

  In other words, even if she takes away the power of the red dragon and makes it her own, she will not be targeted by that force and will only be noted by the envoy.

  As long as she gets the power that even the legendary strongman can deal with, the messenger can only be furious at her incompetence.

  As long as the next plan goes well.

  According to the reports from his subordinates, although the red dragon was quite cautious, the beauty trap seemed to have an extraordinary effect on him.

  Then it would be enough to just continue to indulge him and paralyze him.

  Thinking of this, a smile appeared in Anya's heart.
  Endless Tower, a clearing near the ranch.

  "Follow him?" Zhenna, who was standing in front of Ganon, blinked twice.

  "Yes, since the master behind them hopes that I am a deceitful and easily taken advantage of, then I will play this image well and do what they want to paralyze her and fish her out." Ganouen lay on the ground in the shape of a dragon and basked in the sun, lazily replied proudly.

  "Do you want to get the power of 'Maze'?" Zhenna asked.

  "Yes, the Grand Duke of Xihe Principality is a trouble after all. We have to kill him." Ganon said.

  "This is not an easy task even for Maze. Grand Duke Dipu's private life is miserable, but he is not without strength. He practiced the Holy Light Art when he was young and is considered a master-level priest. What's more, he has extraordinary skills around him. Guard. Just catching one or two assassins and forcing them to sign a slave contract may not necessarily complete the mission." Zhenna reminded.

  "I can also do the killing job, as long as someone can investigate and figure out the right time to kill." Ganon replied.

  "So you plan to fish out Anya Nightblade and use her to control the labyrinth?" Zhenna finally understood.

  "It would be ideal if we could let them get this done while they are throwing sugar-coated bullets, but I guess since they have evil intentions, they may not agree to such a high-cost condition," Ganouen said.

  "Then why don't you just start with the three dark elves that were sent before, follow the clues, capture the person who connected you, force her to sign a contract, and turn all those dark elves into slaves and train them hard?" Yi said on the side. Siberia suddenly clenched her fists.

  "This is indeed the simplest method, but the [Prisoner Contract] must be accepted by the other party in order to be useful. It will be more difficult if you encounter the kind of hard fight that is not afraid of death. However, many assassins from the Dark Elves are like this. . Once the process of following the clue is interrupted, it will alert the snake, so this can only be used as a last resort." Ganon explained.

  The empire had sent assassins before. At that time, he captured one of them, but the other person committed suicide on the spot before interrogation began.

  According to the confessions of the three dark elves, the assassins of "Maze" basically have a similar style. The master behind them, Anya Nightblade, may not be so easy to control. Once the other party chooses death without hesitation, the contract will be useless.

  These three dark elves signed the contract because they were too confident in the insurance they had made before.

  "And don't forget, behind the dark elves, there are other people giving orders, and that one is the big fish. Even if Grand Duke Dipu is ignored, just to ensure our safety, we still have to get rid of everyone who is targeting us. ." Ganon added.

  The three dark elves confessed not only the masters behind them, but also a messenger hidden behind their family - other forces controlled the Night Blade family and supported the Night Blade family to become the masters of Nitrilan.

  It's a pity that the three dark elves who were used as cannon fodder only knew this much. Only the top members of the family were qualified to have direct contact with that force. Anya Nightblade was the contact person of the envoy.

  The mission to spy on Ganon seems to have been issued by the messenger.

  It's not enough to just fish out Anya Nightblade. Ganon also fished out the "messenger" behind her. This process must be done carefully. If you use the [Prisoner Contract] simply and crudely to follow the clues, you may end up encountering someone. Unexpected resistance causes the chain of clues to break.

  "Then do as you say." Zhenna nodded.

  "Speaking of which, what are you doing?" Isabel looked at Ganouen.

  At this time, Ganon was lying on the ground, and the dragon's body was bulging like a hill.

  Three dark elves stood on either side of him, and one climbed on his back. Each of them held a long-handled brush in their hands and brushed the scales on Ganon's body.

  "You saw it too, clean your body." Ganon answered and turned around slightly, "Try harder, haven't you eaten?" "Yes!!" The

  three dark elves began to scrub quickly with all their strength.

  "Just rubbing together like this?" Isabel muttered, "I've never seen you take a bath in the water." "Did

  you try to peek into the bathing place?" Ganouen glanced at Isabel. One glance.

  "Ganoen hates being wet by water, just like cats." Zhenna explained at the side, "Unless the water is completely boiled." "

  I don't want to, but really only boiling water can make me feel that the temperature is okay. ." Ganon replied.

  After turning into a red dragon, he became extremely fond of high-temperature environments, and would feel uncontrollably depressed when his body got wet with cold water.

  The memory left by Helganorn shows that he once soaked in lava, which is a real hot spring for the red dragon.

  "Then you have to take a bath with boiling water every day?" Isabel asked.

  "That's so troublesome. I usually release high heat all over my body to roast the surface of my body, and then wipe off the dust." Ganon replied.

  Ganouen felt that this way of bathing was quite hygienic to a certain extent. After washing, he probably wouldn't be able to find even a single bacteria on the surface of his body.

  Moreover, dragons do not sweat, and there are basically only a few stains from the outside world on their scales.

  "It would be more efficient to wash your body if you use the transformation technique to make your body smaller, right?" Isabel said.

  "It feels like a massage, so comfortable." Ganouen stretched his body comfortably, "It's rare that I picked up three maids for nothing, so I have to give them some work." "Wouldn't it be better to leave this kind of thing to Shitou?"

  Zhen Na muttered.

  "Stone went to repair the tower with the group of people he collected from Archduke Dipu's army last time." Ganon replied.

  "It makes me want to give it a try. Do you have any brushes?" Isabel was suddenly eager to give it a try.

  "I always feel like you're going to greet strange parts... Forget it, if you want to be safe, come if you want." Ganon glanced at her warily and ordered one of the dark elves, "Go and get it again." Here's a brush."

  ​​"Then me too..." Zhenna hesitated to join in.

  At this time, a dragon roar came from the sky, and Ganon suddenly raised his head.

  (End of chapter)

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