87. Chapter 87 Actor’s Self-cultivation

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  Chapter 87:

  The Endless Tower of Self-cultivation of Actors.

  Ganorn and Zyra, the dark elf who served as the escort, sat face to face at the long table and enjoyed dinner.

  Nearly a month has passed since his first contact with the dark elves. Ganon received two more gifts in the name of Anya Nightblade and exchanged two letters.

  This was the fourth meeting. Ganon showed an increasingly obvious affection for the dark elf. This time he not only received him in human form, but also solemnly invited him to stay and dine in the Endless Tower.

  Zyra praised the red wine and every dish, and her praise was sincere.

  The land above Nitriland is very barren, especially in the underground city. The main crops of the dark elves are plants and mushrooms that can grow without light. The cultured meat mainly comes from giant sandworms, lizards and various insects.

  Ganon operates large tracts of pasture and farmland, and is rich in products, and the golem who serves as a chef has also shown considerable cooking skills.

  After drinking for three rounds, Ganouen tried to make a request to let the assassins of "Maze" assist in the assassination of Grand Duke Dipu of the Principality of Xihe.

  "Assassinating the leader of the human principality? This is not a small matter, but if it is Mr. Ganouen, the hostess should agree." Zyra sat at the dining table, listened and thought while replying, revealing her face to Ganouen She smiled and said, "Don't worry, when you become a partner with her, the power of 'Maze' will naturally be yours!"

  She naturally delayed this request until she "officially becomes a partner with Anya".

  "That's really exciting." Ganouen heard what the other party meant and stopped for now.

  After the main course was finished, Ganouen picked up the permission letter and read: "Butler, pour the wine!" The

  two golems on standby quickly came forward with jugs of red wine and gave them to Ganouen and Zyra. All topped with wine.

  Zyra pretended to casually observe the flexible golem and the "magic book" in Ganon's hand. When Ganon glanced at him, she met his gaze as if nothing had happened and said with a smile:
  "I didn't expect Mr. Ganouen to actually know how to control the golem. There is a golem taking care of this tower. Aren't the maids we sent a little redundant?" "How could it be?

  You gave me such an outstanding woman, how could I Will they be wasted doing chores? I have 'more suitable jobs' for them to do here!"

  Ganon laughed wildly, leaned his back on the chair, and a dark elf maid sat on his lap obediently. , holding up the wine glass and feeding him a drink with a smile, the other two maids were close to Ganouen on the left and right, and rubbed Ganouen's shoulders on both sides with their soft and dexterous fingers.

  Ganouen had a contented expression on his face, but what he was thinking in his heart was: "I don't have any strength at all. Is this called shoulder rubbing?" The

  dragon's cortex and muscle strength are beyond specifications. It is necessary for a dragon to feel that it is being massaged. Pressing with just the right amount of force, it won't work without a lot of strength.

  But in the final analysis, the act of intimacy with the dark elf was just for this Zyra to watch.

  Zyra, who often visits with gifts, is the contact person of the dark elf maids. The three dark elf maids will also communicate with the bats and owls that Zyra controls with spells in the Tower of Endlessness.

  Of course, after they signed the slave contract, all this was done under Ganon's instruction.

  Zyra carefully observed Ganon and the three maids, and looked at one of the maids who was rubbing Ganon's shoulders. The other woman winked at her, indicating that the plan here was going well.

  "Speaking of which, I didn't see those two princesses." Zyra said intentionally or unintentionally.

  "Them? After all, this is an occasion to entertain guests, so I asked them to avoid it first. I guess the dark elves don't like sharing the table with elves and humans." Ganon said in a casual tone.

  "That's so considerate." Zyra smiled.

  It seems that in the heart of this red dragon, the status of dark elves has surpassed other races.

  "Mr. Ganon, is the book in your hand the magic weapon used to control these golems?" Zyra asked tentatively.

  "Magic weapon? Hahahaha." Ganon laughed proudly and waved the magic book towards Zyla proudly. "This is not just for controlling the golem!" Zyla noticed that

  Ganon When En shook the magic book, the magic book and the maid could be said to be close at hand. It could be said that the red dragon had no wariness about the maid they had arranged.

  "Could it be...an artifact?" Zyra asked tentatively.

  "This is no ordinary artifact. Ordinary artifacts can only be regarded as rubbish in front of it." Ganon said unceremoniously.

  "Is it really that powerful?" Zyra jumped into the topic and showed great interest.

  In her understanding, precious treasures are a symbol of status and strength for the dragon.

  Although dragons can also understand that showing wealth may bring danger, their vain nature makes them always want to show off.

  "Actually, I have used it before..." Ganouen suddenly paused mid-sentence, "Well, even if I tell you, you may not believe it." "What you said is too

  outrageous. You are the hostess's favorite." A big shot, I doubt you are slapping your master in the face?" Zyra suddenly said seriously.

  "Okay." Ganon grinned and put on an expression that said, "I'm just waiting for you to say that." Then he continued in a deep voice, "Actually, I used this artifact to defeat the legendary strongman of the Dragon Spine Empire. !"

  "Could it be the empire's... knight who killed the ancient dragon?" Zyra pretended to be surprised.

  "Do you want to hear it?" Ganon began to boast about his experience of defeating Lucio.

  Zyra had long known the information that Ganon had defeated Lucio, and Ganon also knew that the other party knew about it.

  They were also acting against each other, but Ganon, who had already learned everything from the dark elf maid, knew that the other party was acting, while Zyra didn't know that Ganon was playing her.

  In the study room, Isabel and Zhenna were both staring at the screen projected by the [Watcher], paying attention to the progress of the scene.

  "Ganoen's performance of blowing water is a bit exaggerated, but that's okay, the dark elves are very cunning." Isabel commented.

  "No, this kind of exaggerated performance is just right. In the perception of most civilizations, dragons are vain creatures. When faced with creatures weaker than themselves, they disdain to pretend and cover up - I think most dark elves have the same Such a stereotype."

  Zhenna analyzed calmly.

  "That's true. In fact, dark elves are also an arrogant race that likes to look down on others. They should be able to deceive them." Isabel also nodded in agreement.

  "You should consider this a stereotype." Zhenna reminded, and then moved her gaze to Ganouen in the picture.

  The prejudices of others can sometimes become exploitable weaknesses, and Ganon knows this all too well - he himself once used the Imperial Knights' prejudices against red dragons to counter-kill the Empire's dragon-slaying squad.

  Ganon is a unique red dragon. If we speculate on him based on some inherent impressions of red dragons, these dark elves will definitely suffer a big loss.

  (End of chapter)

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