84. Chapter 84 It’s just the master’s mission

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  Chapter 84: The Master’s Mission Just

  this messy analysis, why does it sound very reasonable? Ganon thought.

  "Ganoen, what she said is a bit strange, but I think it makes sense. The dark elf definitely approached you with other purposes!" Zhenna held onto Ganon's arm tightly.

  "Do I look like someone who can't even see this?" Ganon looked back and forth between the two of them.

  "No matter how serious a person is, it is impossible to say that he will be carried away by desire!" Isabel stared at Ganouen suspiciously.

  "These words are very convincing coming from your mouth." Ganouen commented.

  "Then why did you collect them and bring them back?" Zhenna said solemnly.

  "It's so obvious that you are jealous." Ganouen raised his eyebrows.

  "No, we are obviously worried about you!" Zhenna looked away.

  "Neither do I, but if Ganon must accept them, be sure to train them thoroughly until they roll their eyes and stick out their tongues and can never look back. Besides! I want to watch from the side!" Isbell said with a look on her face Emphasize seriously.

  "At this time, can you just calm down and stop causing trouble?" Zhenna glared at Isbell and said angrily.

  It was rare that the two of them were on the same side, but she found that as a serious person, her synchronization rate with Isabel was surprisingly low.

  "Think carefully, you two, how can you investigate whether these dark elves have evil intentions without starting with them?" Ganon looked back and forth between the two of them.

  Zhenna and Isabel looked at each other, speechless for a moment.

  "My brain has become so slow that I can't even understand the truth, and I still say I'm not jealous." Ganouen took his arms away from their arms.

  Just when Ganon turned around, Isabel suddenly said: "Naganon, you really haven't had any idea about the dark elf's honey trap?" "...No." Ganon was silent for a moment

  . Give an answer.

  "Why did you pause just now?" Zhenna narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

  Ganon strode towards the three dark elf maids and said, "Then from today on, you will live here and serve me!" "

  Yes, Master! This is our honor!!" The three maids all looked happy. With an expression on his face, he saluted and said in unison.

  "We are very good at housework, cooking, and other chores. Master, please use us as you please." The maid who had met Ganon alone before added.

  "There is a dedicated person in charge of housework. If you guys...maybe there are other things that need to be taken care of." Ganon said with a smile.

  The three dark elf maids all showed knowing smiles to Ganon, ignoring the murderous looks cast by the two princesses in the distance.

  In their inherent impression, these two princesses were just slaves trained by Ganon for his own pleasure.

  They have carefully learned the art of pleasing, and they are confident that given time, they will soon be able to make this red dragon favor them even more.

  "But before that, you have to sign a contract first." Ganon said and retrieved the [Prisoner's Contract].

  Three flames immediately flashed in front of the dark elf, and the contents of the contract emerged inside.

  This unfolded without warning, causing the three dark elves to gasp at the same time.

  Contract art? This red dragon can actually use contract magic! ?
  This is not at all consistent with the information they received at the beginning! The contract binding technique of the abyss and the holy light technique are incompatible. This red dragon can use the power of the holy light. According to their speculation, the red dragon cannot master the power of the abyss.

  "What, is there any inconvenience?" Ganon asked, still smiling.

  But the smile faded from his eyes, and at the same time a little pressure was released from him, making the three dark elf maids feel great pressure at the same time.

  "Of course!" The dark elf who spoke to Ganonn first was the first to react and showed a submissive smile to Ganonn. "We are lucky to be your possessions!" The other two people also responded

  . Come over and smile the same submissive smile.

  They all realized that although this incident was beyond their expectations, fortunately, the master they were truly loyal to had already taken precautions.

  Just in case, Anya used the secondary artifact "Slave Master's Ring" to bind them to a contract first. Coming here to serve this red dragon is, in the final analysis, just the master's task.

  The essence of the abyss contract is actually a curse. According to the principle of curse, when the effects of two curses are contradictory, the stronger curse will usually swallow up and cover the weaker curse, and the same is true for the contract.

  If a person signs two abyss contracts, and if the two contracts violate each other, the stronger contract will overwrite the weaker contract, making it invalid.

  The contract released by Anya to them was to be released by the family's high-level warlock using a sub-artifact. Their status transcended the legendary realm. Even if the legendary warlock released the contract spell on them, the contract released by the sub-artifact would still occupy a dominant position.

  Even if they signed the contract that the red dragon "cannot harm him", they still have Anya's contract of "complete the mission" as priority and can continue to spy on the secrets of this tower! Accepting the contract as if nothing had happened could make the red dragons relax their vigilance...

  Fortunately, their master had provided an insurance policy.

  With this thought in mind, the three of them touched the contract at the same time and accepted it.

  The moment the contract was absorbed, the three of them felt a strong binding force grabbing them, almost suffocating them.

  what happened?

  The dark elves were shocked to realize the fact that the red dragon's contract... seemed to be far more powerful than the contract Anya left them! !
  They came to this tower with espionage missions, and they came with the purpose of being detrimental to Ganon. All their actions were to make Ganon relax his vigilance, so at the moment of signing this [Prisoner Contract] , they immediately violated the contract.

  "You are really interesting. Are you so eager to play the punishment game with the new master?"

  Ganon raised his lips at the three of them. He clearly felt that the punishment mechanism of the [Contract] was triggered.

  As he thought, this was the dark elf's honey trap. These three dark elf maids were not gifts, but spies. This would not be the case for the killer. These three dark elves had almost no possibility of killing him.

  "Then, let's play a round of interrogation game first." Ganon pointed at the three dark elves, smiled, and released the majestic dragon power, "About your true purpose, tell you what you know, Tell me everything, no matter how detailed it is!"

  Within a few minutes, Ganon learned part of their plan from the accounts of these dark elves.

  "You must do everything you can to please the red dragon and win his trust, so that you can spy on the secrets of the tower and figure out the source of the red dragon's power. If there is any situation, report it to the contact person immediately. I People will be sent to contact the red dragon regularly."

  - This is the real order of their mistress, Anya Nightblade.

  "It turns out that the heir of the Night Blade family is really targeting me..." Ganon thought for a moment, then stretched out his hand to the dark elf in the middle, "By the way, didn't she write me a letter? Let me see it. "

  The other party could not resist Ganon's order and respectfully presented the letter.

  Ganouen opened it and looked at it twice before he couldn't stand it. The first half of the letter basically expressed his affection and admiration for him in the tone of a young girl, and the second half was like a sales pitch, explaining to him what he would do if he chose to be with her. How many benefits will the heirs of the Night Blade family gain from combining.

  After knowing Anya's true purpose, these things seem quite ironic.

  "She is very confident in her plan. It is such a simple and straightforward beauty trap. If she uses you and then herself, do you think I will take the bait?" Ganon looked at the dark elf maid.

  "The mistress said that since you can even accept defective products like wood elves, there is no reason why you wouldn't be interested in more perfect dark elves!" The dark elf maid in the middle was forced to answer truthfully.

  "What are you talking nonsense about? You are the defective products!" Isabel, who was standing far away, reacted as soon as she heard this.

  Ganon turned his head and glanced at Isbell, feeling to a certain extent the mutual racial discrimination between elves and dark elves.

  This kind of deep-rooted discrimination makes them seem to habitually respond with contempt whenever the other person's race is mentioned, and at the same time develop a superior mentality towards their own race.

  Anya's contempt for elves also affected her view of him to a certain extent. In Anya's eyes, since he was so ravenous that even elves could accept it, there was no reason why the attraction of dark elves should be inferior to that of elves, so she dismissed Ganon. As an easy target for seduction.

  "You really look down on me, you just sent a spy here so blatantly, without even a piece of insurance?" Ganon sighed with emotion.

  "Actually, the mistress has taken some countermeasures in advance..." A dark elf maid reported while walking on thin ice, explaining that Anya had used the "Slave Master's Ring".

  "Stone, what's going on?" Ganon didn't know that there were other contracts with these dark elves, so he asked his butler.

  "My lord, in the magic of the abyss, a powerful curse can swallow up a weak curse, and a powerful contract can cover a weak contract. How could the [Prisoner Contract] of the Endless Tower be made by a mere powerful person from the divine realm? Can sub-artifacts be compared?" The voice of stone came from the walls and floors of the tower. "Unless it is the power lost from the Endless Tower, such as those divine artifacts, there is no way to compete with the functions of the Endless Tower. "

  It seems like I got a bargain." Ganon raised the corner of his mouth.

  He carefully looked at the three dark elf maids. These three people should also be spies trained by the "Maze". He was short of such talents, and the dark elf brought such talents to his door.

  But they don't seem to have very high combat abilities, so it's probably hard to say whether they can carry out assassination missions.

  It would be nice if there was another assassin with a high enough level...

  Ganon thought about it and came up with an idea.

  "In the future, you can continue your mission and report to your original master with the person you contacted." He stared at the three dark elves and said, "But you must listen to me about what you want to report." (End of Chapter


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