276. Chapter 276 The Invasion of the Blue Dragon

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  Chapter 276 The Invasion of the Blue Dragon

  "What are you talking about?" Zhenna asked suspiciously.

  "Haha, I think so..." Mo La smiled dryly and turned back one last time to confirm.

  The outline of the blue dragon had become quite clear. He sank suddenly and swooped down towards the direction of the sentry tower.

  The watchtower sounded the alarm.

  The moment Mora shouted loudly, "A blue dragon is coming," Zhenna and the soldiers present didn't even react.

  But soon, the loud rumbling sound in the sky made them aware of the problem. When Zhenna looked up from the shadow of the sentry tower, the blue dragon was already less than a hundred meters away from the top of the sentry tower.

  "Enemy attack!!" Zhenna shouted immediately.

  "Go! Go! Go!!" The soldiers at the top of the Mora command tower quickly left the tower in an orderly manner to avoid being trampled or falling in the panic.

  With her skills, it was not that easy to die, and she was allowed to use the [Teleportation] authority independently by Ganon.

  But it's hard for these soldiers to tell. This sentry tower is simply not strong enough to withstand dragon attacks. Staying here is almost like staying in a large coffin and waiting to die.

  They had to arm themselves to protect themselves first, and wait for Ganouen to arrive to deal with it. Both she and Zhenna immediately contacted Ganouen.

  In the blink of an eye, the young blue dragon, Karostega, had approached the guard tower straight away. He noticed the military building and the humans above who were evacuating in panic.

  He recognized that this was a military facility, but the number of people on site and the scale of the facility gave him great confidence—the dozens of people in such a simple garrison were unlikely to pose much of a threat to him.

  Just as he was thinking about how many people could be crushed on the spot by accelerating and hitting the top of the tower, he suddenly noticed Mora on the top of the tower.

  Human cubs?
  Karostega mistook Mora for a human girl based on her appearance.

  He immediately recalled the fun he had found in the last village. Humans seemed to do some desperate and abnormal things when their cubs were caught. Catching the human cub, depending on the reaction of the remaining humans, maybe You can come up with some more interesting gameplay.

  Thinking this, a sinister smile appeared on his face.

  "Fuck!?" Mo La, who had been wary of Blue Dragon's breath, noticed that Blue Dragon's eyes were locked on her, and she also noticed the sudden appearance of a malicious smile on Blue Dragon's face.

  There were so many people present, but this blue dragon actually stared at her and showed such a disgusting smile. There was actually a pedophile pervert among the real dragons! ?

  Mora immediately grabbed a spear from a soldier, took away the other's dagger, and then rushed to the edge of the tower.

  Karostega was a little surprised by the unusual agility of this "human child", but he still flew down and prepared to snatch Mora away with his claws.

  The distance between the two parties narrowed to only more than twenty meters. Mo La suddenly jumped out from the edge of the tower, then twisted in the air, exerted force with the arm holding the spear, and threw the spear towards the blue dragon. .

  The spear pierced through the wind unstoppably, so fast that it was difficult for Karostega to dodge. In fact, he did not choose to dodge at all. At first, he never thought that a weapon thrown by a human child might hurt him.

  The spear hit Karostega's front paw, and there was an explosion that penetrated the dragon's scales. Blood spattered out, and Karostega wailed unprepared.

  The spears made by Mora are legendary metal alloys made by dwarf craftsmanship. Ganon once captured a large number of dragon-slaying weapons from the Empire and the Principality of Xihe, and almost all of them became materials used by Mora to build high-end weapons.

  The spear's hardness is enough to deal with the dragon scales of real dragons below the age of old. With the blessing of Mora's "God of War's Strike", the penetration concept of the spear has been increased, and it easily pierced the young blue dragon's body. front paws.

  Then Mora stabbed the outer wall of the sentry tower with her dagger, and used brute force to drive the sword into the wall. She grabbed the hilt of the sword and hung it on herself, then stepped on the wall and jumped to the edge of a nearby tree. On the canopy of the tree, he quickly climbed down. Karostega recovered from the severe pain, but his mind was completely occupied by rage.

  He roared and spit out the breath of thunder and lightning, and some soldiers who had not yet had time to organize fled under him. Several soldiers were unlucky enough to be killed by lightning on the spot.

  But Karostega didn't care about them at all. He was focused on finding the "human child" who hurt himself.

  He searched among the fleeing soldiers and finally found the short figure walking nimbly among the crowd. Mora was running towards a troop that had just assembled - Zhenna asked a group of nearby soldiers to assemble and put on the equipment that Mora had just sent, preparing to block the blue dragon's offensive first.

  Karostega roared angrily, trying hard to aim at Mora to brew the next breath, but Mora had already rushed into the array led by Zhenna, who raised her shield and pointed forward.

  Karostega spat out the breath he had just brewed without thinking. If someone protected his target, he would kill the person he was protecting first. His anger made his thinking extremely simple.

  A huge shield of holy light appeared, easily deflecting the electric arc that jumped out of the blue dragon's mouth.

  Before Karostega could be surprised, another huge halo appeared in front of the holy shield.

  Angel ring!

  The blazing pillar of fire spurted out from the center of the Angel's Ring, hitting the young blue dragon swooping down head-on.

  Karostega felt intense burning and pain. The blue dragon's dragon scales also had a certain degree of defense against flames, but they were not completely immune to high temperatures like the red dragon.

  He fell from the air and hit the ground hard, raising a large cloud of dust.

  "When did your firepower become so intense?" Mo La stood behind Zhenna and asked in surprise, "Have you reached the extraordinary level?"

  Zhenna just nodded wordlessly.

  When she defeated the empire for the second time, she felt that she had touched the limit of realm breakthrough. After the battle in the abyss, she came back and found that she had officially broken through to the extraordinary realm.

  She can now use the sub-artifact "Blessing of Invulnerability" without suffering backlash. With this sub-artifact, she can even deal with an adult dragon, not to mention that the blue dragon in front of her has obviously not yet reached the adult stage.

  Can be dealt with - Zhenna quickly made an assessment. She might be able to deal with this juvenile blue dragon by herself, and with the support of Mora and soldiers armed with dragon-slaying equipment, it can only be said that this one Dragon is not having much luck today.

  Karostega climbed up reluctantly, raised his head and shouted in dragon language: "Claraig! Don't just watch, help me!!"

  Zhenna and Mora couldn't understand the dragon language he shouted, but they couldn't understand it. Subconsciously, he looked up as he raised his head.

  Then they saw another blue dragon hovering in the sky.

  The more cunning and experienced Clarego has been watching Karostega's attack and encounter from a distance. The defense here is stronger than they expected, but he judged that if he and Karostega launched a fierce attack together, it should be It can still be suppressed.

  After weighing it for a long time, he decided to take action. The things that could be obtained here were unmatched by those in previous villages. The armors and weapons of these soldiers alone seemed to be valuable.

  He released the power of the dragon and circled down.

  Zhenna gasped, and there was an adult blue dragon that was close to its prime. If these two dragons were put together, they might not be that easy to deal with.

  At this moment, another dragon roar that both she and Mo La were familiar with suddenly came.

  (End of chapter)

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