275. Chapter 275 Another vote

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  Chapter 275 Another fight

  Outside the empire, two blue dragons flapped their wings and glided one after another.

  The young blue dragon looked around excitedly, while the older blue dragon followed calmly at a distance.

  "This place is really desolate. Where is the border of this human country?" the young blue dragon said.

  They have some understanding of the political landscape of the civilized world, but not a deep one. They knew where the Dragon Spine Empire was on the mainland and which forest the wood elves lived in, but they had basically no idea where the borders of these countries were.

  "This mountain range below us should be it. They like to rely on this terrain to draw borders." The older blue dragon answered based on experience.

  "Why do we need to divide it based on terrain?" The young blue dragon didn't quite understand.

  "Use your brain. For flightless creatures, terrain has such a great impact. They rely on terrain to resist enemies outside their territory." The older blue dragon's tone was somewhat impatient when he explained.

  The young blue dragon sneered. For dragons that can fly freely in the air, the terrain will only affect their preferences and basically will not cause them any so-called trouble. Only creatures that can only walk on the surface with their feet will be blocked by terrain such as mountains, deep valleys, rivers and seas.

  "Go back, Carostega, I'm tired of it." The older blue dragon gave the order, and at the same time, he released the power of the dragon.

  "Okay... you have the final say, Clarego." The young blue dragon seemed dissatisfied, but the dragon's power from the other party showed that he had made up his mind. Whether in the Dragon Ascension Nest or in the Blue Dragon Clan, the other party's status is above him.

  The blue dragon named Claleg led the young blue dragon to turn north.

  After years of dormant development, Dragon's Lair launched an open operation for the first time against the northwestern city-states and civilized worlds other than the Nitrilan Dark Elves.

  These young blue dragons were sent to the civilized world in pairs to carry out plunder and destruction against the Dragon Spine Empire established by humans.

  The sect leader who directly manages them is an extremely old blue dragon, and further up is the ancient blue dragon Grendel who proclaims himself the king. This action was ordered by the Blue Dragon King.

  Claleg is the eldest among these young dragons, and has grown close to his prime. He can see that this level of plunder will not have much impact on the civilized world. On the contrary, if the dragons attacking those important places encounter It may be risky to fall in love with a strong man with a dragon-slaying weapon.

  Many of the participants were excited that the loot would be theirs to keep. But Clarego knew that they were just frontline soldiers used to test the strength of this civilization.

  Rich towns in the civilized world are often heavily guarded, and good places usually don't have much to exploit. A strong country also responds quickly to crises. It's very likely that after grabbing a place today and just sleeping, there is a knighthood. Follow the direction and come to the door.

  Even he was not completely sure of conquering the fortress of a big country. For someone like Carostega who was not yet an adult, even the dragon scales were not fully formed, and he was afraid that a larger-caliber artillery could be injured.

  He was assigned to work with Karostega. This young blue dragon was brought to Dragon Ascension Lair not long after he was a young dragon. He had hardly participated in the raiding activities and was now immersed in a kind of forgetful excitement. .

  He played with these humans like a human child playing with bugs, swallowed the few treasures he collected to preserve them, wanted to plunder every village in his area, and also wanted to challenge the human knights group.

  Of course, Clarego has no interest in being a nanny. He lets the other party act in front of him. This reckless companion can act as his insurance. If there is danger on the road ahead, let him explore it. If there is danger on the road behind, leave him to delay. When there is no danger, he will leave him alone. They looted, and as the commander he could take the bulk.

  But now he felt it was time to stop. They had been active at the border for two days. The human knights had begun patrolling the border, and the troops who wanted to slay the dragon had begun to gather.

  The orders of the sect master cannot be as important as his life. It is enough to leave the task of testing his life to other younger and more energetic idiots. He only needs to make a perfunctory report to complete the task.

  But not long after crossing the mountains, Karostega suddenly saw something: "Klarego, there seems to be a settlement there."

  Hearing this, Clarego looked over with some confusion. He believed that the mountain range below belonged to this human country. Border, there are actually settlements built just outside the border? But there are actually buildings in the direction indicated by Carostega. Some flat cultivated land and low houses can be seen in the distance, and further away, a tower can be vaguely seen standing, which seems to be The landmark building of this settlement.

  "Claraig, do one more thing before you leave!" Karostega was eager to give it a try.

  Clarego thought for a few seconds, and Carostega couldn't wait to fly in that direction.

  In the end, Clarego did not choose to stop him. This time, he acted more cautiously, but this also resulted in them not getting any decent results.

  The elder Clarego chose to follow Carostega silently, letting the other party explore the road first while he waited for the opportunity.

  The edge of the Endless Tower territory.

  "Jena, the weapons have been brought to you!" Mora raised her head and waved her hand towards the top of the flat-topped sentry tower, shouting energetically.

  Behind her, two carriages each pulled a cart of halberds and a cart of armor. They came from Mora's blacksmith workshop and were made with dwarven skills. They were used to arm the troops formed in Ganorn's territory. Private troops.

  "Thanks, I'll come right away." Zhenna poked her head out from the fortress' tower.

  After a while, she had to come down with a group of soldiers to begin counting and distributing weapons.

  "It must be about ten kilometers from the workshop to here, and it's quite tiring to transport these heavy objects." Mora complained with her hands on her hips, "Do we have to build a fortress so far away? It's already beyond the limit here. Is the tower's magic support range within the range?"

  "The terrain here is too flat. We have reclaimed a lot of land in this area. If we don't build fortifications to block it, the enemy can not only easily occupy these lands and station them, but also advance very quickly. We need to build multiple defense circles to provide a certain degree of buffering. To defend more territories, it will naturally take more effort." Zhenna explained.

  "I see, Ganon is quite thoughtful." Mora nodded.

  "Do you think he is willing to consider such troublesome things? I am responsible for arranging these." Zhenna sighed.

  "That's true. If it weren't for Annie's backing, he would definitely be considered the laziest one here." Mo La laughed loudly, "Can I go up and take a look?" "Go ahead." Zhenna waved her hand and turned to herself

  . The troops in charge, "After counting, send them to the drill ground to prepare for formation training!"

  Mora went up the stone steps built inside the sentry tower and reached the top. She glanced down and shook her head: "Generally. Like."

  This is the edge of the "Watcher" range. The steward golem of the Endless Tower cannot move in this area, resulting in the golem being unable to participate in the construction. The guard tower looks much rougher than the fortifications at the rear, and it is completely incomparable to the dwarven buildings.

  However, the view from this height is really good. From here, you can see the endless grassland, light green extending to the sky, white clouds floating in the distance, and a blue bird circling in the sky.

  "Huh?" Mo La suddenly realized something was wrong.

  From such a distance, even an albatross with a wingspan of three meters was difficult to see clearly, but she could clearly distinguish the color of the creature.

  How can any bird with bright blue feathers be so big?
  Then, the target came closer and gradually became clearer in the field of vision.

  After spending a little time, Mora finally saw the thing clearly, then turned around and poked her head out from the top of the sentry tower, shouting to Zhenna: "Zhenna, do you have any relatives of the blue dragon in Ganon who will come to visit?" '?"

  (End of chapter)

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