277.Chapter 277 The Shame of the True Dragon

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  Chapter 277: The Shame of the True Dragon

  "Ganoen!!" Zhenna and Mora suddenly felt relieved.

  Even the soldiers present began to beam with joy. To them, this red dragon was usually the slave master who exploited them, but when such a crisis came, he became their patron saint.

  Clarego, who was just about to start diving, looked around. What he saw was a red dragon that seemed to have grown about the same level as him.

  Karostega also fluttered his wings and flew towards Claleg, looking at the red dragon that was flying rapidly. Right now, this was the target they needed to face.

  "You go first." Ganon used communication authority to deliver the message to Zhenna and Mora.

  He stared at the two blue dragons. This area was outside the casting range of the tower, but it was still covered by the "Watcher". He fully grasped the growth level and strength of the two blue dragons.

  One is close to the prime of life, and the other is still underage. Even if there is another group of blue dragons like this, they may not be his opponent.

  Zhenna and Mora exchanged glances and immediately ordered the soldiers to retreat towards the Endless Tower.

  When the two blue dragons saw these people rushing towards the direction of the red dragon, they immediately understood what was going on.

  "Your territory and your slaves?" Clarego directly shouted to Ganon in dragon language without any greeting.

  Ganon did not reply, but silently closed the distance between them.

  Just yesterday, he received a timely report from Anya that several towns and villages in the northern part of the empire were attacked by blue dragons - just as Dolan Sloane had warned.

  Judging from the location of the attack and the location of Dragon Ascension's Lair, it is unlikely that his territory will be discovered by these blue dragons.

  But this possibility is not impossible. If a blue dragon is keen on attacking and expands the scope of the search for the target village, it is possible that it will pass through his territory.

  In this case, it is impossible to let them go.

  "It seems like this red dragon doesn't know the heights of the sky..." Karostega grinned.

  The blue dragon and the red dragon have almost the same frontal combat capabilities, and their respective breaths can cause effective damage to each other. This red dragon didn't look any older than Clarego, so it would be too confident to fight one against two.

  "Please be quiet for a while!" Clarego said in a deep voice.

  He was thinking, and he was more attentive than the young Carostega, and he was able to notice a problem in time.

  The paladin below could easily beat Calostega, and his strength should be comparable to that of an adult dragon. The other one who injured Calostega... was probably a dwarf, and his level was not bad either.

  But judging from the situation just now, it seems that these two people are both slaves of the red dragon? Does such a red dragon have such abilities? I didn't see any treasures on him.

  Could it be a disguise?

  It is not uncommon for dragons to use transformation to reduce their size to deceive and disguise, but it is rarely used. When conditions permit, the dragon will still show its original power as much as possible.

  And this kind of camouflage basically only works on other creatures, because this kind of transformation actually has many flaws. The dragons can distinguish subtle differences in each other's faces, bodies, and even the texture and color of their scales. This kind of flaw can almost See through it at a glance.

  However, Claregor looked at Ganoun carefully and could not see any clues.

  Ganon can see through the two blue dragons, but the blue dragon cannot see through his disguise. The blessing of the "Lord" allows him to freely control his body and perform this transformation so that every detail is seamless. Ganon silently closed the distance between them, without slowing down, with the obvious intention of starting a war.

  Claleg was hesitating. He was wondering whether he should subdue the opponent and take him to Dragon Ascension's Nest to accept submission, or whether he should directly kill the red dragon and seize everything in the opponent's territory.

  The former can improve his status in the Dragon's Lair, and can also wipe out his previous guilt of fighting other dragons in the Dragon's Lair - it was because of his mistakes that he was sent to the empire to test the empire. The cannon fodder of the forces.

  But if he does this, he will only be able to get a part of the treasure that the red dragon dedicated to the Dragon Ascension Nest.

  If he kills the red dragon, he can take most of it. Karostega will not dare to compete with him. As long as he gives the minimum, he can ensure that Karostega will not tell the truth.

  "Wait a minute, the red dragon in this area?" At this moment, Karostega suddenly realized something, "Claraig! Could this guy be the red dragon that the servant said was interested in females? ?"

  The servant he was talking about was a believer of the Fenglong Order. He was once assigned to supervise the believers' work of digging salt mines. From the believers' chats, he heard that in the northern border of the civilized world, there was a humanoid creature with a penchant for females. The red dragon was so interested that he even snatched some of the daughters of humanoid rulers for his own enjoyment.

  But he only heard this part out of interest. He was too young and knew little about the current situation of the civilized world. He could not imagine that a dragon could snatch the princesses of several countries and what it meant to confront the great powers of the civilized world.

  "Huh?" Clarego didn't know this. He had been living in the desert and hadn't paid attention to the trends in the civilized world for a while.

  Ganon's expression became a little more solemn. These dragons had actually heard of his reputation in the civilized world, but they didn't seem to know everything comprehensively. Most of the information came from the Fenglong Order.

  Dolan Siloni concealed his existence from the Dragon's Lair, but the Order of the Dragon was operating in the civilized world, so it was inevitable that they would have heard of him.

  It seems that Dolan Siloni's warning is indeed reasonable. Although it is forced, he is also a bit "high-profile". It is only a matter of time before his reputation is known to the dragons in Dragon's Lair.

  "Haha, with this expression, it seems that you are right! As a true dragon, you actually choose to mate with ants? It's really ridiculous!" Carostega shouted, mocking Ganouen directly.

  This time, Ganon finally spoke and responded for the first time: "I'm afraid, you are more ridiculous because you are about to die in my hands." "

  Klarego..." Karostega narrowed his eyes. "There is no need to invite this true dragon's shame. Let's kill him and share his treasure." "


  After a moment of thinking, under the attraction of the other party's treasure, Clarego also chose to take action, but Some chicken thieves fluttered their wings and circled Ganon's flanks, allowing Carostega to rush towards Ganon from the front.

  The two blue dragons roared at the same time, releasing their dragon power. Claleg began to accumulate breath, and arcs of electricity began to flash between his scales.

  Ganon looked back and forth between the two targets, then suddenly fluttered his wings and turned around, rushing towards the elder Claleg.

  Upon seeing this, Claleg did not choose to rush forward and confront him head-on, but instead shifted his position slightly.

  Karostega was overjoyed when he saw this. The red dragon seemed to be preparing to deal with Claleg, who was more threatening to him, and face him from the side. This would be his opportunity to attack!
  Karostega immediately accelerated his approach, closing the distance to the range of his breath. At the same time, he opened his mouth and prepared to direct the brewing lightning towards the red dragon.

  At this moment, a large amount of flames suddenly erupted from Ganon's body, and the flames quickly condensed and formed into countless fireballs.

  Karostega was stunned for a moment by this sudden change. Before he could react, Ganon suddenly swarmed towards him with the fireball on his side.

  He subconsciously spit out blue arcs of electricity to meet the incoming fireballs, but detonated several fireballs. The remaining fireballs all hit him, and the flames of the explosion engulfed him on the spot.

  (End of chapter)

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